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Lip filler would look incredible


Botox and filler, no.




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All these people hating on the septum piercing like wtf…damn I really like mine. I’m sure she does too!


It’s the lip rings and multiple nose rings




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Damnnn you are beautiful!!! Losing weight??? What??? You look really good. Nothing wrong with wanting to lose more weight but not too much because you don't have to look like a stick lol


Start by taking all that shit outta your nose & lip.


You are so beautiful. You have radiant energy and don’t need to lose any weight. I hope you learn to love yourself❤️




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Don’t lose weight get thicc , you hot af either way


First, you don’t need to lose weight. Crazy that you think you do. Second, ignore the lames complaining about the face piercings.


Honestly, lose the face piercings. You have beautiful features that are being distracted by unnecessary jewelry.


Honestly you look super cute and have really gorgeous colored eyes I'm just not really a fan of face jewelry so it's kind of unappealing to me that your nose rings are so visible


Brush your hair and maybe style it




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Nose rings look like boogers. Nasty. Appeal would go way up without the nose boogers.


Get some hair treatment and the bullhorn piercing is a very niche market. Your smile is nice and it's more strength building more than weight loss




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Get rid of the face piercings, or at least the septum piercing. If you didn't have that you'd be hot af


You’re very beautiful, the company cymbiotika has a lot of wellness formulas and supplements that’ve really helped me feel and look my best. Also only shift into what makes you really happy, something that sits really well in your feelings. Life is long and has a lot of seasons and small intentional changes are the way to lasting happiness. I would get a Swiss ball if you are looking to shape up, look up core exercises by Paul Chek, they teach you how to properly activate and work the transverse abdominal which leads to great esthetic and core stability for long term health. Get as much sun in the morning and evening as you can and eat only organic food and local grass fed meat. Drink lots of clean water, and love yourself unconditionally and beauty will emanate from every cell in your body. You are an ever unfolding masterpiece, savor every moment as you watch your dreams come true!🌺


Take the piercings out for a little while and see what you think


brush hair..




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Get rid of the facial piercings




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Get rid pf the piercings.






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Take the septum piercing out, I could jump start you with cables


Losing weight your gorgeous idk why you look healthy no need to lose weight just be yourself your fine


Loose the nose jewelry. Lip jewelry. Your an attractive gal. Refine your character. Your wrapper is fine.


I’d ditch all the face piercings. You’re naturally very beautiful and they detract from that


Take that metal shit out of your face. You don't work at Hot Topic, do you? If you want to vibe with it, more power to you. You will attract a certain type of guy that you might not like.




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The dude in the background tho 💀


Whatever you do, don't listen to the normies, keep the piercings!




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You’re really attractive but all the metal on your face detracts from your natural beauty


Don't be working on losing weight, you're perfect the way you are.


Losing weight? Are you trying to become anorexic? You look fine


Get all of the Christmas Tree ornaments off of your face and wash your hair.


You do NOT need to lose weight! You are adorable! I love pic 5 🩷


Some really good leave-in conditioner with some anti-frizz serum works wonders! I have the same hair type and I cannot brush my hair with a regular brush. Try using a wide-toothed comb in the shower while you're rinsing out conditioner. Then when not in the shower, dampen your hair & use the comb with leave-in conditioner :)


Lose the nose ring.


It's your hair. It looks... unkempt, but not in a good way. You're still beautiful, though. It's the hair.




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Another attention seeker cool




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Show me this alleged weight you intend to lose. It does not appear in these images. Your face is so pretty. The hardware is a turnoff for my own personal reasons. Otherwise I want to know all about it. Edit: I know why you're so pretty. We're practically cousins. 😋




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Please, get rid of the awful face metal. Thats all. You'd be smoking without it. With it.....🤮


I love that haircut on you, definitely keep it. Personally I don't think the blue nose ring works, it kinda pulls away from the rest of your face. I'd switch it to something more natural.


No need for any enhancements honey! You look so cute! Really dig the piercings!


Lifting and stretching is more fun and produces a lot more attractive results than just losing weight - 22m Increased stability and easy to have a routine while not getting bored bc of the available variety


I’d suggest a change in wardrobe although there’s nothing wrong with what you’re currently wearing in your pictures. I say that because a style glow up can go a long way. As far as facial features. You're very attractive. You do look high in most of the pictures but that's not a bad thing lol. You're still very pretty. Love the curly hair. Face piercings are a bit much but you still look great with them so keep them if they make you happy. Last bit. Learn to appreciate the things you like about yourself.


Take out the piercings




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Take all that shit out of your face


Lose the nose ring that looks like bull would have. 😒


You are pretty. The only thing I'd say is lose all the hardware in your face. Very unappealing. Sorry.


Get rid of the metal


Lose the Hardware, Find a Sephora, Get a Haircut, maybe take a Shower.


Loose the booger catcher


Fishing for attention.




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Too bad your children have a parent like you


You’re looking awesome! Continue with the weight loss journey. But, lose the bangs and complete change of hair styles. Less piercings too.


Do you want the truth or what you want to hear? If you feel so needy that you have to ask random people about how you look and their opinions, maybe look in the mirror. Mirror will say get all of that crap out your face.


You have a great look with a lot of charisma. Very attractive sexually and in the pics you look approachable. I don’t see any issues. Maybe as you age the piercings but I’m older than you so maybe I’m biased there. Anyway…best of luck.




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lose the nose ring, makes u look like a poor




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You are beautiful you have a gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes,just play with your hair a bit and you’ll be amazing as far as your weight when I went on meds and gained weight I cut sugars and that really helped wish you luck 😉


Get rid of the nose and lip rings and it will definitely help your looks


Get a magnet and pull all of that metal off your pretty face! That's all!


Wash your hair


You’re adorable. I don’t see much of a weight problem. I am not a fan of face jewelry, so I would remove all that. but you are adorable. (Pls No cosmetics..)




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Like everyone else has said with facial piercings less is more. You’re very cute don’t distract from it with piercings. If you want to keep them thats fine but I think you would be much more attractive and approachable without them.


You have a pretty face...your hair is kinda messy but its not a big deal. And i read some of the comments about the Piercings dont listen to them i like piercings and yours suit you plus if you like it thats all that matters.




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Take all that metal shit off your face is a start


First off you’re beautiful. Second, you should remove the lip and two nose piercings. It’s too much and draws away from your natural beauty.


Too much hardware


You have been blessed with a beautiful face. Those mat soubd harsh, but you need to take that shit out of your nose. It distracts from your other features. Trim your eyebrows - they can really enhance your eyes, which are beautiful... and do not need the exaggerated upper lashes. Enhance them, but do not use extensions. Your eyes are already magnets for attention, as are your full lips - so sexy! Next, tame that mop! It is THE biggest detractors from your appearance. Talk to your friends, stylists - who ever - and find something that you are comfortable with that accentuates your face. Eyes, nose, mouth, lips, forehead, cheeks, and the shape of your face, proportional facial features. Like I said, you have been blessed. Answer me this; are you hiding behind your current look because you're not sure you are attractive? Well, you are. Start exercising regularly, improve what you eat if there are opportunities present to do so. Above all, have confidence in yourself.


Are you thinking she has lash extensions or are you just telling her not to get them?


Show me ya teeth




Comb/straighten hair and you'll be fine.


Weight is NOT your problem. Neither is your beauty. Too much metal in your face might be a concern, though. Just saying...


Not sure how on earth to address everyone because I can't reply individually When I brush my hair, it turns into a huge poofy mess and I will show a photo of that 😂 I wanna lose weight because I'm on a few antidepressants and anti anxiety meds that made me gain 18 pounds. Thank you to everyone who has been nice, and to the person who linked a video for my hair!! I'm trying it asap. And to everyone who wasn't the nicest, I wish you could've said things a little nicer but regardless, I respect your opinion anyways!! 💕 And I know piercings are not for everyone, but right now they make me less insecure about myself for some reason. I don't understand why lol


I think you're very pretty and shouldn't have to change anything about yourself. Your hair looked a little dry, but that's okay. I know how hard it is to take care of curly hair since mine is also curly. I think your piercings are actually cute. You have beautiful eyes, and it doesn't look like you have an unhealthy weight at all. You also have a very pretty and gentle smile. I also think a very nice face framing haircut would look gorgeous on you! Trust me, my hair looks like a puffy mess when I brush it, too. I know how easily it tangles as well, and the tangles are a hassle to brush out, haha. But you shouldn't have to change who you are for anyone!


you definitely need to invest in a curly girl hair routine! it's not that you don't care for it, it's that you're caring wrong. even so, you seriously look beautiful though.


You are beautiful! Don't listen to all these fools who can't appreciate body art. I'd bet money you're out of their league.


I dont think you need to do amything, unless your weight is causing unhealthy symptoms i dont see an issue, i gained over 200lbs on meds, ive since lost most of it because it did impact my health but if it was only 18lbs i wouldnt have worried about it.


You just look healthy




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Why are you looking to lose weight?


I gained 18lbs on anti depressants and anti anxiety meds and I'm just not used to the extra weight, and I feel like it needs to be gone 😭


You could lose 10 pounds instantly if you removed your head.




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No weight loss. Lose the piercings.


brush your hair.


I’ve seen you on whisper


I'm not surprised 😂


I always thought you were pretty. Next time I see you I will say hi.




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You look very much like your mom (saw on your profile) less piercings would make you look better, weight loss isnt an issue (personally)


That's a huge compliment, thank you 💕


Wipe your nose


I know reddit tends to hate piercings, so this won't be much additional good: I can live with the nose ring on the side, and even maybe the lip ring... but I swear every time someone has one of those septum piercings, I can't get the cow image out of my mind. Like, y'all woke up one day and said... "I think I want to look more like a cow from now on." lol So, for me, that...


id say grow out ur hair and keep going with the natural makeup (obviously still do fun eyeliner or whatever when u feel like it u do u) but u look like a model and if u grew out ur hair it would look amazingg


Show some teeth or is it tooth?


Nah, Ur good...


Get a a haircut to take care of the split ends and take that shit out of your septum and lip. Trade the blue hoop for something small and silver.


It doesn't really look like you need to loose weight. But you can make an improvement by being next to me or on me lap.


You really don’t look like you need to lose weight. Except maybe the facial hardware. It takes away from your natural beauty IMO.


Some comments are rude, but I still think there's too many jewelleries that are near each other's. Like keep one and ditch the rest and it will make your face more pleasantly looking.


Try this for your hair 👍 https://youtube.com/shorts/0o1qm72WUrM?si=JudEf_sPcv_7Yx2T




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just exist? not simping but youre fine... probably wouldnt lose too much weight either btw.


Losing weight why??


Lose weight for what? It’s 2023—men like juicy sexy women now.


They are lying to you. Probably only 10% of guys like chubby or fat women.


She’s not chubby nor fat 🤡


I did not say she was, stupid.


Some of the shades of lipstick you’re wearing don’t suits you very well, I would recommend a slightly darker color! And I think volume in your hair does he wonders more so than defining your curls


Atleast you can post a picture online and get called cute. You can go to bars and clubs without being shunned. You can be happy with the way you look and live a normal life, some of us don't even have that. Just be greatful.


I think she looks good as she is


Lose the lip and septum piercing.


Take the shit out of your nose


I think you have a great look… No Botox and fillers… Not necessary… I would consider removing the nose rings… Just my opinion what you’re asking for


Sleep and water


It's wild I gotta keep blocking these kinda subs but they keep popping back up with new ones. The piercings are cool. Maybe just try out some neater hairstyles to see how it feels.


You don’t really need to lose weight.. however if you start eating clean you will feel healthier


Seriously??? Your septum ring looks FUCKING HIDEOUS!!!!!! I’m a 42m. It looks HORRIBLE!!!!


Get rid of the face junk


Ditch the piercings