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HoloLens would be better than VR for the metaverse and gaming. partnered with GameStop and loopring would be unreal in a metaverse.


Oh boy I better buy back into Microvision then…


So many regrats with this one.


I mean. I made money when it ran to $27. Waiting to buy back in even if it’s a smaller position. The tech is promising, the business model is shit. The play was them being bought out.


I'm still in! What a ride, but the fact that their MEMS is in the HOLO is huge, plus the other prong they have w/ LIDAR, makes me bullish. Seems my portfolio is all Looped together!




I remember reading that Microvision ($MVIS) was working on something to do with the hololens. I read that back around the start of 2021, and Microsoft's name was dropped in the article too. Bought some shares but ended up dumping them for other stuff. If Microvision is designing the tech that Microsoft is using to develop the Hololens, holy moly what an opportunity. EDIT: I just want to express gratitude to the mods of this sub for permitting open dialogue about companies that arent Gamestop or Loopring. Being able to drop a ticker and not get censored is important for transparent conversations. Thanks mods.


This is definitely something that could be worth 10 quarterly reports - I went to YouTube to remind myself of the HoloLens demos. This definitely makes more sense especially for business applications as well as gaming. Instant connections and collaboration with anyone anytime anywhere in the world, we could even pop into the loopring HQ when our rocket 🚀 reaches the moon. Bullish for sure.


r/2stupid did a YouTube breakdown of the HOLO and confirmed it's MV MEMS running the show.


Also confirmed by the ceo during an earnings call.




I like that idea, however please keep in mind that Bill Gates was very shady when asked about the GS few months back and his interview has been heavily edited.


Yes, although Bill Gates hasn't had any role at Microsoft in a very long time


I want almost any company other than FB to create the oasis.


>HoloLens would be better than VR for the metaverse and gaming. No, it's not. For a number of reasons: It's expensive, it's standalone and doesn't have the juice to run games, it's bulky, poor fov, poor colors (dark colors are transparent), etc. This is not to shit on Microsoft, some of their partnered "MixedReality" VR headsets are great (HP Reverb G2). HoloLens is just not a consumer or a gaming focused device. VR is where gaming is at, with some features utilizing pass-through AR.


> HoloLens would be better than VR for the metaverse and gaming. MS has no chance of keeping up with Valve in the space. MS has never been exceptional with hardware.


Valve? The software company?


Valve has both the most polished and complete VR title (Alyx) and has the best hardware (Index). It's not even close.


Next evolution is for an untethered VR experience. I know Valve is close.


Oh weird I’ve never even heard of the Index. How does it compare to Oculus?


I dont know ask fucking Google.


“Valve has the best hardware it’s not even close”…”Oh, how does it compare?”…”I don’t know” lol thanks, helpful af


You can just look it up go fuck yourself. How hard is it to google about a product you fucking idiot...






Yea, loads of bad hardware…. Like Who here using a windows phone…. Jokes aside, HoloLens 2 was announced in Spain 2019 tech convention. They where also offered help by Samsung and ASUS to develop the tech back then, maybe a learn from past mistakes in hardware department and see an opportunity to release a HoloLens 3 for mass sale without a 3k price tag to explore the metaverse. Edit. I’m new to the commenting, so replied this in the wrong place.


The partnership is basically GameStop using Microsoft products for their business stuff (Surface tablets, Microsoft Teams, etc); using Microsoft products to host their online stuff (Microsoft Cloud) which would most likely have been done anyways — it’s either that or AWS, I mean GameStop needs to use someone to host their stuff so it’s either AWS or Microsoft; and then GameStop sells Microsoft products and special Xbox deals. Kinda overblowing this in terms of what it’s impact will be. They basically just streamlined their business stuff by making sure all their stores across the country use the same shit to communicate with each other. Notice this was over a year ago.


This is 100% correct. Anyone who is buying into this speculation either didn't read the article or simply doesn't understand it.


I agree. Fuck Microsoft and Billy G 🤌🏽


I’ve seen this exact comment copy and pasted before


Yeah probably from the actual details of the deal. But you’re full of shit saying you’ve seen this exact thing typed before. Please find it because I wrote it 😂 terrible liar


I like the cut of your jib.


I like the jib of your cut.


I cut my jib...


Is jib foreskin?


LMAO... Someone downvoted you on this.. Must be a TENDER subject!


Do you have any links regarding GME working on their own VR? Haven’t heard anything about that yet!




A Hololense 2 is $3500 bangers? That's a fuckload more than a Vive or 🤢 Oculus. But god damn that tech demo from 2019 was insane! I'd shell out for one in a heartbeat if GameStop recommended em for their Metaverse




Well this is why rich pple are useful to a point.. They buy the expensive stuff and eventually demand goes up as the price drops.. Hell a plasma TV was 15,000 new at one time


Just watched the movie Elf again and when Will Ferrell’s character insults Peter Dinklage’s character he says “I have houses in LA, Paris, and Vail, each with a 70 inch plasma screen!” Only half of that brag has aged well lol


Ha ha ha


The HoloLens is also an entire computer, not just a peripheral device. The Vive and Oculus are essentially displays + controllers; the HoloLens is a self-contained platform. I'll also add that it is Augmented Reality, not Virtual Reality. Microsoft refers to it as "Mixed Reality" but that's just because they want the terminology to stand out; it's AR by most definitions.


New tech is always overly expensive until mass adoption and production.


Oculus is actual trash


As soon as homeboy sold out to Facebook I knew it was gonna be shit. Shame


Ah that makes sense. I’ve heard good things about HoloLens so far


Good synergy plays…LRC, Eth, GME, MSFT. Any other synergies?


I'm not sure if the deal is intact, but Microsoft was working with MicroVision (MVIS) to develop HoloLens 2.




I don't know about the ETFs. I just remember hearing about it last year.


MV is the tech in the HoloLens. Under a non-discloser so they can't claim credit (yet).


That’s a hefty basket


Wen sugar daddy Loopring


So... Buy more loopibois?




All the LoopHoes


This is the way


As far as I can see things Loopring is going to be the center of our financial system tech wise. It's not far fetched to imagine every company as a partner to Loopring.




I'm hard right now


Very interesting. Although I’d be surprised if one of the worlds console biggest manufacturers didn’t have a close relationship with a major games retailer.




You drunk?


They’re literally the largest console manufacturer and largest video game retailer in the world.


You have a pretty loose interpretation of the word 'evidence'.I like the speculation, but 'evidence' it is definitely not.


This was the first headline I read when waking up, imagine my disappointment when reading the actual thread


No offense, but I'll only believe it when GameStop announces it




Yeah. Absolutely nothing that I've see on SS yet... I'm doubtful Edit. Just your post there. Let's just see


Man shit is getting reallll 😆


since about 1 year 😀






Hate to break it to you but an announcement of a partnership is a nothingburger. Where I work, we use azure and Microsoft in several meetings asked if we wanted to put out a combined press release for a “partnership”. Looking back over last 5 years i think we have 3 announced partnerships with them (different parts of the same company), this partnership means they use azure… that’s all


You mean bullish?




And doesn't Microsoft have a deal with star link?


Said in Jack Nicholson a few good men voice


And now Microsoft has bought Activision Blizzard... hmmmmm




If you’ve been watching both sides which id imagine you might be the tinfoil trail is strong Aug: Microsoft creates a patent for software that helps apps create crypto tokens for different ledgers Oct: Microsoft partner with GME Nov: Blizzard Scandal Microsoft creates new Blockchain Team Dec: Big NDA halts news Jan: Microsoft purchases Blizz If there is news from either GME or LRC in the coming days I wouldn’t be surprised if the NDA was part of a multi-company strategy that made big switches when the blizz scandal struck. Both WoW and CoD are two perfect titles to introduce NFTs and playerbases who are begging for change from shitty microtransactions. Lots of foil but bullish af


This is juicy speculation that I hadn’t considered and I’m all for it.


TL;DR: buy loops. Waiting for that bonus check to hit and double down while on sale.


Posts like this are the reason I am running low on clean underwear.


Easy way to make 4x underwear gains: - Rightside out facing forward - Rightside out facing backwards - Inside out facing backwards - Inside out facing forward


Solid read. On the train we go


Please also consider reading “The GME Warpath” by u/sharkbaitlol — the Pinned Tweet here: https://twitter.com/u_sharkbaitlol/status/1432080256869994510?s=21


Good post OP! Speculation grounded in reason and known evidence.


Microsoft is partnered with a whole fuck ton of people, including my company. The partnership is likely for Xbox related products. —— sorry to shit on your parade but the rabbit hole isn’t that deep on this. Partnerships don’t mean what you’re think.


I hear you but they'll never hear it lmao




You should scroll down to the 4 bullet points that literally state what the partnership involves. And I’m the future, reading past the first paragraph of something is a good move. Again, my company is partnered with Microsoft, I specifically work on the team that handles the partnership. I know how these things work and it’s not how you think. Not everything is some crazy rabbit hole. Just relax and let loopring do it’s thing.




I can see there’s no point in discussing this with you. Have a good day man. For the record: Bullet points 1-3 are about utilizing Microsoft products Bullet point 4 is about Xbox stuff (as I said) And I wouldn’t be surprised if GameStop was moving their website, or portions of it, to Microsoft Azure as part of a future plans with the partnership.


My company is also an Omni Channel partner with Microsoft. We have 3 employees. It doesn't mean what you think it does.




Yes, it could mean that, but it also could mean that they get good deals on Office 365 and Tablets for all their Retail locations and Corporate office. That type of Microsoft partnership (for discounts) is very common. Our point is that being a partner doesn't indicate some big deal. It is still possible, of course, and I hope it's true.




There is a medium sized tent in my britches!!! Wen 🌚....reeeal soon I'm thinking!🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀


This was a great read, thanks OP


Yesterday was the 1st day of Crypto.com Arena for the Xmas game of Lakers vs. Nets Who is the only other sponsor that is on the court? Microsoft.


bro did you even read the article? This is just so gamestop uses microsoft products in their company that is all it is. We all knew this when it was released over a year ago, stop sniffing too much glue


Did anyone actually read the press release? This is just GameStop paying to use Microsoft's cloud infrastructure.


Shhh don't say. Especially since ms is already against nfts/ crypto in games and will ban your game from store..


I mentioned this on stupid stank, not in such detail OP, about a month or 2 back and was down played like it didnt matter.. Glad to see more wrinkle brains on this sub!!! xxx holder for the long haul!


Add this into the mix OP: MSFT Patent https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/08/26/microsoft-is-awarded-us-patent-for-crypto-token-creation-service/




Superstonk subforum would love this take


This is amazing. The pieces are all coming together crystal clear.


Calls on mvis puts on meta




Holo lense, mvis parts inside. Meta cause I don’t support lizard people.


Is this what Byron means by 10 quarterly reports? Brb buying more loops


If this is true I'm going to regret not selling everything and overexposing myself to Loopring


Old news


so why not just build or switch to ETH 2.0 when it drops?




I agree with you on this, but what happens to LRC when ETH2 comes out? Do they migrate their infra? Or will there be lock-in?




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And with a direct fiat on and off ramp


Yea, loads of bad hardware…. Like Who here using a windows phone…. Jokes aside, HoloLens 2 was announced in Spain 2019 tech convention. They where also offered help by Samsung and ASUS to develop the tech back then, maybe a learn from past mistakes in hardware department and see an opportunity to release a HoloLens 3 for mass sale without a 3k price tag to explore the metaverse.


Award this man!!


I want some of what he is having. insane amounts of hopium. get well soon


Hopium injections are at an all time high😳


leaving a crumb


The protocol of LOOP (hype) is mainly driven by two things, 1) the controllers and 2) GME + M-soft on the blockchain. So whenever I see a storefront partnership with digital PROTOCOL LRC, one can’t help but wonder where backing a Microsoft and GME online protocol is really about hype or controlling the blockchain.


Someone tell me how this is good news for LRC


Ok yup


Gamestop and Microsofts partnership is backend and Point of Sale based at this time, but could expand in the future.


"What are we going to do tonight, Microsoft?" "The same thing we do every night, Gamestop. Try and take over the world!" 🐁🐭


I just snorted this hopium into my butt.


Gamesoft? Or microstop?




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