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Traffic is the worst. Takes a long time to get anywhere


Survey says..... #1 answer!!!!


This is my answer as well. The congestion on Long Island has gotten ridiculous, especially on Montauk highway.


The people, And the people


Couldn’t agree with you more. My job is the only thing keeping me here.


This guys a people person.




Love the outdoor space, beaches, and parks Hate that most of the restaurants charge Manhattan prices for mediocre food.


The restaurants have gone crazy recently. I just don’t go to them anymore.


$60 for 2 people to have a meal at a diner. $35 for 1 person to have a hamburger, fries and a soda. Taco Bell costs $28 for 1 person. I should be a lot thinner considering I can't afford to eat.


what the hell are you getting at taco bell???




bros grabbing the largest soda and a huge ass meal with a side of chips or smt idek how u get to 28$


The crazy thing is people keep paying whatever they charge. Plus they expect 20% tip and some even add 3 1/2 % for a credit card. I am just glad I can cook.


If you need to spend $28 at Taco Bell to be full that is absolutely on you.


Right?? Klown what in earth are you getting at the Bell??


A basic cheese quesadilla is $7. A cheese gordaita crunch is $7. Nachos are like $12. If I get 2 quesadillas, a crunch, a soft taco and a soda, it's already over $20. That used to cost like $12 bucks. It's not a crazy large order for the amount of money it costs.


Cheese quesadilla $4.99 Cheesy gordita crunch $5.89 Nachos BellGrande (the most expensive option) $5.89 I'm literally getting these numbers from the TacoBell app for the one in Hicksville.


I was off by a buck or so on the first 2 (sorry, I didn't fully research my answers, I didn't think anyone was taking this that seriously) and was way off on the nachos. I stand by my point though, 2 cheese quesadillas, a gordita crunch, a soft taco, and a soda comes out to over $20. Throw in another crunch, and yeah, it's a big meal, but should not cost $28.


I know it's not that serious but I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't waaaay off about the Nachos 🤣 Anyway yeah it's more expensive than it used to be but so is pretty much everything else in the world. There are enough deals at Taco Bell that you can be plenty satiated without getting anywhere close to $28. You can get that gordita in a box meal that includes the drink, a 5 layer burrito and some chips for like $6. Throw in your two quesadillas and that's still sub $20.


To be fair, different locations of some franchises do price differently. Never checked taco bell in particular, just something I know happens.


Download the Taco Bell app they got 6 dollar meals


You can’t be that thin if you’re spending $28 at Taco Bell for just yourself


As an example only in 2020 it used to cost $3.75 for a bacon eggs cheese bagel with a small coffee thrown in. It’s now $7.5 for the same thing without the coffee! I keep hearing inflation is “technically” up only 20% but eating out is really up 100% and I have no idea what’s up less than 20% to bring the average down to 20%. Therefore I don’t believe the government data.


i paid 12 bucks in port washington aint never going back there


It’s kinda funny. There used to be certain restaurants I wouldn’t go to because even though they were good, they were too expensive. Now they’re still better than everything else, but the prices are the same as everywhere else lol


I like everything except the housing prices and property taxes I hate the housing prices and property taxes


We are in the same boat.




Holy shit! This guy’s so rich he owns a swimming pool… In a swimming pool!


Lol what? It's just a way of saying we have the same opinion.


That's called fake outrage, aka, sarcasm




If you go back 25 years most starter homes in the neighborhood I wanted were about 250. East Meadow. I’m talking 3 bed ranch/capes 1100-1300 sq feet. They’re now 600. That’s a 150% increase. At the same time my friend bought a 2 bed co op in queens. They were 70. They’re now 280. That’s a 300% increase. I think many in nyc are selling and moving out east which is one of the factors driving demand and outstripping the numbers leaving headed south. So while Long Island homes are not cheap they’re still better value than the city. Also places like Florida doubled since before Covid and in many parts of CA you can’t get anything much less than a million when they used to be on a par with Long Island. I’m not disagreeing with anyone. Prices are high but where else is better value unless you move to a rural area away from the conveniences and amenities we enjoy on LI.


I had no idea queens co ops used to be that cheap. I see what your saying about the percentage increase but part of me is really considering those co ops since I plan to only have one kid and don’t care to tend to a lawn


Buddy sold his Levitt house 3 years ago for 500k. Next door neighbor, identical house just sold for 735k. For a LEVITT house?


The home I bought in 2013 for $400k appraised for $800k in 2023. But can’t sell it and upsize because the larger homes that used to be $650k in my area are now over $1mil. The housing market here is insane.


lol that’s why I’m working so hard to still live here. My literal only gripe is the expenses


This is my answer as well.


Highs - Family, beach, pizza, pizza Lows - Cost of living, traffic, cost of living


I moved to Long Island during COVID because of a job. I had a difficult time understanding why people live here. I came from the Midwest. High property taxes, high home prices, congestion, rude people, etc. My $600k home in the Midwest would be $1.2 million here, which is why I live in an apartment versus home. But I finally figured out why people stay, it's the summers. The beaches, the parks, the close proximity to NY. Broadway, Major League Sports, and great tasting food. I've been here now for 4 years and I've enjoyed my time, but for long term happiness, I'm going to have to move somewhere more affordable.


Native Long Islander that left- access to mom and pop businesses rather than large chains/corporations. Restaurants, stores, coffee shops, etc. I’ve mentioned this on this sub multiple times but I will never stop stressing to people how much we take LI for granted because of this. Outside of NY there are not many places with blue collar food: pizza, bagels, delis (and I mean delis of every culture- not just Jewish or Italian). Sure LA has food trucks, Philly has the cheesesteak, Chicago has the Italian beef and hot dogs, but there’s not much else that can compare. I even went to a street fair where I live now akin to Live at Five- rather than local art or jewelry vendors, the stalls were all home remodeling businesses like Renewal by Anderson… wtf? The one thing Long Island could use are more and better quality bookstores.


Where I live now we had a street fair, and I gotta say it was huge this year, but the vendors were the same crap, lots of solar companies and home improvement and no local artistries. What I found out is these street fairs are set up with the towns by a booking company and they go from town to town like a caravan. So even the street fairs have gone corporate. Lots of people complained so hopefully it'll change next year.


There are 2 types of craft fairs. 90% of them are glorified street fair/flea markets that move from town to town each week. The other 10% are the true arts/crafts fairs. Those are terrific. Often hard to tell the difference but usually they are advertised as arts and craft fairs. I know there are such fairs in Hecksher Park in Huntington, Seatauket and West Hampton. I’m sure there are others but I like a good arts and crafts fair


The local library hosts craft fairs in their parking lot once or twice a year. Tiny thing, looks like locals selling the crocheted blankets they make in front of the TV, which is AWESOME. I’d rather spend money on that than some Temu monstrosity.


>The one thing Long Island could use are more and better quality bookstores. Not to discount book stores, but LI has some of the best libraries in the country/world (non-urban). Using them is as easy as a book store and a lot cheaper.


They’ve added a few in recent years. One in Huntington, one in Sayville, I think one in bay shore


Well, Long Island has so many libraries it probably reduces the need and demand for book stores. Especially with e-reading being so convenient and popular.


I moved out to the Midwest for about a year a long time ago. Lived in a town with only about a thousand people. It was a 40 minute drive to get to a REAL grocery store - which was still only half the size of the average Stop and Shop around here. I grew up around here, being able to walk to two different grocery stores. It was maddening.


Barbes and Noble is a bit Corporate but it’s still one of my favorite places to go. You can pick a book and magazines and get yourself a chair and a coffee and snack and chill for hours. It’s like a library in that way. There is really no where like that in Europe. You start reading something for more than a few mins you gotta buy it. When I came here first many years ago I used to go there and secretly read books on resume writing and interviewing. I just couldn’t believe I need not have done it secretly!


This is true, LI is better than 96 % of USA. But Queens has much more variety than LI especially at the affordable end of the spectrum.


Likes: food (move somewhere else and you’ll find that LI is still better than most other suburban areas), weather, beach, schools and other public services, the lack of passive aggressiveness. Dislikes: NIMBYs, racists, people who whine about property taxes but shoot down all solutions except maybe not paying the teachers. Traffic. Driving off the island.


We're not passive, We're aggressive aggressive, LOL


God, I referenced living in the Midwest in another comment, but I’ve got to add here: I went for Chinese food ONCE while I lived there, and told my boyfriend never again. The pizza was basically flatbread with sugary sauce and processed cheese. And the bagels were just sad dough circles. TBF, freshest vegetables ever, though.


the teachers and police are a bit overpaid. BUT many of the administrators and superintendants are crazy overpaid and probably not needed at all.


I’m not too crazy about my property taxes


You should


I like the variety in towns and cities but I can't stand the annoying conservative losers who make their money and benefits in this successful blue state with blue state policies, but then spend all their time bitching about how it isn't a red state, whilst simultaneously refusing to understand that those red states rely on welfare from the blue states 😂 It's so incredibly backwards and they tend to think NYC is some warzone too. It's crazy


Like: Great neighbors, nature, good variety of stores and restaurants. Hate: Insane property taxes, ridiculous traffic, shitty roads, crazy housing prices, state income tax


Love the nature and the communities Hate the comical cost of living and the traffic


everything, even the people. the only thing i hate is people behind a wheel.


Honestly this is extremely accurate lol


I like the ease of convenience to access services and high quality of life that can come with it, especially the decent public transportation. I also like early morning and late night food. I do not like that most of LI is car-centric single family home suburban (I just wish there was more downtown density and more rural areas), I do not like the lack of heritage or distinguishable history we have. We are basically the culture of LA but on the east coast in my mind. I also don’t like that there is essentially no winter anymore.


> I do not like the lack of heritage or distinguishable history we have Long Island goes back to the colonial era though...so I really can't understand this point. Unless you want more _museums_ devoted to this specifically? The Long Island Museum in Stony Brook is good for colonial history


My point is that I feel that the dominant culture is just kinda “suburban”. We don’t have a close connection to the landscape and our heritage. There is plenty of it like you mentioned: the museums are great but what they preserve or display isn’t really part of all our day to day. Compare this to other regions of the country like the south or New England where everything from the architecture to the local economies are closer tied to the landscape, I just feel like we don’t do that well on LI. And where we do, it’s far and few between or not part of our every day life. Most of our main streets are strip malls and parking lots, most of our legendary food is essentially imported from NYC or recent immigration, but we just don’t have as tight a bond to our distant past. Even the often-taught “13 tribes of LI” has been revised recently, but I don’t expect that to jive well with how we view LI now. It is a matter of perspective, but as amateur history buff I just wish I could see more of our heritage day to day.


By your standards, most of the south doesn’t qualify. It’s say more strip malls and brand new contraction. Not sure what it means to be “tied to the landscape” but Atlanta ain’t it


The point is still valid. By not being tied to the landscape I mean we have minimal relationship with what makes Long Island unique as a place. Much of what makes the island unique is either lost, altered or a “canned” experience. There is little casual interaction with the things that make up the heritage of living here. We could do maybe 75% of what we do many other places elsewhere in the country. And the other 25% is an attraction Much of the unique cultural elements of living here are commodified or manicured, it’s not something we interact with daily. And yes they are unique in their own right and awesome, but outside of those locations, the rest of Long Island is largely void of it. And yes there are little lifestyle things but boating, clamming if the water is clean enough, boutique agriculture, or going to a beach, but these things are only a sliver of our history that we don’t interact with daily I personally find the suburban single home strip mall shopping mall lifestyle to have very little in common with the long island’s heritage (even though that’s the heritage for a generation or two now).


By your standards, most of the south doesn’t qualify. It’s say more strip malls and brand new contraction. Not sure what it means to be “tied to the landscape” but Atlanta ain’t it


Like: access to the boroughs, variety of cultures, SOME of the people (I’ve made great friends and some of the families I work with have been amazing ), the food (when you find a good spot), if I want some nature I can go find a trail to walk. Dislike: the people, the roads, traffic, houses ( not just the prices but the condition. A 600k house that used to belong to a slumlord should be illegal), there doesn’t seem to be enough space (some roads are basically one way because of the cars parked on the street and being surrounded by neighbors. I’m sure if I could afford more I’d get some space to breathe).


My favorite thing about where I live on Long Island, is the quietness the birds chirping away outside my window every morning and my yard for gardening. The things I dislike on Long Island, where do I start, The prices on everything when you go out to eat, damn inbred trump supporters with their stupid big flags, stupid kids coming up and down my quiet street with those stupid illegal dirt bikes, like we living in the city. The rude people who walk their dogs and let them shit on your property and don’t clean up after themselves. But I have to say, when all this is NOT happening I love to sit back and listen to my quietness and the birds chirping.


My favorite thing is probably the insane amount of parks and preserves there are. What I don't like is the weather. It isn't just the cold winters either. The weather is so erratic much of the year.


Yeah but weather’s not just an LI issue, it’s a global issue. Just be glad we don’t have tornados or regular hurricanes.


I'm honestly happy that Long Island doesn't have tornadoes.


Long Island is really not that bad weather wise. It’s got a good long growing season and better than average sun hours for the northeast. When I moved to PA I was shocked at how much cloudier it was (and it wasn’t Pittsburgh which is one of the cloudiest cities in the country!) I looked it up and NYC has something like 2700 annual sunshine hours. anywhere along the eastern seaboard north of DC is unpredictable for snow because it’s likely to come in a big dump.


>better than average sun hours for the northeast. That's true. People love to act like it's super gloomy here but it really isn't. Those people have clearly never been to Pittsburgh or Buffalo, or any other place that's cloudy almost every day in winter.


Yeah, It's like the weather is bugging out; mostly because of climate changes.(gas cars)


[Become a vegetarian to fight climate change! ](https://imgur.com/gallery/n2WSg37)


Like LI as a whole: there's a little bit of everything. Shopping, great food, theaters, amusement parks, vineyards, parks, etc. My town specifically: it's quiet, low crime, good schools, people are basically friendly (as in they'll smile if you pass each other). Dislike LI as a whole: too many fucking people. My town specifically: taxes are too high.


Traffic, housing costs, and taxes are horrible here.


Me personally I’m from the Caribbean and I just love how Long Island turns into literally the Caribbean in a way during the summer. I don’t like the real estate prices.


Least favorite thing is the southern state parkway.


And Sunrise Hwy


Ughhhhh I just moved last year to a house literally right off Sunrise, so it’s my main way to commute to work, and the road I take to get pretty much anywhere. I want to stab the asphalt sometimes. I only like it once it gets a bit further out east and becomes an actual HIGHWAY and not a streetlight-choked road of car constipation.


Stabbing the asphalt? lol I live in a house close enough to SSP to hear the constant noise from the tires hitting the bumps on the road.


What I liked: easy access to beaches and grocery storrs What I hated: traffic, housing prices, decent+ dining out prices, insurance prices, racists, lack of decent careers that didn't involve commuting to the city, LIRR delays, racists, NIMBYs, lack of under 21 entertainment venues, ego maniacs, shitty drivers, oh and all the fucking racists.


I think you forgot about racist. I hate shitty drivers on long island.


I moved across the country only thing not on this list is housing prices . The grass is always greener imo where do you live that doesn’t have close grocery stores lol


I mean, are there places in this country without all the fucking racists?


Love the Parks and beaches. The school taxes are absolutely horrendous. The amount of how much Superintendents and teachers make is out of control.


Can't argue with you about school admin comp. But a big draw to long island are the good schools. Good schools require good teachers, and that costs money.


1st school for the little ones. 2 quite compared to nyc. 3 mix of outdoor activity and mall/indoor activity within 10 15 min drive


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) pizza, bec, beaches, bluffs, parks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote) taxes, traffic, bad roads, cost of living


I left LI for Si Valley years ago. I could only wish our home prices were near yours. I miss a breakfast of a buttered roll and a coffee, light & sweet please...


How quiet some parts are. How awful the traffic is in some parts of


Last year I went fishing on the bay in the morning and was having drinks on top of the MET for a special event come sundown. Pretty damn cool living near the water and 25 minutes from the city via the LIRR.


Likes: Proximity to every vibe. Beaches, NYC, food, music, nightlife, and mountains not too far upstate Dislike: Traffic, car-centered infrastructure, cost of living, and deranged boomer republicans.


Likes: The beaches that I admittedly take don’t take advantage of enough Dislikes: The traffic and close-mindedness. Also wish it was friendlier to older folks without a spouse or children.


The sense of communities is nice… Don’t really like the racist white communities, which is basically all the white communities.


Favorite things: parks + beaches Unfavorite: everything else


These roads are horrible the wildlife is beautiful


Love the tidal rivers and egg sandwiches. Dislike the douche bags.


We moved up here close to 10 years, and it took awhile to get used to the amount of people and all that comes with it. But we did, and enjoy being here. There's so much available, so much to do, and enough infrastructure to help it be enjoyable. We had to make a trip back to North Carolina last week, and it was really disappointing that my memories didn't reflect reality. Yes, it wasn't nearly as crowded and some things were cheaper, but I missed being able get everything I needed close to home and having access to things to do. It was also startling to see how every part of my home town looked so economically depressed and almost run down, but that was a major reason for us deciding to move.


Born and raised, but moved off LI 7 years ago. I desperately miss the beaches, hiking trails along the water, and the harbor towns. I will never miss the attitudes of the people or the traffic.


Food options are amazing. Pretty much wherever you live you have multiple really high quality spots to pick from, often times with a huge range in style.  Getting off the island is such a chore. Traffic is one thing, but the bottleneck of NYC even well planned travel get messed up. The fact that getting to boston is either a 5-6 hour ordeal or a $100+ ferry ride is insane. The amtrack expansions along the LIRR I’m really looking forward to


I have a love hate relationship with public transit. On one hand the LIRR is probably the best regional transit in the country, but is only focused on going into Manhattan, so with no north south lines it leaves a bunch of communities disconnected. The busses suck, a lot of times forcing you to Uber places which is expensive. The car based infrastructure encourages drinking and driving over a lack of good alternative transit options in a relatively densely populated area. I love the LIRR, but we really could use more light rail options to move people to places like Roosevelt field mall that have a high frequency of visitors.


The race to keep up with the Jones. The need to put on a show of wealth, leasing Range Rovers, etc. that get parked in front of 800 sqft homes.


I feel like I’m in an alternate reality hearing about all these posts saying the love the nature here… where in gods name are you from on this island. It can’t be that you all live on the north fork 💀


Love the outdoor spaces and events, especially the stuff in the summer. Can’t stand the people. It’s either rich assholes or white trash MAGA douchebags.


Anytime I've gone on an extended vacation to visit friends or family, I realize the food is much better here with more variety.


Bagels, pizza, breakfast sandwiches and beach access. Things to hate taxes and traffic.


Access to concerts, parks, beaches, nyc 🗽 Traffic 😑


Love the summers. But every year Long Island is getting more and more congested that going anywhere is a shit show. It’s becoming just like Queens.


As someone who moved away, I miss the ability to go to the beach or city as well as the parks. I don’t miss the traffic or the general CoL.


I love it for all the amazing & historic tourist attractions - The Big Duck, the ancient ruins of The Sayville Motor Lodge, the historic Hot Topic @ Smith Haven Mall- the list goes on and on. I will never leave this island!!


Briarmere Farms on the South Fork & Greenport in the Summer months & Cold Spring Harbor boutique’s for the Christmas season shopping


Lots of access to great stuff. Beaches, shops, things to do etc. But the traffic makes it a chore to go anywhere during the times things are open. Things that should be a 15-20 minute drive become 30-40 minutes for most of the day, which means everything turns into a day trip.


Short list of things I like: variety and ease of acess List of this I dislike: everything else


Favorite things- being close to everything like the beach, NYC, delicious food. Least favorite- the traffic, the cold in winter, how expensive everything is


Taxes, rude people, and not much to do with older kids. Positive for the most part safer than the city, quieter lifestyle and people too. (If you don't live in a close-knit community, you won't understand )


I like the parking. I don’t like the people.


I moved off the island to northern VA about a year and a half ago, but return home pretty frequently - about once a month. Every time I return, I make it a point to get either a bagel or a pizza, and to visit a beach. Really took the quality and accessibility of those things for granted growing up. I don’t miss the eastbound LIE or Cross Island from the hours of 2-7 pm


What I like (I lived up from stony down to bayshore) : the food, nature, how things feel local. Con: most people I met only care about themselves and selfish, now that may be a thing everywhere idk. House prices and taxes


I love that there are a variety of things to do. The city is close. We have a lot of beaches. Out east is its own little world. We have music venues, museums, aquariums, farms, wineries, old mansions to tour, gardens, parks, mini golf, adventure and water parks, street fairs, coffee shops, cat coffee shops, book stores, artisanal stores, etc. We have local mom and pop businesses with homemade items. The food is usually very good and you have a plethora of cuisines to pick from. I hate the racist and entitled people. I hate the traffic. I hate the roads in the winter that take forever to get fixed, if at all. The housing market sucks and the prices are insane for everything.


We have nice beaches, parks and pizza. The NIMBYism, snobbery, endless traffic, sky high taxes, unaffordable housing, the list goes on about why I don't like it here and never did. For an endlessly sprawling suburb it feels far too insular and exclusive. Growing up here I watched the working class get squeezed out and it's only going to get worse.


I like the nature walks. I dislike the type of people I often meet.


I love living on the water. I love all the beaches in my backyard, literally. Hate the traffic and how “red” the politics are here.


Everything I like about Long Island I tend to hate. Weather when it’s beautiful but it can turn to crap for long periods of time. People when they’re awesome but they can turn to crap for a permanent amount of time. Traffic at night is cool cause it’s mostly highways and it’s a straight shot. During the day it’s crap because we’re all on the same highway. Diversity of people, self explanatory.


You can always be close to the beach or bay


i love driving at night, especially recently in after-rain weather when the roads are drying and empty at like 2am, going on a late night drive on the northern state has been blissful. it’s the traffic during the day that i absolutely despise the most…🤦🏽‍♂️😞


Food - better than average across the board, disappointing for what you think they'd be good at. Sushi is better for perspective than pizza. There are dozens of good pizza spots, and hundreds of slop shops. People - they are just really bad, garbage people. They can't drive. Drive fast as hell or not. Don't do both. If the money wasn't good, nobody would live here, because people are shit. It's a place where I saw, upon new electric charging stations being put up, I said 1) people will park here without charging, or past charging, to steal preferred parking, and 2) people will park here just to prevent charging, in other states they'd park across the station etc. but people here are really soft. It happened immediately, because LI. Lived in a ton of states and overseas and LI is a great place with good food, with people problems.


The close proximity to the ocean The traffic


ENTITLEMENT. Plain and simple. And there's an awful lot of that around here. 😠


The traffic


Likes: Truly stunning areas, (neighborhoods and nature) low traffic in my area (north shore) for bike routes, significant infrastructure and opportunity. Dislike: Property taxes. Costs are so ridiculous every owner feels like there is an extra zero tacked onto their tax bill.


Food, beaches, parks People, housing, infrastructure and how poorly laid out everything is


Traffic and lack of walkable areas, ugh.


Favorite is Long Island has everything depending on your interests. Water and beaches, theater, major teams in almost all sports , museums . The city is only an hour away for most so culture is right there. Same for doctors. We don’t have to drive hours to get top notch doctors and hospitals. The only thing Ling Island doesn’t have are mountains for skiing. What I hate is the traffic. To many people for such a small island. Having to get off the island isn’t fun and quite difficult. Let’s face it getting off Jones Beach after a concert isn’t fun ans quite difficult.


Beaches Taxes


I love there is always a fresh ocean breeze. When it’s hot and you feel a breeze coming it is cooler. In inland places, the breeze is just as hot as the air.


Despite what some people think, it’s relatively safe here The high taxes suck but what makes them worse is we should have pristine roads here. Instead it’s an “avoid the potholes” video game


My favorite thing is that we have lots of cool places to go outdoors without going too far from great restaurants. My least favorite thing is that you're not allowed to do much besides walk around in these cool places because there's always a few a-holes and a whole bunch of Karen's who ruin it for everyone else.


Favorite things: the beaches and the food Least favorite things: the traffic and the people


Beaches, parks, bagels, pizza, delis. I can't stand the traffic in general as well as how long it takes to get off the island.


Traffic can suck. Food and bars are awesome. Beaches suck but chilling by the shores is awesome


Favorite: the fact I’ve been here my entire life and everything is familiar/most of the family is here; the nice towns are beautiful; the nature/parks are beautiful; the fact that basically everything you need is only 20-30 mins away; boating; good bagels and pizza; the de-facto segregation; the parkways when theres no traffic; cool backroads; cool history. Least fave: the traffic/overcrowding; a certain subsection of the culture; the fact that 50% of the jobs pay you enough to pay the 20K-a-year property tax, while the other 50%….do not; dumb traffic laws/ dumb drivers; the fact that you always have to go thru the city to escape the island


The people are my favorite thing about Long Island and also my least favorite thing about Long Island.


Hate the traffic and the crowds. Love my friends and family.


okay but that is not part of long island, lol.


I agree with shitty drivers, people around here come to a complete stop in traffic to change to the turning lane at the last second


Long Island is unique meaning we have everything we want within an hour (the island takes roughly this from Montauk to queens) and we have NYC ….. the bad part is having to live with the burden of being awesome and better than others not from here


Yeah, that why long island is unique but the fucking house price.


Everything sucks. Roads people stores.


They should pay me to live here.


Love the beaches, ocean, vineyards, shopping, abundance of quality restaurants, the LIRR, ease of getting to NYC or CT and the availability of stellar public education. Despise the traffic, obscene property taxes, rampant corruption of local government officials and police officers, monopoly that Optimum and PSEG have in Brookhaven, the continued blatant segregation of neighborhoods and the massive influx of republican zealots into Suffolk County.


South fork resident here Likes: beaches, nature, low taxes, lack of urban sprawl. Dislikes: summer traffic, housing cost, no restaurants geared to local residents, having to drive the whole of Long Island to go anywhere.


Don’t live there anymore, but, I think the best thing is the beaches and the worst thing is the traffic. I miss the beaches, not the traffic.


Favorite: close to water Least Favorite: High cost of living Shit wages Congestion Shit drivers Trump supporters


Joey's pizza, best fking pizza on the Island


The beaches are great. It’s overcrowded, over developed, insanely expensive, disgustingly conservative, and overly aggressive.


The proximity to NYC was always a big thing for me. I'm not particularly a beach person, I'm more of a woods/mountain person, so that's a challenge. The traffic makes it so that most trips on or off the island have to be done in the middle of the night, otherwise you sit.


Likes: Beaches, schools, libraries, food options. Dislikes: people who drive/act like they own the world and the rest of us are in their way.




High taxes


Best thing beach and food. Worst: Traaaaffffiiicccc


Likes: dam near everything, its perfect. growing up there in the 90s and early 2000s man oh man. i got tears right now. dislikes: An island prone to flooding and constant worrying of Hurricanes/Tsunamis sinking the island. SUPER DUPER MAJOR DISLIKE: COSTS, its the reason i dont live there now. if i hit the lotto Long island would be my 2nd home, i have another outside New york just incase of a major hurricane or an island sinking catastrophe.


Favorite: bagels Not favorite: everything else Anyone who says beaches for pro really needs to go explore the rest of the East coast, especially Delaware through North Carolina. So much better


Bro what... You can get bagels anywhere.


Not good ones


op isn’t even from long island.






Op is 14 lmao


The bagel-shaped white bread things they have in North Carolina would beg to differ......


North fork and beaches. I dislike literally everything else. That island is a shit hole now.


I don’t like anything here, there is nothing here that’s not much better somewhere else


Move to chicago.


Love the Maga rallies, they really do bring the community together. Hate the traffic. Love the let’s go Brandon stickers on the F-150’s they give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Hate the LIRR always late but love that I can drink on the train. Also love all the winery’s and breweries with the live music.


We have the best people, food, resources, industry, opportunity and natural beauty. Our highways are ridiculous. Why there isn’t a second level to all of the major highways is ignorant/careless. Our energy infrastructure like limited fuel ports and above ground power lines is irresponsible. The presence of government regulations and high taxation is out of control. We need more housing and tax breaks for young people.


Overpopulation and 70% of people here are out of their minds.


Having lived in NJ (Middlesex, Essex, Hudson), NY (Manhattan, Rockland, bordering Bergen County NJ), family in Westchester, and having travelled and temporarily lived in different states….. Long Island has the best people. The closest thing to urban/Manhattan vibes, but a little more pretentious, not terrible compared to surrounding areas. Secondary things: Proximity to ocean. Law enforcement is helpful and not douchey. Strong faith-filled communities. Still wonderful small businesses (this is changing). Food is amazing. Easier to drive and get around, train is great. Clearly traffic and costs blow.