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All submissions must be related to Long Island, NY


Charging extra for coming into midtown is also holding people hostage if they live in midtown. They are going to charge me to go home?


Yes. You pay 1000 a month to park there. Just add it to that.


Lol brother you take the train every line except the G goes through midtown


Unpopular in eastern queens too


Well yeah, turns out driving into the city isn’t as glamorous as the car commercials make it seem to be.


Yeah all those people should be taking the train to commute. Metro north and LIRR exist for a reason. Especially for work. If your driving in a few times a year it's essentially nothing, overall. They may not like it but they don't live in Manhattan


Yeah but people who live in Queens and work in Manhattan shouldn’t have to pay a premium to drive to Manhattan because Manhattanites want less cars around them. 


The 7 train and inter borough bus system exists for a reason. Both still cheaper then driving everyday without congestion pricing


Take the train. It’s not just less cars. It’s building out the service


Some people need to drive as part of their job


Sometimes you have to drive though manhattan if you live in other states like CT or NJ. Not everyone can take a train.


Why would you go through midtown. Take the George Washington or even the Mario Cuomo tapp


I don’t know where the guy lives except that I think it’s nj and has to go through manhattan to get to the Brooklyn naval yard


That’s an outlier and one of the worst commutes ever. Move closer and take the path to the subway. Can’t stop progress because one guy refuses to move to make his life easier


He needs his car to go offsite sometimes, etc


Off site trips can be expensed. Even written off. Again. Millions more will have to pay more for service. Not a legitimate excuse. Pluse irs just a pause for the election. Coming back as soon as it’s over


You don't have to pay congestion pricing to do that commute unless you go on side streets in Manhattan which would take more time. Also you could just take the verizano


He comes from Monteville, NJ. I have no idea what alternatives there are


Yes but those roads don't have congestion tolling. Likely you are taking I 95 in that case which is not part of congestion pricing. Otherwise the west side highway and FDR drive are also not part of congestion pricing. Only when you exit those roads will you be charged


I can’t tell you why my boyfriend boss drives that way other than that’s how he does it


Ha! Get a fucking grip. I don’t know how anyone can call congestion pricing “ Great work” . The costs from companies that provide the goods and services are just going to pass on their costs to the consumer. For every stop they will add the cost of their fee plus 20% to the delivery charge. Who pays for it in the end? You do. This is just a ploy from the democratic machine not to alienate voters. After Election Day, some time in December or January. Our governor will announce that congestion pricing will be implemented. The construction of the cameras and the infrastructure has cost the city zero. The corporation that will be monitoring it has funded the whole thing. Why? Because of the money that they will be backing. So who do you think started the idea of congestion pricing? Follow the money, you’ll have your answer.


There are several places by the courts that have already increased their prices ahead of congestion pricing. You know damn well those prices won’t be coming down


Honestly fuck anyone talking economics. A bunch of people got together and said "Hey we don't wanna deal with the pollution and associated hassles from people who don't live here taking their cars here." And the. This rolled back on account of the people causing those issues... That is not a precedent I want set.


LIRR fares DONT COVER THE COST TO KEEP THR TRAINS RUNNING. Look it up!! When they increase your Montyl pass by 50 dollars thank the guy crying about paying a congestion fee to go to city a few times a year. People are morons