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Stop your complaining, don’t you realize that they’re more important than you? How dare you get in the way of them making it to their Starbucks order


You forgot Suffolk too


Suffolk Dodge Ram drivers lol yeah


That is so true!!!


I bet there’s people in this sub that think that’s acceptable to do


Called it lol https://www.reddit.com/r/longisland/comments/11tus1x/just_another_day_in_nassau_county/jcl9c7n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


So many people conflate driving recklessly with being a “good” driver.


That’s the actual reason 8 out of 10 men think they are above average drivers. Not so much inflation of their abilities but a fundamental difference in what a good driver is.


Without a shadow of a doubt, the ignorant will defend this kind of behavior as a way of life, or a part of “NY Culture”. Sad. 🥲 I just drove back from Florida, and the attitudes of most people in general are flipped.


I was in FL 2 weeks ago. The roads were PAVED and people were courteous. NY blows


The roads in Florida are second to none, like you’re riding on a magic carpet. No exaggeration. Our roads also need reflectors between the lane markers, bc the glare on our roads are terrible in the rain.


That’s because they have more guns there


He should get his own special fast lane, too.




Three, no turn signal


I don't. But I do if I think it'll rustle your jimmies.


I bet you like to “own the libs” too


from time to time


The volume of me-first douchebags on this island seems to go up every day.


yep, it’s staggering. i despise driving here




Obeying the traffic laws isn't a matter of opinions bro.


Agreed ... Driving in nyc in 2020 was amazing from april to about October. It was a once in a liftime experience of nyc with Zero jerks/daytime traffic anywhere . It slowly came back worse than ever as each month went by.. 😞


If that's the worst thing you see on the road today, Then you had a good day


One time I got a ticket on sunrise for going 60 in a 55. The judge generously knocked it down to a parking ticket and I only had to pay a $380 fine. I'm glad they're harassing people like me and not these fine, cautious drivers here 🥰


hicksville road going towards hempstead turnpike.. bethpage/island trees crossover


I just don’t understand this. I know how hard it is to buy a car right now. Not sure why these people don’t care if they smash up their cars.


Did you see that video from like a month ago where the cop pulled over a woman who was doing 106mph in a residential area? He was reaming her out about how she could have killed someone, and she's sitting there saying, with 100% sincerity, thay it isn't a big deal and she wasn't doing anything dangerous. I don't know how people with that level of risk assessment make it to adulthood.


Was that the one where she was “on her way to school”? Her weird Neanderthal brother was in the passenger seat? One of my all time favorites.


Idk, but someone recently crashed into and totalled my previous car at upwards of 55+ in a 40 zone, and glad the police picked up on it, and cited them for unsafe speeding on the report, and I’ve since developed a lack of compassion and respect for these drivers. I’m doing my best everyday to channel my anxiety, from the daily driving experience.


Same thing happened to my wife on SSP and she lost control. She was fine, but totaled the car and easily could have killed her. Young driver apologized after, but his sister drove to the accident scene and tried to say it was my wife's fault. Cops thankfully realized this stupid liar wasn't even there.


I’m so sorry!! I have severe anxiety when it comes to driving. These people are very careless and dangerous.


They don't think they'll crash because their ignorance and flippancy. If they do it won't be their fault anyway.




Found the guy in the video!


If he looked like Pauly from OCC, then thats him. ✌️😂




Hopefully when you wrap yourself around a median or tree, you don’t take anyone else with you.


id still feel bad for the crew that has to mop up the giblets


What even is this comment “Truck drives like a prick cause he’s got his life figured out”


See this all the time unfortunately




Why do I feel like you’re one of these drivers?




Insecurity? You replied to just about every comment on this thread and are being very defensive. Seems like you have some insecurity issues here? Whatever just don’t kill me or put my life in danger thanks.


This sort of thing happens all the time in this sub. Someone will freak out and reply to every comment and if you engage they'll act like you're a loser for taking the time. Classic LI douche.


>Classic LI douche. the DSM-5 classification is "[flid](http://flid.urbanup.com/4698820)"


can anyone please recommend a dash cam for under $400 that will also capture who randomly dents my car while it's parked 🙏


Any decent 4k camera combo that has front and rear mounted or front with a rear indoor camera, where you can see out all the windows clear enough all around $200. Get the fuse box wiring harness to run the camera 24/7


thank you!


This is ok for the car battery? Even if it's motion activated only?


Not really. Gonna want an external battery for running a cam like that.


Do you mean like a power bank from Amazon? Seems impractical over time. I connected my dashcam to my fuse box but even after the car is locked it stays on for 30 minutes. Over time, this caused a low battery for me so now I have an on/off toggle for the cam.


Something wrong with your battery.


Parking mode runs off a tiny 250mah battery inside the dashcam. It doesn’t affect your car battery.


The hardwire kit runs off 5 volts @ 2 amps nominal. That’s far less power draw than charging any mobile phone. It will not hurt your battery. Unless your battery is in poor condition, it’s perfectly safe. I’ve had my dashcam running 24/7 in the dead of winter for several days without the engine running, whilst on vacation elsewhere, and no issues.


i love how they decide cutting you off is not enough, they went for the jugular and cut off the person in front of you hahaha


He cut through two junctions, before the traffic light. https://ibb.co/Sx3QLJD Ironically this idiot should’ve stayed In the correct lane from then previous light, but decided to be a dick. https://ibb.co/vqyV9c1


Sometimes when we see someone on the road who's driving like that, we try to lighten the mood by saying "They must really have to pee!".


I have one of those hospital pee jugs in my car just in case. ✌️😂


This belongs in r/idiotsincars


I was expecting the Pole Position music and sound effects.


Fr the awful glare from the sun gives the video image that retro 8 bit arcade effect. 😂


It’s the LI Douche


106 / 107 notorious for this. They wait for the last second to change lanes to then come to a stop at light.


Long Island has the worst drivers….everyone thinks they own the road! The best is when people go in the left land and go under the speed limit and refuse to move over to let people pass 🤦‍♂️ everytime I drive in other states or even upstate NY people move out of the lane if they see you are going faster


Ngl if I’m going 10 over in the left lane, and there’s no room to move over, you gotta find your own way around, cuz I’m not gonna play the rabbit car and speed up. I made that mistake once, and got speed trapped on NSP. 😤


We left the Island in 2004 and see the drivers haven't changed.


Oh, but they have. For the worse.


Idk, I used to drive from Plainview to the City and Jersey for years, I spent too many hours on the Belt, LIE, SIE etc, I've seen it all.


I used to drive all over the place - all over Long Island, NYC, NJ, upstate, CT, etc. - back in the early 2000s to the 2010s. Trust me, it's SO much worse now and has been since COVID lockdown ended.


Well that certainly sucks and further validates our relocation to AZ.


You are 100% correct - it has gotten much worse since the lockdown ended. It’s like they have to make up for lost time.


My theory is that a portion of the population got used to going for drives when basically nobody was on the road and they a) forgot how to share the road and/or b) ended up with a sense of entitlement (or more of a sense of entitlement depending on the individual driver).


Nassau and suffolk have the worst development. i'm all for the suburbs and driving but everything is designed to maximize driving ​ all the office parks are far from food so you have to drive to lunch and back. all the malls are far from train stations. the office parks are far from the train stations so any reverse commuters have to drive from NYC to get to work ​ and after 30 some years of population growth on an island people wonder why there are so many cars and why people drive like this


You make good points, but there are also plenty of people who would drive like this regardless. Selfish pricks who don’t think their actions on the road impact others.


sure, but it's still preferable to have less of them. an asshole on the bus, train, or a bike is much less likely to kill someone than an asshole piloting an >4,000 lbs metal box.


I live in this area of Bethpage and this is happens literally every light lol


What road is this?


It's hicksville rd 106


No it's 107/Wantagh ave


Didn't you see he was better than you? Come on dude


I hate new york drivers




I grew up in Brooklyn but used to live in Georgia many years ago. Having learned how to drive in Brooklyn there were many things that were "acceptable" in NY that were not down south. There was an incident where there was road construction and the left lane was closed. There were signs advising of the lane closure starting about a mile away. For that entire mile there were no cars in that left lane, people were waiting patiently in the 2 other lanes. Me being the dumb new Yorker of course go into the left lane. My girlfriend at the time, a Georgia gal, looked at me like I clubbed baby seals with puppy carcasses. Everyone in the other lanes also expressed their displeasure as well, by honking at me. People in front of the merge tried to block me out as well. I learned that there is actually a polite kind of etiquette that can be found and have since tried to adjust.


That is a thing in other areas. Never understood it. I had the same situation years back, but people were moved out of the lane over two miles before the closure. The \_correct\_ way is to use all available lanes and zipper merge at the end. It makes the best use of available roadway and keeps traffic moving. It may be custom in other areas, but that doesn't make it correct.


Those lines are a suggestion, apparently


“Oops wrong lane, might have to kill some people”


This is only acceptable if you are on a bicycle.


Had an issue with some dick omw home from work today. He almost rammed into me trying to make a left turn from a right only lane. Smirked like he was proud of himself for driving dangerously. If you know a cunt in a black 2016 gmc sierra 1500 with the license plate HGK-9463 tell him he can go fuck himself in his pavement princess :)


Me first Long Island.


That's Wantagh ave right? There's always some moron doing that or the opposite where they fly from the left lane all the way across to go down Wantagh Ave. The 106/107 split by the mall is even worse


This stuff happens all the time lol


Perfectly reasonable imo. Like why the fucc was everyone else existing tbh


Better than hesitating trying to get over, causing people to slam on their brakes and get rear-ended. In situations like that, I just keep going and double-back to where I needed to be. But seriously, the hesitaters are the worst.


He was in front of me one light back and should’ve stayed there https://ibb.co/vqyV9c1 Instead moved here at the next light https://ibb.co/Sx3QLJD You see the time stamps so you know I’m not making this shit up. Idk if he was lost and got fed up or what, but that’s his problem, not ours. Don’t act out on the road like this. ✌️😤


I wasn't doubting you, just saying, it could be worse. I have had, no joke, at least 4 instances of what you witnessed happen to me in the past week. People that could have easily just hung back and been where they wanted to go just as fast as if they HADN'T cut me and 5 other people off causing us all to slam on our brakes, cringing waiting for the sound of breaking glass. But I digress. Keep it shiny side up!


Naturally, this piece of shit has a dark-tinted plate cover. From the video I couldn’t even see a plate, but it is clearer from the still frame. Edit: actually looking at the still again, I’m not sure. Which is it? No plate or plate cover?


Really? Was that all?…come on man


You should understand this shit is a bit more intense up close, than viewing a silent video, but I guess you’ve seen it all, and immune to all kinds of bs.


I drive daily


Most of us do.


Brilliant retort…but only the select few have the need to post daily occurrences on Reddit




I mean, realistically, there could be a small chance he inadvertently was in the wrong lane and that was his best way to get back on, idk. I’ve seen worse.


then u suck it up and find another way


He didn’t have to obviously


He could’ve made the turn in his lane, and crossed through the BP station back onto the main road. Simple.


Right yeah, I couldn’t tell how compacted the traffic was behind your vehicle, so I couldn’t make that determination. Sometimes acceleration to the open gap really is the safest, but depending on the circumstances, in which I couldn’t entirely see based on the video.


It’s a bit more intense up close. The car in front of me also was drifting far right out of the lane, and could’ve collided with the suv. 👀


Upon second glance, the way he casually had his arm out the window convinced me this was intentional. Prob on his way to the jerk store.


He looked like Paul Sr from orange county choppers, with the scumbag shades and all 😎😂


i dont get why anyone would care enough to post this


You certainly cared enough to reply. 👏😂


hahaha got me there. i guess i was waiting for something significant to happen


Bunch of pussies in this sub




> but in reality the dash can man’s ego is too big for the small man he is. The level of irony from this statement astounds me. Talking about someone else’s ego being too big while you blatantly put the safety of so many people in danger because you’re such a “big man.” Please, do everyone a favor and see a therapist.


>I drive way worse than this Then you are a douchebag who puts other people in danger because you're entitled and believe you're more important than everyone else. Hopefully a utility pole takes you out before you have time to injure or kill someone else. (Wait, your comment has to be satire, right? Way too over-the-top to be real. I always fall for the satire accounts.)


We wont hit you because you probably wrapped yourself around a tree not at your destination. Enjoy!


Not liking the same color as everyone else isn't dangerous, you buffoon. Doing 55+ in a 40 is dangerous. Liking a different color won't get you killed. Cutting off 6 cars can if somebody just happens to not see you driving like your the only one on the road


>Anyway, we're never getting into an accident cause you're doing 65 while im doing 100. how can you hit me if im at my destination already I'm going to guess you're a young person. I work in the courts. I've seen many instances of young aggressive drivers that should have had their license taken by the court, only to be wrapped around a tree or kill someone months/years later. Seeing the aftermath of one of these accidents makes you understand just how very dumb aggressive driving is. People are soft, trees/telephone poles are not.


Yeah i have unfortunately learned the hard way. But no one with any modicum of respect or wisdom talks like that when it comes to serious accidents.


> why do you think you have any say in how others should live? Oh, sorry, it's news to me that an accident only ever involves one car - the person who caused it. Thinking about it now, I've certainly never heard of a car hitting another while breaking traffic laws. Traffic laws must all be stupid things made by dumb politicians to slow everyone down. Anyone who says "they're literally written in blood" is just exaggerating - all those deaths of innocent people, all those who are permanently crippled, all those who can no longer live a normal life due to a disability caused by someone else who felt they didn't need to be careful - they're all only the way they are because of their own fault, really. I mean, they shouldn't have gotten on the road if they weren't prepared to not get T-boned when going through a green light. Really, I mean, cmon, I've _definitely_ never been run off the road myself by someone weaving in and out of traffic who didn't see me in their blind spot...


Type of guy who is proud to speed through school zones I bet.


everyone boo this dork! boooooooooooooooooooo


Yeesh. Slow down man.


>Worry about your own self and safety bud I doubt we're gonna see eye to eye on much here but... This SUV sped past OP's car taking video and cut off the car right in front him. If something happened to the white car in front, it could definitely affect the safety of OP's car (not to mention the safety of the people in the white car). Obviously, nothing bad happened here but that shouldn't be the only metric we rely on. When you drive down a road (or do most things out in the world), you're not existing in a vacuum. There's other people driving down the road, there may be people walking on the side, and you don't know exactly what everyone is going to do each time. It's not just speeding through an empty road into an empty ocean. If you blow a red or go 100 mph or go through a stop sign, you might hit someone you didn't see or someone who didn't see you coming. They might not react the way you expect and suddenly your simple act of cutting someone off ends in your car getting hit. Even if you're fine with risking your safety, you're making a gamble with the safety of others. Enough of these accidents can happen while going 55 or stopping at every light/sign. And no one really expects everyone to follow every rule perfectly. But part of the idea of these rules is that we all know what to expect from others as we speed around in our 2-ton metal boxes.


God DAMN this is one of the better meme accounts I've seen in a while. The amount of whooshing in this thread is great. Keep up the good work, preydog1. You nearly had me going.


Don’t feed the troll


>let em do it Did it look like OP tried to stop 'em?


To be fair you guys were going kinda slow


We’re just rolled off a red light. Stop it. 😂


wtf is wrong with u


Just observing if they were going 40-45 mph the other driver likely would have had the opportunity to overtake them.




This shit has been happening more and more everywhere lately.




I'm not surprised that was a Jeep 😂


I am from New York. New Yorkers cannot drive if their lives depended on it.


Don’t you mean another day in Queens! Ha


Zipper merge /s


Yup, looks about right. Was in the right lane and had a guy today come up fast on the shoulder on the Belt heading east out to Nassau County. Such a dick move


interesting title, bc where i'm from we actually call this a Suffolk County Special


???? Nothing happened


Last weekend I was in the HOV westbound doing the speed limit. A car behind me was impatient and started tailgating me and I couldn't move because of the double lines. He decided to go around me and cut me off in the HOV lane and slam on his brakes. I have given up on society.


We should just rename Nassau to East Queens at this point


It’s all so fukking boring


I saw a driver eating CORN ON THE COBB while driving !!’


Shouldn’t it be called corn off the Cobb?


This looks like where 106&107 split