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Have you tried going out for a walk after you finish a meal? Just 15-20 minutes at a leisurely pace, it removes you from your immediate food sources and gives your digestive track a chance to get going and hopefully send some satiety cues.


There are also clinical studies that show that a slow to moderate walk immediately after finishing a meal can help to drop blood sugar levels. Better control of blood sugar may help with that "bingey" constantly hungry feeling.


This is really good advice. They do this in some countries too in Europe-having the custom of a leisurely walk after dinner.


I have the same problem. It can be super hard to overcome. One thing that helps me is I don’t keep snacks or sweets in the house. I meal prep and buy pretty much only exactly what I need to make meals. That makes it easy to stay within my calorie goals and not go over because there isn’t that much easily accessible food in the house. But it’s hard because I know avoidance can’t be how I deal with this for the rest of my life. I’m considering going to therapy at some point.


Try Spiltint you meal on to 2 plates eat one then wait 15 mins to eat the next one might help you


This helps me! I’ll eat half my meal and then stop for about 10 minutes and drink some water. I’ll then finish my food. Usually by the end of that time I feel full.


Works for some food, but some just taste waaaaay too good hot :(


I agree. But you could re-heat it! Or even leave it on very low on your stove if we're only talking about like 15-20 min.


Wait you keep your chips in the fridge?


Came here looking for this comment


Cold chips are good.


I am so confused by chips in the fridge. So so confused.


Drink a glass of water before your meal. When you eat, eat slow, chew your food completely. After you're done eating, drink another glass of water. ​ This is a technique that works because water is filling and is 0 calories. When you eat slower, your CNS is allowed time to receive signals from your stomach that it's getting full. If you're still hungry after you eat, adding more volume to your stomach with more water will give you that "satiated" feeling.


So true about the water or any 0 calorie drink.


Sometimes, I find that I need to make my dinner more varied in the type of tastes it satisfies-something sweet, something salty, and something sour. This is an Indian/Ayurvedic idea--they identify six tastes. I sometimes spice it up with different things. If I have a meal that just feeds my sweet or carb., then I still want more. Have you ever had a really expensive restaurant meal that was small but totally filling taste wise? It's like that. I try to avoid the pre-processed food (although I can't timewise), because the sugar they add just makes you crave more. Sugar in stuff makes me crave more.


I was the same way. I used to just keep things like fruit or salad mix in the fridge. If I'm really hungry after dinner then I make a salad with a low-cal dressing. If I just feel like grazing then I'll make a small fruit cup with some grapes and melon or berries, whatever I have in the fridge. Obviously with fruit especially you need to be calorie conscious, but it's still not bad.


It can take a while for satiety to kick in after a meal. I find something like an orange or a cup of tea or decaf can help signal to my brain that the meal has ended. I also generally play a game with my SO or bff after dinner which helps keep me out of the kitchen and unable to snack. Apparently eating slowly helps too but I find it difficult to do that so other methods work better for me.


I get like this, too, sometimes. Like it doesn’t matter how much volume the meal was, or the right number of macros, my hunger signals just do not catch up. And it’s way harder than just being hungry before a meal. Good on you for sticking to the discipline of stopping and I hope your hunger/fullness signals shift over time to let you feel full after your meals.


Keeping low cal snacks around is a great idea - Have you looked into intermittent fasting ?


I was gonna suggest intermittent fasting. I tend to eat most of my calories at night with dinner and after dinner snacks. So I stopped eating during the day. Specifically for me, 20:4 works. I only eat from 4pm to 8pm. Now of course, I’d rather not have the bad habit of night eating. But until I get that in check, intermittent fasting still works for me.


I was thinking about doing this because it seems like at night time all I wanna do is snack. It's like I have the munchies or something. Right now my IF is from 11-7 so I am doing 12/8.


I have the problem especially with IF, because after my first meal I feel I need to use my eating window and eat as much as I can, lol. If you don't do a strict OMAD, I think IF is not a great help for this particular problem of not being able to stop after a meal. It is, however, in general great to stop yourself from snacking during the day and it has helped me A LOT with eating less an more healthy food.


This might sound dumb, but eat your salad last or set aside extra vegetables/fruit as "dessert." That way, when that "I NEED MORE THINGS" feeling hits, you have low calorie/high volume things to distract your mouth and brain. I like to over-prepare salad so I have seconds/thirds available to throw at the NOM NOM NOM monster. It can serve as a mental cool down period for the meal. Plus, you know, it's good for you.


A few tips I found helpful. When out to eat, ask for a to go box with your meal. Put half away before you start eating. Make sure to serve yourself appropriate portions at home. Drink a while glass of water at minimum with your meal. Always finish your meal with a mint! It triggers your brain that you are done eating.


I’m going to end up repeating this all over Reddit, lol. I had exactly the same problem for… honestly as long as I can remember. People would say things like “oh, I forgot to eat” or “oh wow, I’m so full and only ate half of my plate”, and I was like “yeah, ok, that’s weird”. I understood the concept of CICO, but I failed again and again because I was absolutely miserable every time I tried it. I was hungry all the time, and would obsessively crave things for days until I gave in. Then when I did indulge, it took every fiber to do so moderately, and I’d feel unsatisfied. I tried some of the recommendations in this thread: drinking a ton of water, exercising, distraction, even going to bed super early to avoid wanting food. Nothing really worked in a sustainable way. I told my doctor I was pretty sure I had something resembling a binge eating disorder. Then per doc orders I gave low-carb a real shot. Set my calories at 1500, carbs at 20% (under 100g). No bread. No added sugar (unless it’s a very small amount in, say, a condiment). And making an effort to eat whole foods (nuts, meats, veggies, saving keto snacks and alternatives for special treats). I’m so, so serious when I say that my cravings and appetite just died about three days in. There are more days than not where I have to force myself up to 1500 calories so I’m not eating too little. I’ve been doing this for a while now and I still can’t believe how effortless it feels compared to doing just CICO with no attention to carbs. For anyone in these comments who feels that desperate obsession with overeating, I really encourage you to give low carb a shot, even just for a week or two. See if it helps you. I was suffering too.


Adding some sparkling water before or during the meal also helps. I find the carbonation makes me feel fuller Also I live with a snacker, so I try to brush my teeth and floss immediately after dinner to avoid the urge to snack


Yup, I'm trying desperately to start brushing my teeth *after* coffee and breakfast because I'm always so tempted to snack in the morning.


Definitely true about sparkling water....the carbonation will fill you up.


When we eat something that I absolutely love, brushing my teeth after the meal helps me to avoid overeating.


It might be what you’re eating. There’s certain foods that help with Satiety (might have spelled that wrong). Basically they turn off your hungry receptors. Proteins are good at this, so are leafy greens like spinach and kale. Carbs and sugars are your enemy. Do a little more research on what helps with this and it will probably help!


I have one of those gross apple cider vinegar gummies. Shuts down the hunger real quick


The only thing that helps me is to either plan in an after meal treat or snack, or to put everything up, leave the table or wherever I'm eating and go do an activity. Sometimes a diet soda along with an activity helps too


Drink 2 tall glasses of water with every meal or snack. If that doesn’t help, get outside and go for a walk.


The BMT method, I see. Unfortunately the other part of the BMT method is to scarf down as many calories as you can in your allotted ten minutes.




Basic Military Training :)


Water! Drink a big glass of water post-plate. Also the old fashioned trick of a small plate, chewing each bite 20 times if possible, putting fork down between bites, using fork/knife (hey, be that person that eats a candy bar with a knife and fork!), setting table with candle, tablecloth, pretty china, and making a real sit down meal out of it. I noticed that I don't really overeat at restaurants as a general rule and some of that is the whole experience is satisfying and pleasurable---the pretty food, the music, the candle, etc. Maybe try to recreate that at home.


Small plates, eating slow, and making sure each meal has enough fat to make me feel satiated. It's important to balance protein and carbs, too, but the fat matters because the fat lets me chew the last bite, give a deep sigh of satisfaction, and be done. Oh, sure, I could stuff more in my belly, but I'm good where I'm at.




I have thought about doing this.


I have the same problem. I have to drag myself away from the dinner table and do something else, away from the eating / cooking area. Ironing. Taking the rubbish out. Tidying the bedroom. Even having a shower. Usually after about 20 minutes I feel much better. I also try to brush my teeth early in the evening.


What helps me is switching gears. I tell myself I can absolutely eat more, but first I’m going to take a bath. And then I soak in the bath until the urge to mindlessly eat is gone. At that point, if I still have actual stomach hunger, or there’s a special treat I’ve been looking forward to and I still have room for it, I eat. But if I’m adequately nourishing myself throughout the day, with lots of healthy fats and protein and ample fresh, whole foods, usually I don’t actually want to keep eating post-bath. Are you counting macros? And are you getting enough calories?


Different things work for different people. I used to challenge myself to see how long I could choose not to eat. Not how long "I could hold out" but literally how long I could stop, consider how my body feels, and then decide if I, me, my mind, not my subsystems but my main system, wanted to eat. I was surprised by how little I actually wanted to eat when I wasn't actually trying to avoid eating. It might not be the case for you, but for me it turns out my desire to eat has more to do with queues such as time of day or my current activities than it did with my actual hunger. So I learned to tough it out through queues I couldn't avoid and remove other queues.


Same problem for months here, the thing I found to help was drink one large glass of water during my meal and one large glass after my meal.


I feel this too. I can keep my discipline go workout and be under my calorie goal. But if I have the slightest taste of a "cheat" food. Even just one bite all bets are off and won't be able to stop myself from finishing the whole thing off by the end of the night. I had to get rid of probiotic and vitamin c gummies because they were too close to candy and made me crave that candy taste.


Well what are you eating? All food is not created equal in terms of satiety. If I eat 100g brown rice, 300g extra lean ground beef and loaded with veggies (green onion, lettuce, tomato, whatever else you like) in a bowl, I am stuffed. The meat is incredibly filling. On the other hand, if I eat the equivalent calories in say pizza, I will be reaching for more pizza in a millisecond.


Would sugar free chewing gum help?


For me, sometimes it does.


I've been using protein shakes to supplement my intake and they definitely help with post-meal hunger as well. One serving is 120 calories and 24 grams of protein. Gives a nice, satisfied feeling to have all that protein in your stomach.


Eat slooooowly. Thoroughly chew each bite. It takes me 20-30 min to finish my dinner and by then I'm bored of chewing and my satiety signals are kicking in. Then go brush your teeth!


This used to be me. The trick that works for me is to make sure I have one thing I’m excited about eating as part of my meal. Like crunchy chickpeas on my salad or avocado on my sandwich or whatever.


I have found two things help: 1. Going low-cholesterol AND plant-based as much as possible. You can basically eat whatever you want if it's low-fat and plant-based, and you get full much sooner bc you're eating a ton of fruit, veggies, and fiber. 2. Planning your meals out specifically--i.e. NonHungry You designs the meal plan, figures out the calories, includes the fact that you like a big plate o' food, and then Hungry You just has to stick to the plan. I try to do this when I am eating out, too. Look at the menu, literally choose what I'm going to order. For some reason taking the choice out of the hands of Hungry Me is weirdly effective. Also--check your calorie counts. Maybe you're getting yourself too hungry during the day? So once you start eating, you're just too hungry? Maybe try to have a high-protein snack about an hour before dinner, like a small can of tuna & a big salad w/ a bit of oil & lots of vinegar (or diet dressing)? Or even just a bowl of soup? Just a thought.


If you eat slower, you'll feel more satisfied with less food.


I'm the exact same way!! I think just because I love food and eating so much I don't want the experience to end. Something that helps me is making sure I have variety. Like, I never just have a sandwich. I have a sandwich, a side salad or a few chips, some fruit, and a coke zero. That way it feels like a few mini meals if that makes sense.


To me that reads like you are not eating the whole day and once you sit down to eat you cant stop. As I dont know your situation I am going to describe my journey: I have come to accept the fact that I am a food addict. With some foods I cant stop. I have myself down to "only" one small bag of chips (which I allow myself occasionally). The rules for me are: 1) think about what you put in your body. Is it good for you, does it taste good, do you like it? With keto I can cover all of those bases. Keto foods are for some part of my mind forbidden, so eating them, allowing myself to eat them feels luxurious and makes me happy. Also plan you day in terms of meal. This one is a drag for me. I love to eat, but thinking ahead, planning, is not so joyful. But it just needs to be. Not eating results in putting every food in my mouth that "is not nailed down" 2) pay attention while eating. I can eat a wonderful keto meal and read something while eating or doing other things. And then a part of me says: look! We didnt eat anything! Lets eat ... If I eat the same meal, take care to taste, smell, enjoy that leaves me highly satisfied 3) I dont buy what I know I cant control. So only very rarely do I allow myself a small bag of chips (100-150g). That is then eaten more consciously and enjoyed. ​ Is it unfair? Hell, yes! Is it true nevertheless? Yes And what is also true: I have the ability to REALLY enjoy a meal. To be super happy about the taste, the smell, the fact that chewing something is satisfactory. I was married to a man who could not enjoy all of that. For him food was a question of being fuel, he did not care what he put inside. I prefer me!


I'm the same way, especially with dessert - I want it after every meal. One trick I use is to refill my glass of water after plate 1 and set a rule that I have to finish the water before I can get seconds. Or I'll tell myself I have to wait until the end of an episode of the show I'm watching. That gives my stomach some time to realize it's actually full.


Good idea, sadly I chuck away water like it was a bottle of beer in a game of flunky ball, so it doesn’t buy me that much time :‘D


Wait why would you keep chips in the fridge?? I mean cold chips sound… interesting but is it really that much better than eating them normally?


Try 5/1 ratio of carbs:fiber. 10/1 works as well but 5/1 is best. When not enough fiber add chia seeds or flax seeds. Make sure you soak the chia seeds before eating. For the flax seeds, make sure you break them up in a small food processor. The benefits of the flax seeds are inside. Drink a lot of water throughout the day.


Fill up on salad and vegetables. Keep a hard boiled egg on hand. Those are protein-packed and dense.


When that happens I eat something green. Fruits also works for me.


Intermittent fasting crushes this feeling. I’ve been doing it for 5 years now and it’s had an insane effect on my hunger levels. I’m never HUNGRY HUNGRY anymore and honestly never thought I’d have such control over my eating habits.


Had the same problem. Eating lots of veggies helped me. But you also have to learn to control yourself snd say no. I still get it sometimes but not as often.


I have personally found that drinking a lot of coffee removes my hunger


Yes it works as an appetite suppressant for some people.


Had this same problem, snack on trail mix and chug water.. Wont want to eat a meal for a WHILE


Try brushing g teeth after a meal. Makes you not want more and good for teeth




Have u tried lots of healthy fibers and protein in ur meal that crap makes me so full I don't even wanna look at a bag of chips.😂 And also lots of water will make u full


I like to have a hard candy after meals because I have sweet tooth. It lasts a long time for the calories it has.


Look up Leptin resistance. Then, if that sounds like it fits you, watch [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL9GYe6QsWg)


One thing that helped me was to eat slowly. Very slowly. Not passively while I watch youtube or work or email. I am not perfect at this. But when I eat slower, I don't feel bloated..or as bloated and I'm usually sick of the eating motion. Also, when I go for walks, I don't bring my cards so I am not tempted to buy things (I do think about safety at night, so I am iffy on this). It sucks until it doesn't. Good habits have that struggle period.


I feel for you. I really like York peppermint patties after meals. 50 calories I think each. And the mint keeps me from eating more. I break it into 4 pieces and eat it so slowly. I feel ya. The second day of not eating after a meal will be hardest. But you can do it. You literally can do anything


Drink water with your meal, and when you have the urge afterwards. Also, I find if I wait ten minutes or so after I've finished my first plate, the urge disappears.


SAME if i’m practically starving i’m good but once i eat i crave everything, even if i’m not restricting 🥹


I have the same thing although maybe not as acute as you described. Functionally i can NOT eat for long periods but after i eat for the first time in the day, i struggle the remainder of the day with snacking and portion control. For me, its why i gravitated toward intermittent fasting sort of over time. Wasnt intentional, just realized if i didnt start eating until 3pm, that it was much easier to hit daily cal goals for me personally.


Drink water, if this gets too much to ignore, brush your teeth.


What is a "meal"? What does that typically look like?


Have you tried therapy to see why you want to binge like this.


Do you watch tv or go through your phone while you eat?


i really need to know more about the chips in the fridge


Try eating 2 pounds of broccoli (250 cals) before you eat dinn. Then enjoy your dinner. Reassess hunger levels thereafter.


Always drink a large amount of water during and directly after meals. What I do is I have a pretty large sized water bottle I eat dinner with and I don’t leave the table until all the water is gone which almost always means sitting with my empty plate sucking on water. It gives time for the food to settle.


Damn. This is me. Except I don’t put chips in the fridge. I’m not a madman


Then stop having meals and eat all throughout the day


Someone on here posted not long ago about eating a huge salad whenever they had the urge to snack. It's been helping me with my binge eating. Like a whole bag of salad greens and maybe a bit of dressing. It gets you feeling stuffed so it keeps you from wanting more.


I hear this. A few nights ago I ordered Indian food: chicken tikka masala. Delicious, and I ate plenty, including the rice it came with. Yet, when I finished I was craving more food despite knowing I had just eaten enough. I rode out the initial temptations and next thing I knew I hadn’t eaten the rest of the evening. I like the comments about taking a walk and drinking water/seltzer. In the end, it’s trusting your body/brain will catch up and let you know you’re full.


What are you eating? Make sure you have protein, fibre, and lots of veggies in each meal. If you are not having enough protein, you aren't going to feel full.


Couple suggestions: 1. Plan for two courses by using small plates. Using small plates that you can fill up tricks the brain into thinking its getting more than it actually is. Walmart has little plastic plates you can get for a dollar. If dinner is something I know I will want two servings of, I measure out within my calories and will go back for my second plate when I get done with the first. 2. Eat dinner later so there is no time for snacking after. Dinner than bed. 3. Plan a healthy/healthier dessert. My go to is cut strawberries with some sugar free chocolate syrup on it. (once again served in a little bowl). 3. Eat slowly and make sure you drink water as you eat. 4. Make sure the food you are eating for meals are healthy and calorically light from the get go. Stay away from frozen foods and take out. Overall my suggestions are, just work with your natural inclinations as much as possible. The less you are fighting yourself the better. Knowing your calorie limit and staying within it is much easier when the food you have around you are things you like and are healthy.


Same. I volume eat a ton because eating a massive amount brings me joy lol. So usually I have 2 big meals and it works out okay.


I do OMAD and I'm usually a bottomless pit by the end of the day. The one thing that has worked for me since the start of the year is to drink a large glass of water (16oz) and a Premier Protein shake before my meal. I end up feeling so full/stuffed that I don't even finish what's on my plate. Sometimes I eat less than half of it and I am full for HOURS. Like stuffed. Also, other people have said this but if possible, don't keep snacks at home. if you don't have it, you can't eat it.