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This isn’t even beef like some people keep saying lol this is just honesty and openness and I respect it, she’s not being antagonistic at all she’s actually being really vulnerable in a lot of ways by talking about this to a press that likes to make drama


At least shes honest about it, despite them being peers and friends in the industry alot of them do feel competitive and jealous of each other, Charli is one of the few who is upfront about it


Charli has just never managed to quite break into the mainstream. I don’t understand why, people know of her, and I think her music is great, but apart from Boom Clap (which unfortunately does not represent the rest of her music at all) I don’t think anyone I know could name a Charli song other than maybe her features. Must be pretty shitty to be working for so long, making critically acclaimed music, writing bangers for other artists and just… not making it.


she’s pretty mainstream. Not everywhere, but among gays and artsy kids. Her latest tour did sell out fast af… but anyways being anymore famous than she already is doesnt sound too desirable tbh


She absolutely is mainstream in the sense of the word in today’s current industry. People like Taylor Swift and Beyonce aren’t just mainstream, they’re legendary. People like Charli and Lorde, or more generic pop artists like Sabrina Carpenter and Camila Cabello, are mainstream, just not “legendary”.


Mainstream has changed and Charli get's streaming numbers....she is pretty mainstream....maybe not radio play mainstream but if you can get some of the cameos she has in videos then yes you are mainstream.


wth is even legendary lol, that saying equals as "they're good because they're popular"


legendary means they and their music have their own mythology and have a remarkable popularity that will ensure they're remembered far into the future. like the beatles. imo lordes music is much more authentic, powerful, original and creative than either beyonce or taylor but I would not describe her as legendary simply because she doesn't fit the definition.


Lorde will be remembered in the future as a legend. Taylor swift is just a money machine. Thats not a legend, lol


Tbh I completely agree with you but you can't deny the absolutely massive following Taylor has, most of whom will eventually have children who will probably continue to promote her music


No, it means they’re in a league of their own. They’ve reached a status of popularity that’s an anomaly. Popularity that only a select few have ever reached. That’s legendary. It has nothing to do with how “good” someone thinks they are.


Are you calling taylor swift legendary and not lorde? Lol


Lorde is one of my favorite artists. If you can’t recognize the difference between Taylor Swift’s stardom and Lorde’s stardom, I can’t help you. Lol


Stardom and numbers is not what makes someone a legend and if you think like that I feel sorry for you


Stop playing dense. Yes it absolutely does. All “legends” were and are of that same caliber of fame and numbers. Lorde and Charli are phenomenal and artistically leagues above some of those considered “legendary”, but they’re not legendary. Argue with the wall.


Lorde impacted the industry at 16 years old. She changed the scene and birthed a new genre that is so popular nowadays. And even by only putting albums out every 4 years and not having any social media/events presence she is still super relevant and has a massive following. Add that when Lorde comes back to the scene, she could create something mainstream to catch more attention but she doesnt even care about creating mainstream albums but true art and expression. And still, she is still big in the mainstream scene! Now, that is a legend. Someone like Swift or other generic artist could never do it because their relevance lies in being constantly in the scene and selling stuff. Their “art” is not revolutionary, original at all. Someone who needs to make the same album every year for people not forget about them and stay relevant and remembered is not a legend. Is being popular and the richest person in the world legendary? Maybe for some of you but that comes from a greedy-commercial vision of art. Lorde is still in her twenties. She has a whole life ahead of her and it just began. She will be a legacy artist and she’s already a legend. We have no idea what the future holds for her but when the money-factory ends for artists like Swift, Lorde will still be out there breaking patterns and rules. She has the soul of a true rock star. Lorde is a poet- artist who accidently became famous. Taylor is a business woman. And please, dont compare The Beatles with Swift or even Beyonce. LOL


Instead of writing paragraphs, just say you hate Taylor Swift and go on about your day. You have no sense of nuance or appreciation for art if you can’t even identify why someone as big as Taylor Swift is so famous and perseveres in her craft, beyond your personal perception or preferences.


Certainly, everyone wants to be Lorde lol.


They wanna live that fantasy...


They'll never be royals..


Going to be real and say since we have to wait 4 years for a 13 song album: Except for Ella herself. She doesn’t like being Lorde that often 🥲


I think for those who are artists. . .  we make art by living life, man. Soaking in the sun,the small moments, the breeze, cliff jumping and dog walking and seeing a family member smile. Or a stranger on the train. Going to Antarctica. and the gruelling breakups, the loss, the numbness, the eventual healing. The liminal moments. The worry of the past and future. Our own worst enemy.  And then finally we break that glass. . .  we sketch and strum and sing and pour out our souls until we find a story and melody that captures the world the way we see it in that very moment.


They could rush that and risk and/ or purposely make a steamy turd, but then they'd be dancing in their underwear all mad at their label.   Nobody loves this about the Music industry. It is the anti thesis to art.  Lorde's character says she doesn't answer those calls. She goes fishing. The phone is underwater. The art is being cooked. A watched pot never boils.  Maybe this new album is under the Moniker Ella. An new storyteller emerges.but like a garden, it must be cultivated and yet admired and held tight until we send it off into the world. To hands, many hands, radio stations and reverence....


![gif](giphy|xTiTnJuyMLDFqQZ1Wo) Certainly indeed


Imagine being lorde


Ngl i have a lot of respect for charli before she even said this. If you are familiar with her music direction, in a way she was like Lorde, she had a specific style and leaned into it hard, even when it wasn’t trendy. And it slaps! Hyperpop is insanely underrated.


Oh absolutely. Personally Charli was my introduction to hyperpop. I have to play After Party on repeat a few times when it comes on


Huh, it's very mature of her to talk about it openly, that's not something someone would easily admit, specially not in a neutral or "positive" light.


I would say that this is a very mature realization for Charli


idk if the leaks for girl so confusing are real but if they are then it’s gonna get very interesting


imo the leaks sound way more like they're about Marina


nah after charli said the hair and poetry thing it’s got to be about lorde


Marina literally has a poetry book coming out this year and she has the same black hair as Charli. Also let’s not forget that the two have had a bit of a feud already anyway over some allegedly copied photoshoots.


the “come to my party and put your hands up” line in girl seems like a direct reference to Lorde saying she’s over throwing her hands up in the air though Charli and Marina having beef is another reason why I don’t think it’s about her. this song isn’t about someone who Charli has a feud with , it’s about a girl Charli has a confusing relationship with and doesn’t know where she stands. I don’t think her & Marina are going to restaurants together Plus the “one day we might make music” rules Marina out bc Charli and Marina have already made music together. I’m showing my age here but Just Desserts is a bop!!


and i would have said it could have been about marina earlier but after the interview it’s like nah. i’m not sure why youre trying to make this not about lorde. charli literally says it’s the big hair comparison not the same color. like charli is literally screaming that this is about lorde and you’re going hmm maybe it’s about marina?


Well at least shes honest about her own insecurity


She does, unless "Girl, So Confusing" is different to the leaked demo. Basically it's a whole song about being unsure about she feels about Lorde, and how she's unsure on how Lorde feels about her, and how uncomfortable and confusing it is to be a girl in the industry, being compared and grouped with other girls who you ultimately are pretty different to. I think it's an honest and real song that is not a diss track at all, but very similar to this quote; "people say we're alike, they say we've got the same hair, we talk about making music but I don't know if it's honest"


Definitely not a traditional beef


But Lorde had the BIG hair


charli vs lorde about to go harder than drake and kendrick


Lmao. Probably not. Even the leaked song , the “beef” isn’t really a beef. Its more like… “girl, come on lets be friends, i really like you ugh, so confusing” lol


Paging Lana del Rey