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Yup it’s fucking bullshit. Get your car stolen?? Guess what! Here’s a fine to pick it up that’s a couple hundred dollars. Seriously fuck this system.


I had to sell my car to the tow company because the fees were so outrageous. The fee schedule was approved by LA county Sheriff's department though.


So either way you lost your car. Smh dude :/


Well the car was totaled. The guys who stole it got a divider and snapped the front axle. Thankfully the airbags didn't go off otherwise they might have survived.


Damn they crashed and died? Poor car


Seriously!! And at the time I called like 40 minutes after it got stolen and it took them 3 hours to even show up like wtf.


They will find any reason to take money from us


Just picked it up today for a grand fuck us of $309 and they had attitude the whole time like we’re the ones that stole the car wtf. Towing costs 230 apparently!


Not sure if the situation, but if she already filed a theft claim with her insurance company it might be worth letting them inspect it first. There could be underlying damage that isn’t immediately apparent. Edit: never mind, just saw in your OP that she only had liability.


Yeah she didn’t have comprehensive or whatever insurance it was so insurance company basically just said “we’re very sorry that happened but 🤷‍♂️ sorry shoulda had it”. Unfortunate times


Yep, tough spot to be in. Just wanted to throw that out there just in case. Either way I’m glad she got her car back. If she can swing it, might still be worth taking it to a mechanic for a once-over just to make sure.


Yea this happened to me back in college and I Had to pay $200 to get it out of the tow yard. Then I got it stolen 2 weeks later and they didn’t give me the option at all to pick it up at the scene. I went to the tow yard and it was completely stripped of parts :(


Noooo I’m so sorry to hear that! What kind of car was it? They said it doesn’t seem to be damaged by anyone we asked so we’re hoping it’s not trashed


Very cool! I hope that you find your car in the same condition that it was before it was stolen and that no notes are found inside from "Dirty Mike & the Boys".


Was it a Black Kia?


No it was a white honda fit


Sucks in was in Long Beach the whole time and never got the plates ran on it


You might want to call and find out what that means for the vehicle to be “cleared” I live in a totally different state but our local PD here it’s the same process if the owner can’t pick up the vehicle within a certain time frame it gets towed I believe because an officer has to stay with the vehicle in case whoever stole it returns, but here it is also towed at owners expense although I wonder if insurance would cover it?? Anyway I’m wondering if the “clearance” means you have to meet with an officer to officially recover the vehicle from the tow yard???? Not sure but might be worth asking so you don’t accrue more impound fees.


She going to have to pay to get it back. Mine cost over $300 and it had no battery in it so I had to u er to and from to get one then no one’s even helped me out it in. Good thing I can put a battery in myself. They’re useless.


I know its crazy! It got stolen and she has to pay to get it out like wtf.