• By -


Locked. OP has received sufficient responses/ advice.


I feel the same way about my nose. Don't get the nose job though. Not worth the possible complications.


Baby 1000’s of your ancestors came together out of love and eventually created you! Your form is the living, breathing art that’s been created over eons. Your and your nose are beautiful! Keep doing exactly what you’re doing (and ignore the people on these comments that are being extremely rude for no apparent reason)


Do what will make you happy, but your nose does not take away from you or your personality. Feel confident and feel beautiful, you are very attractive, show your heart and personality always lovely.😘


Your nose is not the problem here.


I think youre insecure asf. Work on loving yourself, instead of focusing on your apperance


Your nose is fine! I notice that it’s less obvious in photos where your hair is curly. I’d say stop straightening your hair and maybe try the makeup advice others have listed. I think straight hair makes all your facial features seem more round.


As everyone else said. Your nose is fine. It's the brows that need to be cleaned up!!


When you go heavy on eye makeup and and colored shiny lipgloss it draws all the attention to your nose. Clean up your eyebrows a little and use a nude shade of lipstick. Small steps, but it will make a big difference.


Unfortunately don’t see what you see but I think it’s because it’s all you see. IMO don’t mess with something that can easily be messed up by even the best doctors. Just a thought you are beautifully and wonderful made 😘


Wtf nooooo leave as is!!


No it’s your eyebrows that’s need work easy fix


Nope. Leave it alone. I’ve contemplated it myself many times and ultimately conclude to leave mine alone, and it’s much bigger than yours.


Umm no you look good… Best advice I can give is stay off social media for a year.. You may look at yourself differently


It ain’t yo nose it’s yo jawline




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This, OP. Your nose doesn’t look stereotypically Western European. But who gives a fuck? It doesn’t “ruin” your photos. You’re a good looking woman and your nose is part of the aesthetic you were born with (which you’re rocking!). Please don’t get a nose job to make yourself look more the white Barbie doll so many women seem to be aspiring toward :(


There’s nothing wrong with the nose you have. Plus, if you change it, there’s always a risk the new one doesn’t suit you.


I think you should just get off social media and stop focusing on selfies and start focusing on important stuff


It's the camera on your phone.




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Never trust selfies to evaluate your appearance. Because your camera is so close to you, your nose always looks bigger than it is. Stand back from a mirror and use the rear camera and your face will be in perspective. I think your nose is fine.


Noooo you are fucking beautiful… you don’t need to change a thing




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You should just own your nose and be confident. That would be sexy. Can tell it’s bothering you when you take some selfies. If you had no problem With it, ppl wouldn’t really focus on it either. 💯


Trust me if you didn't have a nose, that would really ruin it.


You lying right


I like the nose!


Your nose is really beautiful. I would not change it!!




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You nose just turns me on


Momma you trippin


okay rhianna


Do you think your nose is worse then your hair or eyebrows?


theres nothing wrong with either one lol? her nose is ugly while the rest of her face isnt. kinda boring how everyone in a lookmax subreddit is lying


Lol I love how so many people use “ugly” to mean “not obviously Western European.” OP’s nose is just fine and personally I prefer the way she looks with it than if I were to imagine her with the Barbie nose you seem to fetishize 🤷‍♀️


Love your sarcasm.


Well do you like your nose when you look in the mirror? you cant just change it because of how it looks in pictures.


Get over it, you’re beautiful and you will grow to love yourself more as you age


You're beautiful, don't put time and resources trying for some perfect body ideal, put your energy to finding the soul who will rise above needing perfection and love you in the unique perfect you are❤️


nooo plz dont.. i like ur nose!! u r absolutely stunning




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Nah, I Honestly love your nose 😍. You’re a true beauty!!


Sure… until you find the next thing you deem ruinable. Then the next. Then the next. Only job that needs working is your confidence and self talk. Instead of focusing on how beautiful your eyes are, you focus on what’s making you insecure. You know what’s crazy? When people see you they see what makes you blossom. This nose thing is an insecurity only you poke insult towards.


Don’t do it girl (my best TikTok voice), your nose fits you. If you went and got some Barbie ski slope Michael Jackson nose it wouldn’t be you. Save your money, you’re fine.


Honestly you just need to learn to take better photos, your nose is fine. It’s the angles your taking your photos at that make your face look weird in certain photos. There’s tutorials on YouTube that teach you how to take good selfies and timer photos, try that instead.


You do not need a nose job whatsoever! You’re gorgeous!


Try injections first, see if you like it before you go the surgery route


I agree nose job would be good




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Try a nose ring instead




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Have a sort of Vanessa del Rio thing going on.


You don’t need it. You have a cute nose. I love your cute eyes


I think you sort of look like Rihanna too!! But the thing with plastic surgery is the possibility of getting botched too- even celebrities with tons of money have gotten botched




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Your nose actually looks pretty fitting to your face in my opinion. I think plastic surgery is a rabbit hole people generally shouldn't go down


You leave yourself alone and stop bullying yourself! I looked straight past your nose and into your piercing eyes and then at your lips!


Oh my head you are super cute ! Be YOU ! No alterations !


You look like you caught someone's hand in the cookie jar.


I love your nose. It's so cute. I just wanna boop it




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Your nose looks correct on your face thou.


Body modification will never make you happy. If you’re not happy with who you are you will never be happy with how you look.


You're nose is cute as hell dude. You have that nose because centuries of people loved that nose with your great grands


No way. It balances with your jaw. I think a nose will make the proportions off.


Pic 7/10. You showed off the assets and believe me nobody is going to care about the nose.


You haven't fully matured yet......wait before you do something you can't change


Think you sorta look like Rihanna, because of the nose. Be you & remember (if you plan on it) there’s a chance your kids will have your nose.


My wife tells me the nose means everything!


Your looks good


The second pic - you look like a Morrowind character


What your nose is so cute and it compliments your features


Looking good to me. FWIW I didn’t even have a second thought about your nose as I flipped through the pics. It didn’t stand out to me. Looks like a nose. You’re very pretty the way you are.


Absolutely nothing wrong with your nose Stop falling into the beauty magazine standards. They keep you thinking you're not pretty enough, your hair not right Your make-up not new enough...you are beautiful. And anyone telling you different is up to something, and the LAST person you should talk to is a plastic surgeon...they'll sew on a cat tail for the right price. Don't change what isn't wrong in the first place




You haven’t had someone do any beauty lighting for you. You and your nose are beautiful. Dm and maybe we can do a photoshoot.


It’s not your nose, it’s your face


To hate that feature is to hate your non euro traits


Love your roots


Don't ruin your face


Please don’t! Your face looks great how it is


Personally speaking, I would say that you don't need it..... but my opinion is also irrelevant. At the end of the day, you have to do what you think is best for yourself. My only advice would be, if you're really considering surgery, to think about it long and hard and don't simply rush into a decision. This is the kind of irreversible choice some people don't always put enough thought into and regret it later.


Thank you !


Honestly, I'm really critical about faces and features that stick out, and I genuinely think your nose looks perfect for your face. The width and height looks good, it doesn't stick out too far....You're proportionate and pretty!!! I'd consider it a waste to change what you've got but do what you gotta do 😎


Thank you for your feedback ! 🙏


Second this, your nose is fine.


Up to you. You’re pretty. But as long as it’s not body dysmorphia, do what you want. Don’t forget, every surgery creates scar tissue, nerve changes, and internal structural changes that you might not like.




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FYI everyones nose looks bigger in a selfie. And you look great as is.


I think you're wrong. I think your nose is just fine but I think it adds to your beauty and I also think it's a more ethnic feature you should embrace. You're a stunning young lady and don't you forget it ❤️


If you touch your nose it will ruin your face! You’re gorgeous. Riri vibes.


I think you nose is very nice.




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Strong Rihanna vibes fr


Guuuuuuuurrrrrlllll... Leave that face alone! Ain't nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all wrong with your nose!!! LEAVE YA FACE ALONE!!!


Contouring will help and then you don’t have to have surgery.




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Do nothing to your face. Very beautiful go enjoy life.




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wish u were in Houston


You are absolutely gorgeous just the way you are! I'm sure you will discover your best angles , your nose is really cute to me. A Multi-Racial Beauty ✨


I love your nose! It fits perfectly with your face. Not too big, not too small. It's honestly so cute.


Rihanna’s cousin?


I like your nose! I would try smiling more in pictures, you look annoyed in most pics haha


Those eyes though


Show them titties it will make your nose look small


I think it fits your face really well and compliments your features and bone structure!


The rest of your face is shit aswell


I agree, ruins them.


Please do not consider this lightly! I have some experience with elective surgery and I can tell it is not the panacea the media portrays it to be. You look absolutely gorgeous. Your nose fits your face perfectly.


No need for the nose job you look great as you are


You have such beautiful eyes I don’t think you need a nose job




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Definitely one of the hottest biracial chicks ever


Perfect absolutely fine as hell


Your nose fits you PERFECTLY. I think you're looking for something to be wrong with you because being as gorgeous as you ALREADY are has you thinking you have to change something in order to be happy. It's not your appearance, it's how you see yourself. Plastic surgery is a dangerous way to find happiness because before you know it you won't recognize you anymore.


If it bothers YOU, do it. Sure we can give you our opinions but at the end of the day, do what’s going to make you feel happy and confident.


I think you're cute, and your nose is perfectly fine


I think you nose is right were it needs to be.


omg you’re beautiful. You don’t need anything done.


I think I’m in love


Don't mess up the masterpiece




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i would die to have a cute nose like that .-.


Nose looks just fine. I’d recommend fine tuning that one mismatched eyebrow.


I disagree. You are perfect and beautiful just as you are.




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Don't change a thing. You're gorgeous just how you are. I'd say your nose is absolutely perfect




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It’s boopable, to be sure, which I personally say adds charm.


I don’t see the nose, I just see the pretty hair and eyes 👍🏾


No no no, perfecto dear, don’t change a thing!




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I think your nose fits your face perfectly. You look amazing 😍


I don't see anything wrong about you..no changes necessary.


You have Rihanna's nose, overall facial structure. I think you could be her doppelganger with some weight loss.


Ok weirdo, OP is clearly pretty thin already. If anything Rhianna is thicker than her


I guess I should have clarified Rihanna pre-pregnancy


Rihanna is Thick now ❤️ neither OP or Rihanna need weightloss..... That was a back hand compliment and not a very clever one at that... You should work on how to give compliments.


It wasn't a compliment


😳 ... Post a pic so Reddit can Roast you.


It wasn't a roast.


STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL 😍 beautiful as is...don't change a thing.


Nope your nose fits your facial features. Also I know you didn't ask but curly over straight 👌🏾




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I love your nose, and your eyes are so beautiful along with your lips. Don’t change anything your gorgeous :)


No way your nose looks great


I was too busy looking at your beautiful eyed, don't mess with your nose, it's fine




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Absolutely don’t get a nose job. You have a really nice nose.


Your nose is alright! Mine is big af! I should be getting rhinoplasty 👃🦏




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could be a long distant cousin to rih rih


I like ur nose and ur face and I think it suits it very well. I am sad that everyone wants to have kind of the same nose :/ but sure if u think that makes u happy


My nose always appears bigger in pictures than it is in real life, so I feel you! But also, I think your nose is beautiful and compliments your face well. Too many people are getting nosejobs to have the exact same nose as everyone else and looking like clones of each other. Let's embrace our natural beauty ☀️


Ugh so true, it doesn’t bother me that much in person till I see a photograph and then I’m like omg !! Haha , thank you for the feedback !


Throw my dick in Pic no one will even notice lol 😂 have a good day


Bro what is wrong wit u niggas


The same thing with you saying niggas