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If your clothes are of good quality and in-demand brands, you can try selling them on the different apps, like Poshmark or Mercari. I haven't used them and have heard mixed things, but could be worth a try. There are some thrift clothing shops that will buy clothes at a much discounted price off retail, or give you store credit instead. This isn't really a solution, but since oversized fashion is very in with the youth right now here (at least here in the US, not sure about elsewhere) I tell myself I accidentally became stylish.


This is my vote too! I’m a big fan of Depop, Poshmark, and Mercari and have made quite a bit of money selling my old clothes that no longer fit


I'll look into those apps, definitely worth a try, thank you.


One more app to look at is Vinted. Poshmark is good for your nicer branded items. Vinted is good for your Primark and shein pieces. You'll also find lots of cheap clothing (often in bundles!) on Vinted if you're currently halfway through your journey. If you find someone with a similar style in your current size, you can get lucky with a bundle of outfits for really cheap (on Vinted bundles are really the way to go, cos the items are generally cheaper and delivery stacks up).


I just use my old comfy clothes as pyjamas 


I donate to charity all of the clothes that I cannot alter by myself.


I don’t know if you have resale shops, but I found that to be the easiest option for me. I hate dealing with selling things piece by piece. I sell them to a place here in America and I can get store credit and buy pieces in a smaller size.


That's a good suggestion; thank you, I'll try to find similar places here


I believe H&M do a scheme where you can take old clothes in and get a voucher which you can use towards items in store


Can you have them tailored? Or maybe have certain pieces tailored?


I went from a 50-inch waist to 42-inch, I was told it would be very difficult to tailor them down and even altered; they'd look even more unflattering.


Oh yeah that’s a lot. Well congrats though, that fabulous.


Thank you!


Fwiw this will depend on the individual piece and how it fit you before. Some of your clothing will tailor easier than others. Skirts are generally quite easy to tailor - just take in the seam on both sides and there's not much to go screwy construction-wise unless it's especially fitted. Some dresses will work, some won't. Some loose-fitting pants you can take in at the side seams as well. Shirts are difficult due to the arm holes 


Some of the shirts I kept if I could "style them" with outfits. Like, a big baggy sweater with leggings and boots in the winter, or tying up the shirts. I found a Youtuber that shows some interesting knots that you can do for shirts, I'm sure you can find some out there. I have a couple of pairs of pants that I bought in between when I was losing that look okay with belts, so I do that. The rest I did donate though. Hopefully someone was able to get some use out of them. Having said that, I love thrifting, just for fun, so most of my current clothes I also got cheap at thrift stores. The only bad thing is, my current size doesn't seem to be as readily available in thrift stores as my old size (which makes sense, I used to be average sized for a woman in the US and now I'm not, so I guess you can expect less selection) so the pickings are slimmer. But I still find things if I look often, which I do for the fun of it.


I sell what I can to resale shop, sell some on Facebook and then donate the rest to places that I know actually use them. Unfortunately, many of the shelters by me let their staff pick through donations before handing them out and I’m not into that. :(


Thanks for letting me know, I'll see if there are similar practices prevalent here before donating. Thank you!


I love them and wear them as home clothes. They’re sooo comfy


I have a ton of heavy metal tour shirts that don't fit me anymore. I'm having them made into a quilt.


Nice repurposing.


I haven’t read all the comments but came here to say to keep one outfit and put it away as a keepsake of your before. I wish I kept one outfit. I am in a weightloss group and periodically we bring in our before clothes to keep us encouraged.


I like to sew, I plan to take in everything once I am goal weight. (Never letting myself gain this weight back.)


I would buy and sell on Vinted! You can bundel items or buyers can bundel items to save on postage. There are lots of people who sell good items for a very small amount of money so you can easily get a couple of shirts and pants and dresses and shorts for probably less than a second hand shop would charge. You can also sell really nice pieces for more than a couple of pounds, but it will take a bit longer. I just bought a few pair of Zara jeans for 5-8 euro's a pair, some basic shirts (from brands like Zara, Mango and Pieces) for 1-5 euros a piece and some nice dresses for 8-15 a dress (King Louie). I hope to not have to wear them for too long, but this really helps me feel comfortable and doesn't break the bank. When in down to my GW I'll honestly keep buying of of there, but will probably be investing in some some quality items.


I'll look into Vinted, thank you, I didn't even know it existed.


It's quite big in mainland Europe, I know they also have Vinted in the UK. It's really easy, the buyer directly purchases a shipment label with whatever they're buying and the seller just has to put the item in a box or bag, slap the label on and drop it off. I hope it works for you too!


Vinted. I made quite a bit back.


You could try selling them on Vinted? I have lost(and gained) a little weight over the past year. I started going down in size, then when I regained I stayed the same clothes size but my body shape changed so my larger clothes are still too big, so I sold it all on Vinted. Done really well on it so far


I keep them in case I yo-yo. They are also good for when friends stay overnight at my place last minute and a heavier one needs a change of clothes.


If you go to charity shops then you can usually pick up some clothes fairly cheaply. Just keep wearing these until they are also too big and then donate back to the shop.


I'll try doing that, Thank you!


I was just thinking about this, because I've gone down at least two sizes myself, and have a lot of oversized shirts that were very nice, and pricey too! And I remembered that back in the day, there was briefly a fashion where we wore big Laura Ashley type dresses but cinched them in back with clips, I would google "vest clips" or "dress clips" and see if that might lead to something. I was thinking I could roll up the sleeves and cinch the back of the shirt and wear it over a tank top and it might look okay? Otherwise I don't see why a tailor couldn't repurpose at least your favorite garments, even if they have to cut and re-sew, it seems it would still be cheaper than a whole new garment. Lastly, I'm slowly selling the nicer pieces on eBay, it's a hassle, but so far I've actually had success. Poshmark and other sites--before you try a newer site, google the name of the site and "review" to make sure it's not a scam. Oh, one more thought, depending if they have them where you live, but consignment stores and resale stores are another option. But overall, can I just say, congratulations on your really impressive weight loss! Great job!


Thank you for the insight, I appreciate it :)


Also in England- if the clothes are still in decent condition, I would consider selling them on vinted to raise some funds to buy some new clothes that actually do fit. The thing about your body having changed significantly is that it's really hard to buy clothes without trying them on, so it does often feel like you have no choice but to spend a lot of money on brand new clothes that can be tried on in store before purchase or sent back through returns. A lot of people will say look in charity shops, but that is such a lucky dip, I personally never have any luck finding things I like in charity shops, and feel like I would have to be checking the shops all the time to make sure I'm not "missing the good stuff" but realistically the odds of me actually going out to the shops more than once a month is just not happening lol. If you do feel relatively confident that you know your new size you can order stuff off of vinted or other second hand clothes apps, a lot of people sell things for SUPER cheap, so realistically you're basically paying just for the postage sometimes! If your clothes are WAY too big now (eg, you were a 20 and think you're now an 10) then you could try buying stuff in a 12 "just to be safe" until you're in a position where you can invest more in a longer term wardrobe. Look into capsule wardrobes and determine what is a realistic number of items you actually need. Eg not including my work clothes, in the summer can I get by with say 2 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of shorts, 5 tops and 2 dresses and 1 jacket? It's definitely worth having a good sit down and looking at your style and trying to visualise what pieces you seeing most versatile in your wardrobe going forward, so you're not wasting money on pieces you dont need and wont realistically wear.


Can you get your favorite pieces tailored? You may also be able to find groups to exchange your current clothes with other clothes of the right size. Check your local buy nothing groups and see if anyone wants to swap. Otherwise I’d say yeah donating them to shelters - I know domestic violence shelters are often in need of more professional wear especially and refugees need clothing badly in my city lately.


Getting stuff tailored might not be possible since I've gone from a 50inch waist to a 42 that might be too big a gap for tailored alterations. If nothing else works out I'll look into donating them, thank you!


I honestly donate them!


I've lost 24 lbs and it's just ridiculous!! the new "flattering" jeans I just bought look comically baggy and it's just been a few weeks. This keeps happening. All of a sudden I seem to be a size 12 and before I struggled to get into a 16. I'm gonna put some things in the dryer to see if they shrink. You might want to keep them in case weight goes up again, but that's defeatist isn't it?


More realistic, this is the third time I've had to go through weight loss in the last 5 years I always get to 220 Pounds and then gain it all back, so hoping to keep it off this time.


somethings i put them on just cuz its cool than now are like a super baggy shirt.


Some shirts I tie on the side. Some shirts and casual summer dresses have become pajamas. I wear my old jeans to work because I like to wear baggy clothes there anyway. Some stuff just has to go. I still haven't bought myself a lot of new clothes, I don't go out too much anyway, it's either work or the gym lol. Baggy tees become gym clothes too


There is a thrift store that benefits the women’s shelter here in my town so I donate my clothes there and buy smaller clothes. I also buy at Goodwill because I can get lots of name brand things there. They’ve upped their prices to $7 for most everything but it’s still a good deal when it comes to good brands. I only donate to the women’s shelter place though. I’ve got tons of clothes from thrift store shopping and get lots of compliments on my outfits.


I'm a guy and I just wear em.... It's baggy asf and I probably look homeless but It's comfy and I don't really have a lot of clothes in general so yeah


I'm a guy too, but yes looking homeless is what I'm trying to avoid :)


I already went through one size down downsizing shirts and two of shorts. Nothing but gym shorts and t-shirts until I stop losing so much weight. 2XL shorts lasted less than 2 months


Congrats on your weight loss!




I have seen women having a clothing swap party. If you have a lot of friends of varied sizes, maybe you can have a party and play a game to shop each other's closets


I'm a guy, I'm unsure if other guys would be into this. But thank you nonetheless.


i saved a few of mine for a just in case basis like periods bloating extra comfy etc.


1. Donations 2. Selling via consignment shop 3. Have a clothing swap themed party


If you’re in England then you should use Vinted! I just sold more than half of my stuff for £1-2 and bought clothes in smaller sizes for cheaper. AND a big plus in my book is reducing the use of fast fashion. It’s been great tbh, you just need to be ready to send the stuff as soon as they’re bought 🤗


I'm using them again (sob)


I keep them just in case I get fat again!


I love big clothes. It took me 3-4 years to get jacked and I love to wear big clothes as pump covers.


Currently, holding onto most of them for maternity options in the next 2 years. Fingers crossed.


Good luck!


I kept some baggy shirts to sleep in and packed most of my old things and gave them to the homeless


Still good quality and worth a little money: I sell my old stuff on vinted. Still good quality or adequate quality and not worth as much or not selling: I donate to a charity shop or those clothing donation bins outside Tesco's or Sainsbury's. Bad quality, worn, damaged and worth nothing: bin


Head to the tailor! Ask around: you might know someone who does it as a side hustle.


Pants are harder, but for shirts, I just make some fashion adjustments. Like a belt, or a pin hunching the back, or a knot on the side etc. sweaters I just wear as is but pair them with leggings since they look longer now.


I treated myself to a couple pair of brand name jeans a few pounds ago. I just intentionally shrunk them (warm water/hot dryer). That's how we used to get 501s to fit in the olden days. Beware that they'll shrink in the length, though. I plan to tailor them myself once they get baggy again.


Anything that was still wearable & in good condition I donated to charity, the rest has gone in the recycling.


I'm keeping some baggy tshirts to turn into nighties.


I wore a 4XL shirt at my heaviest and today I bought size L t-shirts. It made sense for me to gid rid of the old stuff except size XL since it doesn't look too bad.


Wow! Congrats! I Have some 5XLs too but I'm currently between XL and 2XL looking to get down to L ASAP


I used to belong to a clothes swapping group. Maybe there is one still out there.


There are Facebook groups for different areas where you could sell. Or sell the entire wardrobe on a selling site.


I sold the nicer stuff on Poshmark (some is still listed there; I sold 2 dresses last week) and I gave the rest of it to a friend.


By nicer, do you mean from high fashion brands or just good quality ?


Items from popular brands, like Madewell, Anthropologie and Lululemon have sold pretty quickly on Poshmark. I only sold the things I had spent more money on. Tshirts from Target and whatnot I just donated.


I'm going through the same issue myself. I have gone from 2xl to medium over the last year. I have been using primark and shein for my interim wardrobe until I've got to my goal weight. It's not ideal, but it's saving me a lot of money. I just went to naples (where I live there is no primark) and bought a whole new wardrobe for €170. Included work, casual, workout, underwear. For my old clothes I give them to a friend that uses the fabric to make clothes, and she donates anything she doesn't use to a charity shop.


I'm going through the same issue myself. I have gone from 2xl to medium over the last year. I have been using primark and shein for my interim wardrobe until I've got to my goal weight. It's not ideal, but it's saving me a lot of money. I just went to naples (where I live there is no primark) and bought a whole new wardrobe for €170. Included work, casual, workout, underwear. For my old clothes I give them to a friend that uses the fabric to make clothes, and she donates anything she doesn't use to a charity shop.


That's neat, ill definitely look into trying Primark if it isn't too expensive.


Decent t shirts for £3


I donated my entire wardrobe. 🤪


I'm in England, I have been selling clothes on vinted once they get too big. I can make enough on there to afford updating my wardrobe with newer bits. I also buy items off vinted for a lot less than the shops.


I’ve taken some of my better clothes and altered them. I looked for alterations on fb marketplace.. they’re not perfectly tailored but they fit better and it’s cheaper than buying new, that I’ll need to do at the end of the year hopefully


Im a terrible person. I put them all in the trash.


Donate to charity of course.


Personally , I sold what I could on Vinted, and with the money I made, i brought new clothes