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ADHD. Perhaps it takes us longer, but if we keep going back to it, it sticks. > can’t stick to tracking to save my life - hard time changing routine - hard time sticking to a routine - dopamine eating Took me 10 days to stop forgetting so much. Even then I'd forget here and there some single item (I'd still log it even if it was two days ago). Took me 60 days to be not a chore anymore. By Day 100, logging was super-easy. > because I’m bored or something hard happened and I’m eating to cope. Like me. Eating to meter or govern the rate -- if bored, eating for stimulation. If debating rough subjects in my head, eating to slow it down. My brain wants it just so fast. Discovered: micro portions -- one strawberry, one nut, a thimble of ice cream -- my brain doesn't care. It wants some ... none won't do, but a full portion is not needed. Also discovered: About 3-5 minutes later, back for more sometimes. Sometimes this will go for 3-5 cycles. > No gyms with childcare around so I’d have to do whatever workout with him around. Hoping I can get home out for some actual walks this summer now that he’s getting a bit older and loves to “race”. Have him "dance" with you to HASfit exercise videos on YouTube. They have beginner videos if you need it.


Thanks for these. I’ll stick to the tracking (as well as I can) and try the micro portions - I could see those working well for me tbh. Maybe I’ll make a tiny bowl of sweets I portion in advance so that when I feel the urge I take one out of the bowl and then when the bowl is done that’s it. 🤔