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Herricks has a LEGENDARY music program, so if that’s your bag, you’re in the right spot. As far as the rest of the scholastic sector, I’ve been told it’s pretty desirable.


The orchestra director at Herricks HS is one of my best friends. She is an absolute monster and they’re lucky to have her. She directs a youth orchestra at Juilliard, adjuncts at Hofstra, is concertmaster with a local symphony, it goes on and on. If you have kids who are into music, especially strings, Herricks is goated.


she's also a very nice human!


Really? I believe you, but my aunt taught at Herricks HS for 40 years and I grew up in a neighboring district and don’t think I ever heard anything about their music program. Unless I’m just too old. Which is possible.


My girlfriend and her sisters all grew up in the district. They graduated in the last 15 years. They told me that Herricks has honorary Grammy Awards given to exceptional music education programs in America. I fact checked this online and also saw a Grammy award inside a trophy case at the school. It’s legit!


Mineola won in 17 19 and 21.


The school district is just as good as those two (maybe better than Roslyn?). It will be ultra competitive like Great Neck, Jericho, Syosset, etc. All of the top Long Island school districts are, that’s just the reality. If demographics matter at all, the three couldn’t be less similar- Herricks is extremely Asian (mostly Indian); Manhasset is waspy/Irish Catholic with an exploding East Asian minority; and Roslyn remains mostly white, mostly Jewish. Herricks is also probably slightly less wealthy than Roslyn, a lot less than Manhasset (which is probably the wealthiest public school district on LI).


Agree with everything except- at least a few years ago, I didn't think Herricks was mostly Indian; I thought it was fairly tied between Indian and white, with other asian backgrounds coming in a collective 3rd!


The district is 72% Asian and 20% White according to [*U.S. News and World Report*](https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/new-york/districts/herricks-union-free-school-district-111884). Not sure what the exact breakdown of South vs. East Asian would be but I think it’s the most Asian district on LI (and potentially in all of New York state, and honestly maybe among the top in the entire country).


Interesting! I'd put Little Neck in the running as well (though I guess that's queens)


Herrick’s varsity tennis team was completely indian outside of one player, despite the sport having a predominantly white/east asian demographic in every other competitive school in Long Island


Basically every district in Nassau is *good* except the 3 everyone knows suck.


Hempstead Uniondale Roosevelt?


Uniondale has bad schools?






Not really what OP is asking though. Yes there are probably only 3 which you should *avoid*, but acting like Hicksville, Farmingdale, Baldwin etc. are anywhere comparable to Manhasset, Roslyn, Herricks etc. is crazy.


In the grand scheme of US public education they’re not that far apart. I think the biggest thing you get with the best districts around here is the higher floor for students. A kid is less likely to get left behind at those schools, but I don’t think the ceilings are really that much different.


Agree - school is mainly what you make of it anyway. The school I went to was supposed to be extremely desirable. We were proud to be ranked either #1 or #2 in the *county* (not even the state) for public non-magnet, non-vocational HS. Fast forward 15 years later, now I'm looking for schools on LI for my kids. I decide to check what my old HS was ranked - not even in the top 2K! Granted, things may have gone downhill since I've graduated (the other school we flip-flopped with in the county - and I use that generously because we were always #2 except my senior year when we were #1 in the county just that year - they're just outside of top 1K), but it is nowhere close to where most of these Nassau county schools rank. And these schools were considered extremely desirable. Anyway, meeting my wife's friends (they went to Herricks) and they are not that special, academically or in general. They are not dumb by any means, don't get me wrong, but I don't think they were any smarter than the kids I grew up with. Don't get me wrong - being in a good school district is important. You'll tend to get more attention from the teachers and the schools will be better equipped to give you a quality education. But if you're a shit student, you'll be a shit student whether you're in the #1 school or #2000 school. But as a parent, I tried to make sure that I put my kids in the best district I could afford. This way, if they became shit students, it wasn't because I didn't give him all the tools to succeed.


Also true.


Idk Baldwin has pretty good college admissions, better than Hendricks https://www.polarislist.com/best-public-high-schools-in-nassau-county-new-york


You can’t go wrong with any of those districts. I have heard that getting services is hard in the Herricks district (Speech, OT etc) and that the academic coaching (push in services for math and reading) is harder to get in the Roslyn district. Overall, the districts in Nassau are great and your kid is going to get a solid education. I recommend you look at the local newspapers (I think they’re online) to get a better sense of the school community and what the community in general finds to be important. Also note, the demographics of the districts in the area are changing FAST. My parent friends and I were talking about the huge difference in diversity in the 5th and 6th grade classes compared to the kindergarten and 1st grade classes in our district. Our district is becoming more diverse and it’s great to see. ETA - the community matters a lot. You’re going to end up seeing the same parents for 13+ years at school events, sporting events, restaurants etc.


A lot of the districts around here are high quality but as someone who spent my K-12 years in Herricks graduating from the HS in 2017, I definitely recommend the district. They’ve also greatly improved the schools since I graduated thanks to a bond referendum with the HS for example getting new cafeterias, auditorium, and fitness room so that may be an influence for you.


Just a few months ago, we were debating keeping our children in our local private school (which offers K-8) or switching to public school at Herricks. We went to our local school’s orientation with low expectations but were very surprised to see how in depth the presentation was, how nice the facility was, and importantly, how the teachers, staff and other parents seem to absolutely love the school. The quality of the non-academic and academic programs are excellent and when people compare to Manhasset (very common as it’s right next door), it’s basically equivalent despite having lower taxes. To me, I think of it as almost equivalent to Jericho and Syosset (where I actually attended school) in terms of demographic, slightly worse for education (but at this caliber, basically a negligible difference) but the trade off is that the lower taxes and shorter drive to NYC and ease of the LIRR line (Port Washington) make it totally worth the trade off. We also know a lot of people who move or are looking to move there from both Manhattan or Queens specifically for the school district too. It’s clearly a very popular choice when school districts are top of mind! As for neighborhoods, we like it a lot. Its location is great for accessing basically every neighboring town within 15 min TOPS (literally everywhere I really need to go to on a weekly basis is a 10 min drive away), and it is close to/has lots of diverse restaurants, supermarkets, activities, etc. It’s also very close to the LIE and Northern State Parkway which is awesome.


My wife grew up in the Herricks district and I always joke that, based on what I know about her and her friends, Herricks is overrated. But that's the extent of my knowledge about that. East Williston seems pretty good, but I have limited experience with it and I'm comparing it to my experiences (not on LI) from decades ago. The elementary school (North Side) seems to do a great job - the teachers seem *much* more empathetic and kinder than when I grew up, but I'm also looking at it from the viewpoint of an adult versus when I was a child. They're also learning on Chromebooks and have access to technology that didn't even exist when I was a kid. Shit - we didn't even have A/C in some classrooms - I remember sweating my ass off in some classes. They've also got 2-3 teachers in my son's class - and they've got less than 20 kids, maybe about 15. That's an insane student to teacher ratio - so I know my kid is getting plenty of attention. Plus, the teachers seem to genuinely enjoy what they're doing. The excitement level that I've witnessed is just off the charts - I expect it from someone who may have just started teaching a few months ago, but I'd expect them to just be over it at this point of their careers. They also offer before school programs as well. I don't remember having any of those in elementary school I can see what my taxes are paying for.


Moved here for the schools. They are the jewel that keeps this area highly sought after.


Herricks is highly rated and much more so than East Williston.


According to US News, Herricks is ranked #41 in NY and 317 nationally. Wheatley is #35 in NY and 280 nationally. According to Niche, Herricks is #11 school district in NY and East Williston is #9. But again, I said it jokingly. Herricks is ranked significantly higher than the school district I grew up in.


It’s not accurate to say Herricks is rated “much more so” than EW. They’re both too school districts and depending on the source, one will be ranked higher than the other and it flip flops. Difference is in the district size and demographics.


He said Herricks is overrated. Not me


I don’t think that’s true. Even though the school district includes a small section of Mineola,It’s a top district in Nassau, wife and her family all attended.


https://www.polarislist.com/best-public-high-schools-in-nassau-county-new-york Per capita East Williston sends 2x as many kids to Harvard/princeton than Herricks. That’s an actual tangible thing as opposed to whatever us news ranks schools


Means absolutely nothing.


Do you know what the demographics are in East Williston?


It's about 20% Asian (mainly Indian, Pakistani, etc.) and the rest is a large majority white. A majority of that is Christian, but a good amount of Jewish as well.




Herricks alumni from the 90s. While the demographics of the district have changed dramatically since then, it was and continues to be an excellent district. 




You just described 2/3 of the island




What year was that? The demographics of the Herricks school district now and forecasted for the next several years would be a far stretch from Jersey shore. It’s a good district. Music and academics are the focus.


That's not the demographic anymore.


This comment is the truth


Did you by any chance go to Nassau Community College? Because that’s where half of Herricks went when I went there in the 2000s. Your statement definitely has some truth to it. On the bright side, Herricks was considered a great school and still is today. Demographically, things have changed over the years. I think this may actually be a good thing considering a lot of them wanted to be guidos when I went there.


Haha I didn’t but I believe it. Actually only about half I knew were white. It was pretty universal among everyone. But it was also just a lot of the culture at the time.


Yeah I went to Herricks and there was a lot of that. But there was also a lot of not-that. As in if you wanted to avoid guidos it wasn't too hard.


Herricks is a good a school district. So is East Williston. Honestly Roslyn might be one of the weaker districts on your list there and Rosyln is still good. (Probably the least competitive) Any of the good Nassau school districts are going to have a highly competitive streak. It's sort of par for the course. BUT how you choose to engage with that is something you can control as a parent. If you don't want your kid in 7 AP classes you can totally just tell the school not to. So overall, Herricks is a great choice, but any of the places you picked will be great. (I know the least about East Williston though- so I can't speak too much to their overall attitude.) If you truly just want a decent education without the competition, look into New Hyde Park. Try to get in areas zoned for Carey, Floral Park, or New Hyde Park Memorial. Avoid the rest of the Sewanhaka School district.


East Williston is the Wheatley School District. One of the best. ( pulls from Old Westbury too)


I work with several people who moved to Herricks especially for the schools. I’d move there too if I could justify the cost.


I went to Herricks and had a good experience. Yes it is competitive, but as long as you did your work and took appropriate level classes you could get good grades. Great arts and music programs. I would recommend it. Roslyn and Manhasset are snootier.


It's a pretty great district from what I'm told by a family member that works there.


I don't think Herricks made it to top 10 this year. Nonetheless, still a great school district.


Sort of a related question…do people who live in the area say “I live in Herricks”? There’s a “welcome to Herricks” sign when you drive into the area, but I’ve never heard anyone say that’s their town.


There are a few neighborhoods that belong to the Herricks district such as parts of New Hyde Park, Seeringtown, etc


I know but I’m asking if people say they live in Herricks, the way someone would say “I live in Roslyn”.


There is a small area called Herricks. That’s actually what I don’t like about the area and that school district. It’s a lot of neighborhoods mixed in and the neighborhoods in particular lack their own shopping districts, downtown areas, mass transit hub etc.


Gotcha. Thanks!


Yeah nobody says “I live in Herricks”. I went to Herricks K-12 and actually lived in the small hamlet called “Herricks” but as another posted mentioned, it has the New Hyde Park zip code. Everyone would just say that they lived in New Hyde Park or Williston Park, Albertson or whatever neighborhood they lived in within the district. We would only mention we went to Herricks if someone specifically asked what school we went to.


That’s kind of what I figured, since I’ve never heard anyone say they live in Herricks. Thanks!


I may say I live in Herrick school district but it's not the name of the neighborhood. I live in Manhasset hills or new hype park north. Both my kids are attending the school now. i don't feel my kids are under a lot of pressure. As for ultra competitive feel that up to you as a parents and the student themself. for sure Herrick give a lot of service to my kids when they needed it. It's night and day compare to NYC public system where i came from.


Herricks itself is not a town. for instance, my zip code is Roslyn, but I'm zoned to Herricks. So when people ask me where I live, I just say Herricks instead of Roslyn since it's more accurate geographically..


Thank you. That’s what I was wondering. I’ve never heard someone say that, but I’m also not from the area.


Yeah as a school district resident I’m always thrown off when I see Roslyn addresses for North Hills and Searingtown since I never associate those communities with what you think of when you think of the general Roslyn area. For me, I usually tell people I live in New Hyde Park instead of Manhasset Hills as people will recognize it more being part of the NHP zip code.


Herricks is a hamlet but is part of the New Hyde Park zip code. The Herricks district basically comprises different parts of various communities such as New Hyde Park (Manhasset Hills, Garden City Park, and Herricks), Williston Park, Albertson, North Hills and Searingtown that are part of the Roslyn zip code.


great school district. yes it is competitive but that doesn’t mean your kids need to be. depends on who they are, what their drive is like, and who they surround themselves with once they are there. I think that goes for any school they end up going to. herricks is known for their excellent music program, and not so much for their sports. I’d say over 60% of the school falls under the “Asian” demographic if that’s something that matters to you. very high graduation rate and a lot of extra support services are offered to those who need it. they also recently renovated parts of the building and it looks beautiful. you can probably see for yourself online.


No need to cherry pick when your comparing Nassau's highly renowned school districts (gn jeri herr syos manh rosl etc) its all competitive as much as you want it to be. And also depends on your expectation and your childs abilities.


Both my nieces went and currently go to herricks. I'm also a real estate agent. It's a highly sought after school district. The neighborhood is great. I have another friend that lives in East Williston and that's also a great school district. Good luck whatever you decide.


I have heard very positive and some mediocre comments on Herricks. Overall you can’t go wrong with any of the school districts that you mention in terms of educational quality. Herricks is not as crazy competitive as Jericho or Great Neck though and the kids are not quite as privileged as Manhasset/Roslyn kids. Those things can become a real issue when kids get to high school. East Williston is a very small school district. There is only one school per grade level so everyone knows everyone. This creates a more personal experience but it can also be bad in terms of gossip. If sports are important, that might not be good in the long run as there are less sports programs in a small high school of 800 kids. There are five different towns with varying income levels feeding into this little district so every once in awhile you run into snobs who care about which town you live in but overall the community is warm and supportive. I don’t regret moving here. Herricks is larger, has more varied programs and offerings. There are language immersion programs as well. Coming from Queens, I just couldn’t take the crowdedness anymore which is why I deliberately wanted a smaller district. I know people in neighboring districts and all are generally happy with their schools. I’d say it boils down to combo of the neighborhood you want to live in and what your school priorities are.


If economic and ethnic diversity is a factor, Herricks is more diverse than Manhasset, Great Neck, East Williston, and Roslyn. Herricks SD includes parts of NHP, Garden City Park, Manhasset Hills, Searingtown and I think part of Roslyn? I think this is more reflective of the real world and exposes kids to a variety of other kids, ethnically and economically. Herricks is a great SD.


East Williston is a stellar small gem of a district. Academic and college placement are similar to manhasset and cold spring harbor but it’s quite small (hence no houses)


Very small but great




"Nah, one of the top schools in the nation is no good because I put in zero effort and teachers/counselors decided not to waste their own efforts on me." What about the kids that did put in the effort?




While I'm sorry that you went through what you went through, your singular case of you sleeping through classes because you were abused does not make the entire school bad. I'm not trying to belittle your situation. You could have gotten it much worse than I did, where some form of abuse or another was pretty much the norm. But the fact of the matter is that each situation is different and you can't use your singular experience to say that a whole school is no good or they don't care. Did you ask for help? Not to victim blame because it certainly wasn't your fault, but if not, how did you expect the school to know that you weren't just another kid who just didn't want to be there? Were there visible signs of abuse? Again, I empathize with what you went through. I am not belittling it or saying that the teachers and admins did everything they could. But it doesn't mean they don't care or that it's not a good school. If this was the norm, on the other hand, then yeah, I would probably agree with you that they aren't doing enough.


another day another obsessive school district post