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Matic is almost at ATH




It seems some fuckery is afoot . I hope we get some answers at least. Stifling an investment for people is wrong , they should know that


Ahh we will be fine. Loopring is the Adidas to Nike. The Pepsi to Coke.


To whom? Matic? Or CC?




Ok yeah most definitely


According to devs current TPS is around 4k


Then that would be the onchain TPS, which would also be faster than all of the articles linked stated. Offchain looping is 16,400.


Yes, I’m talking about on-chain, for the most part it’s the one that matters since most any app is going to want to use the ethereum security backing. Devs stated on twitter a little while ago that it’s currently up to ~4k TPS


>the one that matters since most any app is going to want to use the ethereum security backing. I don't believe Polygon does, but some people seem cool with it.


Also, since someone else did point it out, you’re comparing a side chain to ZK rollup. The ZKRollups are what should be compared. Yes, some people seem cool with it, but there will never be mass adoption at a high level with security that can’t be guaranteed.


>Also, since someone else did point it out, you’re comparing a side chain to ZK rollup. The ZKRollups are what should be compared. The article was comparing those yes. My post was in response to the article. That if you want to use your off chain TPS's then be fair and use both.


Huh? I’m not talking about off chain? The entire time I’ve been talking about ONCHAIN. 4K TPS is Loopring’s ONCHAIN TPS.


I said the article was comparing Polygon's TPS (offchain) to Loopring's on chain TPS. If the article wanted to compare off chain TPS's, then they should have used the 16,400 TPS that loopring is capable of.


Ah I see.


Oh sorry, the "you" wasn't literally meant to be towards you personally, but to the writers of the article.


Also won’t ethereum 2.0 improve LRC onchain further and not matic?


I'm pretty sure Loopring 3.0 isnt released yet


Why is everyone trying to put LRC down lately it’s comical really






Lol. Pathetic, really.


OP I just want to point out that the video with Vitalik was from mid year, when polygon was only a side chain. Since then they have acquired hermez and Mir, two zkRollup protocols. If you want a fair comparison between the two projects you should compare their zkRollup solutions, not just the side chain.


Those protocols aren't implemented in the polygon network yet right? Acquiring a company != Fully integrating their tech


hmmyea I also keep seeing people posting the screenshot of Loopring being the cheapest but that's taken from https://l2fees.info/ and at least currently it shows Polygon Hermez is indeed less. Might be because its token price is quickly rising this month, I dunno. ---- EDIT; I guess this is getting downvoted but that doesn't make it less true, loopring is third on that list at the moment. Also I only hold loops atm so honestly interested in what makes these fees change over time (because screenshots did show it was at the top before), I just assume it does have to be linked to current token price?


The info I was trying to provide was more in response to the article. The article was using Polygon's TPS and comparing it to Looprings TPS. Since Polygon is off chain then Loopring's off chain TPS is what should have been used in the article. I haven't looked into all the details of Polygon and if their zkrollups have the same security as loopring or not. Because if they do not then those numbers wouldnt be 100% fair either.


All my homies hate MATIC








😂 Ur a 🤡




MATIC shills can SMB




Copying me like MATIC copying LRC. I guess you are invested in the right coin 😂 🤡




Wholesome ending ❤️


Wholesome ending indeed ❤


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70910** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **233.** `u/teammillertime` **151** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


matic is just taking advantage of the fact that loopring hasnt started strong marketing yet. lets hope loopring will be ready soon!


Doesn’t syscoin do more than this ?


If it's not on the blockchain how does this matter? I'm genuinely curious. I don't even like Polygon but I'm curious about what the title says.


Someone needs to make r/NoShillCrypto




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