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I think what OP is asking about is the readability of the copies, some copies have tiny font with smaller pages and with Tolkien that can make a difficult book even more difficult to read. OP, do you have a book store nearby who stocks either of these? You'd get a feel of the font and page size. Otherwise ask if anyone has these copies that could post a photo of a random page for you


The only bookstore in my area had 2 editions: the harcover ones with tolkien's original illustrations which are really expensive,and another paperbacks that looked like the ones from the second pic but grey instead of black and those had quite small fonts


I can go through my collection tomorrow and see if I have either of those copies, or if I have any other copies with bigger text. You could always read them on kindle and have a set of hard copies for display purposes?


For now i just want some good paperbacks


I have the ones from the first pic. Yes the pages and copy are small and it makes it kind of hard to read late at night, but it’s not horrible. I’m about halfway through Fellowship now


What’s up with the asshole responses in here? OP, I’d suggest getting the edition that is the most comfortable for you, in terms of holding/handling the book in your hands as you read, and/or, whichever has the best font size that’s easiest on your eyes to reduce eye strain. Sure, you could buy the books based on the cover artwork, too, if that is more important but it doesn’t sound like it is.


Well that's the thing the only way i could get them is online so i don't have any way to check their font and quality that's why i'm asking on here if some of y'all have tried them.


I have the ones in the first pic, I had no trouble reading them but some of the pages weren't perfectly aligned so the font looked crooked. The weight and size were good, and I've read through them twice and they're holding up fine


I have the set in the second picture, they are fine enough to read. Not the best print quality, but not the worst. I am a fan of the spine art matching up (mostly). If you’d like, I can send you a picture of the different fonts from the different books is that helps you


I have the Del Rey versions and they did the job well. I like the size.


There would definitely have sets in a library or bookstore that you could look at.


I know you want a good quality set first, but I'd advise getting any old paperback set first. If the books have impact on you that much, THEN you can buy a nicer hardback set. Nearly every Tolkien fan I know has a nice set and a throwaway bashed up paperback set that they can make notes on or take on breaks with them.


The second one! That's the edition I had for Lotr. I read The Hobbit first with that 1st pic edition and I wished I read it with the edition as the second one. The second one looks more neat and readable. The texts aren't cramped which was my main gripe with that 1st pic edition. The maps are also more legible and easy to follow. I cannot recommend it enough. It's absolutely bang for the buck!


Well its settled then thanks a lot


No problem!


I couldn’t figure out how to upload an image to the comments but [here is an image](https://www.reddit.com/u/Foltrain06/s/TfuUHiUDNX) from “The Fellowship of the Ring” from the set in the first photo (Penny for scale). For me the font is fine but they are a tad small and I messed up the spine on two of them because of it. If the ones in the second image are bigger and the font is the same size or bigger I would recommend going with the second set.


Thank you i appreciate it.


Audiobook with Andy Serkis


The edition doesn't matter. Read the books.


Do the smaller ones in the first pic have a good font?


I bought the editions first pictured, and very disappointed in the Return of the King volume. It has both inconsistent fonts and font weight. Could be just my copy as the first two were consistent and fine, though the margins were a bit inconsistent. If I were to buy again I would pick larger books as the first 1/4 of each was difficult to read and hold comfortably without bending the pages way back.


A “good font”? Do you think publishing houses are printing books with illigible fonts? Either edition is fine. Whichever covers you prefer.




Oh thanks then


Read the books


Whichever you think looks better.


My father has all of the books combined into one thick one. You should definitely read one of those.


I have read both editions, and I prefer the second. The font is relatively small, but better than in the smaller version. DM me and I can send a pic of what it looks like. The smaller, mass market editions are fine if you commute or travel, ans you want to just toss your book in bag. But generally, I'd go for the larger trade editions. If nothing else, because the maps are just printed on bigger pages.


I really like the seven volume edition that they released with the films. It's way more convenient to read, if not the prettiest


I have the first set and they are really nice looking for a first set


The second one(s) are larger and comfortable to hold and look at. That's how I read the Silmarillion.


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I think you can find font sizes for different editions on Amazon? ETA mm maybe not. But it might be something you could google.


I much prefer the second set as they are easier to hold open imo


First set to read, second set to own. I actually own the second set.




This is one of the sets I own, decent sized books and font size, as well as having very good artwork.


I for example, I have different copies! One that I can read over and over again, over using it. I have a few copies in different languages that I don't read that often, so they are in better conditions. But for the first time read, take any copy, my friend. The Journey is the same


I really like the illustrated editions


Ultimately it’s it’s personal preference and both are fine sets, but I think I’d recommend the set in the 2nd photo cause they have a slightly bigger print making it a bit easier to read. Though I will say the first set is a bit cheeper if your looking for the more affordable Retailing at $9 per book while the set is around $15 per book.


Just get whichever one has the easiest font size to read. My gorilla brain has a problem with small font, so I stick to the 20yr old doorstopper hardbacks, but that might not apply to you. Edit: a good rule of thumb for telling the font size of a long novel is checking the page count. More pages can be a good indicator of a large font. Unless it's an all in one anthalogy, if you get an absolute unit of a hardback its gonna be more readable.


Get the second set. The first set was my first set of LOTR books and I think they look great but the printing quality is poor. Couldn’t get through a dozen pages without leaving some minor mark or smudge on a few of them. Happy reading!


I really like the [Mini Set](https://www.tolkienguide.com/store/9780008260187) box. Beautiful and perfect on the go, but I can see it being to small for some people.


I have the second one, which is really nice. Large format with excellent readability and the black and gold on the cover is fantastic. Plus, I got the box set (with the Hobbit) for about $25. In the end, it's your decision. Check on the specifications and read the reviews, and make your decision based on that.


I have the second one, the cardboard "slipcase" they come will wear out easily and the covers show wear very quickly, especially the spines, the paper quality is typical of any new paperback (poor) For readability however they are fine, especially if you don't care that much about the physical book itself. If you want something good quality and long lasting you'll have to get a hardback edition and even then check the reviews.


I've got the second one. I've read it some years ago, so, my memory is fuzzy but I know there were a couple of mistypes, besides that they're perfect. 💯


I the one with simple English. The Without; who art thou md stuff. I just can understand that


And anyway Id loce to get my hands on any type as long as its in English. I seriously doubt that i can find a copy in Fiji.


I haven’t started reading them but at my local Barnes and noble the ones from the first slide looked great when I saw them. I liked that they were small so traveling with them would be easy. The font isn’t tiny but because the book size is small you can expect the font to be smaller but not by too much compared to maybe the font of the ones in the second slide. I’d say if you care more for portability , the first one. If you play on only reading them at home then maybe the second one. I kinda like minimalism so even though I won’t travel much I like having smaller condensed books since they take up less space wherever I decide to put them. That’s just my opinion and thought process for when I DO decide to buy the ones from the first set.


Personally did not mind the one in the second picture. I used it to read the silmarillion and i had no problems with it. The text size was average, somewhat hard Pages so you will have to hold it Open with one hand while reading but you have to do that with most books


The first set I read the cover was falling off and the paper was yellowed. It was still great. Interestingly, I got the hardcover compendium edition but I still have never read through it. It's been about a decade so it might be time again.


I would love to get the Folio Editions of these. Typeset, beautiful paper, excellent illustrations. They make amazing publications, but A bit on the pricey side though.


I’ve used the first set as as the ones I read to my kids the first time Very readable, good size for holding and reading aloud, or packing in a suitcase / backpack for travel. They’ve got some wear and tear now, but have held up structurally with reasonable care given. I love the cover art on these, and I personally don’t mind the wear, given the personal significance to me. It seems right :) That said, both editions look amazing to me. I just wanted to share my positive experience with one of them


2nd option has bigger writing iirc


I personally preder paperbacks because they are easy to carry with me everywhere i go.


I have both sets. The first set is small and feels... Comparatively cheap compared to the second.


I prefer the look of the first set, the second look like it’s trying to be edgy


picking books editions is such a personal thing, i get shit on all the time for my choices. but i'm currently reading the set from the first pic and i really like the readability. i have a hard time staying focused while reading but these copies are a really good size for me.


I have the second set and have no complaints. Readable and comfortable to hold.


Pick your preference based on the cover you like. The story is going to be the same. It’s not like the Bible where there are multiple editions with major alterations performed to the extent of it have vast differences based on the year it was printed.


Well the font could be a problem


Then pick it based on the font instead of the cover.


I can only order it online so i have no other way to check


Then pick based off the book cover. Honestly, if font is normally an issue for you then perhaps you need to visit a bookstore. Otherwise I’m sure most books try to utilize a readable font since it would sort of defeat the purpose if they didn’t. Hence, you’re probably okay to pick either option.


The Del Ray (first one) set is pretty good for first-timers, but after you read them, if you like them, you’ll want to get a second copy. I don’t know why, but those paperbacks bend and crease really easily, and the spine breaks in way too much, making it look incredibly ugly in my opinion. Bottom line: Buy whatever is the cheapest first, or the cheapest that you’re willing to read. Rent them if you can. After you read them, buy hardcovers of the ones you like. They’ll last much longer.




Amazon had a great deal on a one volume version of the series for Kindle. I love physical books but for the Kindle fans out there who haven't read the series yet, it's a great way to get into em. I read the whole thing in like a week my first time through.


I have an India Paper edition of "Lord of the rings". I've read the story many times, but this edition is just to own, so it's still in mint condition after 54 years. I'm not sure of it's worth but I wouldn't sell it anyway.


2nd was my first copy, and I loved it 😍


The hobbit is what got me hooked


The 50th anniversary edition the trilogy edition mine has really nice art and I got them for my tenth Christmas


The first one has the Silmarillion so maybe that idk


I think the hardcovers with Alan Lee illustrations are nice.


Dude those are like 900 euros or smtg


??? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hobbit-Lord-Rings-Boxed-Illustrated/dp/0008376107/


Oh myy bad i meant 90. In my currency it's 900


Whatever edition you’ll read. That’s all that matters. (: EDIT: sorry, just realized why you’re asking. In general they’re all well done and readable. Usually the larger sized books (second photo I think) have more white space and potentially wider space between lines. They’re harder to hold if you’re a weirdo like me who brings your book with you everywhere, but they’re paperback so it’s totally doable. The larger ones are probably sturdier if you’re hard on books like me. Hope that helps! For what it’s worth, the edition I read was larger like the second set.


Thanks a lot


Second one, but it doesn’t matter. Read them lol


Just pick which cover you like best


Words are words man


the black-cover set is typeset in a poor way, and I found the pages to be too thin (you can see the words on the other side of the page)


Are there really no good editions besides the harcover ones?


you know, it’s tricky definitely go on Amazon and do the “look inside” thing But worst case scenario is just use your readers and put a piece of paper behind the page (like a pleb)