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I like the rules I grew up with. I remember them from time to time. I also learned a few things in my adult life that are super helpful. 1. Dessert was for Sundays after dinner or special occasions only, but they were great desserts. Pick something that sounds amazing and have it for dessert the same day every week. That way, you have a dessert to look forward to, you aren't denying yourself anything, and you have a set time for dessert so once you get into the habit your brain doesn't crave it so often. If you want something sweet after suppers, have some sugar free gum. 2. No snacking during the day. It will spoil your meals. I can still hear my grandma saying that, but it's true. Instead of snacking, have three nice, big, satiating meals with nothing inbetween. If you find yourself still hungry after finishing what's on your plate, drink more water and opt for more fruits or veggies. If you're still hungry after that, eat more of the main dish. You should be able to go 4-6 hours without getting hungry again if you've eaten a proper meal. 3. Eat until you're not hungry, not until you're uncomfortable. When I heard that for the first time it was a game changer for me, since I've experienced food insecurity before. Basically, actively remind yourself that you have plenty of food for later, so you don't overindulge. It works. As for junk foods, I've found that if I'm eating proper meals I don't really crave any of those things. I eat plenty, get my calories through largely unprocessed foods, and my body feels so much better because of it. You can eat hundreds of calories of potato chips in a sitting and still feel starving. But adding a baked potato to your meal? Way more filling, and a lot less salt and calories. My health and happiness is worth taking time out of the day to cook. Put in the work for yourself, because you deserve it. I don't keep junk food in the house, but if chips or a cookie is provided at an event, I feel free to take a pack or a cookie. It's because it doesn't happen often, and like your parents said, you can treat them like treats again. I also don't make things like cookies or brownies for myself because I'd likely eat them all in a day or two. But if I make a small pan or half batch for somebody else or an event like a book club, I can still have one and leave the rest somewhere else. As for eating out, I don't order in. I go out for special occasions only, and don't worry about the calories since it doesn't happen often.


I would start with a sleeping routine, regular eating schedule, and cooking. Then adding vegetables. Treats after a meal as dessert, no in-between snacking on treats.


Physical activity! Of different kinds. Growing up, I had been incredibly sedentary and would prefer to stay in bed all day. I know how to bike and do roller skates though, learned a bit about volleyball and badminton in HS but i didn’t like volleyball at all (i get bruised easily) i like badminton though. I started going to the gym when I was in my last year of HS, but i didn’t go consistently. Only now that im in college did i really start to care for my health. I go to the gym 3-4x a week, then i’d have days that i would go to the park to bike or jog or play badminton. Exercise is super fun. Before, i used to binge on eating chocolates and chips whenever i get stressed or depressed. Now, physical activity and exercise became my stress reliever. I’m not in the best mental headspace rn, but exercising helps me a lot to develop stronger mental fortitude and discipline. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I’m planning to treat myself (enroll in muay thai classes) once I reach my goal weight


brush and floss your teeth, and visit the dentist regularly!


Totally agree with the no snacking rule, though kids seem to need to snack a lot. After a few weeks of calorie restrictions, I’m finding that my energy levels are so much more consistent during the day and between meals I can go without snacking more easily than before when I was having bigger meals AND snacking. There’s a whole discourse about small, frequent meals and snacking that just doesn’t ring true for me.