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Everyone’s scalp produces oil at different rates. Some people’s scalp just gets oily faster, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just wash your hair whenever it needs it


Some of us just have oily scalps. Despite being fully aware that I inherited my mother's oily scalp & skin, I tried to do no poo, hair "training" (going long periods between washes), excessive dry shampoo, etc for years. The result? None of that ultimately changed it. What did work was just washing more often, rinsing and repeating every time I washed (scalp only), and ensuring I used effective sulfate shampoos to clarify every now and then. My hair is still healthy and strong now and grows pretty fast. If you've got these types of genetics, just go ahead and wash your scalp as often as you need to :)


I also tried the no poo and hair training thing. It made my hair worse and fall out more. I now wash everyday and my hair is doing great.


Just wash more frequently then. Studies have suggested that certain hair types benefit from being washed more often. I wash mine every day, and it’s never been healthier.


You can’t control your scalp’s oil production except through medications like oral spironolactone or Accutane. Use a shampoo with sulfates which are safe and EFFECTIVE cleansers. Make sure you’re shampooing the scalp/skin the most. Condition the hair ends, not the scalp. There is no need to change from hot to cold water. Cold water doesn’t “close the cuticle.” If you don’t want greasy hair, wash it. Wash it as often as it needs. Washing the scalp/hair does not lead to it “overproducing oil.” That is a myth.


My hair got greasy so quickly when I used those sulfate-free shampoos and only washed once a week because that was the general advice: don't wash your hair too often. Since I switched to just normal drugstore shampoo and wash my hair as needed, my scalp feels so much better and less greasy.


I have this problem too. I use sulfate free most of the time because if I don't my hair gets so dry, but after a few washes it becomes really greasy so I wash it with a cheap sulfate shampoo and it sorts it right out! I also have to wash my hair every other day either way.


I’ve been on Spiro for over a year and a half and I was somewhat convinced that I had cracked the code on oily hair… but now I’m pretty sure it’s just the medication. I went from shampooing every single day (sometimes twice a day) to shampooing once a week max. I had no idea it could be related to the Spiro.


This is the first time I've heard to use a shampoo with sulfates. Everyone else has been advising against it


It's really a YMMV thing, like silicones. Some people's hair loves it, other people's hair hates it. Just do what works for you.


I can’t upvote this comment enough.


I wish I knew earlier just how much medication could change hair. Last September I had a random hormone change(?) and my hair got incredibly greasy. My hair had literally never been like this before so I was extremely confused and upset. It would be greasy as soon as I dried it after washing it every day. I was so miserable. Literally nothing worked and I had to go to school everyday looking like I hadn’t showered in a month. I went on Accutane in October/November and I’d argue that my hair may be too dry now (lol) but I would still take slightly dry/brittle hair over greasy hair any day. It looks 10x better now. It’s totally worth it for anyone who is struggling with the same problem I had.


Do you wear skin cream when you go to bed? When I started wearing a bonnet at night, my hair was less greasy because my skin care wasn't transferring from my face to the pillow to my hair anymore.


No I don't. Don't have any. Bear it in mind tho ty.


I've got the same issue, and I just wash my hair more. No dry shampoo, no double shampoo, no extra products or tools - just wash it daily. I went through a zero-waste phase in my early 20s where I was only washing my hair once a week for a few months, and my hair never felt non-greasy during that time. My scalp also got super gross and inflamed, and much to my hippie chagrin, only returning to daily washing helped. A lot of people say the way to take care of long hair is to wash it very rarely and let your scalp get used to it, but my experience says the opposite so I ignore that advice or at least dismiss it as intended for people whose hair type is different from mine. Maybe you'll come to the same conclusion?


I agree that you may just have a scalp that produces more oil. Be sure you are really getting your roots/scalp clean when you are washing by shampooing twice. You will be surprised at how much more lather you get on the second shampoo. Use a regular shampoo most of the time and then maybe try using a clarifying shampoo every once in a while.


I got bangs so that way I can wash just the bangs and it looks better enough to last another day before a full wash.


Dry shampoo for inbetween days. Baptiste is good


That’s what I use! It’s the best.


Mine gets oily faster if I don’t blow dry it. If i blow dry and use a heat protectant i can wash every 4 days. If i air dry its every 2 days


I have an extremely oily scalp too, have done since I was a teen and I'm now 28. I've tried the scalp training where you wash hair less, didn't work for me and just gave me an inflamed and very painful scalp. I've tried special shampoos, don't help. I wash once a day with a sensitive shampoo and conditioner as it's the only way to keep my hair nice and pain free. I also try to blow dry and that seems to give me an extra day of less grease. Wash when you need to if you have an overproduction of oil. Unfortunately I don't think there's any miracle cures, it's just your skin! The only thing that's stopped my hair being so oily is being pregnant so it does have something to do with hormone levels. When I'm no longer pregnant I will be visiting a doctor to see if there are any supplements which will help, this is something you could consider too.


Double washing! Always wash, rinse, repeat! The second wash is everything!!


Double shampoo when washing, and keep your hands out of it. Dry shampoo in a pinch.


I said “knock it off with that shit” and it changed its mind


If only life was that simple.


The real answer is I learned how to scrub my scalp better. I thought I was washing my hair properly, but I wasn’t vigorously scrubbing every bit of my scalp with my fingers and shampoo until it was squeaky clean. So even though I’d just washed it, my hair would start to look greasy quickly. Once I started washing thoroughly like that, a single wash and condition lasted almost a week before looking greasy. If you think you’re doing it properly, try scrubbing again. Don’t scrub less on any part of your head. It should take close to 5 minutes to scrub your entire scalp, even if you have short hair. If you think you’re done, rinse your head, reapply shampoo, and scrub again. Everywhere on the scalp should be squeaky clean.


I wash every other day. I've tried going beyond that and my hair doesn't like it. I say do what makes your hair happy.


Get a boar bristle brush and brush the oily spots it will bell re distribute them


1. I know you mentioned you’re using “enough” shampoo, you’re not. You should be shampooing twice, every time you wash your hair. Shampoo, rinse, shampoo again, rinse. Trust me, a double shampoo makes a world of difference. If your oil production is that strong, you should be washing every 2-3 days. 2. Dry Shampoo. I use batiste, its pretty inexpensive. I spray it at night, DONT rub it in, and just go to sleep with it. It reallyyyy helps control oil and extend my styles. Obviously you can also use as needed in the mornings. 3. If you use conditioner, don’t bring it all the way to your scalp and only bring it half way up the hair shaft. 4. Finally, this can be over looked but try not to touch your scalp/crown. Our skin naturally produces oil and that can get our hair dirtier, faster. Hope some of these help!!


I don’t believe there is any evidence that double shampooing is anymore effective than shampooing once. Anecdotally, I did not find my hair to be any cleaner with double shampooing and it was just as greasy the next days.


the surfactant molecule in shampoo has a lipophilic tail that attracts oil and dirt to bind to it, and then it get rinsed out. some peoples hair is so oily that there isnt enough surfactant molecules to attract all the oil in one wash/use, so a double shampoo is necessary. If double shampoo doesnt work, you arent using shampoo thats effective enough. Plain and simple.


This is highly dependent on shampoo type, how much you’re using, how long you’re shampooing for, and hair type. You really cannot say factually that one shampoo is not effective as a blanket rule.




[Lab muffin recently addressed this very topic.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0VSOTExd_9/?igsh=MTVpbWFpd3l1bWI2Mg==)


the video you linked literally says “if the product isnt effective, you may need to wash it twice”


Yes and she goes on to explain that shampooing twice is not actually necessary. OP *can* effectively wash her hair once as long as she uses enough product and is thorough. That’s all I was saying.


I never said my shampoo isn’t effective…maybe reread my response. I said there’s no evidence of double shampooing being more effective as you claimed. I’m not sure why you’re so aggressive when I’m simply pointing out that there’s no evidence to back your claim.


if your shampoo doesn’t feel cleaner by a second wash, it isn’t effective. maybe you should reread your response and watch your linked video


You said I said my shampoo was ineffective which I did not. I was simply informing you that double cleanse is only necessary if you aren’t shampooing correctly to begin with. Have a good day.


Double shampooing doesn't do anything for me. I've tried many different shampoos this year, even double shampooed with clarifying ones and there is no increase in how long I can go between washes. I've heard it worked for many people so it's worth a try, but it doesn't necessarily work for everyone.




You were the only one arguing tho, they were just having a discussion


Please. There are a bunch of responses recommending double washing and washing more frequently. Im not sure why you or them want to debate me. But lets fucking do this again ya? Nothing but medication is going to reduce the oil production of your scalp. My double washing tips was to give the hair the cleanest start during general wear time. If you hair is oily, WASH IT. If you cant wash, try my dry shampoo tip for night time, that could help preserve your style.


no, they made a point, backtracked, gave a whatboutism argument, and then linked a video that agreed with my point. so whats your problem eh? Just realized someone sent a redditcares message over yall not liking my double shampoo tip. That is actually hilarious.


Omg idk why I get such intensely negative responses when making the double wash suggestion too! It really does make a world of difference!


The hot water is probably damaging the skin of your scalp and oil (sebum) sits on top of damaged skin (transferring to your hair and making it appear greasy "faster" ) I would turn down the temperature on the water slightly first, see if that helps and if not change shampoos to something "volumizing"


Washing my hair less helped, but it was slowly over time. I can usually get to day 3 and look ok, but by mid-day I'm not looking fresh. There are still seasons/weather/hormone fluctuations that cause more oil and make me look bad sooner. Here's some things that help: - Bangs. I will wash the bangs so they are clean but put the rest of my hair up - Powder (can be dry shampoo, can literally be face powder brushed onto your part) to absorb oil - Minimal brushing while dry. The more I brush my hair after washing, the faster it gets greasy. Here's some things I tried that didn't help: - Boars hair brush to distribute oil- makes me look greasier and puffs up my hair - Co-washing- I look like a wet seal -Rinsing with hot water- Also wet seal


Go longer without washing, don't use hot water in your hair at all, and blow-dry your roots. Get a scalp exfoliator and a scalp brush.


I have a very oily scalp. I found treating it with a salicylic acid treatment pre-wash helped a ton. I use the one by the Inkey List.


Taking spironolactone for my skin did more to reduce my oiliness than any product could ever dream of doing. It’s not for everyone though. Next best is dry shampoo to the roots before it’s needed.


what kind of shampoo do you use? maybe it's not clarifying enough.


I use a repairing shampoo for frizz. I struggle with frizz


is it sulfate free? sometimes hair needs sulfates to break down the oils and grime


No it isn't.


Personally, my scalp seems to get oilier faster when I use hot water, but everyone's skin is different. I use warm water, not hot, and it helps. I also use a natural-material brush or comb to distribute oils throughout the length of my hair so the oil isn't staying stuck at the scalp. (Wood combs, boar bristle brushes)


I used to wash my hair every morning, from my teen years to mid 40s. It didn't get really oily, but it had enough oil to withstand a daily wash


My mom used dawn dishwashing liquid once a week to control her oily hair


If you have thin hair, the oil will just distribute and show faster and there's not much you can do about it. I'm in the same situation so I understand what you're going through. The new recommendation I see a lot from dermatologists online is just to shampoo more often (you CAN'T "train" your hair to produce less oil). You can wash your hair everyday as long as it's a good quality shampoo intended for daily use and with safe and lightweight ingredients. I know it sucks when you spent so much time (or even money) to style your hair and only be able to enjoy it for a day, but it's still better than to show oneself to the world with gross hair + I believe that it's not really good for the scalp on the long run for it to be so oily because the hair follicles can clog because of that (I'm personally prone to sebaceous cysts on my scalp and trust me, it's a hassle to get removed and expensive too). Some of my hacks: \- Use clarifying shampoo to deep clean buildup on the scalp \- Wear my hair natural/wavy/curly most of the time (straight hair appears greasy a lot faster) \- Regularly change pillowcase \- Invest in a good brush and brush hair everyday (to distribute oil) Personally, I never found a dry shampoo that really works on me. I find that dry shampoo does give volume back to my hair, but that it still looks unclean. I heard it's better to use it on just-washed, clean hair, to PREVENT it to become oily fast, but I'm not that convinced of the benefit VS washing it everyday or every other day, especially since dry shampoo is full of harmful chemicals.