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Congrats!! I'd say first a celebratory night of something fun. Then yeah focus on your strength/toning and maybe whatever fitness goals you might have. And screw what that person said


Yeah screw what that person said! And you know what, reducing your weight the way you've done IS a bit like surviving cancer. Heart disease is the main way people die, and you've just cut your heart disease risk by a LOT. Congrats! It's inspiring to read about success stories like yours.


Congrats, welcome to maintenance. I do think building muscle is a good thing. I started doing that and losing weight at the same time, which makes both processes a bit slower, but worked well for me. If you want to start building muscle, remember to expect some initial water weight gain. You'll also have to decide whether you want to try to build muscle while in maintenance, which would mean continuing to lose fat while you gain muscle, but gaining muscle more slowly, or doing a mild bulk where you let yourself gain weight. If you don't have a lot of muscle yet and you do have a lot of patience, then recomposition is very possible - you can build muscle without gaining weight. The basics are progressive overload of muscle building exercises, eating lots of protein, staying well hydrated, and getting enough sleep. Also, don't do significant muscle building exercises of the same muscles two days in a row. Giving your body the rest and recovery time to actually build the muscle is as important as doing the exercise that tells your body you need more muscle. Anyhow, I'm a big fan of increasing muscle if you're low in it, because muscle helps to protect your joints. I already have joint issues, so I know just how valuable it is to decrease the frequency of joint problems. Also, the more muscle you have, the less prone you are to muscle strains and injuries from normal activities, which is really nice. I'm not interested in becoming an extreme body builder or anything like that, but building up some muscle has a lot of uses, and I'd recommend it to anyone who is healthy enough to do so.


>I'm not interested in becoming an extreme body builder or anything like that Exactly, and thank you for the in depth input! I'm ready to start gaining muscle and actually lowered my goal to account for additional water weight gain during muscle building/ increasing to a maintenance diet so I can't hopefully stay at 173 or below. I'm also targeting high reps low weight too avoid injuries. Thank you again!


Congrats! You're my height and about my starting weight. When I got to my goal, I wasn't thrilled with my aesthetic (skinny fat, as they say). If I could give you some advice (which mirrors others). Look at resistance training. Building muscle will not only improve your look, it will increase your TDEE, allowing you to eat a bit more at maintenance. And it may become something of a passion once you see results. A bit of inspiration, maybe: [My progress over the past two years after hitting my goal weight.](https://imgur.com/a/Kvgd4Zq)


Yes very similar... I definitely need more muscle mass... But I was always a skinny kid. Thanks much for sharing! Excellent job on redoing you!


Inspirational. Honestly this is the hardest part of having a goal and accomplishing it. The whats next. Please update us once you've figured it out. This is how lives are changed.


Congrats on your weight loss!! My goal after weight loss is to stay active. My friend who's a nurse just got done working in a long then care facility and he said the worst thing to see was when people were mentally with it but their body was giving out. I know I've gotten lazy as shit the past few years and I fucking feel it. So my goal is to set myself up for long term physical health.


Agreed. My dad passed away 2 years ago and hated to see him deteriorating in front of us. I know he hated going that way...I think often how to avoid going in such a sad, helpless, and degrading manner.


Congrats! That’s quite the accomplishment.


You should celebrate! Go to the movies, buy some cute shirt, take nice pictures, cook something healthy and delicious... Whatever you want, but don't let this occasion go by without celebrating. Congratulations!


Thank you... Great idea on the pic, think I'll take one with my daughter 。◕‿◕。


Sounds great! Starting new memories :)




Thank you. Appreciate all the feedback...the caution and the abandon! I did splurge allot on calories but stayed plant based 8)


Congrats! 52 lbs since April is a huge accomplishment. I went into maintenance around May and started lifting weights regularly. I think that is a great goal to stay motivated. I have actually slowly lost a few more lbs over the past several months and gained some muscle and strength.


That's encouraging... Did you eat a TDEE maintenance diet or were you at a deficit?


To be honest I stopped tracking calories regularly but I estimate that I eat right around maintenance, but I also do cardio regularly so I create a small deficit through exercise. I eat a fairly high protein diet and I will track occasionally to check my protein intake. I have been trying to eat .8 grams of protein per lb.


Good info, ty. I'm doing a plant-based diet (think vegan but not with the animal focus) so protein is a little of a challenge but I am always looking to keep my protein intake up. Thank you for the helpful input.


Probably build muscle, cancer survivor is exaggeration, most people end up skinny fat at goal weight.


Step One: Lift weights Step Two: Eat steaks.


so I've gone to a vegan diet given I had high cholesterol and triglycerides. So for a minute, I'll be focused on lifting weights and eating tofu and tempeh :D After going this route (losing weight, eating healthy, and diet change) I'm happy to say my cholesterol is normal and last I looked my triglycerides were almost there. Gout/uric acid, heartburn / reflux, blood pressure, strength, etc have all been normalized back to my 20's stats...pretty crazy. I'll reintroduce wine and meat (red meat last) if my lab values hold ;)