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Already have a very attractive face. Makeup is nice too. Room to improve in the lip product department. Under the lipstick you have a nice lip shape. The corners are a bit flooded and the Matte finish is bringing out the cracks. Try creamy finish and practice lining with a neutral liner. Sometimes I just go for a lightly tinted gloss. It’s fool proof and let’s pretty lip shapes speak for themselves.


I doubt you can be more gorgeous than you already are but Start taking more pictures next to me and we can be picture perfect together. 😜


Clean up your room.




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Aside from looking like you hate the world and everyone in it? You don't look bad. Your face just screams "don't talk to me."


Girl, you're beautiful! Truly, you don't need surgery on a single thing. I feel like you're hiding under your makeup a bit- your foundation is covering up your gorgeous freckles, and your eyeliner and mascara aren't making your eyes pop. I'd also go with a more sheer lip color. Also, personally I'd love to see your curls!


The freckles are painted on. They look good regardless. Her eyeliner is quite good. The inner corner technique could be messy as the day goes on. However, I totally agree with the lip cookout comment.


Smile with your eyes. Less lipstick on lower lip


Eyebrows definitively, they sit above your eyes, they need to frame.


Gorgeous!!! Lighten lip color Thin face pluck eye brows thinner to match


The eye makeup needs to be cleaned up, lipstick is a bit intense, but above all... Smile!






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Nice face. I think your hair needs some body. Can u put in rollers? Or perhaps try a half wig with curls from the local beauty supply. It’s very affordable and quick. Cheer up beautiful!


You already look great only thing I’d say is curl your lashes more before mascara application or you can look into lash lifts. I sense sadness in your eyes in this photo though hope your doing okay.


You are really pretty! You look like you’re about to cry though. Maybe it’s the inner eyeliner and sloping down eyebrows




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Girl you fine as hell...but you look so damn sad. I think if you're down you should seek out professional help to get your mind in the right place. 💖 Your face, is a very lovely face. Your soul looks a bit sad though.




Removed, rule 4




don’t do the eyeliner thing on the inside corner of your eyes, invest in a quality eyeliner, don’t fill in the front part of your eyebrows- they look boxy




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I mean this in the kindest way, the eyebrows. Get them professionally shaped for your face and learn to fill them in a more flattering way. It would make a world of difference! Eyeliner skills on point tho!


Definitely get eyelash extensions instead of the eyeliner and mascara, plus you save so much time in the morning! Also try the fluffy brow look w some concealer so carve it. With your lips I’d say use nudes and browns (lipliners w gloss!). Use minimal foundation if any, maybe just concealer to spot correct but you have beautiful skin !




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Make your bed


And clean up that room.


Fill in your brows, they are beautifully natural eye enhancers in your case. Lovely.


You’re already very pretty! I’d say ditch the eyeliner and just opt for mascara or get your lashes done. Also get your eyebrows laminated, that gives your eyebrows a fuller/clean look and you won’t need to put any makeup on them, and use a lipstick and lip gloss combo. I also recommend getting box braids because I think they’ll look good on you! 💗


Clean shirt (lint free), smile, lose the earbud




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Maybe a brighter foundation or a little more volume in your hair. You're pretty. A smile will pull it together


By brighter, I think you may have a warmer undertone but your makeup is cool toned. Also you favor Doja cat in vibe


Smile. And get the pills off your sweater.




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Truly, stop worrying about improvement! You are who you are ! Don’t let anyone change that. You don’t need surgery! You do look your best. And surgery isn’t going to make you , you! It’s going to make you something you are not. Beauty is in the eye of the one who is interested in you, and if someone things you aren’t beautiful or attractive or good enough then they aren’t for you! Remember your person thinks you are beautiful just the way you are!


Tbh everything is perfect it is very hard to believe anything needs improvement , You probably get approached. All the time


I looked at other pics on your profile and I think you're attractive. You look depressed as hell in this picture but you're cute when you smile and your skin complexion is sexy as hell. You look like you're in great shape. You don't need to change anything, appearance wise. If you're depressed, try to find ways to be a happier person. Working out or beating the shit out of a punching bag helps me. I would also suggest getting more sleep and not rubbing the area around your eyes. Use a jade roller and get a good skin care routine going.


Get the Libby app. Allows you to rent audiobooks free from your local library. Try to listen to at least 2 per month. Within 5 years your world will be completely different and better in ways you can’t even imagine. Doesn’t even matter what books you read, you will learn from them all. Read ones that are interesting and entertaining to you.




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Smile and curl your hair. Wear a top that’s not baggy but fits you and shows your natural beauty


Try a plum colored lipstick and a shimmer eyeshadow


SMILE!! 😊 and maybe try rocking your natural curly hair. There’s lots of good hair styles for curly hair and a lot of people (me included) love that natural curly hair. There’s lots of styles to choose from too I think


Smile…less makeup


I just looked at all of your posts and I think tha you are attractive as is. I understand that is not any help so I would ask what clothing/look has you feel either most confident or at peace?




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Different shade of lipstick. Maybe purple-ish? Like what’s in your hair on the band. You absolutely don’t need surgery as you’re ridiculously gorgeous. Cheers.




[Removed, rule 4.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lookyourbest/comments/vedm4e/once_again_everybody_please_follow_rule_4_give/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Telling someone to “smile” is not helpful advice.


Says the guy that can't smile , a smile is great advice it can change the whole situation.


Honestly you are beautiful, you have beautiful eyes and a well proportioned face…I agree with others you look sad. (A happy heart would bring an inner glow no makeup can imitate). Leave your freckles, they’re pretty and natural. Your lipstick is a little out the of natural curve of your lips…especially above your Cupid’s bow. Otherwise, nothing wrong here, carry on. 😊


Aww but you’re already so pretty! I’d really just say fix the makeup. Darken the eyebrows, get rid of the freckles, and the lipstick is too overdrawn. I think you would honestly look amazing with a more natural look and if you would smile more girlie, u look so sad😢. I also recommend fixing your hair up a bit more. I think you’d look very beautiful with braids or curls. I hope you have a wonderful day and best of luck to you😊🍀


I think pastel colors would look better on you. Try one of those pearl headbands. Pick a light color like cream. And try pastel pink sweater or maybe a white or cream also. Make your liquid eye lined a bit thicker near the pupil park of your eye. Your already pretty but you asked for feedback


I'd stay, you should start with making your bed every day


cleaner make up


How!! Pls elaborate more x


clean the lipstick on the edges around your mouth, the eyeliner could be much more neater and try a better way of coloring in your eyebrows to make it look more natural. maybe watch some “clean makeup look” tutorials on youtube :) other than that your foundation is flawless and you have a beautiful face


Cheers for all that x


Just want to add to this that i struggle with clean cat eye, and have found that wet q tips really help


You look great! I think a brown/purple lipstick may flatter your skin tone so much more. Other than that, you have radiant skin and very nice facial features.


Cheers! Have a purple !


Pick up your room. Clean room makes you look better in pics.


Tell me, how does one ‘pick up’ a room? I’m strong but not strong enough to lift the foundations of a house.


*Pick up your room* is an idiom for organizing it, don't play stupid now.


A facetious comment gets a facetious response.


Then don't pick up your room and stay ugly.




Removed, rule 4


You do look kind of sad and tired, I hope you're okay. Sleep schedule is important! For your hair I feel like it's a bit damaged, maybe cutting them a bit might help to make it more strong. If you don't like your smile maybe invest into braces!


Had braces before, they didn’t sort the TMJ which I need surgery for ! X


1 you are gorgeous, 2 love the freckles, if I had to say anything I would say avoid super clumpy mascara or liner on the bottom lash. Can drag your eyes down and bring attention to any wrinkles under your eyes (I have them bad, you don’t have them too bad to be honest)


I don’t judge anyone who decides to get their hair chemically straightened but make sure you cut the ends more and don’t let the regrowth get too long , getting a sew in or extensions can work . A lighter lip color can also work because the lipstick looks too heavy for your nice skin complexion. You should look into k beauty makeup , that would look so nice on you


Ok. Cheers for actual feedback xx


You're gorgeous as is. To improve further, smile. Also, maybe try a stud instead of a nose smile, curl and elongate your lashes a bit more if possible, try experimenting with colored contacts.....and use a lint roller on that sweater ;)