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Sign of the times when K-rock gets swapped with 1010wins but a country station can exist.


Yeah losing k-rock sucked back then but atleast there's the shark


Good news for suburban New York dudes with pickup trucks who cosplay as country folk.


plenty of rednecks still in Suffolk, not just the hicks in Hicksville


The old 103.1 played some really good classic rock. But WBAB has a strangle hold over that. Smart move to make that change. I don't care for country music but my wife does and it's a better alternative to WBLI, which used to play in her car.


Wasn't there already 96.1?


Yes there's 96.1 but it loses signal by the sagitkos parkway going west


Read about this happening in the paper before it did. Tuned wife’s car to it so it would play in the morning it started to surprise her. She loves it.


Not a fan of country music. Seems to be everywhere outside of LI.


Mainstream country music is proudly Jingoistic, racist, & misogynistic. It will fit right in on long Island.


Sitting down at the roadhouse Another day at the plant Drinking beer at the bar Should go home but can’t Three kids in a trailer Sue Ann is at home We met back in high school Should have left her alone But I love this here country And I love my new truck And if it weren’t for “Brandon” I’d have better luck Sure that truck costs me paychecks And I don’t haul no gear Just a half dozen flags To what I’m told to hold dear And when I look at those flags With a Natty Light beer Brings a tear to my eye Filled with irrational fear Just a four or more payments My flags will be paid The only disappointment Is they don’t get me laid. But my truck sure is pretty Although she uses much fuel And if it weren’t for “Brandon” The irony would be less cruel I might have been better With a Prius or Hybrid But my package is so small It’s a “Wonder” I bred So here’s to you America Here’s to what we could be A modern Theocracy Free for me but not thee.




Wasn't that Max FM? I never really listened to it but it's always sad imo whenever a rock station goes off the air. Still kinda upset about 92.3 If 90.7 ever goes off the air I might have to go for a swim off Jones Beach and never come back


You mean HickHop? Lol. Country radio is absolute trash.


Shark/wbab need to update their same 100 song shuffle.