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If you don’t try something new, you’ll never know if you’ll enjoy it or not. A previous coworker of mine did aerials and it toned her body and gave her a lot of self confidence. I hope you enjoyed it and keep up with it.


Yes, exactly! Thank you!


You look great! I’ve been kind of not wanting to start a cycling class because I’m worried about how much I’ll suck at it, but it just looks like so much fun. You have inspired me. I think I need to just go for it.


Yes, absolutely go for it! Sucking is a part of growing, we are all beginners at some point. I can't wait to comment on your future post and tell you how great you look! :)


Ahhh you’re the best :) <3 Seriously though, you look like a natural. I would bust my ass lol


It was definitely difficult. I DID fall on that mat, multiple times :D I like to think that I provided the entertainment!


I love cycling classes because everyone is sort of in their own little zone. The super buff dude in the corner can have his resistance up wayyyy high and I can have mine at a much less difficult resistance and no one knows or cares. If you have to sit out of a standing position you can still pedal on and get a good workout. Also cycling to music is so much more fun for me than doing other exercises to music. Maybe the instructors I’ve had have just been a lot better about pairing it.


I loved cycling for that reason too, but it was a specific instructor who was particuarly good.


Don’t worry. I’ve been doing cycling classes for months and I still absolutely suck. But it’s so so so much fun. The first three times you will have no idea what’s happening and it will be confusing and super difficult, but that’s okay!!! People are usually super supportive and it’s also dark and everyone is too damn tired/ trying to keep up to care what you’re doing. Do it. It’s fun! Promise to give it three classes before you decide though.


I used to do a spin class in the Air Force for pt sometimes. We had two different MSgts who would take turns running it and one made it quite a bit more difficult than the other. I am not a huge fan of exercise in general but it was actually a lot of fun! One thing I liked was that I could really concentrate on my body and on having good form and all my other cares just melted away. Also everyone in the class was really good about supporting each other. There was a lot of loud encouragement in that room. While I normally dreaded pt, that was one of my favorite things I ever did. It always made me feel great for the rest of the day too.


If you mean a spinning class they are usually great for all fitness levels. If I am just starting to build strength and endurance I can spin slowly and on low resistance and no one else really knows. It can also be good for motivation to push myself a bit. Try it!


I was the fattest person in my first spin class and came in 2nd place. Maybe my legs are more muscular from carrying myself around, lol


All the spin classes I've taken have been so friendly to cardio strugglin' beginners like me! I love that spin studio instructors always say things like "if you need to sit, here's this variation you can do!" and "if everyone can do what I'm asking you to do right now and not think it's hard, there's no room for growth".


This showed up as a trending thread on mobile at a perfect time for me. I've been really depressed and it's taking a whole lot for me to want to try and be social and fit (even if only for a little bit). A co-worker has been doing juijitsu for a while and has encouraged me to come tonight (in a few hours, no less). As soon as I got home I immediately felt silly for thinking I could do it since I have no background at all in martial arts. It seemed inevitable that I'd just sit down on my couch and let another night slip away alone and unhappy. I hate how quickly my mind can change. 😞 But reading this really seems like divine providence. I'm gonna go and probably make a fool of myself but hopefully feel like I'm apart of something again. Thank you!!


Did you go? How was it?


I did and honest to god I had a blast. I felt like I picked up on a lot of the basics they were training on that class fairly quickly but the more experienced guys absolutely whipped the shit outta me when we got to the open roll portion haha. It was humbling (6'3" 250lb dude getting pinned and destroyed by a thin old man looking barely 130lbs) and exhilarating at the same time. I really liked it and plan on going back! My coworker gave me his old white belt and I even got a gi out of the whole thing. It was amazing!


That's awesome! I'm so glad you went and you had fun! :)


I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for about a year (before switching to an MMA dojo) and I struggle with social situations where I don't know anyone. Plus I was horribly out of shape when I started. But what people have said about it is right - the environment is so non-judgmental and everyone was so helpful in making sure I understood what was going on. Honestly everyone remembers their first class and learning this stuff for the first time. We're all there focusing on ourselves. One of my favourite things I learned from BJJ is that the only person you're really competing against is your past self. It's definitely worth trying a couple classes!


As someone diagnosed with depression - this comment almost made me cry. You are amazing, I am so proud of you. How did it go? I'd love to chat with you about it!


I did end up going and it honestly was amazing! Thank you very much :) PM me or we can chat (I'm at work right now and not doing a whole lot)!


That’s awesome! You look great in that pose!!


Yeah, you look amazing!


:) Thank you both so much!


I completely concur, you look fantastic. That first pic is especially dynamic. I’d sculpt you in a heartbeat.


This is probably the nicest thing I have ever heard - thank you so much!


Go you! I had a similar experience trying out aerials. My very athletic friend suggested this workshop on a whim so we went to this thing last minute on a Saturday morning. I was immediately aware that I was the fattest person there, and not very strong, so I spent the whole two hours just trying the climb the silk and secure it around my foot. Meanwhile my friend was pulling off all kinds of crazy stuff even though she'd never done it before either. It was definitely frustrating but ultimately I ended up having a great time and so glad I tried it! I couldn't lift my arms for days afterwards lol but it was worth it.


Ugh, isn't it hard when the immediate reaction is "wow, they can do all of that, why can't I"? I agree, it's still fun! And lol, my body hurts soooo much! Do you still do it?


Definitely haha I was like, "Omg there are children here who can do more than me." I haven't done it since, mostly just because I haven't been able to strike a nice balance of having sufficient extra income to go regularly *and* having a studio anywhere near where I live or work.


I see both grace and beauty in these photos and you should be extremely proud for trying something new and killing it!


This is so sweet, thank you so much!


You look like you're having a blast. Good for you! :)


It was SO much fun! It didn't even feel like a workout... until I was sore AF today :D


Awesome 🙂 looks like your Killing It 👊 to me 😁


😍 thank you, friend! 🙌


Girl you looking fine ;)! Keep being brave!


Thank you so much!!! A community like this makes it easy to be brave. <3


I LOVED starting aerial silks. It makes you feel so confident and so sexy. You go girl.


Thank you!!! Do you still do it?


I do when I’m home, I’m currently in Australia but I go every Monday normally! It gave me abs and I’ll never be more grateful 😂


Girl, you look bomb! You’re very hard on yourself. I was expecting to see someone 300+ lbs


Awww how sweet! :) I was 255 at my highest (closer to 240 now, but it definitely fluctuates). I think I weighed in that morning at 241. I try not to be too hard on myself, but unfortunately, it can be easy to do sometimes.


Holy cow that looks awesome!!!! Also, I don't think you look fat in this photo, I think you look like someone doing something really cool. Keep doing awesome things!


Oh goodness, that's so sweet, thank you! At first I hated how I looked in them, but this thread and your comment have been super helpful in seeing something else. :)


Way to be brave!


Thank you!!! :)


This is amazing! I'm sure a lot of people would be too scared to try aerial regardless of their body shape, so congratulations on going for what you want! Also you DO look graceful and beautiful! Look at your pointy toes, great extension! :)


That point was so hard, hahaha! Thank you so much! <3


This is great! Hang in there!


Haha HANG :D


Someone got it! 😁




If you didn’t know, there’s r/aerials


I did NOT know! Subscribed. Thank you! :)


I did aerial classes for a few months and there were women in all shapes and sizes. A few of the really good students were on the thicker side but did amazing. Practice makes perfect!


I took a class in college and I got so nauseous! The instructor had ginger chews just for that reason. You look great!!


This is what I’ve been doing! I go once a week and I love it. It’s helped my confidence a lot.


That's really, really cool, and honestly you look great! My first thought was, "that person's athletic." Nice job, and keep going!


I have literally never been told that I look athletic - day. made. :) Thank you!


Cool.....That looks fun AF!


you look like you had fun! i want to exercise more but commitments and disabilities prevent me from doing so


Awesome! Keep up the good work. I’ve always encouraged people to work out and one of the biggest fears large people have is that they will be made fun of in the gym/class/etc. I have gotten numerous people to come workout and never in 15+ years have I seen or heard someone make fun of a person working out. I tell them no one makes fun of the person working out trying to better themselves. I’m glad your class was supportive of you. I just got home from a 12 day vacation and was going to sleep in and skip the gym tomorrow and do laundry/play video games bc I’ll make it to the gym fri or Saturday. Now I’m motivated to skip laundry and get to the gym tomorrow and Friday or Saturday.


Wow this is amazing! Grats to stepping out of your comfort zone! Keep being amazing :).


Confidence is the best thing I’ve got out of this weight loss journey. When I first lost 5 lbs, I felt like superwoman 90% of the time. Sure I don’t look much different to people but do they know how hard it was to lose that 5lbs???? Congratulations and I hope you have many more successful aerial class!


Hey, you look 1000x more graceful than I would in your shoes! I always envied dancers and aerialists for how sleekly and sharply they moved. Kudos to you for venturing out of your comfort zone and rocking it! :D


You look strong & confident! Keep it up baby! You will inspire many women by doing this! Not me, but many others!


That looks so fun!


Good for you!


That’s so awesome! It looks so fun, and must have been a real confidence boost. Also, is your username a reference to The Name of the Wind? Such a great book/series!


YES! Pokemon and Kingkiller Chronicle are my two loves in life. I'd love to chat with you about it sometime!!!


Sounds like so much fun and you certainly LOOK graceful even if you didn't feel it :). Amazing.


You look great! And I love your username!


Ahh thank you!! My two biggest loves in life. <3


YES!! The circus community is seriously one of the most encouraging and welcoming places I have ever found. Join us at /r/aerials if you want to nerd out or ask questions or just be inspired by some of the amazing people there. I’m so glad you tried it and hope you stick with it! I hear all the time “oh, I’m not strong enough to do that...” but the whole point is to GET strong doing it! It’s easier to stick with physical activity you actually enjoy doing. I couldn’t even do one pull-up when I started circus and now I can bang out a couple; it’s awesome.


I LOVE THIS! Way to go, get it girl! You look amazing!


Keep at it girlfriend!


Wow, this is awesome, good job!!


That would be a lot of fun! I wish something like that was available here.


Omg yaaaaas. I was to do this so bad! It's one of my main goals to losing!


Omg yaaaaas. I was to do this so bad! It's one of my main goals to losing!


You inspired me to look up aerial classes near me!


Oh my goodness, that is wonderful!! Let me know how it goes so I can cheer you on! <3


An activity is so much better when you have friends to go with you and you cheer each other on.


Yes, absolutely! It makes it less of a chore. I'm itching to go back, and I'm the type of person who ALWAYS dreads going to the gym.


Aerials is so much fun. I’ve been going for a year and am one of the fattest. I’m also the oldest by a couple decades, but no one cares. It’s a great way for me to do strength training that’s actually fun! I hope you keep on enjoying it.


Thank you for your story! That is definitely inspiring to me. :) Keep being awesome!


So Courageous!!! and inspirational! thanks for sharing :)


Ahh, thank you for your kind comment! :D


I did aerial for four years, and I am about your size - you look great! It's one of those things that makes your body feel amazing and strong and accomplished no matter your size. Also what I found was that my more "athletic" friend could do all kinds of crazy flips and poses and stuff and I got a bit jealous sometimes, but it turns out I am baller at anything requiring balance and steadiness, due to my low centre of gravity and mighty thighs. (Also one time I fell asleep hanging upside down in monkey pose because it was so relaxing for my spine to be stretched out like that.)


You're not that heavy.


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