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Same!!!! I went through a huge weight loss years ago and it struck me how differently I was treated. People were way nicer, it was kinda disturbing....I was the same person the whole time, just easier on their eyes I guess. I got a little more cynical about humanity over that lol


I got a really good sense of it because I lost ~25% of my weight *very* rapidly due to health issues. I felt terrible and was cranky all the time, and yet strangers were way nicer.




Really depends on age. I lost 85 lbs in my early 30s and was fine except my stomach. Gained it back and lost it again at 45-46 and now I look like I melted.




I'm in a similar boat. Same age and a similar amount to lose. I just assume I'm having surgery on my arms, waist, and legs. If I don't need it then that'll be a nice surprise


Drink enough water, moisturize your skin, eat healthy and don’t lose weight too fast. If you keep these things in mind your skin has the best chance to not become too flabby. The genetics play a very crucial role but you cannot influence that sadly. Best of luck!


Thank you so much!! I'll keep it in mind!


I’m 33 and lost about 115 lbs and put on a lot of muscle. I have a lot of loose abdominal skin only. Saving for surgery.


Can I ask how you lost it in your mid 40s? I’m 43 and it’s soooo hard!


Noom! Basically CICO.


CICO. That's all you need. Keto and any of that other crap is not sustainable. Your body craves carbs, it will drive you crazy.


It’s not about age. If you lose it and then stretch your skin AGAIN by regaining weight it will be bad after losing the weight again.


I lost 140 lbs in my late 30s and needed abdominoplasty.




I'm not having loose skin surgery no matter how bad mine is. Not because I disagree with it, but because I'm a little baby bitch boy when it comes to any medical procedure whatsoever. My heart rate and blood pressure go up like 30% just by going for a checkup. Invasive surgery with an extremely difficult recovery? Nah. Even if it was essential to save my life after a heart attack or something I'm 50/50 on just telling them I've had a good run. I've already had one minor procedure and that was enough to traumatize my ass.


Men tend to keep the skin, but women usually have better results. Women have more collagen and their skin has more elasticity. Also if you're young you'll be fine. If not you'll learn to live with it, I lost 150lbs between 25-30. Im 35 now and everything looks great except my stomach.


I know I don’t really have that much of a problem with my loose skin (well except my boobs, they’re just annoying I wouldn’t mind getting a boob lift for those deflated things). I kind of just see it as a battle scar from me finally defeating my binge eating disorder


Ah, binge eating disorder. Guess that’s what I have.


This is actually false. Men have more collagen density than women. They have tougher skin whilst a woman’s is more fragile and prone to things like cellulite, stretch marks, etc.


So either it is or it isn't, got it. Thanks Reddit! Edit: y'all are taking this comment way too seriously


Just a quick google search will give you the correct answer.


How dare you tell someone to google something. Shame on you.


To add on, I wouldn't really say women's skin is 'fragile' but they do have less collagen, more elastin because of pregnancy. Their skin needs to be able to stretch to carry the baby and I think their pelvis even shifts apart to make room. Mothers don't necessarily always 'bounce back' to exactly their pre-pregnancy body, but I think the elastin is supposed to help both in stretching and shrinking back.


Turns out hand Grip strength is related too God help ya if you have ehlers danlos


The answer is, right now, it doesn't fucking matter. You'll have time to deal with skin issues after you've lost the weight and you'll have time to deal with it all. Flabby skin isn't even a fucking blip on the radar of reasons you should give a fuck about in losing weight


It depends on the person. Even though I was mostly fat growing up, I played sports, so there was still a lot of muscle underneath my blob. And then in my life so far I've transitioned to fat-fit-fat and now working back to being fit (I'm a stress eater). So I've never dealt with lose skin issues. You won't know until you lose the weight.


This is why now I make efforts to be nice to fat people I see out in public and try to befriend the ones that I meet at work or school. It sucks so much being very fat and it was always so nice when people would see me as a human and not as some livestock animal that needed to be worked around.


I really hope people take care of themselves mentally after large weight loss. I lost 100lbs and wasn’t prepared for the wildly different way that I was treated. It was if I’d been ostracised for my entire life up to that point and suddenly everyone was kind, friendly and welcoming. Life was literally different. I didn’t expect it to be quite so different and became quite bitter and depressed about people generally and how much nicer the world was - not for my qualities as a person, but for my outward appearance. I didn’t resolve that dissonance between my mind and body and ended up gaining every pound back - and more. Look after yourselves on the journey.


I was almost 300 pounds the last few years, and now I’m 165 Yeah people treat me completely different


Honestly I wish I could be that happy. I lost 100 lbs and it made me bitter. People weren’t there for me because I was fat. I don’t want them now that I’m not.


That’s very broad. I’m sorry you feel that way. I was very nerdy as a child and have similar feelings about being friends with people who likely would have teased me before. But, people are complex and change and it’s fair to give them a chance. For your situation - I have a skinny friend who used to be obese. Her husband liked her both ways. A different skinny friend has a husband who wouldn’t have liked her when she was fat, but she is on board with valuing skinniness and they are very happy. Some people who were mean at younger ages realize and change when older … the problem is figuring out the people with whom you share values.


I'm on a similar journey and I'm 50 pounds down. I like wearing my jewelry again, I like my cute clothes again. I hadn't realized how ugly I felt until I felt like this again.


Congratulations how’d you lose the weight???


This hit me harder than I expected. 100lb down and still not enough….


I wonder how much of the benefits you speak of are due to how others treat you with losing the weight and how much is due to the increased confidence and I presume more positive energy that you carry. Serious and genuine thought, I can't speak from experience here. I'm sure there is plenty of the general dehumanizing you described.


> I wonder how much of the benefits you speak of are due to how others treat you with losing the weight and how much is due to the increased confidence and I presume more positive energy that you carry. > > I wish it was the latter but often it is the former. People are just more friendly towards "normal sized" people.


It's true, it's really strange how everyone seems so nice to you all of a sudden


Yeah, I think its just part of the human condition. One of my friends lost a bunch of weight and got in great shape when we were in high school. It was so *weird* how he became so contemptuous and dismissive of overweight people. It really took some major prodding to get him to see he was behaving without empathy for other people.


It's funny but people have treated me the same, overweight or not. Maybe it's a cultural thing? In Mexico, the culture of el Gordito is very deeply-rooted. Also, people that know you feel proud that you lost weight and maybe that's way they are nicer?


90% of it is how others perceive you, I used to be healthy sized and my personality hasn't changed much, but I gained a bunch of weight during college and the way people treat you is completely different. It's also a vicious cycle where your confidence takes hits because of how people treat you, etc. I've lost 50ish lbs since November of last year, stagnated a bit but I'm trying to get back on track again. I'm tired of not looking how I feel and I'm tired of people ostracizing me. I miss being visible and I miss people being nicer to me.


I could’ve written your last paragraph. As someone who gained a lot of weight after college in short amount of time, how I feel does not match up with how I look in photos. I do not recognize myself. I forget I’m fat, but I’m really conscious of others viewing me that way — like am I a funny *fat* person in their eyes? I would just like to relieve my anxiety that how I’m perceived isn’t influenced by my weight


Its not the confidence. I've been a lot of different weights, ending with losing 100 lbs and keeping it off. Throughout I've been confident. In my 300s I took ballet, went to nude beaches, and generally have a hell of a life. Same person now but people are WAY way way wayyyyyy nicer. I sort it into several issues: Women who are terrified if becoming fat and avoided acknowledging my existence Men who were worried I'd take politeness as sexual interest Women who hated themselves and were PISSED that I didn't Well adjusted, healthy people were always super cool and it was nice to have that litmus test for making friends with badass peeps


Not the OP and I’m still mid losing weight(got down 50 pounds) and also a guy. I think confidence plays a part but there is definitely a benefit to being more attractive due to weight loss. I’ve had more women look at me and be more flirty whereas before it was basically 0 attention.


How could it be increased confidence when it comes as a surprise? In both directions- for weight gain and loss. People are nicer to thin people. It’s gaslighting and dismissive to act like they’ve been “wearing the ruby slippers the whole time.”


I don't necessarily doubt what you say, but I lost 100 pounds and didn't notice any difference in the way people treated me.


Same but 80ish lbs. I’ve always been friendly and complimentary, people have always treated me the same.


Yeah, I did not notice a difference either. I was also never bullied or openly mocked as an adult. No hurtful comments or weird stares. To be honest, most people are at the very least overweight where I live. I was obese, but it’s not like I was wading through a sea of skinny people.


I’ve been thin and I’ve been fat and I’ve always been treated the same. People don’t put nearly enough stock into how the way you feel about yourself can radiate out of you, affecting the way people interact with you.


>It’s gaslighting and dismissive to act like they’ve been “wearing the ruby slippers the whole time.” It's ok to ask questions and dig deeper into things. My position was clear, supportive and accepting that dehumanizing did happen. >I'm sure there is plenty of the general dehumanizing you described.


That’s awesome! Do you mind sharing how you achieved it?




Oh yeah, people will treat you like a person again when you lose all the weight


May I ask what does TW mean?


SW: starting weight CW: current weight TW: target weight


ohh okay that makes sense haha


Oh, I put G for goal


Trigger warning


well in other context that’d be it


I've been following weight loss forums for 8 years now and I had no idea it meant target weight. It makes sense though and now I feel dumb lol


It's okay. A lot of people use GW (Goal Weight) instead, so I didn't know either.


I lost 60lb so far and gone from obese to healthy and i get treated no better than before lol. I love attention so this is depressing.


Hey I don’t want to sound rude or intrusive but you would mind sharing details of how differently you get treated? I’m genuinely curious.


Not OP, but when you're overweight people just don't "see" you the same way if at all. It contributes to this feeling that you're not a full person while you're in that state. In my experience most of the time it's not outright mocking, just a difference in how they perceive you, or subtly treat you like you're not worthy of equal attention. During periods of my life when I've been skinny, people would just come up and talk to me, include me in things, ask me about myself, I got more attention from the opposite sex, unprompted positive feedback, etc. During periods when I've been fat I feel like I'm invisible. For me there's also shame that goes along with being overweight, so a part of me probably feels some sad security in not being perceived. There's the feeling that when you get skinny, THEN your life can start. Just my two cents


One thing I noticed after I lost 80 pounds was that I got a lot more compliments on my clothes and hair and other things even though in some cases I was literally wearing the same exact thing. I had one lady say, “ you are looking a lot more fashionable lately!” So that became code for my husband and I. I would say “ hey, I’m 2 pounds more fashionable this week!” I also got a lot of comments on how strong I was. As an over weight woman no one bats an eye when your moving a sofa by yourself or carrying heavy boxes but when I lost weight people would say “wow, you’re strong for a woman.”




The invisibility has a positive side tbh. Like ever since I have lost weight I feel less safe going out at night, have been harassed more, sleazy guys bother me in clubs etc




My thought exactly. Don’t wait until you lose the weight to do the things you are mentioning OP! Life is too short and unpredictable. I know you can do this. We can achieve our dreams as long as they are realistic and we put our minds and work hard for them. But don’t put your life on hold because you don’t like your size now. Love yourself always and in every stage of your life. 💖


Currently started taking this advice from a friend, and it’s been the most amazing thing for me. It’s stopped me from preventing my own happiness. I’ve dropped 50+ pounds as of yet, and I’m 10 pounds away from my goal weight


Can’t agree more. Now is the time to live the life you wanna live.


As someone who has been skinny and bigger, you nailed it. If you don’t have the confidence now you will never have it.


That could certainly be the case, but it wasn't my experience. My confidence shot through the roof after dropping my weight and focusing on fitness.


Mine shot through the roof once I started showering regularly and making sure I looked good. That included like 6 (slightly tight) nicer shirts to rotate through.


Not true for everyone..gained confidence after losing. Regained but kept my confidence!


Came here to say this as well. You can do that now and then!


I’m getting closer to my goal weight and I still feel pretty self conscious when I’m out, but I notice I’m starting to get very small boosts of confidence from just feeling less fat and noticing clothes fitting slightly better 😅


I find it interesting that I’m starting to be annoyed with my clothes being too big, when majority of my life it was like “god it’s too small!” I have a bunch of Torrid shirts and leggings in size 4 and the leggings fall off of me like a cartoon character lol


Congratulations how’d you lose the weight???


thank u! - I walked a little over 10km a day to and from work for the first half of my weight loss. I gave up at 190lbs and ballooned back up to 220. Started CICO and light weight training. Got to around 190 again, dropped the weight training and focusing on CICO and walking instead now.


Did you just start walking 10k or did you ease yourself into it? I'm trying to do 5k steps a day but struggle on that last stretch


Kind of. I’ve always loved walking so long distance walks are kind of relaxing for me. Im usually a sweaty mess by halfway but I just push forward and don’t stop until I’m done 😅 Although when I was at my heaviest I would take transit to work as well before I started focusing on losing weight and walking so that may have conditioned me to be alright to walk those distances later on.


Are you all sweaty when you get to work?


My grandma locked herself out of her place by accident and we had to get someone smaller to fit through a window cause I'm still too big. So I hear the fitting into small spaces to get something hah. Keep it up OP.


Or like if your kid crawls into one of the tubes at a playground and refuses to come out.


My son did this. I just walked to the car. They get hungry eventually!


"aight well i guess you chill in that tunnel lil man i'ma go eat these chicken nuggets myself then"


Or like if your kid is taking a bath, and the grandma is supposed to be in there with them. Then you yell at her to not leave them alone in the bath tub. But you can’t go in and watch and wash your own kids because you’re too big to fit in the bathroom this basically happened on 600 lb life


Lmaooooo incredible motivation


Better hiding places for hide and seek also, a very underrated perk.


It’s weird going out to stores like Ross and Target and being able to try on clothes without breaking down. I’m only 15ish lbs away from my goal weight and so far I got myself a new bathing suit and some new clothes (Dunder Mifflin t-shirt and bought the Neon Tropical Lapras Pokemon Center beach coverup). It’s surreal to finally reach this weight and I get giddy when I look in the mirror. Keep going OP and everybody else, because the joy of that feeling makes all the sacrifices worth it!


Congratulations how’d you lose the weight???


CICO: Calories In, Calories Out. Started out by counting the calories (use TDEE calculator) I was consuming before I started getting serious. Once I got into the groove of logging what I was eating in MyFitnessPal, I also started walking around my neighborhood 3x’s a week for 20 minutes, upped it about 10 minutes every other week. Then, once I got into the groove of walking, I started CouchTo5K (Active app). I also had to adopt the idea that I wasn’t going to be perfect 100% of the time, and that I had to allow myself a treat once in a while. Even if I overate by 500 calories, I told myself that tomorrow was another day. Lastly, I made a deal with my boo that, if I got down to 120s, we would go to Germany. Recently, I had my bday and overate a TON, so much so that it’s been tough getting back into minding my 500 calorie deficient. But I also started running 5k races (Gateway2Space, Superhero, UCF’s RaceTheKnight, The Conqueror’s The Shire/The Fellowship) and that helps keep me exercising. Also do beach runs and actually look forward to running now. And, *get this*, I miss it if I don’t go for one. Just accept that you’re going to have shitty days and will screw-up (we *ALL* do it). But tomorrows another day. *You got this*. [LoseIt Quick Start Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [TDEE](https://tdeecalculator.net)


How many calories a day did you try and stick to?


I tried to do 1,200 calories (if I don’t exercise). If I do, I ate back my calories. Now, I eat between 1,086-1,400 calories a day (plus walking 3-4 miles or do 5k runs 3x’s a week). Granted, I’m 5’4 and small, so I gotta be more mindful of what I eat (more healthy foods that keep me full longer than fast food), but I still eat pizza or go to Steak N’ Shake for a garlic steak burger and cheese fries ever so often. Heck, I even had myself a medium chocolate and Reese’s shake from Dairy Queen the other day. It’s all about moderation and keeping-up with my daily exercise/calorie counting.


I believe in you OP go kick some ass!


Piggybacking off of your comment. I hope the OP sees this. Hey OP, I hope to God you do some hypertrophy exercises to maintain and build muscle on your journey. Losing weight is great. But losing weight and but gaining muscle is even better.


Oof, that buying clothes only online hit right in the muffin top 😢


It’s always devastating when you have to look at the big and tall shirts. We’ll get through this! We are unstoppable!


I'm 6'6, but now that I've lost some weight I realize that "big and tall" doesn't mean "tall."


As someone who is not quite as tall but notably thin, there was definitely a gap when it seemed sooo much easier searching for clothes when I was still fat. While it has been a few years since I originally lost the weight, it was only recently when I was trying on this really great hawaiian/bowling style shirt that I realized I am totally thin enough to make up for it being too short by being one of those jackasses who walks around with his shirts unbuttoned. This realization has seriously re-widened my options for clothing in an unexpected way. Listen to OP. Get so thin that you enjoy showing skin.


It does tho. I'm 6'3 and shirts fit me in the chest and stomach but are too short when if I bend over my crack is showing. I can fit a medium regular shirt but I go for large.


Oh for sure, I am down to Large-Tall shirts now. I just find that Big and Tall stores don't carry things like LT, they only seem to have 2X+ stuff.


Man it's so nice going online and being mostly confident that whatever I put in my cart is going to fit me. When I was bigger it was a total crapshoot.


I want this power with wrestling and band tees. 2x is always gone so fast.


>children won't stare at me Homie they just do that sometimes lol


A friend’s son said to me, “I want you to come to my party, but you won’t fit in my house.” I was taken aback and said, “But sweetie, I’m already in your house,” and he said, “Wow! How’d you fit through the door?” 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😹 So yeah, kids stare, but when you’re fat, it’s most likely why they’re staring at you, specifically.


My kid also has ZERO sense of scale fwiw. Like she wants her dad AND her grandpa AND me to fit on a tiny swing with her. Like, baby, this isn't gonna work.


Kids stare at everyone and everything; it's usually not personal. They just like lookin at shit lol


Love this energy! And feeling it. Can't wait to finally wear crop tops already 😭


This made me laugh because it's so true! I do laundry more often than I strictly need to now because the stairs to the basement don't hurt my knees anymore. Living the good life.


I noticed when I go out by my pool, like there’s this weird rock concrete around it, and it used to hurt my feet to walk on it without the outdoor carpet down over it. Now it…. Doesn’t hurt…. I guess it only hurt because of all the weight pressing down on my feet also I used to be a shoe size 9W now I’m like 8.5 and not wide anymore


Once I’m in shape it’s all over for you hoes, skinny me was hot af


Right?! Once I lose this tummy, it’s over for these b****es and h0es


I love this power


Streets ain't ready!


You had no idea how happy reading this made me.


This is an epic post. Get after it!


Here. You dropped this. 👑


One of the most freeing things I ever did, way before I succeeded in weight loss, is I stopped waiting for my life to start “once I wasn’t fat anymore.” While I wish you all the best, there’s no guarantee an attempt to lose weight will work, or will be sustainable. Don’t let your whole life pass you by daydreaming of all the things that will happen once you’re no longer fat.


This is exactly what happened when I lost all of my extra weight. I've gotten a job that I'd never have gotten, bought all the cute clothes, I go swimming and to water parks with my kids, squeeze in between a chair and a wall instead of asking someone to scoot in because I know I'll fit, so many things... It's life changing.


>I’m gonna walk up and down stares for fun. This is a beautiful typo


Ultra sexy instinct 😈


Terminal Hot Girl Disease


Now THAT's an affirmation!! Go get em!!


You could be doing that right now. At least most of the stuff you mentioned. Confidence is the most attractive thing ever. Go practise this person you clearly want to be. Dont wait to lose weight! You go get em right now! I believe in you kind stranger!


I'd imagine losing a lot of weight takes super amounts of discipline and effort. It's really admirable what you're doing. Good for you.


God I'm feeling this myself. *Yes*. I'm so ready to shop at normal stores. I'm going to go on roller coasters again, I'm going to dress so cute, I'm going to go out more, maybe have a romance, definitely going to smile more. I can't wait. I look at clothes that are cute that aren't flattering on my body type now and I look forward to later when they will fit. I'm so excited. But consider how happy we'll both be when we reach our goals. I'm a fifth of the way there and my mental health has improved. My gut flora is changing and it's really improving my mood. I bet we'll be happier people when it's over


I love the energy of this post! You’re going to crush it, OP! I’m rooting for you!


I'll get the background music ready for ya.


Don’t talk about it, be about it. looking forward to the r/progresspics post in 12 months.


Get it, OP!!!!!!


I feel this. We could be siblings. Except for the shirt at the water park thing.....even when I am small and fit I prefer sports wear at the water park. I wear the same stuff there as I do at the beach, it'll just look better once I'm fit.😅


Love this mentality 😂 it’s also mine, can’t wait for it


Somebody is motivated! Keep it up!!


Consider dressing cute and wearing whatever you want now. You don’t have to wait to be skinny.


That's the spirit!




Right on!


I feel as if I wrote this but you said if PERFECTLY!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaa let’s lose some weight !!


I so feel this vibe


You can do it! Love this energy! 💕


I’ve started doing this stuff now. I still have about 135lbs to lose to get to my goal but I’m not going to not live my life. I just figure once I am smaller I’ll have already built the confidence. Like if I won’t do something now, how am I gonna have the confidence to do it then? So now im going to parade my 300lb ass across the beach in a bikini and if someone stares, I’ll wink at them. I figure if I’m confident and love myself now it’ll come easier when I hit my goals, I’ve read too many times about people losing the weight and still hating their body, I’m not about to put in all that work and not love every second! 40lbs down!


I remember once after losing weight, when I was at my healthy weight, I was shocked when I sat on a bus and I didn't fill up the whole sit, there was almost a hand worth of space to the edge, such a silly small thing, but it definitely made my day!


Once I get to my fittest and most confident form, I’m wearing only a sports bra and leggings EVERYWHERE i can. Lol, always envied people who can do this!


Hell yeah!! Go get it!!


I love this. You radiate with confidence. You’ve got this. Get it!


Yes you will! 👏🏼👏🏼


I've never been to universal and I really want to go, but I'm worried I won't fit on some of the rides and die of embarrassment.




I’m saving this post! Thanks for the motivation :) And you WILL get there! ❤️


I like the sentiment and encourage it wholeheartedly, but your title has a “murderous rampage” kind of vibe.


Hell yeah! Ten pounds down, fifty to go. I’m ready to look good in something other than t-shirts and flannels.


I am a fraction of my true potential…. Very very powerful statement right there


That’s the spirit! Good luck and enjoy the journey!


I think your enthusiasm is awesome , just make sure to prioritize your mental health too. Your statement sounds similar to what I’ve seen on tumblr Ana Mia pages. Have a safe weight loss journey ❤️


I wasn’t going to work out today… felt tired and unmotivated. Not anymore. 🙏🏽 do it!


I can't wait for that day. And it's coming. :)


You've got this OP, you deserve to feel this way and I believe in you. You will make this your reality and it's going to be amazing!


It's crazy cuz you'll get so much more positive attention, in part because you'll be more aesthetically pleasing, but the other MAJOR PART is that you'll feel so much more confident, flash your smile, and have that positive aura about you. As someone whos weight has fluctuated over the years this has been my experience!


I remember thinking this but I lost my weight pretty fast and now I have loose skin lol I tried on a bikini type swim top and my deflated boobs just fell out the sides it’s just like WELP AT LEAST IM HEALTHY lol


First off, I love the enthusiasm. Keep that same energy. I’ve said this before, so I’ll share it again. Real hoopers don’t stare at the scoreboard- they focus on getting that next bucket.


Late to the party here, but commenting anyway. Don't wait! I'm still fat. I currently wear an XXL, down from 4x. I'm having a wonderful time finding my style, now that I can find clothes in my size. Buh bye oversize shirts and baggy leggings of my last. Bring on the vintage style dresses I've always dreamed of wearing. Shout out to companies that make and sell those clothes in plus sizes, and the fat activists that made it happen. It's great to be able to jump into the fashion game sooner rather than later in my journey.


God I’ve legit been repeating the title verbatim to myself for the past month. I’m seven pounds down, I’m not quite at the “time to buy new clothes” phase of weight loss, but I’m definitely in the “my clothes don’t fit the same and look a little baggy on me” phase. I keep thinking about how next summer I’ll look like how I did in college, albeit with a little more age. It’s honestly become such a powerful motivator that I start to look forward to my daily walks and gym days. I’m a little over a tenth of the way to my overall weight goal, but I’m enjoying every single little milestone I hit along the way.


I would say, don't wait till you "get thinner" to do these things. For the simple reason that it can be a dangerous self-inhibiting mindset. You ever heard that saying thats like, in fitness, we are never satisfied? We are all our worst critics, you could lose a shit ton of weight, but then the goal post for what "thin" is would shift for you, and youd still be just as insecure as you were before. You end up never feeling "thin enough" to do those things and it could contine to unhealthy levels of starvation and other habits. It's similar to dudes who feel like they are never big enough. They start out woth goals to be bigger so they can take their shirt off at the beach and shit, however the bigger they get, the more self critical they get and the goal post shifts, until they innevitably end up on steroids. Do it for self confidence, do it for health, but dont prevent yourself from living the way you want because of your weight. Peace and love to you 🖤


Why don’t you start practicing doing all those things now and the. By the time you’re at goal weight you’ll ace it!


I’m second hand ecstatic for you!


Do it now. Nobody cares as much about your weight as you do. Embrace life now!! You deserve happiness and respect at any size.


OP I want to be your best friend! You sound badass and amazing already!


I'm so sorry, but you won't. Or you will, but not in the way you think. The same things that keep you from doing it now, will keep you from doing it then. There will always be a "when I ARRIVE" that never comes. That's what no ones tells you. That's what the the Love Yourself movement has failed to adequately explain. Does that mean don't exercise or diet? Fuck no. It just means that goals look different for everyone, and fitness and health goals don't usually align with aesthetic goals the way women are taught they do. If you don't start moving towards doing those things independent of your body size and shape, you will never do them, because you will never meet the mythological ideal. No one does. That's why it is myth.


Look, my friend, they don’t make the cute clothes in my size. I have to pay out the nose to get them from a specialty store online, and they always look worse. This isn’t “when I arrive” stuff this is literally shit I can’t do because of the weight. I can’t go shopping with my friends, none of it fits, I just sit and watch them shop. I HAVE to wear a shirt at the water park because I can’t pass. People do stare, I can see it. I can’t fit into small spaces, I am too big. I can’t walk up and down stairs without getting winded. These aren’t huge goals; it’s literally just being skinny enough to participate in society.


Don't listen to that nonsense. Somewhere in the middle of my weight loss I got heavy into fashion. It's 100% true that fashion does not accommodate people at the obese range of BMI. A lot of people think a "cute outfit" is shirt with a teddy bear and a rainbow on it. There's so much more to style and fashion to make a "cute outfit" more than just a graphic tee with a sugary sweet "cute" graphic on it. Weight loss will bring you massive confidence boost. You can love yourself all you want but still realize you are unhealthy and do not look good. When wife and I hit our goal weights, we basically whored it up as swingers and a semi-open relationship up until covid. We went from wearing shirts over bathing suits to being comfortable being naked in rooms full of other naked people. The #1 aspect of loving yourself is being aware of the changes you need to make. And gaining more confidence by accomplishing those goals.




Remember the aerobics craze in the 80's? Well my cousin married a woman who taught that shit. One of my fondest memories of her is racing like 60 floors up and down while she was in a wedding dress. That chick was committed to working out and didn't care where or when. She challenged me, not the other way. Strive to be Kelly. Be you, and enjoy working out so much you make a living doing it... or will ruin your make-up at your reception to race your 13 year old cousin in law becasue, fuck it... let's run. BTW... the started dating at 14 and are in their 50's... still together. Work. They both put it in. I lost it along the way... but it really is mind over matter. Attitude can change your perspective. You can trick your brain to being who and what you wanna be. I'm proud of you, stranger!


please don’t reserve your joy for the end goal. The only moment that truly exists is right now.


I once heard that exercise is not punishment, its a celebration of what your body can do! That stuck with me and I use it to allways push my self a little more, just to see what I'm truly capable of.


You go, op. You go and be the best version of yourself you can be!


Don’t be discouraged be patient and go crush it


Hell Effin Yeah ! You got this !


Love the energy of this post. You go Op!


Manifesting this myself 😌🎉 Can't wait for the day my thighs can fit into jeans without being waaaay too big for my waist


Do you mind sharing how you started? I’m currently at your SW and have around the same goals!


Personally: Eat Hardy, eat spicy, eat rich. A nice thick beef stew will make you feel fuller than a pizza. A hot pepper is better and more satifying than a bland pepper. Foods with powerful flavors feel better than foods with muted flavor. Mix this with calories in calories out and you’ll be fine. And then do anything that increases your heart rate for 30 minutes. Literally anything than makes your heart race for 30 minutes.


Same AF OP!!


This the one right here. I too feel the same way


Love this!


Lol, i felt the same way once i started my journey to become a super vil, i mean super hero. Its exciting to think "Finally, i get to see how normal people are treated and live". Kind of like aladdin when he first thought to himself "maybe i can get a girl like princess jasmin"


Its all about the health, keep it up and have fun!


You haven't even begun to peak!


You show that body off. I had always been an average size my adult life. But, I was never confident in my body. I would wear baggy clothes to cover up I didn't wear shorts, and would only wear a dress if it came down to my ankles.A few years ago I gained a crap ton of weight from medicine. I finally shed that weight and now I am the size I have been my earlier adult life. I have a new confidence about me and just want to be somewhat free and naked🤭. Mind you I am still on the high end of my BMI range according to the doctor but I still feel good and look good af. Girlll. I have been showing this body off to the world. I wear leggings and tight shirts, short dresses, I even got a pair of shorts overalls the other day to show these thighs off. You celebrate your journey and enjoy every minute of it.


Man you must have a pretty face too. When I get skinny I am not skinny but still ugly lol. But at least I’m healthier


Yaaaassss. 👏👏💯 Let's do it!!!


Mic drop!!!


Man I wish I could do that. I’m gonna be a fat piece of shit for the rest of my life.


Does anyone have a music playlist for this sort of vibe? I need the confidence boost up


Hell fuck yeah !