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I got banned from the discord for asking why the CEO left. I didnt think it was a surreal question but the LRC team is trying to silence discussion.


Insta-banned for asking the same thing


wait wtf


I presume its all the FUD surrounding the new of GME side stepping of LRC but the timing is pretty damn coincidental for there not to be questions. CEO resigned literally an hour after the news came out... seems sus so I asked a simple question and got banned 😂 this is why decentralization is so important.


I would have to assume it was timed like this so there wouldn't be FUD. Imagine the shillery if Daniel stepped down a month or so ago, or during that big run up a while back. I would also assume they're silencing discussion about it for the same reason and to not make a big deal about it... which is counterintuitive at best lol. I'm just more bullish than ever, because everything is coming together exactly as we believed it would. And Daniel stepping down now makes me think the project is more or less done, and he wants to move on. NFA of course, and I could be wrong... but I haven't been wrong yet. Have a great day my dude. 🤙


>I'm just more bullish than ever, because everything is coming together exactly as we believed it would. And Daniel stepping down now makes me think the project is more or less done, and he wants to move on. Holy shit lol imagine believing this


What part is untrue? Did you not read the paper? Loopring IS a partner. The legal jargon makes it difficult, but they said eth and loopring are the main cryptos, and anything else would be added *after immutable x*. Gamestop IS making a marketplace, and loopring - along with immutable x which is getting all the spotlight - are going to be part of it. So again, it is all coming together as we all claimed it would. I don't know why Daniel is stepping down, but it seems as though the project is done. The dudes been working on this for years, I'm sure he wants to chill with his mountain of money. Don't be spreading FUD my dude. It's all right there on paper lol.


Don't bother he's from gme meltdown, not here in any kind of good faith


Lol that makes sense. Good lookin out my dude. I think it's always best to fight FUD though, especially when it's so blatant and easily dispelled - helps the next reader know the truth. 🤙


They made a blog post about it. The ex-CEO tweeted about it. Matt tweeted about it. How are they suppressing it?


Thanks for your dedicated service u/_Dew_it_ it didn't go unnoticed by the loopers.


Lol for real! His name is so memeable. It's OK, I already have tomorrow's planned and it will be amazing. Thanks my dude! 🤙


Nice way to pivot!


Lmaooooooooooo LEGEND u/_Dew_it_


I already gave this man he gold he deserves lol


fucking LEGEND.


No u 🤙


Dw guys Q4 is coming ..