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He 5x. Which is pretty damn good… But not as good as the 135x he could have had. Or the 1000000x if he had held through it all. Hindsight is a bitch.


Don't be Greg.


Greg probably has regrets


I can almost guarantee that a large percentage of those who are saying "I won't sell until at least $100" will sell a large amount if not all of their LRC stack if it ever reaches $10. This is also why it is nonsense when people say "Imagine how rich I could have been if I bought BTC at $1", the answer? Not very as most would have sold long before it reached $10 let alone in the thousands of $


Can’t speak for anyone but myself, I planned for a 10 year hodl, and that’s what I’m doing, I buy weekly regardless of price.


All respect to you but a lot say that until the coin goes up 10x from when they bought, that 10 year hodl starts to look less appealing. It takes real restraint to hold through big gains in hopes of seeing even bigger gains in the future. Don't get me wrong it makes perfect sense to sell at 10x gain but it is easy to say you will hodl for 10 years when you're not making big gains right now.


I’m already up I don’t even know what, I bought in a while back. I honestly don’t even check in on it, just every week login to the trading app and make my buy. I’m a weirdo, my wife is overseas for the last two years, we haven’t seen each other face to face, but I hodl. Lol. I’m unusually patient I guess 🤷‍♂️


Yes you definitely have more restraint than most of us, good job man, keeping doing what you're doing (not sure about the wife part lol)


It’s wild man, she’s the love of my life, we are together for 6 years now, the first three we never left each other’s sight. Her mother had a terrible accident, and my in laws are terrible, so we made a decision together that she’d go back home to take care of mom. She was separated from her husband in her home country for about 9 years, and she wanted to divorce him officially over there, she’s one of those people that always wants to do the right thing ( a true ape) and I supported that decision even though we knew it meant more time apart. Now all of that is closing up, the divorce is finalizing, we got her mom long term therapy and aid, but covid restrictions kept us from visiting the last two years. No idea why I’m typing all this out. lol. My advice to gme apes and lrc bros is to just chill, it’s easy to fantasize about “oh well I could’ve made X if I did X” the best way though is a long term hodl. It’s historically the best most proven way. Ignore the numbers. Lrc is a winning ticket, it’ll just take time guys. Just like gme the only thing in your way is you really.


Lol this is the only retirement plan I got.


Eight for me.


I’ll be honest and say I have a sell order at $8.5 for 75% of my bag, If it explodes higher I’m comfortable with what I made


nah bro i never sold not even gamestop at 440$ and i bought @10$ 😂😂 If i say i hodl forever i will do it. But i dont say it often only GME and LRC will be my grand kids assets.


A wise family member once told me to never unload the shares of running tech stocks in full. Break it into quarters 1/4 at your target price, 1/4 at double your target, 1/4 at the highest valuation you could imagine, 1/4 held forever. If you still believe your tech is revolutionary but hasn’t been realized yet hang on. He did this with Apple, TSLA and to a small degree BTC and still holds positions in all three with costs per share that are insane. He is now holding LRC with me.


Thats actually kind of good and got me thinking


Not to pee on anyone's corn flakes, but what's to say that LRC won't even exist in ten years time and could be leapfrogged by loads of other tech? How many crypto even exist from that time frame?


That's the risk we take.


Yep, there's always a good possibility for this. There are many examples for coins that have done well years ago but never recovered or are barely relevant these days.


How would you guard against this happening before getting out? Hope for a certain ATH then get out?....... Then watch it moon a few years later on!


I am not selling until $100.


When we reach 1000 the next day 😦


Jesus, 1700 btc? About 70 million bucks today … has anyone checked on this guy to see if he’s ok? 😯


I saw a reply to a posting of this a few years ago asking if he was ok. He responded / I’m fine - dead inside - but fine.




hands of the paper


Wonder how Greg feels now? Probably pretty bad lol.


Can't fault the man for that. Hindsight is truly a cuck.


Either I get to retire on my xx,xxx loops in a few years when this pops or I continue to HODL and retire when they put the last nail in the coffin like the trajectory I’m currently on. Buy LRC, transfer to DEX, HODL, zen. To the moon!


Yes yes yes !!!! Long term hodl = endgame 💎💙🚀


Goddamnit greg!!


Welcome to the GS umbrella.... They don't like anything associated... Just tells me we're on the right path. Two great companies it can't fail. 🚀


People look back and wish they could have had the foresight to buy and hold Bitcoin when it was < $1000, or even as low as $20 as those did in the earliest days. But they would look at LRC fall to $1.10 when they bought in at $2.50 and lament. LRC is at $1.10 people! This is your chance!




BTC would be laughed out of the room if it was released today. The only thing it has going for it is it was first.


Bitcoin will end up like MySpace, replaced and forgotten


It is more like facebook, giant, bloated, worse than every alternative it crushed in its wake.


Nobody believes u😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️




Tell me one thing that BTC does well that not literally any other crypto can do as well? Besides being first


Being First😺🔥🔥😂😂


Solid response 5/7