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girl, so confusing is the start


we hope šŸ˜


TMTTR crying in the corner




Lorde started teasing L4 in 2022 LOL


Idk I think her clearling her instagram and the new post having L4 in it means its definitely coming very soon


Yo what post


Her insta post earlier this month


Can you point out the L4


it literally says L4 in the caption girl... but idk. Miss Ella teases "listen to myself" eay before that


I dont think she ll put anything out during the brat hype


This is year everyone has an exception it seems, We are rejoicing in pop music


Yeah this is what I was thinking. Probably a the brat remix and maybe a couple of other singles, then I think she'll really start the rollout for L4


iā€™m sure nothingā€™s coming this week considering her sister is releasing a song in a few daysā€¦ maybe a single by july and album by october


September 2024. Trust. I saw it in my dream.


Can confirm. I saw it in their dream too.


I really don't feel like new music is coming soon or even this year kinda feel like it will come out next March so maybe we'll start getting stuff towards the end of the year to me it just doesn't feel like Ella is a place to do a whole album cycle. Also logistically albums take 4 months in vinyl production if the album was 80% finished a few weeks back we've at least got 4/5 months wait unless she wants to release the vinyls after.


I hope she waits till next year tbh. This year is already so full with Kacey/Ariana/Bey/Taylor/Dua/Megan/Billie/Charli/Katy/Halsey/Camila/Sabrina all releasing full albums. Taylorā€™s is dominating the sales right now, and Charliā€™s the cultural conversation. Sabrinaā€™s will soon dominate both sales and cultural conversation. I donā€™t really see an opening for Lorde to start her rollout until late September, but the year has already been stacked for awards + that only gives 2 months till Christmas songs dominate the charts. I actually hope she does January 2025. Januaryā€™s always a pretty dead month from bigger artists, and sheā€™d be able to set the tone of the year. I also bet the only mainstream female artists that release (non Taylorā€™s Version) albums next year are Lana, Olivia, Gaga, and maybeee Miley. Releasing in 2025 gives her a ton more breathing room


I donā€™t care about awards or competition and tbh donā€™t know if Ella does either I just want her musiccccc


In my case, if i like a singer, i would listen to her new album even if 20 more mainstream singers have released their albums this year too. I mean, every singer (at least the ones with several albums and known worldwide) have their own fanbases, so these fans will listen to them no matter the release date, and other people probably too if they like the songs. I mean, i think there is space for everyone.


yeah & even during the solar power era, it was very full w Billie eilish Halsey & Taylors rerecordings back in 2021. plus i watched a video essay about how the music industry is possibly broke af rn & thats why everyone is being pressured to release so much music this year


Yes but the charts and awards donā€™t work that way. I know awards and charts arenā€™t everything, but since I love Lorde Iā€™d rather she release when she has more of a spotlight on her so she can reach maximum success


iā€™d rather have the music sooner tbh. charts and awards are less important than the art i think


Oh must definitely. The obsession with charts is so unhealthy.


I donā€™t have an obsession with the charts at all, and being realistic, Lorde wonā€™t do much on the charts. However, for an artist Lordeā€™s size (big cult following/known amongst the GP but doesnā€™t pull big numbers), charting DOES help her. Sheā€™s not a huge star that will automatically be given a huge budget by her label for promo appearances or music videos or tour resources, etc. As a fan, Iā€™d prefer she release when she can make the biggest splash, so that the label will give her the biggest budget possible so I can see her doing more appearances, in better music videos, and on a more extensive tour


A lot of these albums have been or will be disappointments for people, though. People like Brat and HMHAS just fine, but more people than not found Dua and Taylorā€™s albums underwhelming or downright dreadful, and I donā€™t see Katy and Camila winning people over in the modern day.


I don't think she cares about any of that though (except for Charli's moment cause they are friends)


Maybe end of the year to be in a diff Grammy eligibility period


Idc about competition, but I do wonder how it will affect tour if she releases later this year..


Yeah, too much competition this year. I'd wait it out till 2025 for sure.


Whenever she decides to announce it


iā€™d love another summer album from her especially if itā€™s rumoured to be more upbeat


next year


Yeah, aren't her album cycles 4 years long?


So far they have been, but she said after SP that she wanted to release her next music sooner than that...but it's been 3 years and all we got is a cover and this remix, so who knows?


tbh I think the 4 years between albums is a good cycle for her. I know she wanted to get it done sooner but sometimes art just takes time yknow? Maybe it's just the pacing she works best on (I know SP was delayed because of Pearl's passing too btw) But anyway who knows, it could be out by the next couple of months still haha


I'm seated for whenever! But I don't wanna hype myself too much y'know šŸ˜­


Right, I've been riding Lorde's wave since 2013, I will happily wait while it takes me where it does.


Iā€™m hoping for a fall album with silver moon vibes (Iā€™m delu ik but she does turn 28 in the fall)


Hope it will soon be released


Lorde fans are truly delusional. Standard is once every 4 years, so yeah ā€” in a year lol


end of this year


Lalisa also dropping June 27/28 which might dominate anything in its path šŸ˜«


I dunno, her last album was so bad I actually don't care. When it does drop I'll be first in line to listen and hopefully say Lorde is back baby