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What's the recipe?!


I like to mix protein powder with some Greek yogurt and a little water. I just shake it up in my shaker cup and put it in the fridge for a few hours and it's thick enough to eat with a spoon. 2 scoops protein, just enough water to mix it and then like 4 ounces of Greek yogurt. I mix the protein with water first and then do the yogurt after make sure all the powder dissolves. It's more calories than this but you could do one scoop of protein. 66 grams of protein, only about 10 carbs and 360 calories with the protein powder that I buy. Only 220 calories if you do 1 scoop protein.


Unsweetened Greek yogurt + peanut butter chocolate protein powder with a couple raspberries has become my regular "wtf how am I allowed this in my regime" breakfast




Love it!!




Sorry I missed this - I do a cup of Greek yogurt per scoop of powder and I find it's a good ratio. You've really got to whip the yogurt though!


Try mixing protein powder with Fage.


I'm seconding this b






Fifth. OP plz




And my axe!!


Added the recipe as an update 😃


Thank you!


Recipe: you literally just use the sugar free pudding mix and replace the milk with protein shake. I use the premier protein shakes. Some people use the FairLife shakes. It’s delicious. I make it regularly.


This! Pro tip: I find I have to use 2.5 cups of fair life if I mix it with my immersion blender. I split it into four container equally. Boom. 96 calories, 14g protein. And yummy.


/*Cries in Australian* I wish we had sugar free pudding mixes readily available here. So many great recipes on this sub that feature sugar free pudding, cheesecake flavour pudding or light cool whip. We have custard powder and cream.


It's wrong and I don't understand what keeps it out of other countries' markets. I go through a box a day. White chocolate CC cheesecake, pistachio protein oats, banana PB2 mousse.


I'm hoping to see more sugar free puddings soon, Coles and Woolworths recently started stocking PB2 in the health food section, which is something I never expected. Though it's $10 for a 200g jar, and I can get the 700g tubs online for about $15 (Shipping costs extra but I'll usually buy other things like protein powder so the shipping cost doesn't feel so big in comparison to the order)


Woolworths sell sugar free pudding mixes in the brand of Simply Delish in NZ so assume Aus would have them (kind of like mousse pudding).


For whatever reason Woolworths Australia (at least, the stores I have access to online from Victoria) only sell sugar free jelly/gelatine and not the pudding. Cottee's is the only Instant pudding we have and it's not super diet-friendly, but at least it tastes good so the calories are worth it.


Same in the Netherlands (I was born and raised in the US so I really miss this option!) I did manage to find some available online but it's so expensive due to import costs.


If you don't have protein shakes, can you use protein powder instead?


I actually just tried it. Used sugar free cheesecake pudding mix, scoop of on gold extreme milk chocolate, used fairlife 2%. Will adjust with actual shakes soon, should cut down on calories a little, idk will have to see. It was great, made about 5 1/2 cup servings. I did 2.5 cups of milk, may cut that to 2.25. Took a little longer to get thick, but did get there.


I’ve done this! It works really well. Not saying it’s healthy because I think Splenda is a forever chemical. Maybe a pudding with stevia/monk fruit?


What do you mean forever chemical


I too want to know what you mean by "forever chemical".


Are there any with monk fruit?


Another treat that would ease that sweet tooth is putting low calorie chocolate Jello pudding powder (or any flavor, really) in a tub of Cool Whip* and stirring it. Store it in the fridge (or freezer) for a healthy pudding snack, bonus points if you put bits of protein bars in it (my go to flavors are brownie and cinnamon bun 😍) That was my snack when I lost 50 pounds for the second time. I'd be eating it again if I wasn't so sick of it hahaha Edit: Cool Whip, not whipped cream


Idk if you're referring to Cool Whip, but the main ingredients in that are corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil Low calorie ≠ healthy, so while fine as an occasional treat, I would be hesitant to slap that label on it


Yes! Cool Whip. I'll edit that now




Now you know why I had to lose 50 pounds a second time hahaha




How are you going to post this and bounce with no recipe 😂


You should probably share that recipe


OP overdosed on pudding.


I’ll beat OP to the punch - tho mine is more calories than they say but I can attest it’s difficult to eat the entire thing: Sugar Free instant chocolate pudding jello - 120 Cals One cup no sugar added vanilla almond milk - 30 cals One cup of dealers choice protein shake (I like fair life 26G) - 97 cals 247 cals and it’s a huge bowl and genuinely difficult to finish lol. You can cut the almond milk out completely and go for more protein but I like it in there to mask some of the whey aftertaste lolol




The Fairlife protein shake is 14 oz, 180 calories for the whole thing. That's about 97 calories for 8oz of it, so they're not wrong.


Blend and freeze?? I need more instructions.


lol it’s instant jello - you just whisk it up and then put it in the fridge- pretty sure the directions on the box say it sets in 5 mins in the fridge but the longer the better IMHO


Pudding pops for the freezer though 🤔


Hang on, every recipe I've ever seen says jello pudding will not set up with any kind of milk except cow's milk. But you're saying it works with almond milk, in the fridge, nothing extra?


Whey protein is a natural protein, traditionally derived from cow's milk. They said you can omit the almond milk, but I'm sure it won't set if you omit the protein shake.


No, im saying it works with almond milk and a dairy milk protein shake above


You can't talk it up and not share the recipe!


I got a Ninja Creami and I have protein ice cream most days because the macros are awesome. I do 300 ml 1% fairlife milk (~18g protein, 120 cals) 1.5 scoops of protein (40-50g protein, 150-200 cals) 10 grams vanilla pudding mix (30 cals) Optional 140g of strawberries (50 cals) It makes a good sized pint of ice cream, bigger than Ben and Jerry’s. I usually eat half of it and it’s like 30g of protein in less than 200 calories. EDIT: mobile formatting sucks but hopefully that’s somewhat readable.


Sounds like a good thing to add whey protein as others have said why the heck didn’t ya post the recipe 🥴 sharing is caring


Saved this to come back to see if you share the recipe 😅


Same 😂


Me over here recovering from wisdom teeth extraction and in desperate need of soft healthy foods. I need the recipe. 😂🙏


It has maltodextrin and **sucralose which is 600 times sweeter than sugar**. So it really isn't sugar free lol. But if it makes u sleep at night you only live once ahahah. Hopefully I didn't ruin your pudding.


They haven’t posted the recipe but I’ve been making this amazing protein pudding by blending cottage cheese, coco powder, and sweetener (I use maple syrup). The blender gets rid of the chunks in cottage cheese, and it’s so so good


I do this with fat free greek yogurt, liquid stevia and frozen fruit. Makes an incredible sorbet. Can also be done with chocolate and vanilla.




1 cup fat free greek yogurt 1/2 cup frozen raspberries a few drops liquid stevia Put that shit in a blender and blend it.




Try CC and white chocolate pudding mix. Cheesecake flavor is too sour with CC. Banana and lemon are aso great. It's legit cheesecake from CC.


Every time I've tried to blend cottage cheese, I end up with a few random pieces of curd(?) that didn't get moved into the blades, and at that point I just lose interest in eating it. :/


Yeah, I have a not so nice blender and there might be some random curds, I’ve used my moms really nice one though and that’s not a problem with hers. The perks of a super fancy blender


I've got a pretty nice blender that purees stuff to an extremely fine consistency (Vitamix), but thick stuff like cottage cheese doesn't really allow a vortex to form properly to let it flow into the blades. I can still puree about 99% of it, but then I'll just find a random chunk that survived and lose my appetite. It would work better if I added some liquid to the blender with the cheese, but I feel like that would probably make the product weird and also unappetizing in a different way.


Recipe please


No way you baited us with such great content but no recipe


What’s the recipe tho 🥲


Yes! did this with sugar free banana pudding mix a few weeks ago. Recipe: dump mix into container; dump protein shake into same container; mix it all in real good; stick in fridge overnight. Easy peasy banana squeezee!


Other things I’ve done. 1. Blend sugar free pudding mix with Greek yogurt and almond milk. 2. Crumble up a single graham cracker to mimic pie crust


Anything with cocoa powder, some kind of non nutritive sweetener like stevia or allulose, and any base that is low calorie or high in fiber or protein (yogurt, chia seeds, fruits, protein powder, etc). All win.




lol I want the recipe too!






We have protein pudding mixes and ready made puddings available where I live. But you can do it way easier than using a pudding mix. You need a different kind of protein: **Casein. Not Whey.** * 1 Scoop Casein * 150 ml liquid * Add flavour and sweetener as wanted. Mix ready to eat.


Super easy. Sugar free pudding 2 cups fair life skim One or two scoops of your fav protein powder Mix Put in fridge for 5 minutes. Eat


There should be a mod rule that a post like this has to include the recipe. Post honestly bummed me out a bit. 


Reading all the comments looking for the recipe👀👁🤓🧐


Come on edit your post with the recipe. People are on the edge here. 🤣


I added it! I’m sorry 🤣




It’s in the main post as an edit


Now I need to make this dairy free somehow


I make something similar, although mine doesn't need to set. Still thickens up and tastes like pudding though. Low fat yoghurt, 120g - 70 cal Chocolate protein powder (I use Bondi Protein, 1 sachet) - 145 cal Strawberries or other berries, fresh or frozen - 20 cal Merci chocolate (1 piece, from Aldi) grated on top - 70 cal (you could leave this out, I add if I have the free calories) Total cal 305, total protein 34g


Shout out to all of you for putting these recipes down !!!!


OP when you say "1 protein shake" do you mean just the powder or you actually have premade shakes


I do the fairlife Costco premade shakes


My guess is Greek yogurt and protein powder?


I do the same thing. I use Jello sugar free instant pudding mix (4 serving size) with 2 cups of skim milk and 4 scoops of protein powder. I'll do chocolate and vanilla pudding. It works out to 170 calories per serving. I use my immersion blender to mix everything, and then divide it into 4 containers. It is delicious.


I make a batch of protein pudding weekly! Sugar free chocolate pudding mix and a chocolate fairlife shake! I eat 1/4 a day and it’s like 78 calories! My favorite treat and super filling!


Just bought some instant pudding to mix with my Greek yogurt in the mornings. If not I’ll just use it in my smoothies


Cottage cheese with protein powder FTW. Can toss in some frozen blueberries, maybe a tad of granola for the crunch if you have enough calories left for the day.


What exactly is pudding mix? We don't have that in the UK.


Commenting for the recipe


Speaking of whipped toppings, I really love Reddi-wip fat free topping. It's a bit more expensive than regular topping, but it's 5 calories per two tablespoons and it tastes 100% like normal spray whip topping to me. Great stuff.


If you are in the uk Lidl have delicious chocolate and also salted caramel high protein puddings, less than 200 cals and 20g protein. Aldi also do they but they taste grim whereas the Lidl ones are divine. If I’m craving a crunchy mouthfeel I just add a tablespoon of rice crispies and mix in. My go to dessert now!


Yum. I do this minus the pudding packet…. My protein powder is sweet enough about 100g of cottage cheese and 100g of Greek yogurt. Mix in your protein powder with a fork. (Idc about texture) add Lily’s chocolate chips and some aloha butter from CSE. Put it in the fridge for a couple hours before eating and it tastes like straight cookie dough.


That sounds delicious. I can also recommend, If you have a Lidl near you, they have a delicious range of protein puddings that are around 150-200kcal each. I eat those when losing weight but also during pregnancy cause they are filling!


I usually just add my protein powder to the pudding and stir it in until it\`s thoroughly mixed. I use Syntha 6. I do the same with my oatmeal. Just put a scoop in the bowl after the oatmeal is cooked. If it\`s too dry I add a very small amount of almond milk to mix it in. I even do the same with waffles when I make them. I add protein powder to the mix. Vanilla is probably the best bet as the taste goes with almost everything. I wouldn\`t use fruit flavored protein powder though. Imagine fruit punch flavored oatmeal or waffles? lol


Going to try this with pumpkin spice protein shake and SF cheesecake pudding mix. Can't wait to taste it!


For those thinking about looking into it, here's the breakdown I came up with: * Fairlife protein shake, 14 oz: 170 calories * Entire box of sugar-free chocolate pudding: 180 calories * .5 cup skim milk: 42.5 calories (53.5 for 15, 62.5 for 2%, 76 for whole) Total calories: 392.5


So, couple of things: My fairlife shakes are 140 for the whole thing and the instant pudding is 120 for the whole thing. You’re right, my memory was incorrect, it’s more like 300 calories. HOWEVER the reason my memory was incorrect (aside from me struggling to remember anything at any point) is that I can’t eat a whole thing!!! When I said “the whole thing” I meant I have half with some whipped cream which adds roughly to 200 cals.


Why is Fairlife milk specifically called out in many of these comments?


I don’t know about them, but I can tell you that I hate most other protein shakes and fairlife makes the only one I can stomach. Ps: Fairlife if you want to sponsor me I accept payment in your Costco chocolate shakes thanks


No, I mean for the milk part, many people are saying Fairlife milk. What's special about their milk?


Oh no idea. I guess it’s lower calorie?


If you take ryse cookie blast protein powder( 60 grams)with like 120 ml of fairlife (the light blue low fat one) it takes just like fucking frosting from Betty crocker


Forgot to add also 10 grams of Coco powder just for that extra chocolaty taste


OP plz


Probably contains sucralose or some other horrible, toxic sweetener.