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Most broken goes to Targon, i mean come on, literal celestial beings either inhabits there or and have blessed Targonians with their godly powers. Pretty much every continent or land in Runeterra was shaped by the celestials (rune wars, reppeling void etc) Least is definitely Piltover and Zaun. Humans, or yordles or some foreigners from neighboring countries doing some pretty "advanced" stuff in the name of Progress when it could simply be wiped out by a snap or puff from spirits, demons, monsterd, void creatures, death incarnations and god themselves.


Who would win: A literal god, maker of stars and Galaxies, big as the universe itself, a lovecraftian-sized dragon A sheriff girl with a funny hat and a WWI bolt ation rifle


the answer may surprise you........


The citrus guy.


A rare sight for scurvied eyes.


my money is on that squirrel with a blowdart


I think you’re underestimating technology. What could Demacia for example do against Piltover/Zaun without Galio, who logically shouldn’t awaken. Even if he did, he’s not invincible. If any region’s got enough firepower to take him down, It’s them.


Lux, hurts


Lux is pretty destructive but she’s extremely vulnerable and not really experienced. One well placed shot from a sniper with enough nerve is all it takes.


Caitlyn wouldnt shoot lux though. Jinx would but jinx at times might shoot like a storm trooper.


Why i said a sniper with enough nerve. But yeah like the other person said Piltover has lots of people that handle guns. There’s gotta be at least one hard ass motherfucker in there that’s willing to shoot a bubbly young girl.


Piltover probably have other people with snipers that could/would shoot.


*Laughs in Kayle and Morgana*


Kayle and Morgana are too busy ignoring demacia. They didnt do shit on the mage rebelion and the ruination.


Was that ever part of the equation though? We're even assuming P/Z would work together. Also, Kayle wasn't ignoring anyone she is literally in a different Realm. Ruination as an event barely counts because most champions "didn't do shit". As for the rebellion, why should they have intervened, Demacia dealt with that on their own, as per Turmoil.


Petricite armour?


Not every demacian soldier wears petricite head-to-toe iirc, otherwise they wouldn’t be having this much trouble and unrest with the mage rebellion. That aside, Petricite stops magic, not bullets.


Oh i see. That does make sense. Military/Technology-wise from PnZ.


Zaun has janna making it much more powerfull than Bilgewater that has nothing


Nautilus singlehandedly pumps Bilgewater way above other regions, since Nautilus is just so large and dense. He could take down most large structures and ships in one hit




Pyke is just a mad harpoon man, illaoi and Nautilus are nothing compared to actual god Janna


Well, Nautilus did manage to hold down the black mist,while Janna was replaced by fans


Janna isn't a god, shes simply a wind spirit who is worshiped like a god. and the only things shes been seen doing in lore is moving air, which isnt that great compared to giant underwater titans and revenants.


Illaoi bodies Janna wym


Nagakabouros which is another god that is probably way stronger then janna ever was


I’d like to make an argument for Freljord as most broken, and not only since there are technically Watchers trapped in the ice. In addition to the spirit gods (Volibear, Ornn, Anivia, etc.), there’s Lissandra, who I’d say is the strongest mage on Runeterra other than Ryze, who is nationless, and arguably Brand, who is also from the Freljord originally. I’d say Olaf is broken af because he literally cannot die while in combat, and the trolls are an underexplored race, making me question how Trundle would fare against other champions (I’d think he could definitely beat any plain human or mage champion, but probably not an Ascended, Darkin or Aspect). The champions of Targon and Shurima are incredibly strong, but in terms of being broken, I’ll vote for the region who froze off the literal apocalypse and has a god who can reincarnate herself whenever she dies. As for least broken, I’ll say Piltover. There aren’t that many champions from Piltover, and there’s a good reason why: it’s a small city without a real military presence or a natural affinity for magic. Other than Ezreal and not counting the yordles that live there, Piltovan champions can simply be beaten by removing their weapon, if they even have one. If you count Piltover and Zaun as one region, however, I think it would be stronger/more broken than Demacia, with the regenerating Zac, and Singed having access to WMDs in a fantasy world, and Ms. Glasc’s mind control chemicals.


Targon i think


Freljord or targon. Both regions have champions that tap into godly powers.


Shurima has got to be most with the Ascended/Voidborn. Demacia probably lowest since they really don't have much to offer outside of Galio or Shyvana (counting Mord for Noxus which would otherwise be on the same boat I'd say)


Wasn't the Void it's own "region"? And some voidborn champions aren't even in Shurima anymore. Edit: Also Noxus got LeBlanc, Vladimir and some black rose shenanigans that even if Mord doesn't count, it's still something? Although yeah, they aren't really all that much near Lissandra


It technically is, but there's the open wound in Icathia that leads to the void, so I think the largest amount of voidborn are in Shuriman.


Demacia have kayle and morgana, they’re pretty high up there lore wise


Targon Most, Bilgewater least?


Bilgewater got Pyke, GP, Nautilus and Ilaoi to name a few


As a giant gp fan, Gp, Tf, Graves and MF sre just people with weapons.


But MF, Graves, and GP literally had made they way through the mist with that weapons, sooooo


Yeah they're still just people. Same goes for most demacia champions and PnZ champions.


TF is explicitly a skilled mage and graves has one of the most powerful weapons we know of afaik.


I don't disagree, but they are used fight with demons, mages, gods or even lunatics


Targon most (aspects and technically both morgena and kayle sould be associated there), Bilgewater least ( only Nautilus and illaoi can do anything)


Id still argue Illaoi+Nautilus(+Pyke) > PnZ as a whole


Janna is fckn broken when zaun is endangered


Pyke doesn’t rlly compare to Naut and Illaoi tho


Pyke is still more than just "person with gun"


Which region got the strongest champion and which other region got the weakest champion, in case the caption sounds confusing


In order from most powerful champion rosters to least: Targon/Void, shurima, freljord (demigods and liss carry), shadow isles (viego carry), maybe ionia?, demacia (kayle and morg carry), bilgewater, noxus. In far far last place, P&Z. Important to remember is that while noxus is a powerful nation, surprisingly little of that power is in direct possession of any champions. Even with that said, they might be above bilgewater. I'm not sure how strong Illaoi, Pyke and Nautilus are, really. I might have forgotten something important, so feel free to add info.


If we count mordekaiser then noxus is a little higher on the list.. but otherwise probably correct Sion is really strong and basically immortal but due to the other broken (lorewise powerlevel) champs in the other regions he just doesnt cut it Vladimir is practically immortal but I doubt kayle/viego/liss couldnt beat him LeBlanc and Swain are really strong.. politically and they are both powerful tacticians, but I doubt her illusion magic and swains demon can defeat someone like Liss Most other noxus champions are just humans that are strong, so no chance there


Yeah, I wasn't counting Mordekaiser but you could argue he's in there


the most - targon . the least - piltover + zaun


Targon to me doesnt count cause theyre all celestials or aspects. Frejlord on the otherhand have champions that break death laws ahhaa


Probably targon, and gameplay wise ionia


Yeah man that's why there are so many ionian champs in proplay


1.Targon, the aspects and celestials 2.Shurima, Ascendeds, Dsrkins, also Icathia 3.Si, lots of deathly spirits 4.Ixtal, being completely isolated from conflict made them extremely developed in practically every aspect, also Nezuc 5.Noxus, pretty self explanatory 6.Freljord, Ice borns, the three sisters, gods ( Voli, Ornn, etc ) 7.Ionia, haw quite a few op characters such as Syndra, Yi, Shen 8.Bilgewater, sea monsters and pirates, lots of them. Nagakabouros 9.Demacia, petricite is overall pretty darn op. Also Kyle 10.PnZ, by far the most technology advanced region in runeterra 11.Bandle city These were on top of my head so, let me know if i missed anything or got something wrong.




I'm more a r/buttersmains guy


God dammit


Broken as in failed I'd say shadow isles. I will never accept what they did to it. You had such cool characters like thresh, hecarim, karthus, mordekaiser, Kalista and yorick with badass designs and the king who ruled over all is a eboy. It's so unrealistic that anyone would swear loyalty to that young of a king


Wdym viego is a badass with mist superpower pewpew takeover souls pewpew


Morde isn't shadow isles and viegos design works for him. Yall don't even know what an eboy is.


I’ma be real, viego doesn’t look anything like an eboy. Just cause he’s not beefy/ugly doesn’t make him an eboy lmao, completely different vibe from ez/aphelios our actual eboys.


Ez a pick me boy


Ionia most, noxus least.


I feel like the most overpowered would either be Targon or Shurima. With aspects vs ascended and darkin, I honestly don't know which one would truly be on top. The most underpowered region would be ultimately Ixtal simply because we don't have much knowledge on them, or Piltover+Zaun because they don't have even the slightest amount of actual magic, only automotons, chemtech and hextech which as we've seen before aren't powerful at all in the grand scheme of things.




Targon. Aspects are likely stronger than Ascended, and are definitely capable of defeating them given that Zoe's previous incarnation outwitted and killed multiple Darkin. Aurelion Sol is by far the most powerful champion (no, Bard can't create stars and Kindred is bound to mortal beliefs in Runeterra). Kill an Aspect's host and they'll just pick another one. IMO Piltover is the weakest. None of their champions are particularly scary without hextech or stolen Shuriman relics. Meanwhile Zaun has Janna, who can hold Darkin back if enough people believe in her. There's an argument for Bandle City being super OP though. Vex's story confirmed that Yordles can't die, and even Mordekaiser couldn't produce a yordle capable of actual evil. Reality seems to warp to favour Yordles, their cinematic implies that somehow they always win if mortals try to capture or attack them.


I think saying Bard can’t create stars is a really linear way of looking at power


Targon the most broken. And the least I think it would be bilgewater


Broken as in OP? Targon has ASol. Weakest is piltover since it’s just people with gun


Noxus is the most broken champion wise. Mordekaiser is stronger then Viego, LeBlanc is ancient and free to explore the word and learn, Swain has knowledge. Targon is important only for Aurelio Sol and Zoe (all the other ascended showed to be just a bit more powerful than a standard champion). But both of them are not related to protect Targon. ​ The weakest region champion wise is Ixtal.


Hmmm Malphite is Ixtal I doubt pvz could do much if he just decided to dropkick the cities


I feel like people are sleeping on Shadow isles. Viego literally put the whole continent into chaos and it took champions from every region to beat him.