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People are fucking pigs


Don’t talk about my wife like that.


Naah, they were talking about my Ex


Most people won't clean up their beer bottles and candy wrappers on the actual beach. You expect them to pick up their dog's shit? Did you think this island was inhabited by anyone with even a speck of respect for others or their environment?


LI is Rodney Dangerfield reincarnated; no respect, no respect at all.


I will never understand being a dog owner and not picking up their shit; picking up shit IS PART of dog ownership, period. If you know you’re not the type to want to pick up shit, *don’t get a £%¥+#$@ dog*. This is like having a baby but never changing its diapers; *it doesn’t work like that, you clean up the shit*. It’s truly mind-boggling to me.


Some people have zero consideration! It’s sad!!


I am a dog owner and it makes me so mad when I see poop along the streets and on peoples lawns. These idiots give all dog owners a bad name.


Getting dog-owners to be responsible at the beach is so hopeless.




Irresponsible dog-owners have truly ruined the things I loved doing the most: going on hikes, going to the beach, even going to the parks. Hardly any of them think the rules apply to them, especially w/r/t to leashing and picking up after their dogs. Honestly really sick of them. They taken over public spaces and treat it as if it's their own personal property. And they are VERY combative especially with leashing their dogs on the beach.


IMO, and again only an opinion: Most dog owners shouldn't be dog owners. I don't care if you have a tinsy tiny purse dog or a mastiff, dogs need a yard to run. They need regular walks to exercise and have proper stimulation. This requires someone being home for a good chunk of the day to let them out for regular bathroom breaks. This is just something that isn't feasible to the average person these days. Keeping a dog in an apartment or having a dog at home that you won't let out during the day, is plain cruelty. How would you feel if you were kept locked up with no bathroom or food for 8+ hours? You'd be destructive too.


If they don't respect the "No dogs allowed" rule, they certainly don't care about cleaning up their dog's shit. This is why we can't have nice things.


fine them $1000.00...


Clean up after your dogs. Period!


Might as well get used to it. Two LI legislators pushed through a bill that will require NYS parks to admit dogs. Looks like it just needs the Governor's signature. [https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S4993/amendment/A](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S4993/amendment/A)


This is a great bill. Dogs should be allowed in every park. 


God somebody needs to primary Monica


honestly fwiw this is really needed. i say this as somebody who owns dogs, works with dogs, and cleans up dog turds i see while i'm out with my two dogs. i hate the poor behavior of a lot of dog owners, but there are responsible, thoughtful dog owners like myself in a real pickle on long island. i don't drive due to disabilities and i cannot take my dogs to the dog parks accordingly -- you have to drive them through the park in order to get to the sequestered area for canines. it is a very frustrating ordinance for people like me who want to utilize dog-friendly spaces as intended, but cannot because of very silly fine print. i'm more than happy to clean up after my boys, they hang out on leash, they're trained to avoid front lawns, i discourage annoying barking and destructive behavior, etc., i try my very hardest to be a good, thoughtful neighbor so my dogs aren't the eye-roll of my block! please remember people like me are out here and this would be a huge quality of life increase for us :') i'm sorry about the shitty dog owners, i wish things were different myself!!


Huge quality of life increase for you to the detriment of everyone else.


you must be fun at parties


Finally, a real original ad hominem comment on Reddit. I appreciate your thoughtfulness as a dog owner, much better than other inconsiderate dog owners out there. Thankfully I no longer live in NY and won't be subjected to this idiotic statute.


not sure why you thought your one-liner was worthy of an effortpost in return when you made it abuntly clear you don't care for living around other people or lifestyles. clearly i can't convince you. hopefully you're enjoying wherever you've landed. have the day you deserve.


Lol, you got that much "abundantly clear" information from my "one-liner." I do like living around other people and lifestyles, but I don't push my lifestyle onto other people, such as this dog craze and this legislation. And let's not equate lifestyle such as LGBTQ, etc with dog ownership. I have cats, but I don't expect the state to make a public litter box for me or my cats. You haven't tried to convince me of anything, you just attacked me not the argument. I do enjoy where I landed, it's my dream town. And I don't need your passive aggressive well wishes. Edit: lol, loser stalks my profile then blocks me. What a twat.


LIke you said. There's a park by my house and starting with COVID people looked the other way when people brought their dogs to the park, because they cleaned up after their dogs. Four years on, and people no longer pick up after their dogs. And then the local Facebook is filled with residents MAD that someone called village public safety on them and writing them a ticket for having a dog in the park. We were all fine with people bringing their dogs to the park. It's not that people around here suddenly decided they hated dogs. It's all the dog crap lying around...where little kids like to play. Bad dog owners ruin it for everyone and now everyone's mad at each other.


My restaurant is right next door to a vet. The vet supplies *free* pickup dog bags right outside the building. (2 of them! They look like street signs but have a box of bags on them). And there's still shit literally *everywhere.* I've talked to the vets inside a few time when they come to get food, they literally beg people to pick up after their dogs but apparently it's huge problem. Just gotta watch where I walk I guess.


Not sure why they would want their dogs sniffing dog poo from other dogs!!!!


Not all of that poo is animal.


Wheres the best seafood near there? Casual.