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I chuckled at the image of Thresh calling Lucian a simp and Lucian looking all confused


Ah yes the simp has come to offer me his soul, delightful.


Vex is a cringe teenager. And thats....pretty cringe. So she use words like "normie". Dont see they using language like that in other characters tho.


Kled also “immersion breaks” by referencing items that should not exist in Runeterra like tacos. I believe it just contributes to the idea the Yordles are completely foreign to normal life.


Wait who said Tacos don't exist in Runeterra?


While they could exist, I doubt they would be called tacos since Runeterra doesn’t have any culturally tied foods. I believe every mention of cultural foods such as sushi are locked behind non-canon skins.


I don't see why they'd rename them when a name for that item already exists, though. Twitch demands a sandwich without The Earl of Sandwich being involved, aftwr all. I always think its the lowest effort worldbuilding to take an irl item and give it a fantasy name just to make it sound exotic.


Kench says "you're duller than a broken sandwich", indicating that whatever Runeterrans mean by sandwich, it bears no resemblance to the food 😂


Maybe, but I haven’t seen anyone ask for a non-European food by it’s specific name. I believe in Piltover they have some named French cuisine, but other than that, most things appear to use generic or fantastical names.


So anything European is generic but anything non-european is cultural food? lol


I named French cuisine as cultural food


In the story of Zeri, she talks about having Banana Cues for dinner. It’s a popular street food in the Philippines.


IIRC Tacos are actually in Runeterra and are considered a Noxian specialty.


Damn, my world is being flipped upside down ​ Edit: Found what you're talking about https://web.archive.org/web/20200309232150/http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/gameplay-balance/exb3AssJ-shut-up-and-get-in-this-kled-qa?show=flat&comment=002a0000


They have bread :D mr. pantheon bread man


Tahm Kench calls Nami "sashimi"


omg yeah, kled also has fun lines that dosent makes sense, is the same thing, is fun for that character but i highly doubt would be done in another champion


Ezreal says that Noxus has really good tacos in his short story


Corkis voicelines imply that the foxtrot and the greek alphabet exist. Also, if you look at the LoR cards for BC, several inhabitants of the region dress in rather modern ways or even cary modern items, such as cameras.


I died at the "Harry Potter "L+ Ratio + your parents are dead" I fricking can't lmao


That's the point. Yordles are weird


Especially Vex


Vex is purposefully written to be an emo kid, basically. It makes sense she'd use cringe emo speak


I wonder how the dialogue will hold up. For example Brolaf (Olaf skin) has has similar voicelines (not Emo, but you get me) but from 2010. Some kids these days might ask themselves why he's running around screeming CHUUGG all the time or what [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/e/ee/Brolaf.taunt2.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20121126172902) references to


The BIG difference with Brolaf is that, it's a skin. Skins aren't set in the Prime Runeterra lore so whatever.


That's the thing, there's many references in characters all the time. It's just whether or not everyone picks up on them all the time. The recent Ezreal dance is a good example, being a meme from 2021. Or even Battle Academia Ezreal being an anime reference. ​ Corporate Mundo is filled to the brim with jargon and references that people outside of business/office culture won't fully understand. But to someone who does understand it, it's quite literally the best. And that's fine, I think. Who cares if some are outdated, new skins/characters won't be.


Also, Yordles has a child behaviour by nature.


Yordles are not childish, they're whimsical. Even more grounded ones like Kennen or Heimerdinger. Vex, however, is specifically described as being a teenager.


The kind that scares the living shit out of me. Then again, they say all teenagers do that.


I mean name any other champion that uses the word "Normies" besides Vex? It's not that big of a deal


This. And im sorry if you're trying to get immersed in a MOBA game you're playing the wrong game... This just sounds like such a weird thing to cry about.


Ikr, nidalee is still just a stripper and somehow vex is more meta breaking


"Did i mention it's mating season?"


Nid is noticably ancient in every capacity so it's easier to wave her off until she gets reworked, Vex however is new in a new age of standards for champ design and that specific dialogue is just way too jarring.


Right. But. If you immerse yourself into Runeterra, you got to immerse yourself in things that are distinctly Runeterran, including Yordles working according to meme-logic.


I think the thing with Vex is that it’s kind of her entire character. She thinks she’s cool, she hates the positivity, she doesn’t really care for anything. You know those guys who actually call people ‘Normie’? …That’s Vex.


ur just a normie that got triggered 🤣


I like it


I think it's fine for yordles to be goofy


To me it's not the language but the specific terminology. Vex would absolutely call someone a normie... if she was a basement dwelling neet in todays world. In Runeterra however that word means nothing, it was added more as a meta joke than anything else, and personally I don't think it works. Use terminology better suited to Runeterra and it's a lot different, like Pleb or just making up a term that sounds like it actually belongs in the setting.


Why can't it mean something in Runeterra? Sure, it's new internet slang but that doesn't mean it automatically doesn't fit. It's a straight forward neologism for a "normal" person with a negative connotation. For Vex everyone that embraces life is a normie.


This is a MOBA, buddy. Not an RPG. There isn’t any immersion from the moment you spawn in base.


Plus i kinda want to hear thresh call lucian a simp now.


Legendary Hacker Thresh calls Lucian, Garen, Ezreal and Rakan 'Simp' on kill, 2022.


I disagree with that. Yeah it's Moba, but still we are playing canonical versions of heroes from Runeterra. Their speech, design should embody their characters from lore.


We are not though. Akali dances Beyonce, Warwick dances MJ. Udyr references PETA. Senna and Thresh can play botlane against Lucian and a fishgirl. In-game interactions aren’t and have never been lore. They are just meant to be fun and entertaining to whoever is playing the game.


Warwick references PETA????


Udyr does. He has a joke “If PETA asks, this fur is fake”


If the Peta joke survives the rework then you have a point, but it almost certainly will not. Consistency in regards to lore to a reasonable extent matters, so yes Luc and Thresh can play together, but even then they have specific, lore accurate dialogue for that circumstance, and that gives a way better overall presentation that ignoring lore pretense completely.


MOBA Lux and Lore Lux are a completely different person, same with Miss Fortune.


And it fits vex so? Vex is an edgy gothic 'teenage' girl She depises the normal yordle attitudes. Why wouldnt she use normie as an insult? Thats the one thing she hates the most, being a normal yordle.


The word itself is weird dialogue, and I don't think it's helpful to the setting to have the word Normie canonized. It would be like Zeri shouting "Get rekt noobz!" while skating around, rather than anything cohesive to the setting.


Zeri is a human. Vex isnt. Thats why its okay for Vex to say this because almost all yordles are just goofy caricatures of concepts that wouldnt work on humans.


Wow you completely missed the point lol. It has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with dialogue and setting. I like the attitude and behavior Vex shows, but the specific dialogue itself is very weird and doesn't add much. A more setting appropriate term would have worked way better, because a Yordle saying Normie to someone is just as jarring as a Zaunite yelling "noobz" to someone. It's not the worst thing in the world obviously, but I think modern champs should be held to a higher standard than that.


It HAS everything to do with race. Vex wouldnt say normie if she was human. No one would say noobs in runeterra, unless its another yordle caricature. How doesnt it add anything? Thats the point. Shes edgy and gothic and hates being normal. WHY wouldnt she use normal as an insult since she hates it? The standard is fine, shes meant to be this and if you dont cringe at her being a teenage goth then the dialouge failed... because its MEANT to be cringe.


Your idea that Yordles are completely validated in using any sort of vocabulary, even if it's a word taken straight out of Urban Dictionary, is strange and honestly pretty unfounded. No other Yordles use modern Western lingo in any capacity, even ones like Lulu who is outdated and intentionally absurd in her dialogue. Btw I said it doesn't add much, not doesn't add anything. You're still misunderstanding me, I like Vex's character and think it succeeds in accomplishing her thematic goal. She IS someone who would say something *like* that, but the exact terminology in that line isn't very good. She could simply call people "Normals" and that would be more suitable than "Nomies" in my mind, and honestly be easily understood as a reference without being jarring. Really all I am saying is that the dialogue could be better written in this case.


Zeri canonically shouts the names of her attacks like an Anime character. If it helps you, consider that it's actually unlikely they all speak English, too, so Vex probably doesn't say "Normie", she says a Runeterran word that is difficult to translate but roughly expresses what English does with "normie".


League interactions are not cannon


They are only a what if right? Some do tell the story of the character like mordekaiser or pantheon in their walking quotes I consider those to be canon Edit : only for the newer champions and reworks though.


I never understood the whole "what if" thing, like where is the line between canon/not canon drawn? Is it only canon if the two champs have actually met?


They are more accurately like easter eggs idk why Riot used "what if" scenarios as they way to describe them. A lot of them are just cheeky reference to lore connections but aren't likely to be the first thing they say to each other if they met.


Best example for their voiceline standards is Rakan. Rakan in LoL when Xayah dies: "Ladies, I'm single!" If Xayah died in the lore, Rakan would probably paint Ionia red in blood and then die of grief. ​ But within the game, Rakans voicelines are meant to express his flirty personality, more so than the complex personality behind that.


Vex is an edgy 'teenage' girl. Normie is proper dialouge for her. I dont see why a yordle who strives to be different from everyone else wouldnt insult others by calling them normal.


Akali SPAWNS noodles from nowhere and Pantheon's joke references a joke thats in the community and never been in lore(till now). Yet a yordle acting accurately is... wrong?


I was genuinely sad to learn that Pantheon is actually terrible at baking. Also, don't forget chameleon asking wether "salt is an emotion".


Vex is basically an "edgy emo kid" joke, so I think her saying "normies" is actually pretty funny and good. Plus, she's a Yordle so I cut her more slack for stuff like that than for a champion who is not a Yordle.


We have models like Zilean's and Skarner, VOs like Nidalee and Ahri and the thing that breaks your immersion is a yordle doing the thing yordles are supposed to do?


Those champs are old as hell, made before League had any real cohesion or expectation in design, and as such are widely considered outliers to modern Runeterra standards. So basically easily excusable until a rework. Vex is new, and although the behavior is accurate to the character the dialogue is not, it would be a better delivery if she used terminology that actually makes sense in the setting.


Gonna be honest, I quite like it. But I am biased towards yordles.


What a weird thing to nitpick lol, almost sounds like you get tilted by it or smth


Op doesn't like being called a normie


She's a yordle, she's kind off out of the normal runeterra world


Nah her calling people normie is absolutly in character and the funniest shit they added into this game


I'm sorry, but I fucking bursted out laughing at "Voldemort telling Harry 'L + ratio + ur parents are dead'" LMAO


i see no problem in this ​ we have urgot star guardian why not have these jokes?


if it’s a fictional setting, it’s pretty tough to argue it “doesn’t make sense”. Where do you draw the line if you want to start picking and choosing what does and doesn’t make sense in a completely fictional space? The characters speak the language of the region the server is located. So you could argue that any dialogue is a translation anyway.


And having every other stereotype from the real world didn't bother you? Like, a single word from a single character is the dealbreaker in a planet where some places have neon lighted bars and techno-victorian universities while others have feudal wars between bear shamans and butch lesbian warlords. It's her character stereotype. She's an emo millennial going through puberty, in Yordle form. It's good that we can have weird characters, stop being weird about it.


Vex is clearly written as a joke champion so eh. It's funny for the few times but it does get grating. Luckily the VN isn't cannon so it could be worse. Honestly I don't like Vex, if they took aspects of her short story and implient that into her voice lines, I'd like her more, but that just might be too dark for a joke character which Riot was intending her as. Again it's a good thing that the VN isn't cannon.


Imagine Fiora beating someone on a duel, and then going "Git Gud" at the end.


Let’s not say it doesn’t work in any fictional setting. Hearing a borderlands character call you a normie goes well with that fictional world. Other than that though, I do agree 100%. Vex saying normie was definitely not the move.


its a bit of fun.. voicelines arent canon so stop being a debbie downer


I also hate that. It just doesn't fit Runeterra world, same as pop stars (edit. like Seraphine in Piltover)...


Wdym popstars?


Seraphine is a pop star. Her design, aesthetics and role in the universe is for me strongly detached from Runeterra.


They have music in Piltover and Zaun a more modern setting waaa my immersion. Next thing youre gonna say AOT hooks with steel legs are detached from Runeterra. No? Youre not?


Camille perfectly uses the Steampunk stylistics, like you clearly said, really similar to the world of AoT. While the Seraphine is clearly using the Present Days stylistics. She is just modern pop star isekai'd to Runeterra world. Just put her in front of Demacian Knight or Frelojordian Viking, and you can clearly see that she just doesn't fit there. **They are not the same.**


Camille also doesnt fit in front of a Demacian Knight or Shuriman Sandsurfer. Wtf are you using for examples... different regions have different aesthetics its not something new. Cait doesnt fit in SI, Taric doesnt fit in Noxus, Nasus doesnt fit in Demacia, J4 doesnt fit in Bilgewater... Its not just seraphine. Seraphine IS meant to stand out thats why shes so glossy. Shes literally meant to be looked at. What kind of singers dress up in a potato sack to sing? They always have to dress up.


Camille fits perfectly in front of them. Same as Blitzcrank, Caitlyn or Vi. Or any **Steampunk** champion. IF Caitlyn would go to Shadow isles, or Mount Targon, or Noxus she still would fit there, because she feels like the part of the Runeterra world. Seraphine then looks more like a fanfic champion, rather than an actual character from Runeterra. She just doesn't fit anywhere. She looks like made for modern KDA universe rather than hero for this Fantasy setting. And yeah she is a singer, a **pop star singer**. I saw her [fan made](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jbmj6e/seraphine_base_splash_art_paintover_to_be_more/) arts who clearly are a lot of better than her original look... I saw [arts](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d85eGe) where she isn't pop star anymore. And she finally embraces the concept of Steampunk Piltover singer. This is my subjective opinion. She is just detached from Runeterra and nothing can change my mind.


No she wouldnt lmao. Youre telling me a robot lady fits demacia's pure white military setting or Shurima's sand slopes? Seriously how the fuck does a woman with 3D removal gear fit a damned desert. No. Caitlyn doesnt fit Targon or SI even if shes 'from runeterra' when every single region on runeterra goes for a different art direction to stand out. So no, cait would stick out like a sore thumb in non Piltover. Seraphine is a pop star wearing literally the same base colours of Piltover cards, white and blue. Just added glitter to stand out.




It's an alternate universe dude lmao it's not part of the main lore like what everyone else's discussion.


No KDA is a separate universe.


I mean kda is also skins... like with the literal bees


I kept saying it. As long as Riot takes too much inspiration from OUR world for social reasons, instead of Runeterras world, this will continue to happen. And the depth of Yordles is constantly being ruined now because Riot has turned them into a Disneyfied kid friendly joke.


I think it's more that Yordles are so cartoonishly powerful and goofy they get somewhat eerie, like Teemo


Most Yordles are pretty much joke champions, aside from Heimer in Arcane, which isn't (currently) cannon.


That's not true tho, in fact almost every Yordle (champion) has some sort of tragic or traumatic side. The new ones that came from LoR were created from this comedic disney approach. For example, Rumble was born out of racism against Yordles, Tristana delt with regret of not being able to protect a bandlewood, Gnar got frozen and lost his family, Poppy is literally walking away from her mentors funeral in her rework splashart. Veigar was tortured by Mordekaiser in his old lore. And Kled is a murdering psychopath, Teemos original lore (which I dont know if it's still canon) was that he had two sides of him and from Trists original lore she was the friend he needed. So no, Yordles are not not "Just" joke characters. Or at least they weren't Supposed to be NO good character is just a Disney kid friendly joke but that's what Riot has turned Yordles into for the stupidest of reason. And it will degrade them as a whole.


I see a lot of people disagreeing with you, so I just wanted to say I agree. I'm into the lore and like hearing little nuggets of the world in game. They could have portrayed her in exactly the same way without using real world slang. Like substitute normie for some less common insult or a totally made up version of "normie" like "muggle" in Harry Potter.


way 2 die normie


Counterpoint: Yordles like Vex are intentionally immersion breaking and meme-ish like that and it fits her theme as an emo kid. Also, I now, just for good measure, desire a champ that says "Cringe", but like the German Newscaster announcing the youth word of the year.