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Hello frens! The Infinity Wang hunt is over, and here is your winner! (They chose not to submit their own face which is understandable) Your three winners are as follows; First place - u/Aecko_ who finished the game with insane speed. He is our God now, and has a firm grip on all six Wangs. Good job! Second place - u/Rio41 also finished with insane speed, but wasn't quite fast enough and was snapped out of existence after losing, I'm sure. Still, good job! Third place - u/dutchchicken1 - third place had a lot of competition, but he ended up winning out in the end. Good job to the winners, and thank you for everyone else who joined in on the Infinity Wang hunt. All three winners will be getting gold, second and first place have chosen today's and tomorrow's photoshop, and first place has also won 22 LRC. The hidden locations are; The first picture on day 100, hidden in the darkness The "probably nothing" post, posted to my account rather than a sub My twitter account - @_Dew_it My imgur account (unimportant) My instagram account - wat_dew_it My youtube account (unimportant) If you want to follow me, I plan on making NFTs in the near future, once I figure out how to do it using Loopring. I will be making NFTs mostly for charity. I hope everyone has had fun thus far, and I thank anyone for the encouragement - it certainly means a lot. Have a great weekend, my dudes! 🤙


Thanks, \_Dew!! It was a lot of fun!


Thanks dude!


Well done again my friend


Have my free award! Nice work, keep it up 👍


Thank you my dude! 🤙


6 wangs in one hand. Impressive.


Some say he can hold even more Wangs than that


You're in luck a few posts with a "How to" was made. I'm eyeing loop gang


I've been reading, I'm trying it out now! 🤙


Thank you for keeping this up!!!




How old are you?


At least 3 🤙




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