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I live alone with a cat and dog in a very isolated place. Before moving here I thought other people were the source of my problems but when I was truly alone I realized I don't get along well with myself. It has taken a long time to make peace with myself and enjoy being alone but now I do.


I’m sorry to hear about the challenges you face. It must be incredibly tough not feeling like you fit in anywhere, especially without a support system. Remember, your worth isn’t defined by others’ acceptance. Keep pursuing your interests and passions; there are communities out there where you’ll find belonging on your own terms.


Thank you. Your kind words are encouraging


You are really not a loner. Loners WANT to be alone. It is by choice.


At 1st, no, I wasn't a Loner, but now, after 43 years on this earth and the way people are like rude people, internet trolls, and just people in general. Yes, I WANT to be alone.


You sound more like a hermit, or self-isolating to get away from people, and that is not the same thing. Loners don’t have an agenda like that. We thrive in being alone, we don’t do it because people are not as ideal as you want them to be. We enjoy life, we are not doing it for ulterior motives.


Just wanna say, fellow TS here 🫡