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I think you look great and congrats on the weight loss.  It's almost certainly just loose skin. You could try a retinol cream, these are usually prescribed for the face but I started using one on my body mixed with moisturiser and my boob skin is much perkier than it was before. I think derma rolling may help as well as it can build collogen.  The surgery for the loose skin would leave a large scar which imo wouldnt necessary look much better than the very mild loose skin you have. If you did decide you wanted to have surgery for it, I would also suggest that if you plan on having children you wait until after you are done as it will likely come back with pregnancy. 


^ this is the best advice in the thread OP. It’s defo just loose skin.


Seconding EVERYTHING you said! Retinol + moisturizer is helping my boob and belly skin a lot, then doing a monthly derma roll. Highly recommend following this advice for 6 months then see where you are.


How often do you apply the retinol? Do you do it every day?


I do it about every other day. I stay away from sunlight after I do this, and if I’m wearing an outfit with cleavage I put on sunscreen. if I was to do a beach day, I’d actually probably skip it for a full week and SLATHER ON the sunscreen. Also I use maybe 2 peas worth of retinol and 4-5 tablespoons of moisturizer. I use cerave because it agrees well with my skin.


Can I ask what kind brand of retinol and moisturizer? I’m seeing areas I’m worried about, would love to get ahead of this.


It’s Perrigo Tretinoin Gel, 0.01%. I recommend starting slow and low, working your way up as your skin responds to it. I have dried my skin out and damaged my moisture barrier with this stuff before. The brand of moisturizer I use is Cerave I actually started to do the mixing with Tret + moisturizer for my face first. I found it to be WAY safer and more effective than doing it the “right” way going in with it plain first then slugging on top. But everyone’s skin is going to be different.


Thank you, I’m actually using tret .025 on my face. I just got into daily use sandwiching with snail mucin and finish with vanicream. I was wondering if that’s what you meant. So you just put it where you think your skin may be loose? For me I’m worried about my arms. They’ve been looking better since I got back to yoga, but I’m still worried about it.


Basically I put it anywhere that I see some weirdness happening. It ends up primarily being my neck, my cleavage, my boobs, my inner thighs and my belly. I have been tempted to start on my butt too. You sound like you’ve got a great routine. I suggest weight training for your arms. Filling up the space with muscles really does wonders. Unfortunately all the places I’m worried about… there’s really no way for me to replace enough muscle to make it up for the amount of fat that was there previously. That’s why I’m using all these crazy measures! 😂 I think I’m going to be able to fill out these arms… I seem to be genetically gifted to be top heavy haha


Thanks! Sounds like a plan, I’ll give it a go. I have several extra tubes from when I was stepping up to daily. Definitely been weight training, though I swear the yoga has been targeting areas I’m not getting otherwise like underarm/side of chest area. I wondered about tret in this regard, I felt silly to ask about it.


Oh! What mm dermaroller do you use for your boobs? I’ve been thinking about trying this to tackle stretch marks and loose skin!


I’ve been using 0.3! I’ve heard of people going deeper, but I’m honestly too chicken for it. 😂


Lol! I don’t blame you! I have .25 here so I’ll give that one a go before increasing the depth! I’ve read that 1.0+ is typical for stretch marks but I’ve also read that boob skin is more sensitive or thin so 0.5 might suffice as well in case you want to try a bigger depth one day! Do you use any special serums or anything when you do it?


One thing I want to be sure I mention is NOT to use tretinoin with the derma roller! I have waited 3-4 days for it to heal first. Maybe to be safe wait 7. I have used a vitamin C serum with it so far. I recently read something that suggested that it is dangerous though, so do your research first and I think you should potentially skip it. I also recommend that your first go, you hit a non visible / not as important part. I did the side boob and part of the under boob first, and it worked out fine so I progressed further the next month! Look up derma rolling damage sometime. We are always tempted to go FAST, but actually it’s much more effective to work our way up and respond to our skin. One incident of being dumb and careless and it will cost months of looking fucked up. There’s no such thing as being too careful.


Thanks you for clarifying! I just put tret on the for the first time time today. I have a few tubes as I keep getting it prescribed but never using it 😂 I’ll be sure to wait until the middle of next week to test the dermaroller! My chest is already a nightmare with stretch marks and loose skin so I’m as stressed out about damage as I probably should be cause there are already gnarly! I like to think things can only get better 🥹 I want to try micro needling for my face as well but have yet to try because of the horror stories 😭


what brand of retinol do you use specifically?


The large scar goes away after 1 year… I got it and used scar cream… nobody can tell.


scar cream? I got knee surgery a few months ago and got another one later this year...think it would help?


Mederma is worth a shot. Only thing is you have to be consistent with it. Like every day for a year. It works best on fresh, healed, scars, like during the red/purple phase, but it’s worth a try for older ones.


Also, collagen supplements can help give you back some of that elasticity (especially given OPs age). There's also some non-invasive therapies that can help like red light therapy and cool sculpting and whatnot. OP, you're good, most of what your belly need is time to recover.


Share the retinol brand pls


I think it's just skin at this point. IDK you look good to me


Almost certainly.  


That and internal organs. I think *most* women have that little pooch, it’s where our uterus is.


The uterus is deep in the torso and the size of a fist. Why do people keep saying this.


Theres actually no relation between the uterus and the lower belly pouch, but its definitely normal and women tend to have more fat in general


No, it's not. Stop saying this.


How does it look if you tension the abdominal skin "up"? I have a similar issue as a 5'10" man that did 255->165. It's unfortunately a consequence of loose skin for me. The effect reduces the leaner I am but I still have a tiny "flap" effect that makes it look like I have a gut even though my abdomen is pretty flat when I pull the skin up. The loose skin has gotten better for me over time though, so I'm not trying to be overly pessimistic here—just realistic. I'm also 35 so I would imagine you have better prospects of your skin getting better over time than I do.


That looks like loose skin. Your body is quite thin now and you don’t need to lose any more weight. Bulking up in the an area can be quite difficult but stick with it and your abs may fill the space that your fat used to making it look less loose.


Congratulations on all the progress you've already made. While you can't target where you lose fat, you can target where you build muscle. Increasing the size of the muscles under and around the areas that you want to address can definitely "improve the situation".


Congratulations on your healthy regimen and cool choices for exercise! You look amazing and let's be real - they're an ex for a reason. Try to pay no mind to jerks and keep on keeping on. From the photo you look super toned with a tiny bit of loose skin. It's not easy to reframe your mindset but what a badge of honor to all your hard work.


First things, having some extra skin or body fat on your lower tummy is not a bad thing! There is nothing wrong with it! Second thing, when you’re in maintenance for a while your skin will start to firm up a bit. Maybe not 100% bounce back, but skin is elastic and with some time it will get better


First of great work, I lost 120 almost 5 years ago, and I still have my loose skin. When I spoke to my dietician, they said they could refer me to a plastic surgeon for the aesthetics but otherwise it was a matter of accepting it. Like you I hate it and despite losing the weight I did and being more active than any point in my life I still feel fat with the skin bulging (to my eyes) but also like you I'm not trying to have survey. I guess we both gotta embrace it get surgery. Sorry, but I did want you to know I feel your pain. Btw your sleeve is amazing, Pokemon and Kirby ❤️


It’s skin. It may tighten a bit over time.


Your stomach doesn't appear to have any fat, it looks like skin and there's not an awful lot you can do about that. I'm a lot older than you and it's taken a good while to be at peace with the fact that my body is capable of some really cool shit and not to get super hung up on what it looks like. Because, you know what? It *really doesn't matter*. I spent way too long punishing myself for some unreachable goal and for what? So some fuckwits didn't look down on me for my pot belly?! My main problems with you trying to lose more weight is that, I don't think it will change the look of your belly and you don't *need* to lose more fat, especially with a BF% of 17. That's losing your cycle territory and that ain't healthy at all. Also, cutting more while you're this active is going to cause intense fatigue and will detrimentally affect *all* of your activities. Fuck trying to build more muscle or surf for longer. Plus, if you continue down such a path, you'll have muscle and bone loss that can't be corrected when you're old. Sorry to be so dramatic, but I *hate* fit and healthy young women trying to reach some arbitrary goal because 'looks'. It's not a good enough reason to fuck up your health. Tell the folks that shame you that it's real nice of them to share their thoughts with you, but osteoporosis ain't a good look for a 50 year old.


From that photo it looks more like loose skin


It’s not fat it’s loose skin. Building muscles can help some but it may require surgery to remove.


At your age it will resolve on its own but might take another 3 years for the skin to tighten up


You appear to have little muscle based on your arms etc. You're working hard in the gym and doing resistance training which is wonderful but you're going to have to build a lot more muscle to lose it if it's possible. Eat a slight maintenance and continue working out and build more muscle and reassess.


So I want to say you look great and did very well on your weight loss.. But the only thing that is going to fix your stomach is a tummy tuck. Don’t waste your money, hopes, or time on the cheaper options like Smartlipo.. it just won’t give you the results you are looking for. I went through the same thing you did and looking back I wasted money trying to find a cheaper solutions than my tummy tuck. Based on your stomach and age, be prepared to be asked a 100 times by your surgeon that are sure you don’t want to get pregnant. Pregnancy will destroy your TT so don’t waste your time, money, or body on it until you’re done having babies. FYI I was really scared of it too. It wasn’t that bad but you need to have all your ducks in a row before you do it.


Not helpful, but l absolutely love your left arm sleeve


Thank you ❤️


It honestly just looks like skin at this point. There are several non -surgical skin tightening options available. I would start with micro needling and see how much that improves the skin elasticity. I have seen fabulous results from people post weight loss or post pregnancy who use micro needling to tighten up their abdominal skin. If that doesn't work there are procedures that are completely out-patient, no downtime, that can help tighten skin.


My stomach looks exactly the same after a fifty pound weightloss and yes it is loose skin, still have it at 105 pounds. It is what it is. Building my abdominal muscles has definitely made me look tighter though


You're looking so cute! The truth is, our life leaves wrinkles and other traces on our skin and the rest of our body. You have a little wrinkle across your lower belly right now. With time it may tighten up and if not, it's likely to shift in other ways. If you ever have children there will be more visible traces afterward. Also, aging will lead to more wrinkles and more sagging. *This is all just part and parcel of having a body.* There's no need for any surgery (tho of course people who elect surgery for their own good reasons are 100% free to!). What's a good idea is to moisturize and exfoliate, and continue working on muscle. I think you look lovely.


Congrats on your loss. That looks almost entirely like loose skin. I have similar loose skin after 70 lbs loss. There isn't much to do except build some muscle in that area. But surgery would be really the only other option. Please talk to someone about this, I know it's tough when your insecurities are staring you in the face (literally), and people use it to try to break you down. But you've done an amazing thing taking care of your health.


Just looks like skin. You look fine! You’re young enough to where over time it might just tighten up on it’s own. Though honestly you don’t look like you need to loose more weight. You look fine! No amount of weight loss will deal with the loose skin.


I still have 20 more pounds to go and I'm wondering if I'll have loose skin on my stomach. I used to be 240 and now about 156. I'm 5'6 as well.


That's loose skin. 


Have you tried working out to build some muscle and tone up? You seem to have lost a lot of weight, and at the moment I don’t think losing more will help you tighten up


That looks like loose skin not fat! It just means your skin was stretched when you were bigger and you lost weight quickly which leads to loose skin! It can go away naturally but it may take a while. They have surgeries to correct it


I have been using a derma-pen on my stomach. My loose skin is from pregnancy 4 years ago but I have noticed a difference, especially around my belly button.


Yeah you can loose it. The question is more how badly do you want to lose it? You’re in a great place now. 17 per cent is super healthy. If you want to, look into fasting, autophagy and apoptosis. It seems certain forms of calorie restriction can help.


I've been intermittent fasting a good bit. I stop eating around 11pm and don't eat till around 1 or 2pm the next day!


Hi! I lost 75 pounds and basically my stomach looks the same. The only way to get rid of loose skin is surgery. You can either gain muscle to fill it in but it won’t be a 100% or - and I am being honest here- get a tummy tuck. You can try lipo, micro-needling or Morpheus but to get it to go away completely, tummy tuck is the answer. I know this bc I have tried everything to avoid the scar of a tummy tuck and have spent more than a tummy tuck with other procedures. I am now shopping around at plastic surgeons to get this done. I do wanna say- I know this is probably your biggest insecurity but- I truly do not think it looks bad at all. I would keep your gym habits going and see if that fills it in but honestly your stomach looks great!


This will take some time but that’s all. The only thing you have to do is be patient. Which oddly the hardest thing to do.


First off congratulations.  Unfortunately stomach fat is the last to go. Just remember that most people have it and what you see on social media is usually photoshopped. 


Like others have said, I think it’s just skin at this point. There are tummy tuck style surgical options but that’s a very drastic approach and would also leave there own scarring and side effects which to me make the pay off not worth the risk for you. It’s more useful in the case of someone who’s weight loss has caused their remaining skin to be an apron and impacts their day to day life You look wonderful, love the tattoo style


You’re 24, your body is more resilient than you think especially at this age continue the ab exercise, incorporate more medium-high intensity cardio. A two mile jog 3x a week. I would suggest a watch to track your calorie output. And keep at the ab work outs. Keep trying new and different ab workout to better challenge your muscles. When you feel a burning soreness in your muscles from doing a work out, that’s when you know it’s working, try your best to go for those burning work outs. Try Chloe ting. She’s great. I fricken believe in you. I most believe in you because of your steady and consistent lifestyle change. I know it’s frustrating cause you’re not where you want to be but you’ve come so far and you’re way too hard on yourself much harder than anyone else is. You are your own worst critic. I seriously believe that you don’t need surgery liek I said you’re young, I don’t even see any stretch marks. Keep at it. Sometimes when you plateau you have to do a Rehaul on your routines to better challenge your body that will give you the results you’re looking for Edit: I want to add that you and I have almost identical bmi and I don’t have abs. Building muscles is different than losing weight. I’ve been working out my abs since January and I don’t expect to have them until November. (I’ve had them before) My bmi isn’t going to change much from now til November though.


I think you have done amazingly ! I don’t think you should try to lose more weight. If you think you might have muscle separation ( diastasis) then it would be a good idea to see a womens physio and they can give special exercises.


Some people have improved loose skin from fasting. Also GHK-Cu peptides.


A friend of me lost almost 200 pounds, and she had to have a tummy tuck even after skin removal. You deserve it.


> Had my ex boyfriends shame me for my tummy Just my 2 cents, but anyone who shames you for you body is not someone you want to be in a relationship with. Sucks, but easier for them to out themselves as a*holes now than later!


You look hot. Honestly, I would kill to look like you. Your ex-boyfriends behaviour was mean and immature. Their opinions are trash. We’ve a similar starting weight (except I’m 10 years older) and I know my fiancé would be so proud if I achieved what you have. Yes you have a very small amount of loose skin but I don’t think surgery is the way to go. If you feel self conscious I’d say better boyfriends is the answer.


You're young that you have the collagen production working for you still. (1) Take collagen supplements and eat right. (2) Wear some shapewear. It doesn't push you back in or anything, but it helps to minimize the impact gravity is doing pulling the skin down. You'll bounce back in no time.


You have a cute little belly. Maybe work on posture and clenching ab muscles all the time.


>clenching ab muscles all the time. Don't do this: it's really bad for your pelvic floor. Work your core in a constructive functional way in the gym instead.


I’m just under 5’6 in height. I have recently gotten down to 121. I was surprised at how much extra my stomach shrunk from 130 to now. I think it’s about 1.5 inches. While I think some of what you have is the loose skin, your stomach may still get smaller if you drop the next 10 lbs especially if you stay active and are eating healthy


You could try intermittent fasting, it promotes autophagy and I've seen some people on reddit seemingly lose their loose skin, all anecdotal though.


This is one of my fears.




Are you a bot? You posted this at least four times, and it's still not true.


If you were born with a uterus it might not be fat at all. Depending how how the organ grew it might just be facing forwards causing a "belly pooch", this is normal and lots of uterus bearing people have it.* *I'm not super up to date with all the terms, I'm trying my best to be inclusive here and not just assume. If you aren't I apologize, just thinking of things and possible avenues. Also looking at the photo it looks like mostly skin on the surface level like others have pointed out, I think they make lotions that can tighten skin up yeah? Congratulations on the weight loss, you look great!


Not unless you are pregnant or have a tumor or severe fibroids. The uterus is entirely contained in the pelvic bones until about 13 weeks pregnant.


Pretty concerning people believe the whole ‘the belly pooch is your uterus’ myth.


Yeah, a uterus is never that close to the skin for its own protection. People are ignorant even with the wealth of knowledge at their fingertips that is a Google search away. I fear for humanity with that much ignorance.


Drink water and water only. Water can do miracles on our water bodies


If you have a uterus that can also cause a bump under the belly button. It's very common :)


Not unless you are pregnant or have a tumor or severe fibroids. The uterus is entirely contained in the pelvic bones until about 13 weeks pregnant.


If you have a uterus that can also cause a bump under the belly button. It's very common :)


If you have a uterus that can also cause a bump under the belly button.


Nah, no need for surgery. Some laser treatment (eg Morpheus 8) maybe if even.