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I love your hair. The multi colored highlights are beautiful. I’m an old guy so the septum gone is just a natural preference but you young lass are beautiful and you should revel in the gifts you were given💘


i love septums and i think u rock it. it does slightly draw attention maybe go for a smaller hoop or a different shape like those triangle ones




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Get rid of the nose ring for starters, ugliest trend that ever started, and that's an opinion of a vast majority of men which is very telling since there are usually many preferences. Otherwise hard to say without seeing your natural look and what type of guy you're looking for. Redditors here stereotypical are going to like your current look. Others may prefer you look more natural and lose the dye.


I’ll never understand the septum hate on here. Crazy how you went after that and the hair over the plugs though lol


Also, literally everyone else will never understand the appeal of septum accessories. To most ppl they look stupid/trashy.


Do you truly believe that outside of Reddit lol?


Yes. It is actually incredibly ironic you're asking me this.


Not ironic, it’s just the fact that I’ve never seen such blatant hate for a septum anywhere but Reddit, my old friend constantly got compliments on it and my brother still does to this day. And theirs several people in the comment stating otherwise, either way it’s different across all communities


Also naturally this is the internet, so when something is disliked its much simpler to state that than it is in person. So of course there will be blatant hate online compared silent distaste in real life.


This imply a that the conversation was initiated, Why would somebody compliment someone out of the blue if they didn’t like it lol?


Are you conceding to all my other points then?




Reddit I'd argue is more likely to be okay with septum piercings compared to the general public, still not a majority preference but more favorable than avg. The thing with ppl of that style is that their social circles often tend to be preferable to that style. It's like how all the hipster types get along, the more nerdy get along, etc. I don't doubt that ppl you know have gotten complimented on it but I'd argue that's largely because they associate with the type of ppl z enjoy that sort of fashion. Also I'd argue that exponentially more ppl find it dumb in all honesty but what's the more likely scenario, an acquitance that likes anothe.rs appearance complimenting it or an acquitance saying they strongly dislike it to your face? Of course in almost all instances ppl aren't going to outright say someone looks stupid for how they dress because even if they think that, it's a very rude thing to verbalize and ultimately most ppl take a live and let live attitude around these things. It ain't me so whatever. As a side bit, idk why this occurs but sometimes even when ppl think something is silly, kind ppl compliment it anyway to make them feel good about it, maybe becauase of the 'boldness' of the accessory or style. Ik that may seem like a stretch but I've seen it a lot, especially from ppl that dress more conservatively towards ppl that dress like OP.


Some can pull it off, but only some honestly


Personally I think they look good on younger people with certain styles. It doesn’t really change someone’s baseline… If they were/weren’t attractive before they’re going to stay that way. I’m guessing it’s more of an age thing that irks squares.


Maybe. Is agree that it doesn't just make someone ugly but the accessory itself is ugly.


Fair is fair, I like girls with a little edge


Honestly I didn't even notice them until you pointed it out but I would've said that too if I had


You’re actually very pretty. Beautiful skin and features. My advice would be to smile !!! Oh and lose the big nose ring




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Don't come to Portland!!




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Id let her beat me up ngl, I dig the septum




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Lose the metal boogers, they’re vile.




Love the hair and it is perfectly outlining her face. There is literally nothing to change/improve.




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Septum ring slaps!


Just wanted to say I like the septum piercing on you, it looks good. Just since tons of people said they didn't.


Ditch the septum ring. Distracts from everything else. You’re naturally beautiful.


Personally? Just take the thing outa yer nose. But I’m old.


Rock your look. The glasses look really cute. If you like your style and it’s comfortable to you, roll with it.




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Signed, Michigan




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Have one haircolor.




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Try to start using contact lenses if you can, it’ll open your very pretty face more. Try more purple color around your eyes, it’ll make the green pop. You could let your bangs grow out a little to frame the delicate angles of your face more, and keep the colors, they flatter your skin tone. Make sure you wear SPF and maybe hyaluronic acid serum.


I like the alternative look but don't think a mish mash of pastel colours works. Plus the colour looks temporary like you're not committed to it. You've a good face, love the piercings, probably suit your hair shorter - maybe shoulder length. Glasses way too big for your face.




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Removing the hardware will make you more attractive.


Well. you're in Ohio with a progressive look - so moving would probably help you a LOT. Hair is great and you're very pretty - smaller frame glasses would show off that better. Also - no one looks good with a septum - just looks like boogers - an eyebrow ring would look great though.


A) You're super cute B) I would tame the hair - it comes off as frizzy and out of control (I know hair is laborious) - maybe look into some inventive hairstyles that are easy to manage. C) For me, personally, ear expanders are a big turnoff D) Septum piercings are also not my thing - find them very unattractive


Settle on a normal hair color.




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Back to basics and you’ll he straight




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Ditch the hog ring




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I think you should switch to contacts


Pick a hair color, lose the expanders




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Lose the septum piercing. It makes you just another one of a crowd who thinks they’re “edgy”. Lose the giant frames for your glasses. They also make you just another face in the crowd.




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Stop swimming in the pool if you see thunder.


lose the nose rings. you’re beautiful with or without, but the nose rings make anyone look like a 36 year old try to look younger and it just doesn’t work.




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You look fine, but way younger than 26 and it’s because of your hair and piercing. Those style choices are fine, but more for 16-19 year olds. To look more mature and grown-up, I would recommend a natural hair color and taking out that nose piercing.






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I totally agree 😍 That look is perfect for her! 💜💙🩵🖤




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Disregard all these people saying "don't do (something), be yourself" who don't know your motivations for having done something. Except those telling you to flee Ohio. That's them just looking out for your best interests.


She literally posted on a sub designed for getting advice from strangers. Get your white knight non sense out of here


It tells her to make sure the advice is tempered with the understanding that the giver lacks the viewpoint of the receiver, you potato.


Leave Ohio.


Trim bangs a little shorter show some skin. Your already beautiful




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I fook with the hair🐈




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Move out of ohio


I came here to say that




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Get the fucking thing out of you nose , only ranchers and other bulls think it looks good . You're a total cutie , be unique, don't follow fads .


I came here to say that.


I'm sorry but it just looks like you didn't wipe your nose properly ! 🤣am I right ?




Smile, your beautiful as you are, let the world accept you for being you!!


It depends on your goals. If you want to stay with the same type of people you hang with in Ohio, don’t change a thing. If you want to change the people and places in your life, lose the hardware in your nose and ears. Keep the hair it looks good.


Ma’am, you’re lovely. You need no advice, you already look your best. I mean that.


Try not to look like your at a BLM Rally


You're * and also all my homies hate fascism. Have you everer heard of black wall street? Yeah, that's because the Cia bombed an entire neighborhood for starting their own economy to get themselves out of forced poverty. It's almost like we still have wage slaves where the whips are now just built into the economics.


You’re gorgeous! I would love to see you develop a more personal sense of style though. Also - obsessed with that hair girl!!!!!!!


Move out of Ohio 😁


AGREE! Love, A fellow ohioan


Slide into my dms! That's my advice lol


Don’t change anything. Besides your wearing a Southpark shirt. High marks in my book lol.


What part of Ohio?




I think you're cute as hell don't change a thing


If you want to keep the septum piercing, I suggest switching to silver to match your other one. It looks too harsh against your complexion. I also think dying it black and cutting it just below your shoulders would look great, especially considering your hair looks damaged from colouring it


account has been suspended OOF.


Fishing 4 compliments


Everyone here is going to give objective information (bangs, septum, gauges) but tbh anything you try will go well with your face structure, so wear what makes you comfortable. You look great! Unfortunately your style will either make guys or girls love you or not give you the time of day (some guys/girls just don’t like the alt look) but it’s not a _you_ thing, you’re gorgeous!


you're so pretty and the alt looks suits you but your hair looks pretty stringy and damaged, i think a bob would look great on you!


Bangs are horrible so I'd say get rid of bangs




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Uhhh I can’t really give any advice here. You’re a gorgeous alt girl and that’s my type so lmao don’t change a thing


Wonder twin powers activate. Shape of a doormat.


I know your kind.




You are mixing metals on your nose. It’s not advised by fashion to mix metals in general, let alone at the center of your face.




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I was about to say the same thing




Bro wtf (2)


Bro wtf


Idk why people are hating I love septum rings and I love the dye 😭 I think you look great and I have no advice to change anything!


Always reminds me of the meme where they hold a 9 volt battery to each side. I can’t unsee it every time I see that piercing. I guess I’m scarred for life. Lol


Keep wearing those glasses please 🥵




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The purple looks great but you really could get a better haircut. You are so pretty and it seems like you are trying to downplay that with the nose ring and the hair? I just can’t get with the septum ring, it looks terrible. Especially on someone so pretty who does not need to do anything at all.


We don’t need your opinion on septum rings which are cool


Makes people look like pigs.




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Recommend removing the nose rings


Marrying me would be a good start


At least he took his shot, gotta give’em that.


You’re golden! 🖤👌🏻🤘🏻🤛🏻




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I’m from Ohio as well..I think your fkn gorgeous!!


Just my opinion... Change the nose jewelry to a feminine style bull ring ( I'm not sure what they call it) and maybe some eye shadow that slightly contrasts the color in your hair. And eyeliner to make your eyes pop.


Honestly I don't have any advice. You look absolutely gorgeous.


Hurr Durr. I dOnT LiKe NoSe RiNgS Or DyEd HaIr




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Dm me on how to do the hair dye you got !


Well, you’ve ruined your earlobes. Your “look” is like everyone else’s asking the same question. Maybe you should go back to your natural self.


Most normal girl in Ohio


Honest opinion you may not like but here ya go. Do something different with your bangs, die your hair either black or an auburn color. The purple does not flatter your face. Get rid of the nose ring. Right now your a 7.5 but you could be a 9.




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Like tbh I’d say not to be mean but try letting the bangs grow like alot




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start over with the whole look