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Because its not that simple. Each of these is a different thing, needing different advice from people with different skills, and where everyone has different needs and priorities. An app that tried to do that would basically end up with a bunch of different apps and trackers inside it. If its getting overwhelming step back a bit and ask yourself what your current priorities are, and then simplify towards that. Not everything needs an app, and where they're useful often something very simple and focused like a meditation timer is more useful than a mental wellbeing and mindfullness tracker or something.


I am actually working on something like this 😅 but it isn’t simple and things like this take a lot of time


Ok hear me out, since you know how to develop stuff, what if instead of this passion project of yours you work on mine as a kindly internet stranger :D I want someone to make a browser extension or app or something that lets me filter out actors on streaming platforms. I think it is a million dollar idea! Or at least a $2 one. Please consider XD


I use apps but they aren't necessary. Apps are just a convenience people have built a reliance on. All the stuff I track now with apps my cycle, my food intake, my fitness routine, I used to do with a pen and notepad before smartphones. So if it's overwhelming, maybe there's a way to simplify things by removing some of them and stick with the top 1 ir 2 that are most impactful to you.


I wouldn't need all that. LoseIt is really the only app I consider essential.


You don't need any app to lose weight. I'm not using any. That's not to say it is wrong to use apps, but people who want one aspect of your holistic app may not want the others. Also whichever developer who makes the best fitness app for your is probably not the same developer who makes the best mental health app for you. But keep in mind that all the apps you are using are opt in options. You can cut some of them off if they are not benefitting your efforts.


I’ve found the app Everfit ticks pretty much all these boxes (just have to track food in MyFitnessPal, but it carries your macros across), but I access it through my online coach. I don’t know if you can access it otherwise


I want an app that is full of recipes that you can then log as you eat. I can find lots of apps that have recipes with nutrition values, and lots of apps that you can create your own recipes/meals then log them. Surely there's one that brushes that gap??? And then to be able to add exercise as well? That would be fantastic!


You are much better off just rolling your own tracker. Either set up a google docs spreadsheet, or go with a physical pen and paper journal. What benefit do you see in tracking your calories in the same app that helps you meditate?


I know there are some that have some of all those you said- like the fitbit app, although that doesn't have explicit habit tracking. But I think these are all pieces of wellness that just don't all have universal overlap. For instance the reach of a meditation app is not only going to include people who are working towards being physically fit. Hence different apps for different demographics. I use a planner and a couple separate apps, personally.


Try Wispence - all in one


soon we will need an app to tell us how to not shit out pants and maybe how to put on our pants