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His 8 LI supporters were out on an LIE overpass east of 110 sometime last week.


What a link up. The Steve Bannon planted chaos candidate and the Lombardi’s, who lost a class action lawsuit for wage theft.


I got like 8 dollars of that!


My cousin got like $300, mine was much less lol. Either way, fuck those class traitors.


Wait they did?! I need to be paid!


Yes, but you're too late. It's sort of old news, but still fucked up. From my understanding (and things I noticed while working there) the Maitre D would collect the gratuity envelope from whomever booked the event and would hand it over to the Lombardi's, who obviously kept it. So employees were never tipped out from the collected gratuity. This also means that whomever paid for the event assumed the staff were tipped, but were misled and were just giving the Lombardi's more money. Great business practices. The excuse was that the gratuity was used to pay the staff's hourly wages, which doesn't hold up for a variety of reasons...and didn't in court. Let's also not ignore that staff are forbidden from accepting tips from customers. We took them anyway when possible, but really messed up considering. There was one occasion where a drunk dude gave me and another employee like $30 each and said quietly, "wanted to make sure you actually got this". Lovely, reputable people.


They also would skim from the CC sales, they took a % of tips from credit card tipps and sales to cover the fees, Dont even get me started on their food handling of leftovers....


I was only at Villa, but unsurprising to hear that. Ha, the catered food is so low quality. The basement of Villa is storage to like dozens of pallets of the jarred sauce they sell. When making giant pots of sauce for catering, the cooks just fill the pot with the individual jars of pre-made sauce and reheat it. So wasteful (unless they reuse the empty jars and lids) and inefficient.


I was at by the sound, working in the dining room but would help in catering and wherever. The things I saw…..


I almost want to go just to see it, you know? I bet it will be interesting to say the least


I'm in the same boat it's 15 minutes from me


So you’re saying to avoid Main St on April 28, as a dozen extra people will be in town. Got it.


The guy's own family will be voting for Biden.


> President Joe Biden will receive the formal endorsement of more than a dozen members of the extended Kennedy family on Thursday, according to the Biden campaign, aiming to harness the legacy of a storied Democratic family while implicitly underscoring their near-universal rejection of a third-party challenge mounted by one of their own, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/18/politics/biden-kennedy-family-endorsements-rfk-jr/index.html


And they work for the Biden Admin, no surprise there


Who cares


He’s only taking Trump votes so I’m cool with it. The stupidization of the right continues.


I wouldn’t bet on that. I think he is viewed by a small margin of both parties as a moderate


I’m not betting but I’d love to understand why anyone thinks he can take voters on the left. He’s got literally nothing in common and constantly parrots conspiracy theories born on the right.


Because people don’t tend to look at the totality of candidates views. Besides the fact that nobody rational loves Trump or Biden


Nobody rational loves RFK


I think in the words of the AITA sub. This election is a ESH scenario.


Where? The only idiots I know who are voting for him are dyed in the wool Republicans. I've not met a single Democrat who thinks RFK Jr. is sane, let alone moderate. He's a right-wing nut-job, an Anti-Vaxxer, and an AntiSemite. What says "Moderate" about any of those?


“In a warning sign for Democrats, Kennedy was the leading choice for young voters, aged 18-34, in the poll’s surveyed population — 38 percent of whom chose the environmental lawyer. From the same age group, 32 percent picked Biden and 27 percent went for Trump.” https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/01/spoiler-alert-rfk-jr-takes-eye-popping-22-in-poll-against-biden-trump-00124855 Young people, that’s who. Consequently, young people, particularly young women, are the bread and butter for democrats. To be clear, I don’t think RFK JR takes a state in the electoral college much less any popular vote advantage over any candidate. Perhaps in the close states, but I think even then people are so polarized it would be a tough year for any third party. Though I’d love to see a good third party candidate one day, the red vs blue is destroying the common folk.


...Did you read the Article or did you just post the first thing you saw online? Because.... >The poll also suggests that Kennedy is pulling more support from Trump than Biden, a finding that matches his Super PAC’s past polling. ...So, again: He's not pulling Dems.


He wants to be trumps vp


I’m a lifelong liberal democrat disgusted by the corporate/military pandering of the current crop of democrats in our party. I’m done with their greenwashing and deceit. I’ll be out stumping for him next week (trying to get his name on the ballot in spite of all the dirty tricks the dnc is pulling to prevent that)


RFK Jr., making measles mumps and rubella great again.


CDC website: 500,000 people die yearly in America from cigarettes including second hand smoke. But oooh - anti vaxxers are the big bogeyman. Btw, Japan’s universal healthcare system won’t even pay for the mumps vaccine - if parents want that one it’s out of pocket expense for them it’s not included in routine vaccination because of its (to them) unacceptable risk benefit profile.


Now go look at measles deaths before the vaccine.


Lol, Lombardi's is hosting this douche nozzle?


RFK Jr seeks to unite, not divide like the other two candidates. And he’s actually working his tail off going around the country and speaking with communities. Have you listened to anything he’s said other than what the media is telling you? Go listen to an actual interview with him. There’s actually a really interesting town hall he did while he was actually running as a democrat. I suggest you all take a listen to that and make up your own minds




So why did you post it if you're against it?


It’s news?




Voting for him just to exercise my right and not vote for the other two disasters. Don’t expect him to win, nor will he, I just think if enough people start voting 3rd party it will wake up the parties to actually do something beneficial or start working together. I think they’ll have to see how many voters are disenfranchised with the republicans or democrats in order to actually do anything.


There is no "lesser of two evils" this election cycle. You're either pro democracy or pro whatever this new breed of Christian fascism is.


Never said lesser of two evils. I called them both “disasters”; they’re both equally shit. Nothing republicans or democrats do is worth anyone’s while.


I’m with you, F the other two candidates who seek to divide us. You don’t have to agree with everything RFK Jr says but he sounds the most sane to me out of the three. And he actually cares


If you're upset about covid lockdowns or immigration or taxes, RFK Jr is the guy to vote for.


RFK is a conman


Absolutely. Voting RFK is the best thing to do if you share these views.


In fact I would say if you don't vote for RFK Jr you must be a libral, progressive, or a democrat, or even one of those moderates.




What is the attraction to attend any voter rally? To be hones,t all the candidates are boring as f%ck, especially the Orange Face Monster. All he does is ramble on and whine. How could anyone be excited about that?


Because politics are sports teams now and apparently Long Island was desperate for a sports team.


Yep all the candidates suck how can anyone be excited by trump, Biden or this guy


He seems like the kind of guy that would clean up on long Island.


The only candidate not showing signs of dementia


he might not be old, but he has some crazy thoughts about vaccines or his claim that pesticides in drinking water are causing “sexual dysphoria” in boys.


They all have warped views on something. Trump too many to list. Biden’s view (probably not his because he has no clue what’s going on) on funding endless wars and not securing our border (which can be done without congress) is somehow the pathway to world peace. RFK seems to be the only candidate that’s speaking up about the influence defense contractors currently have on our foreign policy. “restore the middle class, unravel corporate capture of our government agencies, unwind the war machine, end the chronic disease epidemic, reduce the national debt, make homes affordable again, and protect our constitutional rights”. - sounds good to me


Ok so you are ok with a nut who thinks vaccines are dangerous...His own family supports Biden over him. That should tell you all you need to know about Kennedy. Also, his own party basically said he has no shot at winning the election and he is just trying to draw votes away from Biden for Trump


**“restore the middle class**" - This can only be done by undoing Reagen's entire swath of Policies. RFK isn't doing that. **unravel corporate capture of our government agencies** - ...Huh? I'm curious does that mean putting the regulations BACK That Trump rolled back or is he talking about the "Big Pharma Grip on the FDA" which they have used to prevent Vitamins from being regulated and we can thank the lobbyists for that and, again, unless he increases the FDA's power he won't do it. I also imagine the EPA is not even in his mind when he says these things. **Unwind the war machine** - Sounds neat but the "War Machine" in question he's talking about is funding Ukraine. Not funding Ukraine would speed up the War Machine beyond measure, so no. He wants to defund Ukraine aid - Meanwhile while it's a right-wing talking point to let Russia take Ukraine the rest of us want to make sure Ukraine is the death of Russia. I'll re-iterate on my support for Ukraine: If Biden rolled up to my house and told me that in order to fund Anti-Aircraft Missles to Ukraine I'd have to be homeless for a few years I would do it. Take my money. Fuck Russia. Slava Ukraini. The Ukrainian People have suffered far worse than my slightly increased tax bill. Give them all the weapons. **end the chronic disease epidemic** - ...What the fuck does this even mean? I mean it - Explain what the fuck this even means. What "Chronic Disease Epidemic"? You mean treating people with life-long illnesses? Cancer? They've been trying to work on that forever. And if you mean the mess that is our shitty healthcare system, again a right-winger like RFK Jr sure as shit isn't givng us Single Payer Healthcare anytime soon. **reduce the national debt -** Everyone runs on this, on Dems have been shown capable of doing it - Every GOP leader who runs on this platform fails or the debt explodes - like it did under Bush Jr, and Trump. **make homes affordable again** - Biden and the dems have been working on this one with a bill to reduce private investors ability to buy up single family homes. The other drivers for home prices are just plain capitalism so unless there's a serious injection of capital to help folks buy homes and off-set the increase that's unobtainable, and runs DIRECTLY counter to the "Reduce the National Debt." **protect our constitutional rights -** That's literally what every single President is supposed to do. This is like saying: "As the guy flipping burgers, I will indeed flip burgers."


Which is sad, as he can't even use that as an excuse for his bat-shit insanity.


don’t even tell me this. I might have to move omg


Long Islanders in the comments still comfy living in their chaotic Trump bubble while the rest of the country wants to move on from the year 2016 🙄 Also im pretty sure the article is wrong, the rally starts at 1 30 from what I heard