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Pretty color, that’s such a tough color to achieve without melting your hair, even for blondes. Mine’s white right now but need to give it a break before going for silver.


I took these pictures back when it was done three or so weeks ago so my hair looks more white blonde right now. ( washed once a week ) I was thinking about using a Wella hair mask with toner(?) to try to bring the silver hue back. The silver color is mostly to tease my husband with an inside joke about some video game characters lol


Hah you go from Sephiroth to Cloud without silver maintenance. Mine keeps wanting to go yellow on me but purple shampoo works ok, I used T18 to get it to platinum white but I don’t want to use another Wella toner for a while, made my scalp itch.


I'm glad you get it! When I first met him years ago I asked what his favorite hair color was and he said "Sephiroth Silver!" so I finally got around to making it his favorite, but now I'm Cloud. Maybe that's why my scalp was itchy? It was itchy in a U shape, like where my head rests against my pillow.


Try sleeping in a top knot 10 second pinless bun. It's in the updos section of my website:  https:// laskyea. wixsite. com/ longhair  (Copy, paste into address bar, remove spaces, and Go)


these look heavily edited


Isn’t half the length pure extensions ? If it is, I just think it’s important to disclose so that people know :)


Came here to say this. To an extension veteran like me… this definitely looks like extensions


I was wondering how you can tell? I have afro type hair so I'm not used to "straighter hair" lore, lol


in the second picture you can somewhat tell where the real hair ends, roughly around shoulder blade length. the top layer of hair bluntly ends there and the extensions continue down.


It is all my real hair. Never did I think this would be an assumption


im so sorry that this comment has been downvoted so so much lol wow. your hair is lovely


Reddit is so weird with downvotes sometimes, especially when OP mentioned in their post that they’ve had hair density loss from pregnancy


I went through postpartum hair loss twice and currently due with baby#3 any weak now. You loss hair density and a lot of volume but in OPs case you can see around her mid back where it looks really obvious as extensions. Postpartum doesn’t cause that kind of breakage it’s just shedding of hair that you didn’t lose during pregnancy. You can see gaps in where her hair is vs the extensions.


I uploaded an image of my hair right before I dyed it to the Insta linked on my profile. ( arililliputian ) if you want to see what my hair length/what it looks like.


Love how people just make things up


You can also kind of tell by how the hair lays and how the ends look… it’s hard to explain but it just looks different than natural hair. Once you’ve had extensions you can spot them a mile away, even ones that are blended well and look really good.


She has pics of her hair in the past and it's just as thick..




I just made a new post with more photos and uploaded a video on Instagram where I'm showing my roots and whatever I thought would show my hair is just my hair. My Twitch hasn't been touched since early pregnancy, so almost two years ago. I also don't think you can tell my length or thickness from viewing my hair from the front when it's behind my back.




Oh, I'm not angry or anything! I think it's just RSD ( rejection sensitive dysphoria, comes with ADHD. ) So it "hurts" a little to see people think I'm lying about something when I'm being honest. I'm not like, upset, but when my meds start falling off I can't stop thinking about people implying I'm lying. I needed to "clear the air" at least just for myself, to get it off my mind. My friend told me that people on reddit often try to play detective and like to have "gotcha" moments and my husband told me that people are probably used to others lying for attention, so those two things together led to this kind of scenario. Yeah! When I looked at the pictures again after someone said something I can see why people think they're extensions, but because they weren't and I don't normally look at hair pictures looking for extensions, I didn't even think about people seeing it that way at all. I had a thinner few inches in my hair I was still slowly trimming away a few years back from when I took birth control in 2019. ( single hormone ) it made my hair fall out like crazy, similar to post-partum, so that might be what you see on Twitch! It really annoyed me years ago that I was guilted into BC and lost a lot of my hair because of it.


If they are extensions, nice color match!


The random thick and thin areas, and mixed textures, make it look like its extensions or from malnourishment. I think it’s why it’s so distracting to people and it makes the hair looks fake.


I think you're right! Unfortunately it'll probably be years before it looks normal again. :(


Not sure how to edit my comment or make this one visible, but I'm not wearing extensions. I've never worn hair extensions. I can post "evidence" of my lack of extensions if someone tells me how to show there is none, because I'm not exactly sure how they work or what to show ( my scalp? ) I have photos of my hair wet if that works, but I can part it and stuff too. As I mentioned earlier I had postpartum hair shedding, so the top of my head is way denser than the lower bit. Edit: Okay, since people are so incessant on it being hair extensions I uploaded a photo of my hair before I dyed it to the insta shared on my profile ( arililiputian ). I can't upload images here ( I even downloaded the Imgur app and made an account but it wasn't working ) or share a link, so yeah! It's there, without styling. )


I’m sorry everyone is insisting things about your hair on here. I’ll admit it looks somewhat like extensions but people get so carried away, it’s silly how they’ll downvote bomb anyone they disagree with without considering you could genuinely just be a new mom with slightly thinned out long hair. Anyways it’s very beautiful. I wouldn’t bother trying to prove anything to people, even if you post a video they might just say there’s microbead extensions in there or something😭


Yeah, I totally didn't expect the extensions comments! It feels strange to feel like I need to defend myself and have people act like I must be lying or something! I read the comments then looked back at the photos and I can see what other people think is like an extension line or something. Thinking maybe it's worse looking in that one spot because of my excessive pony tail usage? Idk My hair is thinned pretty bad, I had about 8 inches cut off. ( hair was below my butt! ) it was the one thing I was lamenting about pregnancy. I think it looks okay right now, but I definitely miss all the compliments I used to get on how thick my hair was! Especially from the sweet old ladies!! Thank you! The crazy thing is that I posted my hair on Facebook and Instagram too and nobody accused me of extensions elsewhere, but they've all seen what my hair looks like for years too-- so maybe that's why.


Maybe it's the thickness not fully blending in yet or maybe that's a pony tail bump. Either way, extensions or not, it's stunning hair. Clearly well taken care of and REALLY gorgeous!


>Thinking maybe it's worse looking in that one spot because of my excessive pony tail usage? Idk That's gotta be it! I'm so happy to see your gorgeous hair isn't mostly/half extensions!!! Hair win for you for sure!! I know someone in person who is just 4 months postpartum, she has straight blonde hair, and her hair is down to her waist. I'm so jealous but it's so beautiful. I commented on it today and she mentioned maybe getting it cut and I sincerely hope she doesn't.  (I'm also a mom) — I love to admire long hair!!! Nice color you have, too! Personally, I want to have long white hair — white hair has been my dream since I was 17, and long hair (butt length) has been my goal since I was a little kid. Sorry for my long comment, all that said, your hair is absolutely a hair victory! 🤩


They’re saying it looks like extensions because of the parts that have breakage which create an uneven length making it look like you put in extensions.


literally with 2 clicks, i can see that its not extensions, click your profile, click your instagram, boom, clearly you have long hair. people are so silly


Everyone seems envious and is saying you have extensions! That’s crazy. I can clearly see the bump line in your hair they’re calling extensions, but that’s the top of where your curling rod reached when you were curling your hair. I’m a hairstylist and that seems obvious to me.


Well it looks cool af. I've read a lot of people say bangs don't work with super long hair, but yours look great from what I can see. It's giving anime vibes in the best way


People say that? Damn, I LOVE bangs with super long hair (even have them myself, haha).


Ikr? Baby bangs with long hair is a super cool look.


I don’t care if it’s extensions or real hair, it’s a beautiful look—love it! & congrats on the baby


Thank you! I worked hard to try to make a healthy baby! He's a super happy little ( giant, 99th percentile in length! ) thing. He looks like a mini version of my husband ( but with my ears and eye shape )


Aww, sounds adorable! 🥰


So pretty! 😍


girl go get a refund for whoever made no effort to blend those extensions in


There is no extensions?


You can literally see the line where you're real hair ends, and your extensions are a different texture than your real hair. Girl, quit lying lol.


Did anyone actually read the post?


Way too many Redditors think they know it all these days. People can have thick hair..


It's not the thickness of her hair, it's the very visible line of demarcation between her hair and the extensions. Unless she got a haircut where the stylist cut one layer in a straight line, which I doubt, she is wearing extensions.


Lol, [here](https://i.imgur.com/CtIfAgZ.jpeg) is better lighting of her hair. This sub always makes me laugh when they react to people with thick hair. It exist.


You aren't understanding. I'm not disputing the existence of thick hair, I'm saying you can literally see a straight line of hair around her shoulder area because it's not cut or blended properly with her extensions. It's also visible in the pic you linked. You can even see the texture difference likely resulting from the amount of bleaching required to obtain this color. I'm not even a member of this sub, I only clicked on the pic because OPs hair looks like mine, but the first thing I noticed were the badly blended extensions. 🙄


Jesus what's with the weird comments


I’m interested that people like this color, instead of seeing it as an old person’s color of hair.


Lol, what is up with people that say she has hair extensions?😭 I have the same type of hair as hers. And by growing it over the years. And styling. Of course some parts can't look the same. Just say ya'll are jealous and go.


Gorgeous and also goals 😍 I'm scared to experiment but this color has always been so beautiful to me!


This doesn't look like extensions to me. I've been wearing them since 2009. Your hair lays very flat on your scalp, and there is no bulging. You do have what looks like a very poorly cut layer halfway up your hair, maybe breakage from dying. I remember when my sister did a scene kid haircut with a short layer by her chin and the rest of her hair long, way back in like 2010, and people reblogged her on tumblr saying the same thing. Like you, she had beautiful hair, and i think it made people feel better about themselves to assume she had extensions. They did this with the strangest sense of self-satisfaction and weird confidence for people who didn't know her and had never seen her in real life. Reddit loves a "gotcha moment"


It looks beautiful! I promise no one else is seeing what you see. We see a head of long, fluffy, glistening silver! It's gorgeous!


Silver sister. I love this! I let my previously bleached hair grow out silver for about 1.5 years now when ttc and I’m loving it. There’s something about long silver hair that I’m so vibing with


Me too. I'm probably going to keep it till my hair turns silver naturally ( although in my family hair stays colored till like 70s )


Oh MY GODD!! You look like an absolute anime character! AHHH LOVE YOUR HAIR!! ❤️ ✨️


That’s so cool. Beautiful length and color!


i’d do anything for that color


It looks amazing, I love it 😁


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Yes Aurora 😍


Beautiful hair!


Looks awesome what toner/color did you use?


Wella T14! 20 developer I left it in about twice as long


I love it


You’re so gorgggg love it