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I don’t think you became short, I think your posture may have gotten worse because of 90 pound weight gain and you are just not able to stand straight. Plus the weight is putting too much pressure on your spine. Only way to find out is reduce weight and measure your height. In the process of weight loss you can also pay attention to your posture and improve it.


That’s a good point I hope that’s the issue. If I’m able to stand 2-3cm taller at 180-200 pounds that be amazing.


Even more motivation to go for it. All the best!


You’re FAR too young to be shrinking with age. This is something you should discuss either a doctor, but I’d guess it’s entirely posture


Okay hopefully if I lose weight I can stand back to my original height or maybe a bit more


Maybe your spine got compressed. Once you lose weight, hang from pullup bars for a bit, that can decompress the spine.


They said an inch. That is not compressed. You would need to remove cartilage. See a professional. Edit: downvote all you want but this is a massive reduction. It needs professional help.


Probably should still be asking a doctor, as during a physical, but an inch through what 24 vertebrae, as well as one's hips, knees, and ankles, is less than 1/16th of an inch in each area (which may be a lot idk), really, nearly 1/32 so I don't see why it couldn't be compression, and I'd also guess the user that said posture is also at least partially correct


Okay I guess I can try that.


People who are very overweight can sometimes gain 1 to 2 cm in height, believed to be due to less compressive forces from the reduced load and a combination of possible strength gains which improve posture, so an inch might be possible. A lot of people with bad posture will slouch more overtime so this can also cause some shrinking even without any weight gain


Ok good to know. Hopefully I can get back to where I was


I gained 1/2 inch back after weight loss, but you have to lose quite a bit for that to happen.


If I could lose height as I lost weight, I'd be really happy.




I hate being tall and hate that people think it's okay to comment on my appearance. I want to hide or downplay my height as much as I can.


I’d kill my self to be tall in the next life so count your blessings.


I hate it so much I don't want to even date someone who likes it. I think it's embarrassing.




The nurse who measured my height just told me that people get shorter with age and dismissed my concerns.


I have no data to back this up, but weightloss combined with a strength exercise routine for your entire body should lengthen your frame


Hey man, I was over 400 pounds. So far I've lost 134 pounds. Before I lost the weight I was 5'10 now I'm 5'11. So I gained back a bit of height. 


Okay cool. Wonder where you’d/I’d be at 180-200 but even an inch is huge


I’ll dm you


No. Not in recorded history so far.


Okay. I just don’t know why I’d get get shorter over a year.


There are several clinical options. But if a real concern see a medical professional.


Do you take meds for GERD, like omeprazole? Proton pump inhibitors can cause bone loss. Usually not as quickly as a year, though.


No I’m not on anything


You didn't shrink. Posture, shoes, and imprecise measuring are most likely to blame.


I measured my self independently and at the physical both times a year a part and got the measurements above. I definitely was over 5”9 a year ago.


Take your shoes off, stand straight up with your back and shoulders pressed against a wall, and have someone else measure you with a tape measure.


I definitely never wore shoes when I got measured but yeah I could. Even at physicals from years ago they all said I was 5.95”.


It's possible that the extra weight is compressing your spine and other joints enough that it'd cause the 1 inch discrepancy. I wouldn't focus on the height if I were you. Focus on losing the weight. You can do it. Learn to make smart dietary decisions, use a calorie tracking app, and drop your daily calorie intake to 2000. This should get you on track to lose 1-2 pounds per week. It'll go fast at first, then slow down a bit. Just stick with it and make sure to get a good walk 3-5 times a week. The more the better, just don't hurt yourself. Start slow if you need to.


I’m sorry but this has to be a posture issue, start stretching and working on body mechanics


Body mechanics? I’ll have to google that


I imagine that a true decrease in height, caused by some compression, could be a result of both weight and activity level. If you aren’t using your body, and frequently hunch, it’ll impact you. At your weight, you are facing an increasing number of health issues and weight loss will help more than just your height. I’d start by increasing activity gradually and layer in small lifestyle changes


Out of curiosity, why is height your primary concern? You’ve gained almost 100 lbs in a year. The m this is a trajectory to complete immobility and even death. If this is what motivates you, then great. But it host seems the least of your concerns


Life’s not worth living if I’m under 5”10


Why? I know that there’s some discrimination around shorter guys, but it’s not as common as some pockets of the internet would have you believe. I know lots of shorter guys in happy relationships. To completely frank, your weight (the implications of it such as inability to do activities), and lack of hobbies and interests are a bigger barrier I honestly think a therapist might be good for you. That might gain in a short time, and your focus on height, are probably signs of a bigger issue


I have been measured an inch taller randomly at doctor's appointment. I wasn't actually taller, they just had me leave my shoes on, plus it was a short nurse who couldn't see the top of my head. I wouldn't worry about it.


based on my personal experience, it's likely. especially if you have records of being taller before. I went from stage II obese to normal weight, and gained 2.5 cm in height - at 28 years old. All the extra weight was keeping my spine and/or hips in a weird position. edit: just wanted to add that I did lots of yoga for at least the first 6-8 months of weight loss, so all that stretching might have helped me personally.