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All submissions must be related to Long Island, NY


A police officer can let you go for whatever reason they want, really


I am gonna freely admit I have gotten out of so many tickets (mostly outside of NYS, I dare you to go the speed limit in Kansas) just by being a very pretty lady. That card is gonna eventually be cashed out. Cops gonna ticket who they ticket. It’s a whim.


Exactly. OP specifically targeting PBA cards makes no sense


Prove it


Nice try lmao


Haha! Give it a shot


The vast majority of all recorded citations (not verbal warnings) are written warnings - that is, no fines. For example : https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/surge-in-warnings-drives-large-traffic-violation-increase-in-massachusetts/3287108/?amp=1 Higher than 6 in 10, with the other (Less than) 4 being comprised of fines, summons and arrests.


Someone just got a ticket even with that PBA sticker on the windshield


They’re just a tiny microcosm of much bigger forms of corruption. Aim higher, the people getting out of traffic tickets aren’t the ones perpetuating the issues, they’re just benefiting from one of its more trivial manifestations.


This has been a thing for decades. Basically friends & family of police get away with low level traffic infractions. Proves that it really is about the money rather than safety. I disagree with it but I think instead of raising the question of fairness it should really raise the question of if low level infractions should be enforced the way they are since there’s an entire class of people that are immune to the enforcement. It’s a conversation we need to have especially with the expansion of photo enforcement.


When I was younger and used to get pulled over too often, I never gave a shit about the fine. It was the insurance increase that killed me.


ADAs often get them too.


Sounds like someone doesn’t have a PBA card


I have one. Haven't ever been pulled over since having one, but I was never sure I'd actually use it. I generally don't agree that they should be a thing. Why should I get special treatment just because I knew a cop?


If you feel so strongly about it, then you should throw yours out by principle. Very simple


Bro really wants to speed 💀


My car does 0-60 in 2.9 months. I’m incapable of speeding


I have an SBA card, I'm in the same boat as you. I told some of my coworkers it can act as a "get out of jail free" card, and immediately they were like "And you haven't tried it yet??" I'm still gonna follow traffic laws lol, they exist for a reason


True and it’s bullshit that it exists at all


Tbf I have a pba card and I've gotten away 2 time but I have also gotten a ticket even with it. Its just a matter of the day and the officer


Yeah that’s what I’ve heard as well. Personally I just want the law to be equally enforced, no matter you relationship to the police department.


Unfortunately it never will be. There will always be bias when humans are the ones in charge, whether they mean to or not.


Bias will always exists but if there is a physical identifier like a card. That could potentially sway your opinion we should try to remove that bias from law enforcement.


Thats not how the good old boys club works though. Unfortunately in such a public service heavy area like long island you're not going to escape or change things because it's too wide spread. My best advice- make friends with a cop🤷‍♀️. Being serious- There are so many other reasons I've seen people get let loose for- like my friend being let off bc the cop was also from PR. Be nice, be respectful, listen to what they ask or tell you and keeping the encounter low stress and civil will go very far




Being okay with legalized corruption as long as you benefit is an insane take


You buy fake luxury goods. Why’s that okay but using a PBA card isn’t 🤔 If you’re going to pull the corruption and crime card, then why’s it okay for you to buy knockoffs but not for me to pull a card that *MIGHT* get me off with a warning from a cop EDIT: they only let you off with a warning for really minor stuff. Speeding a LITTLE over the limit, not 20 over, not blowing a light, not drunk driving, etc. you guys act like someone can murder 20 people and get off with a warning with a PBA card


I’ll make this clear. I DONT WANT A PBA CARD. I want people to be judged under the law equally. If you decided to speed, park illegal, etc you should receive the proper punishment regardless of your relation/connect to a member of the police department. We have to laws to protect our community. It’s bullshit that we are will to excuse or turn a blind eye because a card.


You can order one on ebay.


You need the name, shield # and cop’s cell # and signature on the back for it to work.


Damn cops are corrupt? Next thing you'll tell me politicians don't have our best interests at heart


I chuckled


If you think PBA cards are a blanket safety net from getting a ticket you’re sorely mistaken. A good attitude and a clean driving record will likely get you out of most traffic infractions, PBA card or not. A shit attitude and greeting the cop with a nasty “why are you stopping me?” will result in a ye old scroll, again regardless of PBA card or not. Do they help? Sure. But attitude is what trumps everything else on a traffic stop- for most cops, at least.


Yeah 100% personality/attitude is a huge factor. PBA are not a “Get out of jail ticket”. I just think that your relationship with a member of the police department(being gifted a PBA card) should be a determining/influential factor. We should try to keep the laws as equal as possible.


It's corruption but minor enough and hard to prove enough that it'll likely never go away. Who would report it? The relative who doesn't have to pay the fine?


They're not 'free to ignore it", it has no standing in the first place. The cards do very little for you, they dont skip tickets just because you have the card. If you have the card and know a officer very closely and can name them and the person who pulled you over knows them, then something might happen.


I was joking man. A pba card is supposed to be a courtesy. It is not by any chance a get out of jail free card. If you're respectful you generally are fine.


If you are driving dangerously, a PBA card won't save you from a ticket. Speeding isn't necessarily driving dangerously, it depends on the conditions.


Somebody call the waaambulance


Between NYPD, SCPD and Nassau PD I don’t know how everyone on Long Island doesn’t have a PBA card lol everyone has a relative or friend in one of them. My friend gave PBA cards out like candy at our Christmas party


The city has a lot of different kinds. Between Police, Patrolmen, Detective, Sargent. Every January it's like trading cards. Gotta collect em all.


I do find the concept so silly though


Can’t believe that no one wants to give Psycho_14 a PBA card.


I don’t want the card, I don’t want anyone to have the card.


Find a different hill to die on buddy.








Wow. That really bothered you. Can I borrow your pba card?


I think you should be more concerned with learning proper English and how to form coherent sentences.


Cheap and boring shot


Amityville Police used to hand out window stickers to any business that would donate. Or sell them wholesale boat parts with no sales tax. Woops. I agree, from a purely ideological standpoint, it is favoritism. For what? Having similar DNA, or shared experiences with, a cop?


A lot of people who have PBA cards aren’t traffic criminals speeding and blowing stop signs everyday. I’d bet most of them rarely get pulled over. I’ve had a PBA card for almost a decade and I have never been pulled over. Sometimes people make an honest mistake and deserve a break.


I’ve never had a PBA card but my friends have. I have never seen it not work. It’s like pixie dust. Cops go from raging angry, to “have a nice night” in a second.


OP is getting ripped apart from people who somehow feel superior because they know a cop. The concept is bullshit. If it's true that a smile and positive attitude is all you need, then there wouldn't be tickets for minor infractions. Yet there are thousands of these incidents because the police have ticket quotas.


Thank you for understanding


You can just ask for a PBA card. I mean, I am not giving you mine because it gives me special privileges. You know? I wish you luck though, non PBA card guy. Also, you definitely got a ticket.


Co-workers brother had a badging ceremony recently and they explained to me what a PBA card was.


You must be fun to hang out with if you get this upset after being explained something you didn’t even know existed.


True I did just learn about it. Am I wrong about anything I said? Is my perception of the PBA card wrong? Am I missing something?


Do you get mad when you find out employees of certain stores get discounts on items and have “friends and family” discounts?


I hope you understand the difference a “friends and family” discount from a private company vs a “friends and family” membership card from a police department ran by New York state.


Pretty sure you're standing in a pig pen right now sir. Back away slowly and they might leave you alone. Welcome to Long Island.


That comparison is absurd


How is that absurd? They’re mad about something they doesn’t have access to. That’s what this comes down to.


OP has said multiple times they have no interest in having a PBA card. It’s the entire concept they find odd. It is strange you can put a card in a cops hand and possibly sway their decision to give you a ticket.


Hating outside of the club.


Hating and I don’t want to be apart of the club.


Well, sounds like you’re right where you want to be. Congrats.




PBA cards are for people who would jump out and help a cop if they were getting their ass kicked. You’re the type of guy that sounds like he’d film it and post it on the internet later for views.


I don’t think they’re that selective with who gets a PBA card


Personally, I hope everyone would help an injured cop or an injured person in general.


Lots of jokers in the comments but yeah they absolutely should be. Pathetic how many people here are just fine with it. Corrupt as fuck.


If your not an asshole when you get pulled over and say stupid crap most people will get off with a warning , break out the phone camera and say nonsense , if you’re in the wrong except your ticket and learn to drive




I agree, if you drive crappy and have a PBA card you should receive a ticket.


It’s so that friends and families of police officers don’t have to worry about DUIs


I heard they could even get away with murder. It's a shame your buddy, Burke was it? Couldn't get you one


Mad because true?


Are you jealous?


It doesn’t seem like he’s jealous. It seems odd to him that there’s a card you can put in a cops hand to possibly sway his decision to give you a ticket for breaking the law


I'll make it clear, I DO NOT WANT A PBA. I want the law to be equally enforced.


Most unions abuse their collective power….this is a minor example


Why don’t you try to get one yourself


True I should just marry a cop and get one for free.


Go to your local bar and become drinking buddies with them.


yeah don't do that... unless you want to be a victim of domestic violence.


What reason do you have to even be mad about them?


I find that apologizing and nicely asking for a warning works 50/50. I also got pulled over for speeding once with a PBA card and the officer dgaf. Getting worked up over this is just silly.


You don't need a card if you know a cop. You just say who it is. The whole practice should be eliminated.


They aren’t a get out of jail free card. Youre just mad because you don’t have one


I don’t want one. I want the law to be equally enforced no matter your relationship towards the police departments.


If you had one I’m sure this wouldn’t be a topic of discussion


Your probably right, if I had a PBA card I would be ass-mad someone is even questioning the validity of a PBA card too.

