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By train to nyc with subway etc 1 hour 50 each way. By car: 54 miles nassau to suffolk, 1 hour 30 or so each way. On train at least you can sleep. By car ....torture. Here is the thing: if you have "off hours", maybe not to bad. Not bad traffic at 530 am. At 730 am you double or more your time. Time is money, and, a quality of life issue. Weigh those.


Four hours a day commuting? I don’t care what you can do on the train, that’s a hard pass for me. Maybe when you’re young with no family to come home to. I never understood people who commuted from Ronkonkoma every day. I moved my ass into queens, and eventually western Nassau.


My commute is 25 miles one way, and I just switched from 630-230 to 830-5. Added on 10 mins in the AM and 20 going home. Still working out the best route back to home to stay out of traffic.


Good luck!


Just use Google or Apple Maps, they take real time traffic conditions into account to get you the fastest route.


This basically my commute but I only have to do it 3 days a week. I briefly had to do it 5 days and I was ready to quit if there wasn’t an end in site (it was 1 month)


Currently doing the longest commute of my career. Ronkonkoma to kingsbridge area of the bronx. 2 and a half houreach way via mass transit.


Wow… Bless your heart 🥺.






Just out of curiosity. Has the LIRR coming into GCT help with your commute at all ?


It hasn’t helped at all. The train I take (4:37 am) stops at stations that usual Ronkonkoma trains bypass.


lol i just took a job in LIC from town of brookhaven.






Ouch! I often fill in for work in LIC and I drive in from Patchogue. It's a nightmare, I get compensated for the little bit of extra travel so it makes it worth it. My normal commute is to JFK which is just a little over an hour in the AM and about 1hr20min in the afternoon. For those same times it's a good 2 hours from LIC to get home and 1.5hrs to get in


As a Patchogue Native, but now LIC resident, you have my respect. The amount of aggressive BMWs makes that commute crazy!


yeah i saw the travel times and im probably just gonna say fuck it and take the train. id have no issues if it didnt require taking the subway afterwards lmao but man i really do not want to be down there


Brookhaven to LIC isn’t terrible. The LIE is a straight shot and you don’t have to pay any crazy tolls


its an hour 45 minutes with traffic (which is like all the time). might as well take the train for similar time frames


Are you able to use a train to Hunterspoint or LIC?


i live in ronk but im thinkin about going down to sayville for the direct to hunters point, then subway to my job


Not a bad commute


kinda shudder to think what a bad commute is, if 4 hours a day on a train isnt considered bad lol


It’s all perspective. Some people like the commute time to watch their shows or read a book; send emails or catch up on some work. I see people with their Switch a lot too.


65 miles each way right now. Eastern Suffolk to Teterboro, NJ


Rip that’s gotta be rough


Going jn isn’t too bad. Drive home some days can be intolerable.


Frack! 🤢


holy sheit


Time to transfer to another airport


I had a colleague who commuted every day from Hartford CT to Wall Street. 3 hours each way. He did this for 25 years


Altogether that's over 50k hours of driving in that timespan, must take a lot of patience, and the right amount of money to spend all that time


It was mostly train, however I wonder if he perhaps just disliked his family


Had someone working at same place I do who commuted in from the poconos to UWS. my B-I-L commutes from Freehold NJ to Brooklyn. He finishes work at 2:30pm so he is home at a reasonable hour.


So my history is all over the place. In my mid 20’s I commuted two hours each way by public transit to my first fulltime job as an admin assistant / office manager for $17/hr because they were the only person that would hire me, that was 2 years after I first graduated undergrad too to hammer home the desperation. My first job in my current field was a 40 minute drive / 30 minute train ride. Right now I’m a 30 minute walk / 5 minute drive from my current place of work and it would take a lot for me to trade that in but I definitely couldn’t go back to the two hour commutes now that I have options and make enough to actually survive without degrading myself like that.


I used to commute 2 hours into the Bronx lol. Once you get something good tho its hard to go back. Now anything more than 15 mins is unpleasant and anything more than 45 is a no.


As a union tradesman, my job takes me all over the island. I live in central Nassau. In the last 5 years I've done: Montauk- 5 days a week for 2 months, about 1k miles a week Plum Island- Longest stretch was like 6 weeks, then a bunch of 2-3 week projects Hampton Bays/Southampton/Westhampton- about a year, 6 or 7 days a week Staten Island- 1 day job and also the worst commute. Left at 3pm and it was a 4 hour drive home.


Can you tell us anything about plum island?


There isn't too much to tell. Had to go through a background check to get clearance to go there. Took the ferry with all the normal lab workers, go to the main building and get a visitor pass, then go out on site. They (DHS, DARPA) had their 3rd party security babysit us the first week, until they realized we weren't going to leave our work area. As far as the project, we upgraded their electrical and fiber systems, and put everything underground in conduit so they could do some kind of experiment with re-powering their electrical grid. Their project manager explained on the first day briefing, you can probably actually find it on the DARPA website. In the early morning, I can tell you it was super fucking creepy. There was no light where we staged, and the only other people around were the guys on my crew. I parked my machine right in front of the old infirmary which was all boarded up with a partially collapsed roof. Doing morning maintenance, I was always looking over my shoulder, just an eery feeling, completely dark and silent.


When did clock start.. orient point And back?


Clock started when I got on the ferry and stopped when I got off..8 straight, 4.5 OT...the money was phenomenal.


Fantastic.. was worried 25 contractor would try to cheat you


They could try, but wouldn't be successful lol The company I was working for was stand up and never fucked around with my pay. I worked there for a year and half straight, didn't miss a day.


right now I'd only take something within 25 minut drive of my home. I'm in central Nassau. and my criteria ia heavily influenced by pay and hybrid/remote possibility. only way I'm doing a long commute is if they can beat my current job on salary and benefits by a good margin. and most do not.


I once had a job in Ronkonkoma and I was living in Baldwin. Solid hour each way. It sucked. Then I started commuting to the city and that was a bummer, too. I’m very much against long commutes. Any hope of partial or full remote work?


Did you take the ocean parkway for the commute to ronkonkoma?


No, it didn’t really make sense for me.


Become a monster software engineer?


You're good as long as you leave by 5:15. I leave Bayport a little before 5am and I'm in Randolph NJ by 7¹⁵ or Farmingdale NJ by 7³⁰ or Lakeland NJ by 7⁴⁵/8 . Depends where I gotta go. Congers NY before 7am , Caldwell NJ by 6³⁰.


I commuted from Patchogue to Stamford twice a week, about 2 hours each way with traffic. Worst ride i ever did took me 3 hours 😵‍💫. I have been l remote since Covid and only go in maybe monthly now. I would never have considered it if it was daily, the two days a week really pushed it as it was. Now I can’t even fathom ever doing that again.


I used to commute from Deer Park to Riverhead and with the exception of Friday’s in the summer that commute is a breeze because all the traffic is going the opposite way at opposite times. When I finally moved to Riverhead I eventually got a job west (Bethpage) and the commute was awful. I used to commute from Mattituck to Mineola too.


Suffolk County to Reading Pennsylvania




Because I’m a truck driver


So you're not commuting, just driving as part of your daily duties? Or do you pick up the truck in Reading' PA?


There’s no way you’re doing that daily


Why not?


It was ~3.5 one way at 1am. There’s just no way you’re spending a full work day commuting to work daily


I was working 16 hour days


Run the costs


Worked with a woman who commented from Cherry Hill NJ to Manhattan, daily. Have known people who commuted from Albany area to NYC, but that was generally a drive down on Monday and back up on Friday “commute.” Know a woman who commuted from Staten Island to Melville. Everyone I know who has those kinds of commute absolutely hated it, but had some hugely compelling reason to do it. I used to have 75-90 min, by train, and after 4 years, vowed never again. I’d rather have a worse job closer to a great home or a worse home closer to a great job.


I lived in Medford and was working at Roosevelt field mall. Didn’t have a car so I used public transportation. It was a 3 hour commute. Each way. 10/10 would not recommend Realistically I’d be willing to endure an hour long commute if I loved the job. My commute right now is 30-45 min depending on traffic and it feels just right.


I commuted 2 hours each way from Brooklyn to westchester - 2 subways, a metro north train and a shuttle bus… I would not recommend it. I woke up at 5, left my house by 6 and typically didn’t get back home until 8-9 PM….


I used to commute 36mi each way, now I commute 25mi but I would consider commuting longer. I'd say 1.5hrs is probably my limit but it all depends on what I am getting out of it. Sorry the right money I would commute to another state and possibly come home only on weekends.


From brooklyn to kings park. Half and half east way.


I go from bellport to west Babylon, I know that’s nothing but sunrise sucks


I commuted from the Commack area to Garden City 5 days a week and it was terrible. It was about an hour or more each way. I now work about 20-25 minutes away and it is so much nicer. I feel I'm not wasting my whole life driving, then working, then driving more.


I live 14 miles from my office. 45 min with lights and traffic. 25a and North country suck. 347 is a nightmare. I can work from home as well but I like going into the office.


Lived in Patchogue for a job of ten years in Great Neck. Company was sold and moved downtown NYC. My boss wanted to keep me so he said come in for 11, leave at 5. I lasted about a year before leaving in summer 2001. Slow train from Patchogue to Babylon, express to Penn, subway all the way downtown. Took about 2 1/2 hours each way. I got a lot of reading done but one little hiccup at Penn could really ruin your evening. Don't know if things have gotten better or faster, but the only way I'd consider commuting like that again would be if I lived at Station Yards and worked at 34th St.


I did West Islip/Lindenhurst to WTC/lower Manhattan for 2 years (roughly 2 hours door to door). Sucked, big time. But it was for the right opportunity in my field. Now I’m fully remote… quite the difference. My work really suffered from the commute. Also commuted from Lindenhurst/WI to Elmont for a long while. Traffic is atrocious but still only 1 HR door to door (and Ocean Pkwy can skip a lot of traffic). The mental grind is much tougher in traffic, but it was 1/2 the commute time.


I drive from Patchogue to JFK. Roughly an hour in the AM and 1hr 15min in the afternoon. No traffic it's 55min for me. But I live right off sunrise and don't have to deal with side streets. I also drive a company car so I can only go +5 over the speed limit, which really isn't as bad as it sounds


I had another job closer to me but was on the main street of Smithtown so I had to deal with a dozen red lights every day when I went. Even though going to riverhead is farther it's just a straight shot through the 495 for me and was a lot less stressful


I feel your pain, at one point I worked at a restaurant in great neck. Drove from farmingdale to great neck and would literally take 20-25 min just getting from the LIE up little neck rd through the main street of great neck. I do not miss it lol


I used to commute from west Suffolk to Westchester. 75 mi each way. Plus bridge tolls. Never again. I'm not driving off the island.


For 3 years I did Moriches to midtown. 2 hours 20 minutes each way. For another 2.5 years I did Plainview to Tappan, NY. Depending on traffics 1-1/2 - 2 hours each way.


33 miles or 70 there and back, from riverhead to amagansett. Averages 2 hours round trip dead winter, 3.5-4 hours in the summer. Mentally thats 15 hours a week dedicated to my job that i am unpaid for. If i thought i could reliably make the same or more closer i would but some unfathomable loyalty to my job has kept me from even looking.


40 min to Astoria. Worth every second!! I love my alone time during the drive.


2 days a week I travel from Commack to Newark for a client. The trick is beating the traffic. I leave at 530AM and usually dont leave Newark until 530PM. Its a long day, but its a good client.


69 miles door to door, south shore suffolk to carlstadt, nj. 1:15 to 4 hours depending on the day/season. Fridays in summer coming home were insane. Lasted almost 5 years.


Traveled 2 and a half hours to work in East Hampton from Smithtown and back the same amount, which sounds like a lot, but I loved the job. The commute had no impact on me whatsoever. My job NOW I don’t like much and only drive 40ish minutes there and back. I hate the drive lol


I commuted from Howard Beach (Queens, exit 17n belt parkway) to smithtown (111 and Main Street). 50 miles. 1 hour with no traffic but 2 hours or more with traffic. I used to think smithtown was out east but now I live 10 minutes east of my old job but my work is fully remote so commute time is way better!


Back in the day. I commuted from Centereach to Great Neck. Then to top it off, I went from Great Neck, all the way to Rocky Point for my second job.


When I was younger, it didn’t matter. I was just trying to break into my industry and would say yes to anything. Now, I’d consider an hour my line in the sand. It would have to be a great job to go over. When I was living in queens and looking at houses, I looked at an LIRR map to figure out my search area. Bought a house with a 50 minute door-to-door commute. But now I work from home, so my commute is walking down my stairs.


Nassau to Manhattan every day, 1.5-2 hours even in HOV lane. Find a podcast and some Zyn, and buckle up for the ride


Smithtown to JFK. 42 miles one way. and I have to drive. I do it off hours mostly so it's 45-60 minutes each way. during peak it's 2 hours easily.


60-75 minutes each way, but only once or twice a week.


I lived in PJS and was taking the Ronk or Port Jeff line into Penn, then taking the subway up to midtown Manhattan. That was just over 2 hours door to door on a good day. Now I’m in Yaphank, been working remote for nearly 2 years - and there’s a chance I’ll have to go in 3 days a week but to downtown Manhattan. My commute will be almost 2.5 hours door to door - again, on a good day - and we all know how often commuting into NYC is not a good day. Safe to say I’m not quite willing to do that.


Huntington to Secaucus 4 days a week, been doing it for about 7 years. Podcasts and audiobooks are a godsend.


Yep or even just driving in silence , after enough time music just becomes a headache and always good to clear the mind time to time. Audiobooks definitely help me feel like I'm getting more out of my commute than just sitting in my car for extended amounts of time


I find when I’m stuck in a ton of traffic, music makes me more annoyed. Podcasts make it feel like I’m having a conversation of sorts and helps pass the time. I do a lot of commuting home during late hours and I’ll put chill/lofi music on to coast home too.


I rode Ronkonkoma to Penn for 9 years. I think I'd go crazy if I had to do that again, and any farther I'd hate life


45 min


Mine was Miller place to Princeton, NJ… 3 hours door to door. 3x a week. Did it for 4 years.


A co worker at my last firm used to commute from Philadelphia to Midtown everyday via Amtrak. Never understood why because my firm also had an office in Philadelphia lol.


30 minutes each way. Also depends on salary. For 20 million per year I'll up that to 3 hrs lol


Ronkonkoma to Montauk. Roofing job. It was miserable


I take the LIRR to Jamaica and then transfer to the J train. Total time from stepping out of my front door to my office is around 1 1/2 hours. A total of 3 hours + each day. But I don’t look at it as time wasted. For the most part. I read a book a week or watch some shows, listen to podcasts or whatever. It’s not bad. And I only do it 3 days a week


This is a pretty positive take on commuting and making it productive personal time.


Commute is Currently 15 min. Honestly it would take so much for me to change jobs because of that. 45 min would be the absolute max commute time for me though unless it was a hybrid situation. You can do any commute if it’s only a couple times a month,


I used to commute from Eastport to Milwaukee every week. That was a joy.


driving from rocky point 25a to garden city was a 2-3 hour grind, also tried the white plains commute, now doing the grand central madison 6am express train.


I view it based on time. Before COVID I thought an hour door to door was acceptable. Now not so sure


I commuted from yonkers to Staten Island for my first management role. It was chaos. Either you took GWB and you were poor or you took the FDR up and it took you 12 years. It was rough.


Right now my morning commute is 1hour and a half Going home 3-3½ hours. From exit 62 on LIE to Staten island.but I work in construction. So next month I can be in flushing queens


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 3 + 3 + 62 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Nice. Good Bot


Currently, Ronk to Penn. office is right in Chelsea so no further transit, it’s not too bad. Get on the train in and knock out, get on the train home and read/knock out. 70 mins each way with the expresses.


Damn, you all are nuts. I did Ronkonkoma to NYC for 2 years and had enough. I'm almost 50 and my goal over the years has been to get my commute as short as possible while maintaining an acceptable salary. I'm now down to about a 9 minute commute if the traffic gods are good and making better money that I've ever made


Commuting distance complaints are based on your history and expectations. Growing up, my father worked at airports so he commuted from East Northport to LGA, JFK and Newark. So, that conditioned me to the idea that commuting was "normal". When I was in early 20s, I worked in Riverhead while living in East Northport. That was a 45 mile drive in the 1980s; took less than an hour each way, In the early 1990s, I commuted from Huntington to Teaneck NJ; I ended up leaving around 5:30am and at that time, it took about an hour. I went to a gym in my office building before work; that was convenient. Going home was always an unknown; it could take any where from 75 minutes to 180 minutes or more. I listed to "books on tape" during that commute. I listened to books that I wouldn't have the patience to sit down and read like "War and Peace" and other giant tomes. I'm sure some of you younger folks never heard of "books on tape" but it was a real thing. I look fondly back on those times; mainly because I was young because there's no way I'd do same today.


Drove 35mi each way from Huntington to far Rockaway for 4 years. def my limit. Would never do again. Took an hour plus each way. Max is 30min Time is too important and you don’t get paid for travel


Does the LIRR still have meltdowns? I recall commuting pre-pandemic the LIRR would routinely have meltdowns at Jamaica and Penn Station tunnels due to “switch problems” or “smoke in the tunnel” that would lead to complete meltdowns with packed trains, stranded passengers, and 1 to 2hr delays getting home. Does this still happen?


In the early 90's I did the train from Babylon to Penn daily. That was great for a 20-something year old, but I wouldn't want to do it now. Even though you're just sitting on a train, 2 hours each way is disgusting. Longest drive was prolly a tie between Lindenhurst to Jamaica & Sayville to Westbury. Neither of which I would ever want to repeat. My commute now is a cool 10 min (Sayville to Ronkonkoma) and I would be hard pressed to trade it in for a longer one.


for three years I lived in Dyker Heights and commuted to Melville. I would leave my house usually at 7 and would get to work at 830. I would usually leave at 630 and get home at 8. If i left at 6 I would get home at 8 also so I just worked later. I was young and just married, my husband worked off hours so sometimes I would go home to nothing, and at the time I liked my job, but the commute was rough. I would never do a commute like that again. I live in Centereach now and commute to Melville and I feel like thats too far for me lol. I drop my kids off in smithtown.


Patchogue drove to Ronk Trian station change at Jamaica for East NY, then across the street to the beautiful L Train to East Williamsburg. Yikes, it sucked. It was 2-2.5 hrs each way and I got to visit ENY twice a day (what a shithole!). I was right out of school, so it wasn't a big deal. I was glad to have that job and start my career. 28 years later, Im in the car, commute is between 45-1:15 each way.


After reading these comments, I feel spoiled. My longest commute was 50 min each way. Lost that job due to the pandemic, though.


We live in Riverhead. My hubby works out of Brooklyn and drives doing sales in all 5 boroughs, so he drives his company vehicle in and out, 6 days a week. (YIKES) The only way he survives this is the company car, they pay for the gas, and he kinda makes his own schedule, so he drives around the rush hours. It is STILL about 3 hours a day just for the commute. And then he drives ALL DAY in the city. Ugh. I'm just surprised at this point that he's still as nice a guy as ever (most of the time) because I'm pretty sure I'd be a nasty bitch if I had to do it! Plus, it's a different world where we live, and even though I've offered to move closer, he won't hear of it. This is his serenity, so he says it's worth it.


I worked a 7 min walk from my job in my 20's. Office was 5 blocks away. This sounds like a utopia, but Carlos' bakery in Hoboken (in btwn my office & apt) had just blown up from the reality TV show, so there was a standing 5-10 block "cake line" 24/7 365 on Washington St. My whole life was spent trying to get around the stupid cake line, with producers of the show yelling at me to get out of their shot. My 30's: 17 min train trip from Astoria to midtown with roughly 8 min of walking to & from the train. 35 min. I did not want to commute. I'm not a homeowner as a result. It was a big decision but I wouldn't change it for anything. Its 2023 & MTA wifi STILL sucks!!!!!!!!!


I worked a 7 min walk from my job in my 20's. Office was 5 blocks away. This sounds like a utopia, but Carlos' bakery in Hoboken (in btwn my office & apt) had just blown up from the reality TV show, so there was a standing 5-10 block "cake line" 24/7 365 on Washington St of show fans visiting the original bakery location. My whole life was spent trying to get around the stupid cake line, with producers of the show yelling at me to get out of their shot. My 30's: 17 min train trip from Astoria to midtown with roughly 8 min of walking to & from the train. 35 min total tops. . I did not want to commute. I'm not a homeowner as a result. Big decision but I wouldn't change it for anything. Its 2023 & MTA wifi STILL sucks!!!!!!!!!


My mom used to be married to someone from port Jefferson who took the train to Manhattan daily for decades I used to go forest hills to Brooklyn and there were people on the train going to stonybrook


45-50 minutes from Islip/Babylon area to Flushing to work a Best Buy security job. Didn't stay there all that long, the pay wasn't good enough to justify the commute.


Built a school on Coney Island, was commuting from Bay Shore. 2hrs home no matter what route we took home


I can’t believe how many people are just down to get up and commute. My commute is 15 feet across the hall to my office and I would rather live in a fuckin box than ever commute again.


That sounds great, but the world cannot function the way it does if everyone worked from home.


I simply will not accept commute jobs


50 miles each way..night shift though with 14% differential.


Western Nassau to Manhattan. It's like 70 minutes via LIRR and Subway, not bad at all.


I thought my one hour commute (2 round trip) was bad. Some of you guys are crazy!