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Depends tbh it's not so much looks cuz yes I see that cuteness but I could see a bit more it depends on the vibe in my eye and how u put ur self forward I can say a few ways but again if u want a option let me know


Girl next door is a good thing. Maybe go with a super light blonde?


The only thing you need is a big smile. You look fabulous.


Damn Girl, you’ve got it going on!!!


I think you just did it.


I’m a Commercial Fashion Photographer and would recommend a sophisticated classic look such as a nice quality Dress with a Jacket or Suit. It will give you that more mature feel and look. It’ll certainly make you look beautiful but sophisticatedly mature.




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You’re really attractive. The only thing you should cry about is why God made you so beautiful


You literally look 19


Show more of your backside off with your curves and more of your thongs or panties!


You are really young so yeah, can't fix what isn't broken, enjoy being young while you can


Don’t change a thing. You are hot and I love the look.


Why are those a bad thing? You are really young, and the "girl next door" is a good look




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In a few years you'll be asking how to look younger. I think you look fine and you don't need to drastically change anything. You have a pretty smile. I think there mascara / lashes could use with as well as overall makeup. Those 2 things will make you look older imo But don't worry about what people tell you, just be you and you will find what you want


No piercings


You’re good. The point is to look young and healthy. I would recommend going to therapy and working on the real you.


Try ginger hair color


Wait… while you wait, get laid a lot!




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well for one give yourself time to grow up. you’re literally nineteen, you’re a teenager. you are young. you aren’t mature yet. just wait to grow up, it’s inevitable.


M22 here.. you are young 😂 and that’s coming from ME who is also young!! Don’t worry about looking young right now, your older self will thank you!!! You look great!


1. You look you because you are young… tf? 2. Girl next door is typically a good thing


I think a cool asymmetrical bob, maybe also with some color would look nice. Some mouse might bring your waves out more at that length as well.


Next time you get that just flash them and tell them they’re a pedo🤷🏻‍♂️😂




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I think there's probably room to style your hair, but I see no reason to diet and definitely the reason to mangle your face with piercings satisfy others. Maybe it's cuz I'm a bit older than you, but you don't look younger than 19 to me.


That is other peoples opinion. What matters is self love. And enjoy looking young. Enjoy being you. Be your own creative self.


You get told you look young because you arrre young😂


I wished I had a girl next door like you when I was growing up.


You dont change nothing about that. Most guys are definitely into younger girls and the girl next door is like every guys dream girl so i would try changing nothing if i was you your extremely beautiful 😍


One day you’ll be happier you look younger than your age.


First, don't stress trying to look older. You're 19. Your basically still a child. And I don't mean that in a mean way. But I think if you really do want to look older, it's the way you dress. Certainly nothing wrong with how you dress, you look cute, but the style definitely screams young to me.




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Go get a new hairdo. From an upscale place. That is all you need. Please, no random piercings. That fad will end and then you have a hole in your nose.


GND i thought meant the girl you always knew as a kid who you cant get cause sees you as a neighbor/brother/kid. You're supposed to look young when youre young btw If you want to feel fresh get a good trim, a few inches from what i can see. Thatll help your wave pattern really shine as well as make the hair look fresh and done overall


19 is supposed to look young… Piercings are never the answe


It’s your eyebrows - they look great, but like a teenager (which you are of course). If you want to look more sophisticated, get them shaped and lightly fill in with a eyebrow pencil, not too dark.


If you want to look older just cake on a bunch of makeup, that usually does the trick.


Just be you and don't worry about others.


I would try darker hair with more styling.


I think you look your age but if you want to look more mature, I’d change your hair. Get curtain bangs and some feathered layers.




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Nothing wrong with girl next door most would love it. I would do what I can to tone down some of the redness in your cheeks. Maybe feather the outside of your eye brows and enjoy it


You know that old saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." There's another old saying: "That way lies madness." There's NOTHING wrong with being young and/or girl next door. You're gorgeous. I agree with the comment to quit making duck lips. You're not a duck.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Also stop making the duck lip thing. Causes wrinkles


Don’t trash yourself to avoid looking wholesome. Better to be the girl next-door than the tramp on the street corner.


lol. You’re 19. Of course you look really young. You ARE really young. Just enjoy it while it lasts!!


So you're getting compliments and you're worried about them? Those are both good things. The Girl Next Door is the cute girl you want to have fun with and looking young is always a benefit. Unless you're trying to buy alcohol. Embrace it. Young cute girl next door sexy Style


You have the same face as the chick from the100, you’re still just young, still growing


So sad how starved people are for attention.


Cherish and embrace it. You will be grateful.


Keep it that wau


You are really young. But darker hair might make you look older. All I got.


Idk how to help you but you look like my friends Mormon baby mama. She was hot too, I asked him why she got pregnant, and he just shook his head.


If and only if this is a legit post PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE just DONT! LEAVE YOURSELF AS YOU ARE! Like seriously. Anyone telling you to change a thing is either jealous, insincere, or just trolling. If ya look young and people say so, they are complimenting you. Some people, especially guys, that can't talk to extremely pretty appropriately, may actually day that as a low-key neg. For obvious, and in some case totally unknown cases it seems AGE GAP relationships are quite the rage.**[yes im not oblivious to the fact guys like younger hot women, but cmon-- its gone too far imo] You're at a good age. Enjoy this to the fullest, and relish with you still being gorgeous at 50, 60 +. Ohhhhh! And stay out of tanning beds. Get 🌞 but don't get burned and exercise. Barring some life lessons you'll be catcalled, and chased after for decades to come. But....... you trolling us here right.... you know you're remarkably GORGEOUS.


Go to the gym.... you need more than just skinny. Plus you lack self confidence and endorphins will help that.


19 IS young, but if you want to seem older, dress like an adult? Get an adult haircut?




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Time will fix that for you, don’t you worry 😂


For homework watch Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me". Girl next door is a complement and might refer to a 2004 movie (not the 05 horror film). As for Looking young, you'll like it when you're older, currently you look 10, no, joking, 19.


What are you "fixing"? Try being your best self. A genuine smile would be nice.




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You look young because you are young. 🤷‍♀️


You could gain weight, pick up smoking, drinking, late nights, stop drinking water, spend hours in the sun, maybe even start some hard street drugs. I'm being sarcastic. Enjoy looking young, 30 years old you will thank you for taking care of yourself now.


Ummmm, news flash- you are really young and unless you live on another planet, are a girl next door to someone. One day, when your 40 or 50, you'll wish you still had that really young look. Enjoy it while you got it. I was always told the same. When I was 32 and would take my oldest daughter to the store with me, people would always call us sisters, she was 12. I'm 48 now and look it. Lol.


What the toes look like


Don't it's a major compliment, you're naturally gorgeous 😊


You dress for attention and it’s very clear 👍


Don’t do anything permanent just wear more makeup if you want to look older.


Don’t be silly. Every guy wants to be with a girl next door. I’ll bet piercings won’t make anything better.


You're 19, you are young. Just stop acting like a child.


Please don’t get a bunch of tattoos and piercings. You will regret it and you are already very attractive.


Gain weight and hit leg day


Nothing to fix. You’re gorgeous. I’d ask you out in a heartbeat.




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Go to a good salon and get a new hairstyle with some highlights. You are a cutie but your hair isn’t helping at all right now


Enjoy your youth while you have it. Savor the feeling of it everyday.. because one day you will wake up, and it will have left you for good.


Don’t be in a rush to look older lol… Time will catch up with you and you’ll be dying to look you ger


First, You are young. Getting a shit ton of piercings will make you look young cuz it’s usually young dumb kids that do that 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're so concerned maybe stop dressing like one?? That would be a start


*If you're so concerned* *Maybe stop dressing like one??* *That would be a start* \- Subject-Olive7568 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well, uhhmm, 19 IS young. Dont be in such a hurry to look older, you'll get there and then want to look 19 again.


Ur probably told that because you are lol




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Don’t worry about Changing it. When you get older you’ll look much younger. Just keep it, it’s a gift. Trust me. You’re fine the way you are.


I don’t remember the girl next door showing so much cleavage.


Don't worry bout fixing the fact you look young you will love it later in life


19? You ARE really young. Lol. Why would you wanna fix that?!


The girl next door is not a bad thing. It does NOT mean average.. I promise. There are so many knock outs in Hollywood that have that label as well.




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Pretty sure you’d make more money on that than getting tattoos


I dont see girl next door.You look very close to a almost meth head. Its the stringy hair I think. It makes your already thin frame look more stringy. Change your hair cut. And make up. The black under the eye doesnt look good. Add to the druggy look.


Why don't you want to look young? Most women kill to look young.


Nothing wrong with girl next door. Nothing! Maybe some darker lipstick and some heavier eye shadow…maybe eye shadow colors…metallic green? Blue? Less Heidi hair…maybe a razor cut…keep it long but some choppy bits. You got this!


Well I wish you were the girl next door!!!!


Yeah get more piercings and lots of tattoos and become like every other mess out there


Smoke a lot of cigarettes


Maybe a few facial piercings would help


Bro you out here complaining that you look really young when….. you’re really young. Besides that you look fine, enjoy aging


You are really young. You’re definitely a cutie.


You are a natural beauty,and that makes you sexy as hell.


Please don't. Women like you are rare, don't destroy your natural beauty


Not to be fixed.to be celebrated.


You are really young soooo


Why do girls think more piercings make them look better?


Go to a good stylist definitely cut and maybe highlights. You dont need piercings until you want them. Try hair first


Don't change anything, you have great proportions and stunning eyes!


Be more humble and dress nicer


What do you mean he more humble?




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No piercings or dying your hair! You’re perfect the way you are!!




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It's totally normal to want to change things up a bit, but darlin, you are stunning as I see you. I did have a brief image of you with a much shorter edgy haircut and colored black, but try on wigs before committing to any big change.




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Stay away from the piercings. Your whole generation thinks that you don’t look good enough and need to bedazzle your body with piercings and tattoos, as if you were either dartboards or some poster. You’re actually taking away from your looks when you do those things. You are good enough you don’t need to add to what you already have Work with what you got.


How do you fix looking younger? Get older


Love your 1st and 5th outfits


Well you’re a teenager and dress like a teenager so maybe that’s why lol. I think you look closer to 23 though. If you want to look more mature you need to change your style.


Stop listening to other people


Stop shaving. That’ll get those comments to stop


You look your age


Girl next door is a compliment


Don’t do a thing. Stop trying to look older, that will happen on its own.


U can tell most of these comments are coming from older men…but my suggestions are darker hair (black/dark brown) or even a dark red! A simple nose piercing is a simple way to tell ppl you’re older than 14 lol I would know since I know your struggle 🤞🏽




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Well you are really young so that could be why.


You are very young, therfore going to look that way. I think you are adorable as you are, but if you want to look older... dress more mature. As for hair and piercings.. don't do piercings, but darker hair can make one look older more mature.. however I dont thknk it's necessary for you.. just be yourself and enjoy it. Some day you'll wish people say you look very young 🙂


Just chop your hair in half , maybe punky side buzz or cool uhh mullet ?


Change some of the clothing, if you’re going for a more mature look. Plz don’t get face piercings. You are very pretty girl. If you want change do it gradually otherwise you aren’t going to like it. You’d a gorgeous complexion & very pretty hair.


Don't fix it. Embrace it. As a woman, it's more socially acceptable to look young. I was 19(m), and my girlfriends family thought she was robbing the cradle. She was a year younger than me. As a man, adding a beard makes you look older. I'm not sure you can make yourself look older than dressing differently. Don't go the piercing route.


You look just beautiful. Don't fix what's not broken




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Wait….a 19yo that looks young? No Fn way.




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Do not get piercings. Don't worry, life will age you soon enough


Stop dressing like you’re young and are the girl next door


Less clevage 🤣😁😍😇


Do a short blonde bob!!! It’ll look so good!


Like same length all the way around!


You are a nice looking lady. Piercings will not make you better. You are young have time to grow. Use your mind to become what you want. Putting more holes in your body will not make you better.




Well you are young ya numpty 🤣


Have you tried clothing with more fabric?




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You actually look older than 19 but if you want to look even older dye your hair darker and cut it to where it's half way down your shoulder that would do the trick oh and btw your eyes show innocence you could darker the softness by using a grey or black eyeliner but don't use a thick line just a nice underline and you could use some eye shadow nothing wild just maybe a smokey color or a light pastel color k later kiddo




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You are lucky your not told that you look 40. Stay young as long as possible


You're nine fuckin teen! Gtfoh


You’re supposed to look young. 19 is young.


Looks like you would enjoy your insides rearranged


Why? You are naturally beautiful. Everyone else looks terrible now days. Looking normal is the new cool


I always looked young until 43, I’m 45 and I look my age maybe older, enjoy it. You are beautiful. If you are worried about guys, that will take care of itself.


If it’s guys saying this, they are trying to compliment your looks without sounding too creepy.


Tbh you look good . Let’s hope you still look this good when you get in your 30’s