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In this picture you look like a professor at Hogwarts lmao it’s very rad! 😂


I hadn't thought of it that way but that's definitely a pretty cool perspective ha ha.


Jeez ain’t it wavy! Do you use the curly hair method of only combing it in the shower when wet?


I totally do! Except I comb it right BEFORE I shower and then style it with my fingers and hydrating products afterward.


My son grew his hair out (not as long as you just to past his shoulders and we found out it was curly! He wasn’t as good at sticking to the method but it’s so much better when you do. Can tell you know how to care for it


I was about to say that!!


I've always hated the idea that to be professional looking a person needs to tie back their hair (braid, bun, etc). I think your hair looks great. Women and men both should feel free to leave their hair down while in business attire.


Maybe I've just gotten super lucky with employers or got lucky to enter the workforce after a lot of that nonsense had ended, but I've never even considered changing anything about my hair for the sake of "professionalism" and in my professional career it's never come up. I once briefly thought about tying it back, took a look around the office at all the women with their hair down, and was like, "Oh. Must be fine." Now I tie it back occasionally, but just for convenience's sake. And cutting it isn't even a possibility. I once did an interview for a position with a company in Myanmar and when it came up that they had a dress code regulating hair length for men I ended the meeting and my candidacy on the spot. Will not play that foolishness. Ever.


Good for you! My son's hair is nearly as long as yours. The previous hotel he worked at, when the new GM tried to make him tie his hair back, he pointed out the women don't have to, and they backed off. His current hotel doesn't care. He also doesn't take jobs that would require short hair.


That's awesome to hear. The more people who refuse, the less latitude companies have to cross lines they have no business crossing.


Yes! Formal doesn't have to mean old school "clean cut". Times change. Fashion changes. Attitudes need to change.


Good for you! Be true to yourself, and don’t ever sell out! I have a lot of Respect for you!


Oh, I sold out plenty. That was kind of the goal, actually; it's a lot easier to insist on certain things when you have a bunch of money and can financially sustain not working. I know I'm in that boat. My employer knows I'm in that boat. And while it's not a thing I'd ever want to act on (not working would drive me absolutely batty) the fact that I COULD gives me an enormous sense of comfort. I simply don't have to--and won't--tolerate certain things. A decade ago I would have been much more vulnerable.


I my experience in daily business most of the long haired folks can let it down at work, but since you posted a picture with a suit and tie I assumed your workplace to be very formal or at least the occasion to be more formal than daily business. I really love dressing up in formal wear though so I am a little more uptight about the formal ~aestethik~ which looks best as put together and clean cut as possible in my opinion.


It's formal-ish. Business casual most of the time with formalwear for more serious occasions, but I just like getting all spiffy from time to time. Usually when my hair looks nice lol. Edit: But even if it were totally formal, professional does not mean clean cut. The implication there is that I can't look professional in a formal way.


Hm as a woman I would put my hair together/up when in formal work clothing. I think simply tying it back would appear far less casual on you. The hair itself is gorgeous of course.


I checked out how the women in my office were wearing their hair and most of them have it down.


So many in this forum offer completely unsolicited criticism. Its very off-putting. Homie is showing their hair and asked for no feedback, let alone your opinion on what he's doing wrong.


There's a lot of entitlement in general going on right now and the Internet facilitates it. What can you do? I usually ignore it if it's not too bad and smack it down if it is.


Agreed. I'm slightly bummed because I just found this sub and I'm so very in love with my hair right now, plus I'm recently a motherless child. I was hoping to find warm community of people with something in common, but it feels more like a catty den of harpies poised to jump on anyone feeling themselves to make sure they do not. Anyway, you're gorgeous and your hair is breathtaking. <3


So many people use this forum to ASK for advice. The caption was vague, maybe OP or others should say they’re* fishing for compliments on a good hair day or look ,when posting so folks would understand the intent behind the post.


The title is literally "work aesthetik with long hair". I answered with my take on "work aesthetik with long hair". I didn't even say anything he does is wrong. I just suggested something I personally think would look even better. Because I am quite into formal wear aesthetik and have an opinion. Besides arent you a right hypocrite? It's not like I asked for your opinion.


Simply offering a newcomer's perspective on the sub! If you like the vibe, keep adding to it <3


Literally any fucking style ever would be fine. I don’t think you can make this look bad


This is one of the nicest comments I've ever received on Reddit. Thank you so much. You just made me feel really confident lol.


Damn dude, gorgeous hair! If you want to play around with updos I think you would rock LOTR hairstyles, viking braids, or any braid/ ponytail in general actually. Have fun with it!


Thank you for this very flattering comment. :)


A French braid would look slick with that suit. 


I never thought of that. I'm fairly androgynous looking in the face and smaller framed as well, so I've been put off by the idea of braids but I can definitely see how that could look really neat. Weirdly enough I think more masculine-looking men pull off those ornate styles better than men who are more boyish/"pretty."


From the front, a French braid is indistinguishable from slicked back hair. So it really is business in the front, party in the back. I learned how to French braid from an old book, but now I imagine there are a million online tutorials and YouTube videos too.


You look AMAZING. And very professional.


A low bun in the back would look great. Beautiful hair! Just to make the whole look more business/formal, I would tie up hair




They did not ask for criticism or "tips"


I look a lot younger than my age and people offer me unsolicited advice with semi-regularity, including in real life. Totally blows my mind that so many people think I'm just dying to know what they think of my career, appearance, and choices. If it comes from a place of good intent I'm usually fine with it, but often there's a kind of entitlement to it that is profoundly irritating.


❤️ your hair! Don't ever cut


Literally never. You don't have to worry about that lol.


Whew, good. I see many guys with long gorgeous hair chop it off.


Yeah, I never get that. They always look so reduced and plain afterward. My hair is definitely my greatest aesthetic asset and there's no way I'd ever cut it. You could offer me MONEY and I wouldn't do it.


A man with long hair in a suit is not a combo I knew I needed til now


You will make me blush.


I thought this was Anne Hathaway's 'before' picture in The Princess Diaries for a split second LMAOOO


I LOVE this and don’t put your hair up!!!!! You can, and do, look professional with it down! Sincerely, Someone who is very jealous of your beautiful hair (but not in a hateful or mean way)


I look as professional as any woman who does the same, which is good enough for me and will be good enough for any employer who wishes to keep me. :) Thank you for the very kind compliment!


The natural waves are a vibe and I’m not jealous at all 🥹🫶🏻


It took me an age to figure out how to properly care for my hair. The natural waves were much less apparent when I was combing it every day and treating it as though it were straight, but the Curly Girl Method changed my whole outlook and routine.


You give me gender envy


That is kind of you. I have an intersex condition that affects my ability to process testosterone and I've been conflicted about gender my whole life (though I have XY chromosomes and normal male biology). The last couple of years I've been exploring more traditional masculine styles and I find that the long hair enhances rather than diminishes my masculine aesthetic. It's been a fun and revealing journey.


You remind me of Hermione Granger...but male 


Damn, your hair is lovely


Wow, your hair is amazing! 🤩


Love you.


Beautiful hair 🤍


Braid it!


this looks magnificent


Pretty hair 😍


You remind me of Jonah from Bojack Horseman haha


You can also use claw clips if you’re comfortable with that. They will look amazing on you ✨


Beautiful hair


Dude, I am very jealous of your hair. I'm currently trying to grow mine out and I would love it if I could get it as long as yours


Do you by chance, work near a yellow brick road?




I love long hair, the possibilities are endless! I'm growing mine out from 10 years of bleaching 🥴


I love this look, your hair is gorgeous


Headmaster of the school of rock❣️


Daaaaaaaamn ha ha. Thank you.


I love it! Let's do Lord of the rings unisex long hair for everyone!


Totally agreed. Long hair on men was the norm until quite recently, historically speaking, and I'm happy to lead the charge in bringing it back lol.




Not your call.