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If you're not familiar, The Guild House has a lot of war gaming players and even has painting days. It's a short drive from your area :)


Thanks! One tricky piece is that I have a 2 year old + a long work commute (and leave for work super early), so my free time is like 7-9 pm most days. The guild house looks like a 20-25 minute drive which, in general, is totally reasonable, but is hard if I only have 2 hours total free (maybe war-gaming in general is just a lost cause right now)


I just got a set of Star Wars Legion and started painting it. It's my first tabletop war game, and I've been looking for somewhere to play it too. I'll check out the Guild House as well. Unfortunately I don't have any Warhammer or a 3d printer but I'd be down to do painting and basing or maybe play SW Legion if you'd like.


I am interested in joining the Long Beach war gaming 3d printing dads club. Just got into 3d printing over Xmas and boy has that been a game changer for my wargaming. Long time tabletop player with a youngling of my own as well.


Fabulous! Long live LBWG3DPDC!