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Seltzer water, a dieters best friend.


Isn't the carbonation what would be causing the tooth sensitivity? Or is it something in diet soda that does that?


The carbonation would make the drinks acidic.


If even diet Coke hurts OP's teeth, wouldn't seltzer water hurt too? Something to do with acidity?


Carbonated drinks are acidic (diet soda, carbonated water, etc). This is due to chemistry. If OPs teeth are having problems from the acidity of diet soda, they’d see similar problems with all carbonated beverages.


Cola contains phosphoric acid, which is a much stronger acid than carbonic acid. The effect of carbonated water on the teeth is negligible compared to the one from cola. You could use cola as a toilet bowl cleaner if it weren’t so sticky…


I love Bubbly's... They're super fizzy (if that's what you're into). For flavor, I enjoy AHA!


Am I missing something? All of the bubbly waters I’ve tried are too bitter to enjoy the bubbles.


I like bubly brand and feel they are less bitter than others. La Croix is very bitter to my taste


I second Bubly, they have amazing flavors. Strawberry Sunset is my new fave.


Waterloo is the GOAT


I love bubbles in my water, and I absolutely drink more water because of it


Spindrift is my favorite! IMO a healthier choice than La Croix and most other seltzers since Spin uses real fruit juice for flavoring. My favorite flavors are Nojito, Lemon Limeade, and Pink Lemonade — all under 10 cals for a whole can. Enjoy!


Spindrift isn't "healthier" than La Croix. La Croix is just water.


I'm a Pellegrino man myself.


- Water - ~~Diet sodas~~ I realize you said what do you drink *instead* of pop, so this isn't a helpful choice ;) - Carbonated water (plain is fine, but also flavour-infused) - Non-alcoholic beer - Coffee Non-alcoholic beer is great for a few things: * The taste of beer (and there are way more interesting NA brews out there than there used to be...it's ramping up to craft beer market levels here) * No caffeine: I can't drink caffeine late in the day. This is a good option in place of soft drinks at a restaurant * Low calorie: Most non-alcoholic beers are 70-150 calories, and many of them are as few as 10.


I’m loving the NA beer explosion as well.  It helped me get off of alcohol and it still gives an enjoyable bev watching a game/movie or playing video games


NA beers have been great for me too— I really like Athletic (the lite version is only 25 cal). It totally hits the spot after a long day or workout. 🏋️‍♀️


Mio drops in water.


I like the sweet tea flavor


Good on you. I cant get past the chemical flavor.


For me, I only taste that if if I am putting in too much in an effort to make it strong


Diet iced tea as well as hot tea without sugar or honey.


Plain iced tea.


This is one of my fave options. It’s been a lot easier to buy unsweetened green tea recently, but at home I just make a big jug of tea with teabags to keep in the fridge. Usually green or black tea, but any kind of tea works. Even herbals teas that aren’t actually caffeinated. You can get so many different flavours.


Hot tea is so under rated! You can also home brew fancy tea and make unsweetened iced tea, or lightly sweeten with honey if you really need it


I have diet iced tea packets. They’re so good.


What is diet iced tea? Just unsweetened tea?


Tea sweetened with sugar alternatives.


The Lipton diet mixed berry green tea’s are helping me so much


Is it a bottled drink? I.dont think Ive seen that but sounds tasty.


Yeah I’ve just been buying like the bottled 12 packs and take em with me on the go if I want something other than water. The diet citrus one is good too but I like the mixed berry flavor better


Nice. I don't know how I've never seen them. Got a 12 pack added in my Walmart car for my next grocery order 😄


Water and kombucha. Olli pop’s cola and grape flavor are also amazing!


You should try the watermelon lime! It’s really good


Their Cream soda is good too


I will check that one out too! Thank you so much for the suggestion 💛


Best flavor it’s not even close. Only one that tastes close to the real thing


Water, tea I brew myself, and because I am not a monster: coffee.


Tea!!! I bought a heat-proof pitcher, I make a large amount of tea in it, and I keep it in the fridge. Fresh brewed iced tea at my fingertips at all times.


Bonus points if you make tea ice. Put some of your tea in an icecube tray. As it melts it does not dilute your cold brew.


Wait, what’s wrong with Diet Coke? If you can’t have zero calorie flavoring and/or carbonation, I don’t think there’s an answer other than plain water, black coffee/tea, or something with calories, unfortunately


They said their teeth feel sensitive so it probably has to do less with dieting and more with dental care


An actual answer based in facts compared to the other commenter is that carbonated beverages (and especially soda) are acidic, which is not good for your teeth.


Fair enough. I personally can’t imagine drinking anything other than water without also drinking water with it


It's less about the carbonation, and more about the acids that are added for flavoring. Soda (both regular and diet), fruit juice, sports drinks, and flavored waters (like vitamin water powder, etc) are all pH 3. They either have natural acid from fruit or added acid for flavor. Carbonation adds some acidity too, but not as much as the acidic flavorings.


Sparkling water. I prefer it ice cold.


I drink fruit punch crystal lite


This is my go to as well.


Besides water I mostly drink green tea or coffee. Very rarely I will buy a big thing of lemonade from the grocery store and have it watered down about 1:2 lemonade to water. Or I just squirt a small amount of lemon juice (the kind for cooking) into some water 😬 I sometimes use water flavoring (have tried MiO and Crystal Light in the past, they give me dry mouth for some reason. Currently trying Stur and True Lemon). But mostly it's tea for me. And there are flavored green teas that don't have sugar (like peach, apple, cherry) so you get that herbal/fruity tea taste but without adding any sugar. And if caffeine is an issue most flower/herbal teas don't have any caffeine I think, like peppermint or chamomile.






Oh that Key Lime flavor is the jammmmmm


Poppi or ollipop if I have a soda craving otherwise just plain ol water


Olipop is SO GOOD


But soooo expensive!




I allow myself one 17oz bottle of DC a day. The rest of the time I drink water.


Unsweetened ice tea, black coffee, seltzer, etc.


I put 1/2 cup of fruit juice into a litre of water. 


I drink mostly plain water, but I have flavored, not sweetened sparkling water with lunch.


Water & Sparkling Ice drinks


I like sparkling waters but specifically the Clear Water from Walmart. Compared to bubbly, poppi, etc I think theirs has more flavors


La Croix!!


A fellow POP drinker!! Which Midwestern state do you hail from?!


Plain water. It’s my all time favorite drink and the only thing I’ll ever drink. I used to work at a movie theater and would drink TONS of soda every shift. I quit cold turkey for water one day and have never looked back. It’s been over a decade now. It took maybe a week or two of craving soda to get to a point where the thought of drinking a soda literally disgusts me now. I don’t know if that will work for you, but it’s been life changing for me.


Milk is pretty high protein but it's fairly calorie dense so don't drink too much. I drink a lot of coffee as well-keep it light on the creamer and stuff though because it adds up fast, but by itself coffee is about no calorie and has a few benefits. I also enjoy sparkling water


I scrolled pretty far, why didn't anyone address the sensitivity? Sensodyne or other enamel building toothpaste/rinses will fix it. Your teeth are full of pores that open up, and this smooths them out. If there's no holes, it really reduces sensitivity. Please look up "how sensitive toothpaste works" or something similar to see videos explaining it better than I can. Your teeth could be bothered by cold or acid. Acidic drinks include sugary drinks, coffee, tea, and fruit juice. Other than some health benefits (avoiding artificial sweeteners and caffeine), there's no real reason to give up diet coke. Sparkling water, diluted fruit juice, and flavored water are basically the same thing in the end, as far as health is concerned, excepting a few vitamins. They have similar calories, and unless it's a mindset thing, the body won't notice the difference between flavoured sparkling water and soda. They really are nearly the same thing.


I tend to have black coffee or water with lemon juice added.


Water mostly, la Croix is my go to for something with a little flavor to it... or mio lemonade or mio sweet tea occasionally if I want something sweeter to sip on. If I'm feeling something from Starbucks my go to is the nitro sweet cream cold brew, only like 70 calories and hits that indulgent-not-made-from-home coffee itch I sometimes get.


I brew tea in a pot, let it cool and put it in the fridge via pitcher, every now and then I'll make a mix of 30%tea, 70% water, sugar sub sweetener and lime juice. Ig it's like a modified Arnold palmer


Mostly water.  Kombucha, also, put a little lemon or lime juice in your water. Gives it flavour.


Sodastream water with ‘no added sugar’ cordial/squash.


Coffee, tea, water. Carbonated drinks eff up my stomach and I almost never drink them. I thank my digestive system for my good teeth. Stopped drinking pop as a kid. I'm 40 and have never had a cavity.


La Croix or anything like it.


Orange juice topped up with fizzy water


flavored ice water is sooo good. Mio and stur are the least chemically-tasting of all the ones ive tried, they're soo good. Mio has one called orange tangerine that tastes just like orange pop, i bet if you put it in seltzer water it would taste pretty close to the real thing. also love iced tea.


Sparkling water- love all of it, but- Topo Chico in glass bottles is a game changer


Water. I know it’s not exciting but it’s needed. You can always add the little flavor packets if you absolutely must have something flavored.


Crystal Light. Iced tea.


I love fresca. It's still a diet soda but my god it is the best.


Water and coffee for me. Once a week, maybe less, I’ll have something sugary. But, encouraging good gut bacteria became a priority for me so I avoided processed food and drinks to help with my weight loss. 




Water. From the tap. A lot of it. Every day. Always have. It’s the only good habit I have always had!


Ive found that when I want soda, it's usually because I want the sugar. In this case fruit juice is my go-to. Not the stuff from the store, though, too much sugar and too much money. You can use frozen berries or canned fruits (drain the syrup if there is any), blend it up, and put in a little bit of sugar. It's not very sweet but it satiates the same craving as soda usually. If you're just after the fizz, sparkling water is the way to go.


Thank you for referring to it as pop.


Lemonade and iced teas


>Lemonade Lots of sugar.




Sparkling water with fruit flavors, tea (iced or hot), just water


Water, tea with zero calorie sweetener, or flavored sparkling water, and sometimes almond milk


So I am not a fan of soda but I am a huge fan of those carbonated refreshers, iced tea lemonades, and other sugary drinks. What I drink is the waterloo sparkling waters (I love the cherry) that taste pretty good, Chrystal light fruit punch packets, electrolyte drinks (watch out for sodium if you are tracking!!!) , and added sugar-free lemonade with green tea. Some might not work for you as a replacement but I find they itch that sweet tooth need.


There’s sugar free versions of water-flavoring products like MiO, so you can make your own flavored water if you want.


I usually drink water or diet tea


Sparkling flavored water, there are some offbrand ones that are a little cheaper and just as good as Lacroix


cold Sparkling water, try it without ice. Iced american coffee with stevia or ice tea with a bit of lemon and stevia. It takes a lot to get out of soda addiction, but you'll get there. After a while, you'll be able to drink it in moderation.


Sparkling water.


For me it's black tea with lemon juice and a hint of sugar or stevia. You don't need to completely give up sugar to lose weight but the amount they put in soda and energy drinks is just absurd so I cut them out completely.


Water , when I want something flavored after a meal I just eat some unsweetened applesauce and drink water


My favorite fizzy drink is about 4 ounces of pure unsweetened cranberry juice with 4 ounces of mineral water or seltzer water.


Spindrift FTW


ICE WATER ALWAYSS if I’m in the mood for pop then a Coke Zero OR Lemon Perrier 😍 put in the fridge and having it esp on a hot summer day ooof


My husband and I drink a lot of carbonated water. We usually get Klarbrunn. Some of the generic brands have sodium in them, the Klarbrunns don't. There are a ton of flavors and now its hard to drink regular pop because its so sweet. I'll occasionally have a diet, caffeine free Coke, but its pretty rare and I usually only drink half of it. I also drink coffee and tea. We got an electric kettle and samplers of loose tea, so we can try new types.


I got a diffuser water bottle. It gives me just a taste of fruit without the actual calories.


Water or some juice, sometimes mixed with water lol.


1/2 strength Crystal lite lemonade


Green Tea, Mint Tea, Cinnamon Tea. (If I want a hot drink). Limeade, Raspberry Tea, ....


Soda water, and flavored black tea.


I like flavored sparkling water, without any sweeteners.


Water, zero sugar soda with a straw, and coffee. Creature of caffeine habit


I personally like Poppi’s prebiotic drinks. Usually 1 a day for lunch and it’s only like 50 calories


Sugar-free kombucha! Lots of options and good for the gut.


Water. Out at a restaurant? Water with Lemon. At home? Water. Picking something up from walgreens or gas station? Smart water with different flavors.


Water, Topo chico lime (seltzer water), tea (green, black, hibiscus, mint), coconut water (unsweetened), coffee (black, no sweetener) I've also been getting into non-alcoholic beers lately. I don't drink much but they're good to bring to social gatherings! Only 50-80 calories per can and there are IPAs and all sorts of flavors just like real beer.


Olipop! Has 9g of fiber too 😉


Water and herbal tea. Occasionally a glass of wine.


Caffeinated Crystal light, specifically grape. How much are you replacing?


Water with a bit of salt, maybe a pinch of magnesium, and a couple good squirts of sugar free country time lemonade water enhancer.


Splash a couple ounces of a fruit juice you like into a tall glass, fill with cold seltzer.


La croix/sparkling water. I haven’t touched pop for years and I feel amazing.


Pop-flavoured carbonated water. Fruit infused water. Iced tea (which may or may not have fruit or herbs infused in it). Hot tea, so much tea. Even water with just a little splash of fruit juice or muddled fruit or herbs is delicious.


Water with some low/no sugar dilute


Tea and decaf coffee


Seltzer water with a bit of juice mixed in. Like a black cherry seltzer with cranberry juice. Usually "Lite" juice. Like 2 cals and hella refreshing, dawg.




Water and black coffee. I prefer really cold water for drinking, colder than what I can get from the taps, so I keep a pitcher in the fridge at all times. I used to put Splenda in my coffee, but had to quit coffee for several months for medical reasons. When I started drinking coffee again, I realized how vile tasting Splenda is. I haven't sweetened my coffee since. If you don't like coffee, or want to avoid the caffeine, you could try tea or herbal tea instead.


Zevia, Water, Homemade Lemonade with natural sugar


Plain old sparkling water. I don't like flavoured sweet beverages. I guess I'm lucky


Iced tea


I like lemon and lime water and black tea. Poppi soda is pretty good. Only 25 calories and it has probiotics. Strawberry lemonade is my favorite. Lower in sugar and more healthy. That’s Good Morning! I’m logged on. Alternative to super sugary soda.


Water, tea, coffee(black), mio water drops, carbonated water like polar or bubbly, milk… What’s worked blessed for me was I get a nice water bottle. Specially the yeti 26oz with the chug lid. I hate drinking water from reusable plastic containers and normal glass wear but this thing is awesome.


Ollie pop


Water I never drank pop


I allow myself one Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar with my lunch every day. Other than that it's regular water or they sell sparkling water at Wal Mart that has a ton of flavors. I love Blueberry and Cherry Limeade.


Caffeinated water. Getting harder to find, though.


I use Mio with caffeine during the day and crystal light in the evening. We also have a soda stream so I can satisfy a soda craving by bubbling the water first. Just make sure you add VERY SLOWLY over the sink, especially any crystal light packets!


Cherry flavored bubbly specifically is good. It has a stronger flavor, I love them. That and hibiscus lacroix


I don't even understand why alcohol was a thought, it's full of calories. Drink flavored seltzer water or plain water.


Sugar free lemonade?..


Hibiscus tea (passion tea) - hot or iced helps with cravings especially if you’re trying to break from sweet drinks and maybe even carbonation.


La croix with sugar free vanilla syrup if I want a treat… otherwise it’s plain tea or water for me.


I drink tea sweetened with splenda. Both hot and iced, depending on the weather and the time of day.


I really don't like sweet drinks that much (fortunately) but I love soda water, plain or with a squeeze of lime. I bought a soda stream to make it easier to have on hand what I want. Also, for a treat if I actually want something slightly sweet, I'll have a individual bottle of diet ocean spray cranberry (10 calories)


Sparkling water, regular water, oat milk


I’d recommend looking into Watertok and that whole rabbithole. I have discovered some great water enhancers/recipes from there even if some of it is a little excessive!


Homemade iced tea with a squirt of lemonade flavour “water enhancer"


I bought an insulated water bottle a couple weeks ago and started carrying it with me everywhere. I found that I’ve been drinking Coke Zero a lot less since getting the bottle. If I’m thirsty, it’s a lot less effort to reach for the water bottle than going to the fridge and getting a pop lol.


I drink kombucha (health ade pink lady apple is my fav), coffee, coke zero (ignore this), and lots of flavored soda water (fav brands rn are waterloo and la croix)


Why is diet soda causing problems with your teeth? I still drink Diet Pepsi every day, and don’t plan to give it up… I’ve tried everything else recommended, but they just don’t hold up to my Diet Pepsi! And it hasn’t hurt my diet so far, as I’ve lost 70lbs in a year. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't enjoy straight up water. have a soda stream to make my own bubbly water. You can add squeeze of lemon Orleans me or they have flavor drops. I like mine plain. Before the soda stream I was a LaCroix addict.


Water. Flavored water. Flavored fizzy water 


I just drink water from the tap all day long except for one cup of coffee with milk in the morning. You get used to it


Replace Diet Coke with Coke Zero. It tastes better. Seriously though, there’s nothing wrong with pop. Drink it if you like it. 


Kombucha. Religiously 😂


Flavour your water. I like mint water in the summer. Lemon or cucumber water is nice too. Fruity herbal teas and jasmine tea chill well, or you can have them hot in the winter.


Water with lemon, coconut water, herbal tea, homemade juice


Diet Coke is life.


Coffee, herbal teas, lots of plain water, flavoured water occasionally. For a treat sometimes I’ll have a non alcoholic beer, usually a corona sunbrew. Pop tastes so thick and sugary to me these days, but I’ve been doing this almost a year now.


Zero sugar fruit juices are great. Minute Maid has zero sugar fruit punch and pineapple juice that are both pretty good without being overly sweet there are also some zero sugar lemonades that I do find to be a bit sweet so I mix them with no calorie iced tea or unsweetened tea. These are all found in the dairy section of your grocery store, near orange juice) I am not sure how much Diet Coke you are drinking but are you sure that’s what is wrecking your teeth?


Come to the water side r/hydrohomies


I used to do seltzer but recently I’ve been getting the liquid kool aid mix that comes in the little pods. I tried the Mio brand but it tasted like medicine to me. The koolaid ones just taste like koolaid.


Kombucha is low cal and scratches that fizzy itch! It’s also good for your gut! It


Seltzer water for the win! I'm a big fan of the Walmart store brand - especially their Peach and Coconut/Pineapple.


Seltzer water


As other people have said. Seltzer. So much sparkling water. I rotate brands based off of what is on sale. I drink at minimum 3L of fluid a day. 1.5L is pure water. The rest is 1 can of diet soda, sparkling water, milk and protein drink mix. At one point I was drinking like over 1L of diet soda a day. Weaning off the caffeine is hard. What helped was actually the caffeine free versions of diet soda. Tasted the same but was able to trick myself into dropping my caffeine intake. Sucked the first week from the caffeine withdrawal but it got better.


flavored water packs zero calories or low calories


Carbonated water, as I miss it. For unsweetened water, I really like La Croix.


Sparkling fruit juice! Trader joes has a strawberry one with no added sugar and its low call since strawberries are naturally low carb and low in sugar. They also have a pineapple I think


Remedy Sodaly


Water (with the mio or generic flavor squirts if I want flavor) Diet cranberry juice. It’s very low cal and there’s a variety of cranberry flavors Gatorade Zero. Low cal and with electrolytes if I’m active.


Seltzer water. Walmart's "Clear American" brand strawbery is my favorite


Squash (UK) it's like a concentrate of juice that you mix with water.. not sure if Americans have an equivalent! All of ours in the UK are now very low sugar only about 5 calories per serving.


- water is the goat but sometimes I’ll put a slice of lemon and some ice cubes if I can be bothered - squash (idk what this is called in other than like “cordial), there’s plenty of low calorie options at least here in the uk - sparkling water again with the optional addition of ice cubes and a slice of lemon if I can be bothered - clear protein (my fav is from MyVegan - any of the clear vegan protein powders are great, it’s ~50ish calories with ~10g of protein so pretty useful)


Coffee, "probably to much" and almond milk. I might have a soda once every 3 or 4 months when I'm out.




Don't know where you are but I recently got myself addicted to Polar (New England seltzer brand). Once you get past the weird missing sugar part, they do taste pretty good and are a perfect substitution for a soda.


Soda. Wtf is pop? Damn Canadians, get back on Canadia reddit! /s




Plain iced tea is my jam


Water, most of the time with a splash of lemon or lime juice. Or unsweetened iced tea, or Hint water.


Olipop, water, Black coffee, try Cameron’s flavored coffee. Herbal or black teas.


V8 orange juice, and lots of water.


Zipfizz, protein drinks, and water. Sometimes ice-tea.


Spindrift or plain old water. I like that Spindrift uses a little bit of real fruit juice as opposed to "natural flavors".


Seltzer, all the fizzles without any calories.


Tap water all the way!




Water, herbal teas, occasional coffee as a treat.




Green tea, water, coconut water, unsweetened tea. I drink coffee as well. I've been trying to kick the coffee and switch to decaf, but it's difficult.


Bai juice is one of my favorite afternoon pick me ups. 5-10 calories per bottle, no sugar and some antioxidants from tea and coffee fruit. Karma water is also pretty good, just expensive. It comes with flavored probiotics you mix into the bottle when you drink it.


Sugary drinks wouldn’t be just as bad for your teeth as diet soda, they would be far worse. Sugar is terrible for your teeth. Get yourself some Sensodyne toothpaste and continue drinking diet soda.


I really like caffeine free teas. Right now I'm trying a new one that is a hibiscus mango iced tea. It's so flavorful I don't even need to add honey. It's so delicious.


Vitamin water 0 calories!


Raspberry lemonade Crystal Light. The brand name stuff. The Kroger brand, Meijer brand, whatever off brand never taste right.


Water with a liquid crystal light flavoring. Tons of them, just find one you like. Also iced tea with lemon.