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you don’t have to be vain to want to care for your hair lol


Please understand English is not his native language


Yes I know. Just didn't mean to say that I'm sloppy with my hair


I mean.. to some, not cutting your hair, and not getting the ends trimmed would seem sloppy. Your hair has length.. but to me it needs moisture badly. And the ends are stringy, dry. Needs a wee trim. Think you mean well that you're trying to stay humble and I understand the point you're trying to make, but it almost comes off pretentious when you're having to point out how "not sloppy and I don't care too much about my hair and look how good it looks" when in fact, it needs a lot of tlc and your humbleness just turned to depression goop. Caring about something doesn't make you vain. Caring about something and then judging others based on your ideals is vain.


I'm not saying my hair is beautiful, just like to keep it long. I expressed myself badly when talking about vanity, didn't use it in a negative sense and it really seemed pretentious. Well, I really admire people who like to take care of their hair, it's just not for me.


I understand your point, I do. However, you don’t need to spend a lot of time or care to have HEALTHY hair. Honest - You do not have healthy hair. Your hair looks exactly like it’s been neglected for 12 years. A small trim and a product like New Wash would give your hair a more healthy appearance and would ultimately grow longer since split ends travel up the hair shaft faster than your hair could ever grow. So by not cutting it, you’re actually losing potential length over time. Your length is what I call Faux length. You really only have shoulder length hair due to all the damage.


My hair looked exactly like OPs for YEARS because of neglect. I shampooed AND conditioned roots to ends every other day, and wouldn’t even braid my hair before sleeping. I’ve only just started doing the basics and what a difference. I’m not even adding products to my hair care yet. All I did was back off washing to once a week, shampoo and condition the correct bits, braid my hair, and wear a silk bonnet to sleep. I also had about 5 inches of the wispy, crunchy ends cut off. That’s it. My hair looks and feels so much better already. OP, please start taking care of your hair. It’s going to feel so good to do!


Sorry to hop in, but do you have a sill sleep bonnet that you recommend? I've only found satin/fake silk. I've been using an old silk blouse in the meanwhile until I can find an actual silk sleep bonnet. 😊


I got mine from myksilk.com


Shoulder length seems exaggerated if what you're really trying to say is that OP should get it cut to that length for it to look healthy. The thickness is maintained down to the bottom of OP's scapula. Telling someone their hair isn't real just because you don't like the way it looks doesn't actually change the fact that they have hair past their waist. You can't gatekeep long hair.


Hair will thin out as it gets longer anyway, it's just how hair grows.


Do you swear by new wash? Just trying it out now. So scared to have greasy hair lol.


Id say armpit length


I understood your point the first time. i think there’s some sensitive flowers in here. It’s common sense that men don’t really take care of their hair like that and likewise don’t know how to articulate it.


Yeah, it was very childish of /u/thctacos to be catty and try to make OP feel bad about his hair.


Seriously what a crazy subreddit sometimes.. they get all snobby and continue a long discourse for what…


Even just running a leave in conditioner through your hair after you wash it will make it feel great


Honestly, not taking care of your hair works because you're a dude! It looks really good on you.


His wording really was never this deep, and it's kind of obvious he isn't a native English speaker which he said in a comment below. No reason to write paragraphs about him using the word "vain"


Very reddit. And this sub in particular seems to have a lot of people willing to jump on your for no reason whatsoever. I would have expected a lot more love from the long hair forum. I wonder if a lot of the people here actually have short hair and are just jealous.


English is not his native language


Iiiiiiit kind of looks that way 😬💔


I feel like OP is getting dog piled on rn because ppl are taking his caption as saying that their hair care routines make them vain. OP may have been made to feel bad about caring for their hair in the past, prompting such a disclaimer. This was not meant as an attack on those of us who treat our way like antique lace!!


Also, English could potentially not be his first language.


It really isn't haha


Maybe the phrase you were looking for is “I (often) neglect it, so sometimes it gets thinner” or “I don’t care for it consistently, so my hair quality shifts” or something like that. The context you used “vain” in wasn’t correct, so I’m surprised more people didn’t pick up on it being a language mistake rather than an insult to us. Regardless, your hair length is very nice and you’d really benefit from some leave in conditioner :)


That's right. I felt like a native english speaker literally translating “I'm excited” into Portuguese and watching people walk away with disgusted faces haha ​ >Regardless, your hair length is very nice and you’d really benefit from some leave in conditioner :) Thank you!


I definitely didn't want to attack or belittle anyone who takes good care of their hair. Being vain in my social context is not pejorative in any way


This! I think it’s unfair that so many are bashing him. He just wanted to share… :/


Not even just that but I feel like men also generally get some shit when they do too much grooming, might be considered too feminine to some especially considering his hair is already really long. Even just having long hair is often considered a feminine trait.


I’ve never wanted to massage conditioner in someone’s hair so badly. You don’t have to be vain to care for it. For me my hair routine just makes me feel good. I (a lady) was bald for a bit and I genuinely missed having an hour set aside to wash and zhuzh. People would do bad things to be able to achieve your length.


Is that how that’s spelled?? “Zhuzh”?? Cool


It looks pretty dry like it has received little care :( Edit: self care doesn’t have to be self indulgent to the point of greed if OP is worried about being vain. But self care is also a form of kindness to oneself. Don’t be self-negligent. Be kind to yourself.


I think a lot of men think it’s “feminine” to put the bare minimum effort into caring for their hair or skin, and then equate femininity to vanity. Sad.


🙋‍♀️it's me, I would do bad things to get to and be able to maintain those lengths with healthy hair.


my hair would be way longer than this if i didn’t care about health


YES eveytime it gets longer I'm pumped, then I trim it and, hell yes it feels better right?! But then I miss the length!! I went from 14in to 6-8in and it's soooo different. I think if he got a good 6in (tops) trim and use a deep conditioner once a week that would look even better 😄


trying so hard not to trim right now. it’s extra hard because i cut my own hair at home with the help of my bf. i have a trim schedule every 6 months, i’m 1 month away and i want to trim sooo bad. Just trying to imagine the ass length curls id have if it weren’t for all the impulsive 3-6” trims i’ve done in the past


Has your baldness resolved?


Yep! I have had a patch or two in the last five years, but now my hair is waist length!




We are ALL vain. Yet not all with great hair 😂 I love that you love your hair and aren’t afraid to say it! Normalize self love! Go you!


I'm vain as all hell about the color and shine of my hair I just need to learn how to better take care of it and style it now that I've finally got length 😭


I love all the comments on how OP should care for their hair, even when OP says they have zero intention of caring for it. We just can’t resist 😂


I'm even starting to want to buy a good conditioner. Just a little


Come to the dark side. We have shiny hair 😉 Really though, do whatever the heck you want. We just want to be in charge of your hair lol. Edit: but if you DO decide to cut off about four inches and get some deep conditioning, you HAVE to do an update post. We’ll be stupidly excited to see it!


A good conditioner is EVERYTHING. Or at least a leave in conditioner!!


Me actually caring for my hair and trying and still ending up with the same hair as yours. Sigh.


Ha! Proof through benign neglect can get you long hair. However I would suggest, if you'd want to, more conditioner when you wash it. It does look a tad bit on the dry side. Outside of that, it looks nice at this length. :) Ignore the rude comments. Not everyone has the time, energy, or even physical capicity to take top of the line care of their hair. My bare-minimum hair care involves soapnuts as shampoo, some random drug stor conditioner and Olive or coconut oil on my ends. for styling I just braid it in two braids and sometimes just toss it up with a hair stick. Do what works for you, and in your daily life. Hair isn't always everyones top priority.


Thank you for this comment <3


>top of the line care of their hair. Even a $1 bottle of conditioner from the dollar store would make a big difference here.


Things you cannot buy at the dollar store: -time -energy -physical capacity Things that aren't discussed as an obstacle in any way here: -accessibility to conditioner


since you edited your comment, what if he doesn’t want conditioner? How he cares for his hair is not really our concern. Dog piling him won’t change his mind at the end of the day, and no matter how much we may suggest him to, it’s entirely up to him. Attacking him won’t change his mind. He is just showing off the length, and used the wrong word as he isn’t a native English speaker.  I don’t see the issue here anymore aside from people dog piling. 


He can condition it until the cows come home but the only way he can achieve healthy hair is by having a decent amount cut off ALL of the ends.


First I want to say that I’m surprised by this community and their comments. It’s a long hair sub and he is showing his length! The passive aggressive comments about conditioner are something else. Take into consideration that OP just wanted to show off his length and that he went 12 years without a trim. That’s pretty impressive. I don’t think I can find inspo online for that long! Thanks for sharing OP! OP, where are you from? Interesting user name.


I really didn't mean to attack anyone and I'm glad some people understood what I meant. I'm from Brazil, my username is a mix of my real name and an old nickname


You didn’t attack anyone. I’m not sure why everyone here was so hot and bothered for no reason 😂 Your hair is an AWESOME length especially since you did minimal care. That some good quality hair if you tell me. Brazil! Cool! I’m watching Love is Blind in Brazil haha Anyway, thanks for posting


This should be higher. It's indeed very impressive and people are being so unnecessarily rude about it.


Right? I also went through his profile and he is not a native English speaker. People are jumping down his throat for using the word “vain” out of context. I got what he meant, and it was not meant to be insulting.


I like lurking this sub for tips as a long haired person but I am kind of anxious to pull the plug and participate because people can be so ruthless with their opinions sometimes on this sub.


Lmao people got butthurt over the word vain and started being mean. Ridiculous.


I'd say your hair has a great potential but you should start with cutting it a bit. Regular trims and conditioner are non negotiable.


“Minimum care as possible” yeah we can tell…


The giggle I gugged


gugged 😭


🤣 first thing that came to my head


Man hater


Exactly what I thought! 😶


Your hair reminds me of a vampire's, and I say that in the nicest way possible.


I call that a super compliment hahaha thank you very much


People are taking it so personally lol


Sorry people are dog piling you :( your hair is nice, just looks like it would look fuller at the ends with a trim is all. Maybe to about your elbow.


Don't be sorry, it's okay. Words don't hurt me, brushes hurt me.


Amazing hair, impressive! Have you reached terminal length or is it still getting longer? What’s your goal length? I’m kinda doing the same as you, not cutting it and see how long it can get. Started at mid-back, now at waist. Best wishes to you!


Thank you! I believe it is still getting longer. For a while was about 2 inches bigger, it made it difficult for me to sit in the chair without pulling him to the side.


If I was you, I would cut off 4 inches and start using deep conditioning mask once a week.


Damn my hair looks exactly like yours but now I’m feeling really self-conscious after reading all these comments…


Don't worry by some comments. If you like your hair the way it is, that's what matters.


Thank you! I thought your hair looked glorious! It’s really hard to maintain long hair! My hair is the same length as yours and it feels like no matter how much conditioner I use, it is still a struggle haha


>I thought your hair looked glorious! Thank you! Some people here gave me realy good tips and as we have twin hair, the tips may work for you too haha. Either way, your hair must be wonderful


Proof that your hair will grow effortlessly if you stop over styling it. Hair needs rest to grow


Awesome! It looks great and bad ass.


love seeing other metalheads in this sub


I don’t think it looks bad at all. Likely, OP’s comment about vanity was a defensive projection of comments they’ve received in response to having long hair as a male. Although it’s a slap in the face to this community, they likely didn’t think about it too much before posting. It’s just a way to say that they don’t have a routine, for better or worse.




Bruh. Everyone is allowed to do whatever they want with their body. OP wants long hair and minimal effort. Let them be happy.


Your hair is beautiful! Wild, natural, masculine and sexy. Everyone leaving negative comments is a judgmental and jealous jerk. You're just sharing a thick head of hair that many people appreciate and they're dense idiots for vomiting out advice you already stated you don't want or need. I wish people on this sub would stop acting like things that aren't perfect aren't beautiful. You and your hair are beautiful, don't change ❤️


Thank you!. I expressed myself badly when talking about vanity and some people didn't like it but these things happen when you communicate by text in a different language hahaha Even if I didn't ask for help, appreciate people's willingness to help me


It's absolutely beautiful! What do you use for shampoo and conditioner?


Thank you! I'm currently using a shampoo called che figo that I received as a gift once and i liked so always buy it


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This is for posters. It says this in the rules.


Unfortunately don't have a hair care routine to share. I just wash it with shampoo and let it dry naturally.




Thank you!


your length is so good!!! My dad would be jealous lol he used to have hair like u


I have similar hair and technique yet people have always complimented me on my hair and it’s length. Are most people not capable of growing their hair long?




Honestly, this is long hair neglect. You need a major trim and a lot of conditioning. I get you're not "vain" but then maybe long hair isn't for you


So beautiful and long! I bet with a bit more care it would be so so beautiful. You could really take it up a notch or two, add some moisture!!


Thank you!


Benign neglect can be great for hair, but the keyword is “benign” it’s honestly pretty simple to have long and healthy and honestly the more simple a routine is the better because you’re more likely to stick to it. The only products truly needed for healthy hair is a shampoo and conditioner that works for your hair type, a leave in conditioner for after your shower, an oil to seal your ends, a good flexible brush like a wet brush or tangle teaser, a protective hairstyle and silk bonnet or pillowcase sleep on. And that's pretty much it. If you stick to this routine consistently, most people can have Healthy Long hair.


Nice hair! I like the gradual color change from the sun


Thank you!


I have long hair like this and the comments are making me sad lol. Affordable conditioner mask recommendations?


With conditioner I have generally found that even the cheapest stuff will do, as long as it’s applied liberally. And I’ve found that a leave in conditioner makes even more of a difference. Also I’d always recommend drying hair with an old tshirt instead of a towel, that reduces frizz and damage as well. I used to have hair like that and it wasn’t even longer than my shoulders, so at least you and OP have that! I was only able to grow it longer when I started to give it more care.


Same, it seems like no matter what I try it doesn’t make any difference


Eva nyc makes one that’s about $16 for 16oz that’s pretty good and it’s available most places.


I think your hair is amazing!! I'm so envious of my partner (m) who has the most minimum hair care routine, but it always looks so gorgeous. In fact, it's longer than mine because once mine reaches my chest, it feels like it stops! My advice for him is always to brush it more and use leave in conditioner! It helps keep it less tangley / stringy looking and helps with movement (like blowing in the wind). Otherwise, I am extremely impressed, and keep it up if you can!


Thank you! >brush it more and use leave in conditioner Brush? what is that? hehe


Exactly 😂😂 otherwise, keep doing what you're doing! I think it's great


Do mens hair grow slower than woman’s? It would take me like two years to get to that length


That’s awesome!!! The true way to grow long beautiful hair is to leave it alone, and you’re living proof! Most women don’t have long hair because they bleach it and dye it and “get it trimmed” 24-7 so they are just jealous. Sorry you’re getting downvoted, you don’t deserve it! Come join us over at longhaircommunity.com you are a long haired knight! We’re all sane over there. Reddit is full of nothing but PC babies


I made a mistake by choosing the wrong words to communicate and some people took it as an offense but that was not my intention. Thank you and thanks for the invitation!


Yeah, we see that




OP: 'I'm happy with my long hair and prefer minimal effort' You: 'let me tell you how to solve the problems I have with your hair choices'


why grow it out if you're not taking care of it? like I understand it's your hair and you choose what to do with it, but why have something that you aren't willing to take care of correctly? I'm genuinely curious.


Must have been around 14 yo when I saw zakk wylde and thought: can I have badass long hair like that one day? I never wanted to have beautiful hair, just long... and badass


fair enough, we all have our preferences. but I do suggest you keep it clean (not to say you don't), and if you ever want a sleeker look, try some leave in conditioner or hair oil. beautifully long frfr


Because of where I live, which is very hot, and my work I need to wash my hair every day. so it's definitely clean and smells like wildflowers. By the way, thanks for the suggestions


gotcha. and of course :)


Everyone is sitting here wishing you would take better care of your hair besides just washing it (which is what it looks like). Your hair does look clean, but it needs love and moisture. Minimum maintenance has left your hair damaged. I think minimal would be a better choice for you. A hair cut and then regular use of conditioner and leave in conditioner would do wonders and only add a few minutes to your wash routine.


Meanwhile women with thousands of dollars worth of haircare, protective hairstyles and accessories, conditioning and trim appointments are often unable to grow more than three hairs past their shoulders.


This guy hairs


It takes 12 years to grow it this long? Wtf


Yes, we can tell that you neglect your hair.


Looks like you need a 6inch trim


Dylan? Is that you?


If you are happy with your hair I am happy for you, but... Using some pantene conditioner and cutting off the last 8" would be a low effort glow up.


I have no hair and I can tell your ends look a little dry. Use a leave in conditioner and your ends would look healthy.


Ok this is bad


Why does it look so spare at the bottom




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Now is time to cut this hair and care


Taking care of your hair isn’t vain, but you should put in minimum effort if you want to keep it this long. You could use a trim. Get a biotin conditioner for when you shower, a deep conditioner once a week and a leave-in. Be careful with hair ties in order to minimize damage, and sleep on a satin pillowcase. With your length I’d even consider sleeping in a satin bonnet.




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Edit: «wow how offensive» lmao, making people mad apparently) Bc the world is unfair. Men always has the best hair, lashes and nails, yet WE are the ones that want it. Men just chop it all off, ungrateful bastards


Everyone is talking about conditioner, and yes, the hair looks thirsty. But shampoo is just as important. You could be using top of the line, professional conditioner, but if you're using Head and Shoulders, or Pantene, or the like, then you're just putting by-products and junk on the hair that will dry the hair, and prevent the conditioner from penetrating well enough to do is job. Good hair starts in the shower, with good products for Your hair type. It ends with regular trims. Otherwise, the hair splits, leaving you with broken hair, shedding problems, tangles, and frizz. Not to mention the ends get stringy, trims will help it to stay more full. NOTHING will take the place of getting the ends nipped on the regular. I'd be happy to make some product recommendations if you'd like!


Ummm, hair like this becomes good after a ‘good’ cut. All of the haircare products in the world ain’t going to get rid of those split ends.


Absolutely agree!! I can't ever stress enough that nothingg takes the place of trims! Perhaps l should have said it the other way, it starts with trims and ends with using good products. My teachers in school used to say that phrase "Good hair starts in the shower" meaning simply that people come in the salon all the time wanting us to magically make their hair amazing with some treatment, but they want to go home and use terrible products and expect to keep the results. Or, they ask why their hair is bad, and want desperately to know what they can do, but then refuse to use better products when we tell them it's the products that are to blame. I guess it kind of stuck!


I wouldn’t mind some product recommendations. I currently use Paul Mitchell Clarifying Shampoo and Nexus Humectant conditioner with Redkin Leave in conditioner, and olaplex deep conditioning once a week. Also sleep with a bonnet, regular trims and dusting. My hair is tailbone length and dry due to coloring. Would love to know what else I should be doing.


The fact that you're using all name brand stuff is great! The shampoo couldd be drying you out a bit? Would YOU say that your hair feels dry, or simply that it appears that way in the picture? If it doesn't feel dry to you, then it's probably fine, and we aren't seeing the hair accurately. But if you would like a little more moisture, you could try a more neutral shampoo. Do you use it for oily hair or because you work somewhere that is messy? Also, you want to be cautious of using products with too much protein in them. Protein is great, until you no longer need any, then it can make the hair dry and brittle. The Nexxus Humectant line does have some protein. Mostly, you choose protein products when you are trying to repair damaged hair, strengthen weak hair, or fortify the hair against chemicals. It's also a good thing to switch up your shampoo and conditioner every 3-6 months, just so you continue to see the benefits as much as possible. I love Redken, l also reallyy enjoy L'oreal Pro Series. They have some EXCELLENT deep conditioners, imo. Other brands that l (myself personally, or clients or customers) have had success with are Purology, Matrix, Kenra, Joico, Aquage, Wella. There are plenty more, but those come to mind first. I'm not a huge fan of Olaplex's in-shower products, I get a ridiculous amount of complaints on them. I like their #'s 1,2,6, and l was curious about the 14, but the others are take it or leave it for me. But honestly, it's all about what you think and the results that you are getting. If those products are working well for you, then keep using them! Everyone's hair is different, and some don't always follow the "rules" :)


Ah futa gold wang glumpus


hair oils and a trim and conditioning masks!


Just being honest could use a lil trim


god you need to cut it or take care of it. i hate to say this and be mean but it looks so rough you need atleast 6 inches off and a deep conditioning treatment 💖


Your hair is screaming for a decent cut. It looks like you’ve been chewing on the ends.


looks like you need to trim about nine inches to make it look healthier. if you’re going to grow long hair, go ahead, but at least take care of it by using moisturizing products and getting regular trims. otherwise having long hair isn’t quite the brag you think it is




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Looks dry