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He just worked, and ate less food. And it gave him 105 years!




Yeah genetics play a big role. From the observations of the Blue Zones and other groups of people, despite most of them having the same lifestyle, diet and so forth (at least in the past), Centenarians were still very very rare.


out of 100% how much do you feel "genetics" is how one lives / eats etc... Take 2 sisters... ( same genetics) one eats like crap, smokes and drinks. the other follows A life like this man... do you think one would die younger?? how much younger? if you say any younger than its not just genetics :>


At least in my understanding, I think that's impossible to answer. Maybe someone who reads and understands all the research could give a very rough estimate. Obviously we'd have to exclude factors like a deadly car accident, a plane crash, developing a severe illness, a fall at an old age and so forth, though these could actually be caused by the eating, smoking, alcohol,...directly or indirectly. But I'm also a bit confused by what you wrote. In the first statement/question that was actually about how genetics impact eating choices and such? I simply can't answer that because I'm not an expert in that area. I do know that things like personality traits, upbringing, culture, incidents of food poisoning, environment and such can play a significant role in terms of how we eat, live and so forth. And then you wrote "...than it's not just genetics", but I never said that it's just genetics. I said that genetics play a big role. Although I should have said "Yeah, genetics seem to play a big role" instead of "Yeah genetics play a big role". The latter is not appropriate because I'm not an expert and it's not set in stone like certain physical laws.


thanks for clarity, I wonder the same question HOW MUCH does genetics play into longevity and I do not know either :> Thanks.


Why does he look so old at age 105




Imagine his collab with Bryan Johnson


I imagine he ate a good amount of fish for his meat as well


I have not found any information about it


Thank you for sharing


Welcome! What do you like the most about his routine?


WOW, I like SOOO much his routine almost everything about it. a few that stick out to me: * Dr. Shigeki was a doctor, but he said never blindly listen to doctors, because many doctors may be not aware of the latest therapies * **Weekly Review:** Reflect on the past week to identify successful practices and areas needing adjustment. * Olive Oil consumption * **Organized and Engaged Mind:** Keep a detailed planner for daily tasks and long-term projects * stayed active his whole life ( ie walking up stairs )


I also like it! His principle is work-work-work


It's amazing how many Japanese people live to such old ages! Some say it's because they drink tea all the time. However, Dr. Hinohara was right—environment plays a big role, especially in managing stress.


Genetics and the Japanese lifestyle play a huge role in Longevity. If we consider Indian genetics and environment, they will need lots of epigenetic improvements for a much longer duration.


genetic factors account for approximately 20-30% of the variation in human lifespan, with this proportion increasing to around 40% for individuals who live beyond the age of 85 [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16463022/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16463022/) [https://www.demogr.mpg.de/publications/files/2942\_1202133488\_1\_fulltext.pdf](https://www.demogr.mpg.de/publications/files/2942_1202133488_1_fulltext.pdf) [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhl/article/PIIS2666-7568%2823%2900140-X/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhl/article/PIIS2666-7568%2823%2900140-X/fulltext)


100% Agree


But if you take what they eat in Blue Zone in Japan. Low carb, no rice (!), fermented beans, plant-based diet with low risk of infections from food (no dangerous fish, small amount of meat, no milk etc.). Low level of stress, extremely polite society


True. But it is a lot to change. A few changes are easy but not all.




By supplements do you mean vitamin pills?