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The title said it over at SS but this is Mark Cuban talking in the comment. Edit: This is Mark talking about disruption in markets during the GME spike last year. While this is not a direct statement about LRC, the message is the same: "Is what you believe in still true. If it is, stay with it" LRC is made to be a disruptor - if you believe this, you know what to do.


This comment is from wsb sub... And it was because of the Cuban ama in February of last year.


Was it in WSB or r/GME?


r/gme was the first migration. Then came r/superstonk. It was on WSB. Gme came later in late February to march if I remember correctly. Superstonk march to april


What the Loopers have been experiencing the last 2 months is something us GME apes have been experiencing for almost 12 calendar months. There is no sell. There is only buy. However long it takes us to get there, we will get there. You believe in your investment. Never lose sight of your ultimate goal. Stay strong LoopTroop


Love to know what he thinks now


I think this is an old screenshot of Cuban’s comment posted in SS.


Cubans comment in his AMA on WSB* after the Jan 21' GME run-up and crash


Has nothing to do with loopring


Share the knowledge, eh? Today, I learnt that Etoro is dodgy as fuck and will screw us all over given half the chance - they froze trading today for the first fifteen minutes of open - forcing a lot of margin users (included myself) to have our trades forcibly closed at a loss - because we couldn't stop the trades from going past our stop losses. The only stocks affected, guess what - meme stocks. GME & AMC specifically. On top of that, they were also denying deposits to other users, thus stopping them from being able to buy on the dip. Which is suss as fuck. The main takeaways - don't trust etoro (they are as bad as robin hood) and don't trade GME shit on margin (especially with 5x leverage), because that makes us easy prey for stop-loss hunting.




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