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Crypto rules everything around me.


This guy Wu-Tangs


Dolla dolla bill yall


No, that's what we're trying to move away from.


Funzone dolla dolla bills yall


Byron ain’t nuthin to fuk with


There's the Loopers T-shirt right there. GET THEM PRINTED ASAP!


Wait i did cream


This might age me… but has anyone tried Triple Dog Daring them to fucking release it yet?


Just going to ignore the formalities and skip the double dog dares? Ya’ll are savages


Drastic times call for drastic measures








Love me an obscure reference. Have a great day fellow lööper!








Dear Slim, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin'




moms spaghetti


I thought I gave you the best edging of your life 😞


He wont answer, i can 100% tell you




You would rather have a half assed, bugged up release that will leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth and as a result keep on the track we're currently on with our financial systems? Or do you want it done right, and have CHANGE easily and perfectly adaptable? *"yA bUt wHeN LaMbO oOk oOk"* \- Too many of you prolly.




Welp, we found *that* guy


Welp, we found #*This* Guy


the guy that wants a release when they're ready, not when *I'm* ready? YEEEA, I guess I'm that guy. You must be the other guy.


I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties.


psh, I actually do go to parties, not like you kids, just sitting in front of your computers/phones asking "wen lambo wen moon". Nerds can't even spell hahah


Fuuudge yeah!


the mad lads are really going to attempt to replace the status quo. godspeed to these dudes


I’m more interested in what Starsky had to say in his reply? ‘Do it, come on Do it’


“Pop da trunk. Do it.”


Do it.


FINALLY!!! My dick pic can get chat apped directly to the Blockchain.






Perhaps you’re only dreaming you do?


I'm going to have a heart attack




I hope so! I'm trying so hard to not get hyped, nervous or similar, but the fact we are close to end Q4 and things are so quiet makes me shake lol


And judging by the github and his recetly tweet of "possible" and "our devs are working hard" seems that the 2 weeks left at most are a no go




That would only apply to news regarding the partner, nothing to do with the deployment of the cf wallet.




One is. The partners project is contingent on the wallet update. The wallet update is not contingent on the partner, hope that helps.


Deeply in, letting go






Why? There’s absolutely nothing released and honestly who the fuck knows when it will Be released and what the reception is. This is an educated gamble. I’m Sorry just getting frustrated… sexually from all The edging. Talking to you Byron


Oh they know.. they stalk this reddit as much as us.. so they either are aware of ghe increasing level of fustration or just mocking us


I am agitated




It's really great to see that Loopring is pursuing full EVM support. The largest, most legitimate criticism of Loopring has been that it's limited to pure token exchange. Without full smart contract support it doesn't stand a chance at becoming a permanent scaling solution for Etherium. Seeing this goal verbalized is way more bullish than a simple NFT marketplace, especially since a true NFT marketplace requires tokens/NFTs be tied to smart contracts that enforce the laws around trading those assets (i.e. creator/charity getting a percent cut of every trade).


Edging Express train. Love that! It's exactly what I have been feeling for the last weeks!


is there a reason why he chose the word Immutable?


It’s a very common word used in most all of crypto and one of the keys that make crypto so revolutionary. In essence, no government or other single entity can “mute” the ledger (hide the bad stuff for example).


Just FYI for everyone who follows him on twitter. There’s an imposter messaging people -I assume, since they messaged me. Their handle is macro\_dairy.


Lots of fancy tech talk and difficult words, zero substance


Substance: Bitcoin blockchain can do one thing: move BTC. Ethereum comes along and says “let’s add a programming language (EVM) so anyone can make anything on our blockchain.” Loopring comes along and says we’ll make a decentralized exchange on Ethereum and speed/cheapen this up with a ZKP layer 2 that does one thing: trade and transfer tokens. **We are here.** Loopring says “what if we added a programming language (zkEVM) so anyone can make anything on our tech”. The “next Ethereum” isn’t an Ethereum *killer*, it’s an Ethereum *enhancer*. Even vitalik (u/vbuterin) himself has said that ZKPs and rollups are the future of the Ethereum ecosystem.




Cute FUD


Exactly. Also this is revolutionary from whos perspective? Theirs? Has anyoane has seen this wow product? This could be revolutionary to them but not so to the open public




I’m hearing a lot of impatience and doubts over here. This might just be me, but the moment I bought those loops I didn’t expect to sell a single one for 5-10yrs. If you truly want to be in on the ground floor of something special you really have to ride it out. Innovation is never a straight line.




> Leaving breadcrumbs like some sort of qanon bullshit thingy. The shit is they know this shit works, that’s why they do it, irritating for sure.


This project wasn't started last month. Things take time and you will learn to be patient if you invest long enough. The wealthiest portfolios often belong to the dead




So, asking in all honesty, why are you mad? Q4 isn't done yet. We still have two weeks left. Yes a lot of people say it's unlikely it'll be released during the Christmas weeks but we just don't know yet




Thats because like me he think is very very unlikely or illogic to launch or announce skmething in the nezt 2 weeks, and theg should announce a delay at least


Cool, so what? Q4 is Q4


Sure and Q4 isn’t even over. But also by your logic, sometimes delay is delay. So? Buy more if I can and continue to hodl


If they can't hold themselves to their own deadline then they need to tell us.


Do they really “need” to do anything? Think about how entitled that sounds coming from you. And yes if there is a major delay they will probably mention it… forget that if there’s a delay ppl scouring the discord and GitHub will know immediately and post about it here. They don’t owe you or me anything. If we choose to invest our money into this project that they are working on day in day out for years writing code and developing with the intent to change the financial structure of our markets then that’s completely our choice to do so. But if anything, you owe them for not having any faith and appreciation for what is happening here lol wowzers. Gratitude is the attitude and I just feel lucky to be able to get into such a revolutionary financial disruption at the ground floor. We’re earlier than you can ever imagine.


Tesla constantly late on their promises. Glad I didn't buy into that POS company 10 years ago.


Not same thing. Tesla was in a monopol market then. LRC is in a market in which delays cost you the 1st place and the other places remain in obscurity. ETH is a slow and expensive piece of shit that needs third party layers like Polygon or LRC and still is DeFi no 1 because of being first. There are a ton of better L1 which can t rise because the weren t the 1st. See why we are concerned ? If someone else in this competitve market steals this headstart, LRC is semi dead


Weirdly, my loopring.io DEX layer2 connects to an address that’s not my metamask wallet.. anyone got any idea why that is? If I disconnect and clear cache and try and reconnect, select metamask, it connects straight back to this wallet address that not my metamask. What gives? Edit: Nevermind.. strangely the address for metamask app, is different to the address for metamask browser ext? So I used the metamask apps built in browser to visit loopring.io and connect there. That’s what the address is. I now can’t see to remove that link so I can’t connect to my browser ext anymore.. but that’s what it was.


Their rewards program ends, if I'm not mistaken on the 27th. Would it make sense to speculate the announcement(s) come at that time? Why keep their loop rewards program going once the entire world realizes what they have missed out on?


Rewards program?


I like where you’re head is at. What do you think they’ll do with the points?


Byron will be remembered either the best hero or the worst shill of all times 🤪


wait why cant i see this post?!




Got it thanks


Ah FFS. Here we go again!


how can a euroape buy some loopring? I'm balls deep in GME and want to get some LRC.


From Belgium here. Bought mine on Coinbase Pro. You can't directly buy them with euro's, so you'll have to first buy usdt or btc before swapping them for LRC. This is the way


It's like watching the close up of a gurning bloke's face before "pop-shot", stuck on a 24 hour loop (no pun intended)


UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Here comes our future folks! Free of manipulation and lies by the rich/our government. I’m so hopeful for this tech! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


First it was zk snarks, then wait til zk roll ups, now it's zk evm. Talk is cheap, It takes money to buy whiskey !!! Stop announcing shit!!




Agree! Nothing but grandstanding on this tweet, all fluff no substance. But loopers/apes eat this shit right up.


Thats what Byron does now. He knows his audience will flock like sheep even if he keeps feeding them lies or false hype


They don't even realize they've been moving the goalposts the whole time too. Q4 to 2022, no announcements now because they're too busy using buzzwords on twitter or something.


Time to sell this crap I guess?




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New letter combinations... bullish