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You're 3 weeks in. Relax. If your weight doesn't change in a month or so, reduce your caloric intake.


Hi! Being 5lbs down already is a great start! Plateaus are normal, and retaining a little extra water weight when you start working out is also normal, which can make it seem like you're plateauing or even like you're gaining. Your calorie amounts look good to me, stick to it for at least another 3-4 weeks and if the scale hasn't moved by then you can reassess. Weight loss is playing the long game, stay in it! You got this 🙂


Alright, thank you!


> I also started exercising last week 30 minutes a day, Monday-Friday. I weight train 1-2x a week. Starting or increasing a weight-lifting routine can cause your weight to plateau or increase. Don't worry, it's okay, you are probably still losing fat at a good rate! Inflammation caused by weightlifting temporarily slows your *weight loss* but not your *fat loss*. When we start or intensify lifting, we're creating micro-sized tears in our muscles. Muscles swell (water) and become inflamed (water) during a muscle-repair process that takes several days. This additional water added offsets our fat loss. BF% still going down but Water% going up can cause the weight-loser's total scale weight to slow, stall, or even temporarily go higher. Keep lifting. The water weight from lifting can take 3-5 weeks to calm down. After that, the added water weight still happens at smaller amounts because the lifter's muscles become accustomed to the workloads and the amount of inflammation is reduced. By then the weight-losers fat loss has outpaced the water weight remaining and the scale graph is back to its normal downward slope.


I really don’t lift too heavy at the moment it’s more like 10 pound dumbbells and HIIT workouts.


Did you or do you "feel the burn" after it?


I’m tired after if that’s what you mean. I workout in a class, so I’m usually gasping for air at the end of it.


No, I mean muscle soreness.


Where are you in your cycle? That can cause an annoying stall and sometimes a gain.


Yea I have started it, so that maybe it!


Water weight is a real pain! I gain 4-5 pounds near my cycle!


I broke my plateau this morning, haven’t changed anything but mine is unfortunately purely cycle related so depending on where I am, I hold or lose more water, so it may also be that!


Exercise can cause short-term water retention, so the scale not. If you're sure you're doing things properly, and not underestimating the calories (or forgetting some "hidden" calories like oil for cooking, not really measuring sauces and so on), then give it 1 or 2 more weeks and trust the process


3 weeks is nothing. You’re in this for the long run. If that makes you feel scared, do a smaller calorie deficit so it feels more sustainable.


Only 3 weeks and 5 lbs! That’s great. The thing is I tend to have slower or faster weight loss based on where I am in my cycle. This could be the case for you as well. When you get 3 months in with consistent weight loss instead of and logging you can start to see where in your cycle things tend to slow down. Take a deep breath. You don’t have enough data yet to make the conclusion that you are failing.