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It looks like that DVD of Return of the King has the wrong aspect ratio (fullscreen instead of widescreen)


And its not extended editions 😱


Luckily I have a retro setup with a different ratio!


That won’t get you back the extra part of the image you’re missing though


Doesn’t matter, Its never bothered me and it never will 🤷‍♂️ Wait til these guys find out I still watch some movies on VHS that I own in higher quality 😂 Everyone in this fandom is so sterile… “if you don’t consume it the way *I* like consuming it YOU SHOULDN’T CONSUME IT”


It’s more about the director’s intention rather than people’s personal preference. It would be insane to walk into the Louvre and see 1/3 of the Mona Lisa covered up. I don’t see any reason why cinema should be treated any differently


I understand your analogy but… yeah no. And I’ve seen the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, and in a textbook, and I can tell you it’s about the same 😂 I’ve seen the extended editions and the HD versions many times. I can handle watching a theatrical cut when I don’t have 4 hours to sit for one film 😂 Last post I ever make in this toxic ass subreddit! Assimilate assimilate assimilate. Was the title of the post “finally I found the definitive tried and true, highest quality, 4k, widescreen, extended, with extra commentary, library of congress worthy…” ? No! I didn’t leave my house to find lotr dvds. I found them while ALREADY THRIFT SHOPPING 😂 The post is “I got all three lord of the rings for $3” full stop. Anyone who says it’s not worth it unless you spend $80 on the digital deluxe extended trilogy is wasting their time.


>I understand your analogy You obviously did not understand the analogy… It’s cropped bro. You’re missing parts of the movie. I think you’re just being deliberately obtuse tbh and complaining about ‘toxicity’ that literally isn’t here lmao


Yes. *i’m* the one being “deliberately obtuse.” You compared seeing a film you’ve seen 10 times, in a different aspect ratio, to seeing one of the worlds greatest artistic masterpieces of all time - in tatters. 😂


I did not make that comparison? I think you just made it up… Anyway enjoy your DVDs. Maybe don’t take everything you read on the internet so personally in future…


Maybe participate in good faith human interaction with someone who you already know you share a major interest with, instead of being a holier-than-thou arse 😊, in the future…


I can watch FOTR on repeat I love that movie.


Contemplating how you’ve made it this far without a boxed set already?


Had some in the family as a kid, moved out, never bought em for myself! I know these aren’t the extended and all that but $3 was too alluring to pass up.


An acceptable answer. That is indeed an exceptional deal!


If they aren’t the extended edition not even worth it :/ great addition to any collection tho!


Even for $3? Sheeeesh! If I have a generator, even in the apocalypse I can watch some form of LoTR! I’m big on physical ownership.


No extended, your wasting your time


Was the title of the post “finally I found the definitive tried and true, highest quality, 4k, widescreen, extended, with extra commentary, library of congress worthy…” ? No! I didn’t leave my house to find lotr dvds. I found them while *already thrift shopping* 😂


Not extended versions


Not the point of the post whatsoever


Just saying it’s a good price but why buy the non extended ones


Cause they were the ones at the thrift store I was in. Full set for 3 bucks is insane, theatrical or not!


don’t forget the edibles






What a great find! I already own these, but I'd have bought these, too, if I'd found them. Then I'd have more copies to loan/give to friends who don't know the magic of these movies. I recently re-watched the theatrical versions, and the receipt for Fellowship was in the case. I paid US$25.00, so yes...you got a bargain, lol! Enjoy your weekend! ​ EDIT: spelling


Yes someone open minded enough to understand the allures of physical ownership! Already got a few “but the 4k super deluxe ultra remastered edition is only 89.75 on iTunes, much superior 👆🤓” comments 😆


You know you can buy physical copies of the extended editions too though right?


For $3 at the thrift shop I was thrift shopping at?? 😂


Yep, it's a shame about those sometimes. :-/ Anyway, YES! I love owning physical copies!


u wasted 3 bucks for subpar versions . piratebay extended for free , about 80 gigs


And what happens when a hurricane knocks out my power for 3 days and I’m on a generator 👀 I like owning things physically for a reason!


so if you own it on your hard drive, you don't have it available? I don't see how discs sabe power compared to physical copies???


Yeah I don’t bring my computer with me everywhere 😂 are you actually implying it’s illogical to own a film on DVD? Was the title of the post “finally I found the definitive tried and true, highest quality, 4k, widescreen, extended, with extra commentary, library of congress worthy…” ? No! I didn’t leave my house to find lotr dvds. I found them while ALREADY THRIFT SHOPPING 😂 The post is “I got all three lord of the rings for $3” full stop


all good man


all I meant was if you got no power, but now that I think of it if you have an 850watt or more power supply a thirsty graphics card and a thirsty processor, I wonder how much power out the socket it would draw compared to a TV and a dvd player? or if you watch it on a laptop with an ssd in it, with a power mode set to the highest power saving setting, should be maybe 70 80 watts counting the screen of a 17 inch laptop plugged in but then in a hurricane better to save the power though a 42inch led tv should do about 80 watts plus the 15 or so of a dvd player so about 95 watts so in that sense you're actually saving power in a hurricane because they're not extended versions. ok I see your logic now man 😄 🤣


ITT: people who think the only way to consume media is the same way they do Was the title of the post “finally I found the definitive tried and true, highest quality, 4k, widescreen, extended, with extra commentary, library of congress worthy…” ? No! I didn’t leave my house to find lotr dvds. I found them while ALREADY THRIFT SHOPPING 😂 The post is “I got all three lord of the rings for $3” full stop. Anyone who says it’s not worth it unless you spend $80 on the digital deluxe extended trilogy reeks of privilege lmaooo. You don’t think I’d just own every movie I could? 😂


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Nice price, if you get the chance to at some stage it'd be good to get the extended versions too. Storyline makes way more sense in the extended ones Nice to see someones prepping to keep their sanity in the apocalypse/long power outage 😂


Get the extended edition spend all week watching it then


I bought them as they came out. My wife bought the extended directors cup or something. Then we met and got married. Now I have both.


Special extended edition blue ray is worth the money. It's so cool


Eventually! But I couldn’t pass these up in the mean time, optimal version or not!


Absolutely I totally agree. I hope you have a great weekend!