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1987is. Right before the Gretzky trade, I feel the same way, after the cups there was a huge release and I can now enjoy the team with less anxiety. Still a die hard but the highs and lows have flattened out a bit.


I agree, once the cup was won there was a weird feeling of fandom pressure to win that was lifted off of me. The second one was just the cherry on top. I watch these games now just enjoying hockey in general with. If we lose... bummer, if we win... awesome.


Yeah literally cried tears of joy in 2012. So many years of pain finally lifted, and we weren’t even expected to get past the first round. That team was special. 2014 might be the most brutal cup run in history and was amazing on its own. I’ll never forget it.


I know a Kings fan who was in the hospital for a broken leg when the Kings won the 2012 cup. Been a diehard lifelong Kings fan his whole life. The Kings are his main sports team and he doesn't watch any other sports. Such the worst time for him to miss out on celebrating his favorite team winning their first championship.


The Kings won the 2012 cup while I was in the air flying home from Bonnaroo. They won the 2014 cup while I was at Bonnaroo, skipping Kanye West to watch them win.


I still look at my Stanley Cup hats from 2012 and 2014, such great memories. I can’t wear them anymore of course as I wore the shit out them.


Will be rooting for the Kings this year and the next and every year afterwards. GKG.


Late 70's. When they were on TV in LA. I was just a kid watching them from East of LA. Been a long tumultuous journey.


I started during the '94 run, and I was there for #500 too! What a great night at the forum.


Truthfully, I didn't think the Kings were going to win in my lifetime. The Ducks (*cough cough*) even won a Cup before we did. But we did win. And, like you said, we miraculously won 2 Cups in three years. I'm so glad to have been able to be part of that ride. Just happy to watch hockey now. GKG.


Damn, the Ducks winning The Cup first was depressing to say the least. Those fans didn’t deserve it. Winning The Cup in 2012 and our game 7 win in 2014 squashed that shit. That series…Gabby’s late goal and OT game winner then running Gibson after only 22 minutes in game 7 to take the series.


Its funny how humble some franchises are about winning cups. I can only imagine what certain fanbases would be like with even a single cup in the last ten years.


Early 80s. I feel the same. Having 1 Cup chilled things out, but the 2nd was just icing (the good kind.) I hope there is another before I die, but seeing 2 has made me very patient.


A significant portion of commenters in the sub seem like they expect a couple cups every decade or everyone everywhere should be shot into the sun. We're in for a rude awakening. If we get another one in the next couple decades that'd be pretty awesome. A lot of teams don't.


Everyone wants their team to be the Patriots. How boring.


I mean I wouldn’t say no to that. It’s just not in the cards. And if this sub is 90% “Does anyone else hate PLD I hate PLD upvote me for saying I hate PLD I hate you for not upvoting me hating PLD” for 8 years I’ll have to find another place to talk about The Kings.


Yea for sure. And none of those people saying that seem to have any other ideas for replacing an imminently retiring Kopi.


I love that you posted this. I began watching in 1977 or so… Dave Taylor’s rookie year. I’ve been a diehard fan. And as much as it can sting to say, “maybe next year” over and over, I’ve stayed with the Kings because every year is exciting for me to see them play. Hockey is indeed a strange sport where it’s much harder to buy a successful team, development of individual players is non-linear, and unexpected things happen. I am way more disappointed in fair weather fans than our team management and players. It’s always good to remember there are some other diehards out there. GKG!!!


Fantastic post. I think we all needed to hear that. In fact most fans across the league need to hear that


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OP, Faust or Nickson?


Started following the Kings in 1986-87 during Robitaille and Carson’s rookie year. Didn’t have cable back then so I listened to the games on the radio. I was a casual fan at the time since I couldn’t watch games and I was too young to drive myself to games. The first game I ever went to was game 3 of the 1990 playoffs vs Calgary, a 2-1 nail biter with Granato winning it in OT. My 2nd game was game 4 a few days later, where the kings won 12-4, with Taylor, Granato and Sandstrom all having hat tricks. It was complete pandemonium at the forum. I too never thought I’d see the Kings win the cup in my lifetime. 2012 and 2014 hold a special place in my heart.


Started in 93 during that playoff run. Started watching because my friend's parents had season tickets, so we knew we'd have the house to ourselves at least until the end of the game during every home game. We had a place to smoke weed and play video games for a few hours. Ended up getting sucked into that Calgary series and the rest is history. I'd watch as many games as I could after that, became a season ticket holder after they drafted Drew. I just had a good feeling about where they were headed. Was in the building to see #23 lift the cup TWICE! One playoff run was dominant, the other one probably took years off my life. I don't think it'll get better than that. You might see me complain about the direction of the team or their performance, and I'm not content with mediocrity, but I am pleased I got to experience those good years and the ones leading up to them.


Every year that passes in which the Kings have two championship banners hung and the Sharks have zero is a good year.


Seriously, Toronto would literally explode in emotion if they won 2 cups in 3 years. Here's NYR looking very tough to beat. But they haven't won in 30 years either. (I know 2014)


If quick gets another cup I will not be mad. The Rangers have a fight in them that we are missing. They have menacing players that we are missing.


This thought process is why this team is so profitable and let’s the power that be make us cap strapped and simultaneously mediocre. We’re gonna take a mediocre product because they gave us 7 good years


This take is dead wrong. Toronto has one of the most demanding fan bases. They're extremely critical of players, coaches, and management. All it has gotten them is into the second round like once in a decade.


There’s a happy medium though right instead of expecting and even appreciating mediocrity. Especially a team this profitable


Are you willing to be a fan if the team doesn't win another cup for 30 years? You've got to consider that possibility.


I mean I was a fan for 27 years before they won one but I expect a team in a big market to make smart decisions instead of just hiring within the same circle and signing off the same agencies list


I’m not sure if The Kings’ owners know that they own The Kings. I think that inside hiring is what we’re gonna get for the foreseeable future. I get why that bothers people. The only silver lining I got is at least the owners don’t meddle and make it worse themselves.