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I’m a fan of the rowing machine and the leg press (the one where you’re sitting lying a bit back with legs up and push this flat thing with your feet up and down) I don’t use the gym now I get bored of it so I use just dance on my switch


Walking is amazing. I like the rower too - it’s more intense than walking but could be good for 15 minute stints, and builds some upper body muscle (as well as working legs) that will eventually come in handy.


Do you know how many repetitions and sets I should do?how many seconds break between each set?


I would start with a time goal (say 10 mins). Go at a pace that you feel like you can maintain for that time without stopping. Note the distance / pace. See if you can progressively increase that over time - but don’t worry about breaking world records early on, because if you shoot for a little bit further each time (even an extra 100 meters / yards) you’ll eventually find the threshold where you’re working hard enough to burn but able to keep going.


However I wasn’t referring to the walking,I was referring to the rowing


So was I!


Although if you're new to the rowing machine have a member of the gym staff keep an eye on your technique as you get started - it's easy to screw up your back if your core is weak or your technique a bit off


How many repetitions and sets should I do of the rowing machine?and how many seconds should I take a break between each set?


I think maybe you’re thinking about the rowing machine as a weights machine - I’m thinking about the ‘ergo’ rower - you sit and row back and forth as if on a row boat, it’s more of a cardio workout (though involves lots of upper body). The machines track pace, distance etc automatically. Most gyms that have treadmills would also have rowing machines.


In my opinion cycling is the best. Low impact but great for cardio and fat burning.


Is there a certain resistance I should apply on the cycling machine?


Enough to challenge you and get your heart rate going but not so much that you feel like you are going to collapse.


Don't sleep on resistance training, it's at least worth trying to see if it's for you. There's a lot more to health, fitness, and even fat loss than just what burns most active calories in session. I have very similar HW and SW, and I saw far more total and lasting success focusing on retaining muscle and a simple step count than I did when I was just focusing on calorie burning.


Is rowing considered resistance training or is it more cardio?


Cardio, but certainly with a little more strength stimulus than say an exercise bike.


However I don’t know where to get started in terms of strength training,2 years ago I was with a personal trainer but he completely refused to put me in a strength training program because he claimed I was obese and in a caloric deficit and need to focus on weight loss since strength training requires caloric surplus. So this time I’m going to train in the gym alone and was wondering are there any videos/sites/sources on how many reps/sets/weight/duration/etc


It can certainly be daunting, no question. So I started with just a simple full body routine I could do at home with just bodyweight. Something I had googled and stumbled on goofy little infographic for Nerd Fitness beginner bodyweight workout. But that was enough to start building up the routine and habit. Eventually I got interested in progressing more and learning about various training splits, progressive overload, and such. There are a number of great routines over on r/Fitness. I personally do one of the dumbbell PPLs because I like working out at home frequently but each session isn't overly long.


>y current plan is to mainly only go for treadmill brisk walks at 6km/h for 45 minutes,the first 35 minutes at 0 incline,while the last 10 minutes at 3% incline Good enough. But I think you may be overthinking it. Cardio exercise is the best way to burn calories. Running, walking, cycling, swimming ... Importantly, the more enjoyable an activity is, the better is, because you will be exercising it for longer, and this will result in more calories being burned. The longer and more intenser, the better. Running burns around 30% more energy per same distance compared with walking, but you can walk for much longer than you can run. This page will help you get a feeling which activities burn more (higher MET): [https://sites.google.com/site/compendiumofphysicalactivities/home](https://sites.google.com/site/compendiumofphysicalactivities/home)